2024-02-02 翻译熊 14146

Why do some ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, receive more attention in history compared to others, like China?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tim Tran
Let's rephrase the question: Why do some ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, receive more attention in THE WEST compared to others, like China?
Because the West only pays attention to the West. It's nothing new, and not unusual, since they're more familiar with Western civilization.


But, you may ask, why such attention to Egypt when it's not a western civilization? Well, the West claims Egypt as part of western civilization, as their ancestral civilization of Mycenaeans and Minoans were descendants of Egyptian and, to some extent, Mesopotamian civilizations.
Moreover, Egypt was conquered by Hellenic powers and Rome, which were western civilizations, so there's a sense of familiarity yet exoticism to ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, cradles like China and India weren't conquered by Europe until the colonial era, so their cultures remain intact: unfamiliar, exotic, and foreign.


Another reason is that, ancient Egypt (and ancient Mesopotamia) are extinct civilizations. The ones that decoded hieroglyphs and cuneiforms were Europeans, so it's possible they feel affinity to them due to this history. Meanwhile, China is still here and doesn't need much help from Europeans to decode oracle bone scxts. Cradles like Harappan, Olmec, and Caral are still undeciphered and mysterious, so it's unlikely for the West to care much for them.


Emphasis on THE WEST, because these civilizations don't receive the most attention everywhere. In East Asia, for example, Chinese civilization still reigns supreme as the main talking point, not Egypt, Greece, or Rome. In South Asia, Harappan and subsequent Vedic-derived cultures are more talked about. In the Middle East, I'm sure they talk more about the Islamic caliphates, Mesopotamia, and Egypt more than Greece and Rome. It's all about where you are.


Ulric Haraldsen
I think those videos of interviewers asking random japanese people on the streets about who Hitler was and their bewilderment speaks to this. Imagine having commited such attroceties and you dont even know this recent history

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tim Tran
Honestly that's also partly because Japan purposefully hides that history because they sided with Hitler. Every other Asian country knows who Hitler is.


Zane Liu
The Jap lovers hiding their history has little to do with them siding with Hitler. Thailand knows perfectly well who Hitler is.


Tim Tran
From my knowledge, Thailand was forced to join the Axis powers, unlike the willing Japanese


Raymond Ona
Japanese children probably never realized their ancestors did bad things in WW2.
Like many Americans today don't believe believe their government is viewed as the villain or a bully outside US


Michael Staengl
Which doesn’t prevent such strange and tasteless things like:
New Hitler Store in India Triggers Global Uproar
Tasteless but true: Made in India Hitler ice-cream, café
Chinese Nazi Cosplay Marriage!
Chinese lovebirds in Nazi garb
What's behind Asia's weird Nazi obsession? — Asia by Africa
India MP shocks with Hitler costume protest in parliament
I wonder how the eastern Asian world would react to Europeans and northern Americans wearing Japanese imperial uniforms, the rising sun flag and other things from that part of worlds history.


Daniel Good
India is culturally mystifying. Thirty years ago, I knew an elderly Hindu security guard in his early 70's at a state agency where I worked.
He was more knowledgeable about Judaism than other Hindus I've met because he had worked for Jewish employers in his youth back in the 1930′s. He told me his employers later emigrated to Israel and that they were Indians, not British. I think they were from the Baghdadi Jewish community
But India has a fascination with Nazi imagery based entirely on the Nazis being enemies of the British.


They aren't horrified at the swastika, and neither are Buddhists. But there's a difference between the swastika alone as a religious symbol, and the swastika in conjunction with Nazi chic in restaurants and marketing.
Hindus I've talked to are very pro Israel because they have their own issues with Islamist terror, and Modi, like Netanyahu, is an example of right wing nationalism in democracies just like Orban in Hungary and New Apostolic Reformation Christian Nationalists in the Republican Party here in the U.S.


So I've had two Hindus tell me independently of each other that if Israel ceased to exist, India will welcome Jewish refugees. They agree with me that they want Israel to survive.
So Indian culture has two trends related to anti-British sentiment and anti-Islamist policy that is pro Israel. It seems contradictory and mystifying to Westerners.
Americans once used swastikas as a good luck symbol and there are examples in 19th and early 20th century marketing, but the Nazis tainted the symbol in the West forever.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Giovanni B.
“The West only pays attention to the West” is nonsense that only those who don't know the history of relations between Europe and Asia can say.
See for example the Maritime Silk Road from Southern China to Imperial Rome.
See for example the study of ancient Chinese philosophy and Indian religion in Europe since the Late Antiquity.
The West claiming Ancient Egypt as a part of Western civilization as the Minoans and Mycenaeans are descended from Egypt is another nonsense coming directly from the afrocentric fantasy narrative.
No one in the West ever claimed Egypt as part of Western civilization because it was not. Period.
However it is true that for a long time the only ones who were interested in the history, culture and art of non-European peoples were the Western Europeans.
The long history of cultural relationships between Europe and Asia belies your ignorant assertions.


Tim Tran
How many media in the West are based on Ancient Egypt? How many films, series, books, etc. are based in Ancient Egypt? How many Westerners are well-versed in the Egyptian pantheon?
Now tell me how many Western films are based in Ancient India and Ancient China? How many films, series, books? How many know about Chinese pantheon?
You know the answer.

西方有多少媒体是以古埃及为基础的?有多少电影、电视剧、书籍等是以古埃及为背景的?有多少西方人精通埃及的诸神? 现在告诉我有多少西方电影是以古印度和古中国为背景的?有多少部电影、电视剧、书籍?有多少人知道中国的诸神?

Giovanni B.
I know you confuse different things.
Precisely because ancient Egypt is such a strange and alien world, it lends itself well to the imagination of writers and film directors.
However, this doesn't mean that the cultural roots of the West are in ancient Egypt.
There are zero films and very few popular books about the Etruscans , though they are part of our roots.
Egypt sells well, that's all.
But the cultural level is a completely different thing.
Here the culture, art and religion of China, India and Japan have always been well regarded.
You just need to visit museums and libraries to verify it.
Of course, from a commercial point of view, that of the media, ancient Egypt is more profitable.


Egypt was part of the core old-testament bible story of Moses so the west under Jews and Christian domination will always connect to it.


Giovanni B.
Was part? They left Egypt in every sense, Egypt was never part of Israel’s culture and religion.


Kirk Gushue
So did the Mycenaeans and minoans. They still brought that part of their culture and the roots with them. Europeans left Europe doesn’t mean they didn’t bring their culture and knowledge with them to the new world.


Daniel Good
We can reject Afro Centrism pseudo archeology and instead see Egypt and the Levant as part of a wider Bronze Age civilization with trade stretching from Afghanistan to Spain, from Mesopotamia to the Balkans.
But the core cultures who's religion and philosophy influenced us since the later Hellenistic era were from Greece and Judea via Rome and Christianity.
So while Egypt wasn't directly a Western ancestor, it was better documented in Greek writings and made familiar to Western readers from the Bible.
I consider Egypt sort of like an eccentric Great Aunt of our Western civilization, if not a Grandparent.


The connections the West has to other parts of the world historically is dandy and all. It's still true here in the West we favour Eurocentric history, because well, it's where we live and grew up. Not sure it's ignorant or belittling to say this. We learn more about European history at school and are thus exposed and more interested in it compared to Chinese dynasties and African kingdoms. The author doesn't claim there is absolutely no interest in history outside of this, just that it's heavily favoured, which is perfectly senesable.


Burt Turderson
A lot of it simply comes down to fashion. For instance, in Victorian times, the British had a sudden obsession with everything Japanese. By the 1920s, it had been replaced with a fixation on ancient Egypt. Romans and Greeks are the most recent interest, and a lot of that is probably inspired by popculture across the recent decades (Gladiator, 300).


Steven Fankhauser
There are a lot more people in Asia then Europe and the Americas. They primarily focus on Asian civilizations and history. Globally that would mean a larger population of humans focus more on Asian history. And there's nothing wrong with that at all. Your addition of “in the West" is perfect. The question could be written the same in the East by someone in Asia about focusing on ancient China, India, Japan, Mongol, or other empires and civilizations.


Anthony John Finch
Europeans can visit the ruins of the Greek and Roman civilisations easily. Even Egypt is not too far away. China, Japan and even India are much further and fewer Europeans visit them. It is this contact with the past that inevitably leads to greater knowledge. Probably more Americans visit Europe than the Far East so much the same applies


La De Da
Even China gets a lot more attention from the West than Iran.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tu Ney
I was looking for this comment. Chinese, Indian, Japanese histories get way more attention than Persian/Iranian history. If the title had referred to Persia instead, it would have made more sense, lol.


La De Da
Definitely true for China and Japan, but I think Indian history is pretty overlooked too and about on par with Iran. Well ancient Indian history, people have passing info on modern Indian history with the British Raj, the tea company and Ghandi. Go back any further and it's just Indus River Valley, Buddha (at some point) and the Mughals (just the name, nothing specific at all). Comparatively Iran and Persia at least have the Greek perspective of their wars in Antiquity and people know they went from Zoroastrian to Muslim at some point. And I'm probably being too generous on both countries saying even that scant knowledge is common. But of a poor showing for two massively important civilizations in human history.


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