2024-01-30 侧对飞雪 4916
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have signed an agreement to begin a joint project constructing bunkers and other fortifications on their borders with Russia.


The agreement was signed on January 19, during a meeting of the three nations’ defense ministers in Riga. Under the project, the three Baltic nations will build “anti-mobility infrastructure elements” including bunkers, support points and distribution lines along the European unx and North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s external borders with Russia.


“To build the anti-mobility defensive installations is a carefully considered and thought-out project, the need of which stems from the current security situation. Russia’s war in Ukraine has shown that, in addition to equipment, ammunition, and manpower, physical defensive installations on the border are also needed to defend Estonia from the first meter,” said Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence of Estonia, emphasizing that the fortifications would be built to prevent a regional conflict. “We are undertaking this effort so that the people of Estonia can feel safe, but if the slightest risk emerged, we would be ready for various developments more promptly,” Pevkur added.



In a press release issued after the meeting, the Estonian defense ministry said that the project is in line with decisions made at the NATO Madrid Summit, which emphasized that NATO members must be ready to defend their territory “from the first meter”. The cooperative nature of the project also meets the summit’s recommendations for the development of new plans for regional defense, with the Baltic nations considered a single area of operations.


The Estonian defense ministry has provided some initial details for how it intends to implement the project, stating that “in peacetime, no explosives, cutting wires or other obstacles are placed on the border of Estonia”. Kaido Tiitus, adviser to the deputy secretary general at the Ministry of Defense for Defense Readiness, told Estonian public broadcaster ERR that fortification construction is expected to begin in 2025, depending on progress with land purchases and cooperation with local communities.

爱沙尼亚国防部提供了有关如何实施该项目的一些初步细节,并表示“在和平时期,爱沙尼亚边境上不会放置爆炸物、切割电线或其他障碍物”。国防部副秘书长顾问Kaido Tiitus告诉爱沙尼亚公共广播公司ERR,防御工事建设预计将于2025年开始,具体取决于土地购买进度以及与当地社区的合作。

While none of the governments have said how many bunkers and other fortifications will be built, Estonian defense ministry and military officials, that spoke to the Postimees newspaper, estimate that around 600 bunkers will be built in Estonia alone.


Building Baltic Defense Line is right step, but the project will not be cheap - military expert


RIGA - The Baltic states' decision to build the Baltic Defense Line is the right step, but this will not be an inexpensive project, Latvia's former defense chief Raimonds Graube believes.


The decision to develop the Baltic Defense Line is the right and commendable step. This project will not be inexpensive, but it will significantly hamper Russia's potential movements in Latvia, Graube said.


Although there have been prominent examples in history of countries building strong fortifications, such as the Maginot Line in France, Graube pointed out that the planned Baltic Defense Line is not comparable to fortifications of this level.


"In the Baltic case, it is about anti-mobility measures and how to better organize the defense. Exactly how this line will be designed depends on many factors. Natural conditions are very different in Estonia and Latvia, so bunker defense systems will differ across various places," Graube stressed.


In Graube's view, the line design needs to be very seriously and thoroughly studied, as the various engineering structures will require additional research.


"Reinforced concrete bunkers, machine-gun nests or places prepared for artillery systems - it is all a complex issue. It depends on which section of the border is in question. Of course, nobody is going to build engineering structures in the middle of a forest or on the edge of a swamp to stop armored vehicles," Graube said, adding that it would take several years to complete the structures.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As reported, last Friday, the defense ministers of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia signed an agreement on the establishment of a Baltic defense line to strengthen the eastern border of the Baltic States and NATO.


The plan foresees the future development and deployment of various anti-mobility measures along the external borders of NATO and the European unx to deter and block any potential military aggression against the Baltic states by an aggressor power.


"The Vilnius Line"

“维尔纽斯防线”(译者注:这是在讽刺其历史原型:Maginot Line(马奇诺防线),维尔纽斯是立陶宛的首都)

...I believe that this strategy has been attempted before... and found lacking. They'll go around to get to Kaliningrad.


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