Colin Riegels
Same reason that most museums in most countries don’t: it is an absolute logistical nightmare of tangled property rights.
Same reason that most museums in most countries don’t: it is an absolute logistical nightmare of tangled property rights.
In some cases museums hold classic “looted artefacts”, but those black and white case are relatively rare. In many more cases they have artefacts which they purchased or otherwise acquired in good faith which might have doubtful provenance. In other cases the provenance is actually fine, but changes of governments in foreign countries have meant changes in the demands that those countries make about things done by previous governments (Iran’s theocracy is famous for demanding the return of artefacts which the Shah previously licensed for export prior to the revolution).
The other great complication is that museums often do not even own the artefacts that they exhibit - they belong to third parties who have let the museum have them on long term loan for public exhibition. And the dividing line between ‘cultural artefacts’ and ‘valuable things we’d like’ gets blurry quickly. In other cases more than one country may claim an artefact - or two competing groups within the same country may claim it. There are also issues with some countries not having a credible recognised authority who can receive and store returned artefacts. In short: it’s all a bit of a nightmare.
In 1970 an international convention was signed relating to the restoration of historical and cultural artefacts from other countries. But since then, despite lots of people signing it, virtually nothing has happened. Because it is extremely complex and the boundaries are pretty grey. So people prefer to simply pretend the issue does not exist rather than face the enormous challenges associated with trying to do the right thing.
It isn’t just the British Museum - or Britain - that struggles with this. Everybody does. Personally I’d like to see more effort made to restore foreign artefacts to their countries of origin - it is not like most museums don’t have warehouses of other stuff they could exhibit - the public doesn’t really care that much. But museums tend to be very short on cash, and very short on qualified staff, and so - perhaps understandably - this is never treated as a top priority. Especially given the complexity and expense of shipping cultural pieces back to someone who is authorised to receive them in the country of origin.
It is another one of those things that everyone says shrilly: “something should be done!” But actually getting off your arse and doing it is an awful lot harder than moaning about it on social media.
The Elgins were bought from the Ottomans in full respect of the laws of the Ottoman state. The Ottomans had governed Greece for 400 years previous. More than the current age of the polity of Britain. Who owns these marbles? Us who bought them in full compliance of the law or the Greek state who just happen to now control the mainland they came from? Will the price paid be refunded in full accounting for inflation plus the monies spent on its preservation?
Julia Underwood
In the case of the Elgin Marbles housed in the British Museum, I have recently learned that Lord Elgin did not steal the marbles of the Parthenon from the Greeks, he bought them. The Greeks had no interest in their heritage at the time and were smashing them up to construct other buildings. If you go to see the marbles you will see how badly damaged many of the pieces are - this was done by the Greeks.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In the case of the Elgin Marbles housed in the British Museum, I have recently learned that Lord Elgin did not steal the marbles of the Parthenon from the Greeks, he bought them. The Greeks had no interest in their heritage at the time and were smashing them up to construct other buildings. If you go to see the marbles you will see how badly damaged many of the pieces are - this was done by the Greeks.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Kevin Oliver
Should be British Museum return all its stolen artifacts?
Of course. But two criteria would have to be met first.
大英博物馆是否应该归还其所有被盗艺术品? 当然。但首先必须满足两个标准。
Should be British Museum return all its stolen artifacts?
Of course. But two criteria would have to be met first.
大英博物馆是否应该归还其所有被盗艺术品? 当然。但首先必须满足两个标准。
· Identify those artifacts which were actually stolen according to the laws and customs followed during the era the artificats were acquired.
· Identify the rightful modern owners of the artifacts. For instance the Greeks claim, frequently and vociferously, the Elgin Marbles. However at the time Lord Elgin's agents purchased and removed the marbles they belonged to the Ottoman Empire, through right of conquest. So if it is true, as has been claimed, that the sale was made by a corrupt official then the modern owners would be the Turkish Government, as successors to the Ottomans.
确定那些艺术品是否根据当时的法律和习俗实际上是被盗的。 · 确定这些艺术品的合法现代所有者。例如,希腊经常而激烈地声称埃尔金大理石雕像属于他们。然而,在埃尔金勋爵的代理购买并移走大理石雕像时,依据征服权它们属于奥斯曼帝国。因此,如果事实如所声称的那样,即销售是由一个腐败官员进行的,那么现代所有者将是土耳其政府,作为奥斯曼帝国的继承者。
· Identify the rightful modern owners of the artifacts. For instance the Greeks claim, frequently and vociferously, the Elgin Marbles. However at the time Lord Elgin's agents purchased and removed the marbles they belonged to the Ottoman Empire, through right of conquest. So if it is true, as has been claimed, that the sale was made by a corrupt official then the modern owners would be the Turkish Government, as successors to the Ottomans.
确定那些艺术品是否根据当时的法律和习俗实际上是被盗的。 · 确定这些艺术品的合法现代所有者。例如,希腊经常而激烈地声称埃尔金大理石雕像属于他们。然而,在埃尔金勋爵的代理购买并移走大理石雕像时,依据征服权它们属于奥斯曼帝国。因此,如果事实如所声称的那样,即销售是由一个腐败官员进行的,那么现代所有者将是土耳其政府,作为奥斯曼帝国的继承者。
Jim Brown
The example most often cited is the Elgin Marbles, which used to adorn the frieze of the Parthenon. These treasures from antiquity, and the Parthenon itself, were held in such reverence that it was being used as an ammunition dump by the Ottomans until it was blown up on 26 September 1687 by a Venetian bombardment. Had Lord Elgin not rescued the sculptures and removed them to the British Museum where they are displayed indoors to this day, they might still lie among the rubble that surrounds the partially restored Parthenon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The example most often cited is the Elgin Marbles, which used to adorn the frieze of the Parthenon. These treasures from antiquity, and the Parthenon itself, were held in such reverence that it was being used as an ammunition dump by the Ottomans until it was blown up on 26 September 1687 by a Venetian bombardment. Had Lord Elgin not rescued the sculptures and removed them to the British Museum where they are displayed indoors to this day, they might still lie among the rubble that surrounds the partially restored Parthenon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The exquisite reliefs from Nineveh on display in the British Museum were rescued from the desert, where they had lain since the 13th century. Were it not for the preservation conducted by the British, they might still be subject to being ground into dust by the endless succession of wars in the Middle East.
The Rosetta Stone from the 2nd century BC was the key to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone was removed from its original location in Memphis (probably by the Mameluks) and was eventually used as construction material (“Hey Achmed, what’s the funny writing all over this rock?” “For the XxiIIrd time, you moron, we don’t get paid enough to critique the building material, so just get a move on with that cart.”)
Had the French, and then the British not realized the significance of the stone, it would still be buried under the foundations of some desert building. (I must confess some personal prejudice in this last example. Before it became fashionable to make political statements by vandalizing cultural treasures, Rosetta Stone was set in a gallery of the British Museum on a simple stone plinth. When my wife and I first visited the Museum in 1971 or so, we could just walk up and run our hands over it. The thrill of touching a stone which was perhaps touch by Ptolemy V during its construction, or by Champollion during his decipherment, is one which will not be available to the public again, and I am grateful to the British people for preserving it.
If you can propose a better custodian of artifacts like these, Mr. Ramzy, why not give examples of how your people have protected cultural treasures like these as justification why they should be returned.
Michael Addley
Which artefacts and to where?
The elgin marbles for example have no connection with the current Greek state beyond geography. Geography does not give someone the right to claim title. If I move into a house, I do not necessarily own everything in it or what may have been stolen from it.
哪些文物以及归属权问题? 例如,埃尔金大理石雕塑与现今的希腊国家除了地理位置之外没有任何联系。地理位置并不能使人拥有所有权。如果我搬进一间房子,我不一定拥有其中的一切或者可能被盗的物品。
Which artefacts and to where?
The elgin marbles for example have no connection with the current Greek state beyond geography. Geography does not give someone the right to claim title. If I move into a house, I do not necessarily own everything in it or what may have been stolen from it.
哪些文物以及归属权问题? 例如,埃尔金大理石雕塑与现今的希腊国家除了地理位置之外没有任何联系。地理位置并不能使人拥有所有权。如果我搬进一间房子,我不一定拥有其中的一切或者可能被盗的物品。
The Elgins were bought from the Ottomans in full respect of the laws of the Ottoman state. The Ottomans had governed Greece for 400 years previous. More than the current age of the polity of Britain. Who owns these marbles? Us who bought them in full compliance of the law or the Greek state who just happen to now control the mainland they came from? Will the price paid be refunded in full accounting for inflation plus the monies spent on its preservation?
Alot of goods from the African continent have no connections to the current polities controlling the land. The borders have been ripped up and redrawn for years and only have resembled what we see now from the 70s.
The Mamluks do not exist anymore in North Africa so the goods we have from them cannot be returned (rosetta stone) as the current state of Egypt has nothing to do with them. The rosetta stone was nicked from them by the Ottomans then by us. The Ottomans (turks) have no claim to it. The Ancient Egyptians who made the thing don't exist anymore either.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
We have no one to return the artefacts to. Geography cannot impart titles just because something existed there hundreds of years ago. They are lawfully as much ours as they are anyones. We have also spent money on the preservation of the goods and held them for centuries. That would satisfy any common law standard of ownership easily.
James Kirk
And to add, there are many items, which were treated as not important/relevant, or curiosities when they first acquired by the British Museum or their donors. It was only with countries like the UK and France taking an interest in these items did their true value become apparent.
We also have to ask, how likely would these items have survived if it wasn’t for countries like France or the UK preserving them in museums?
此外,许多物品在被英国博物馆或他们的捐赠者第一次获得时被视为不重要/无关紧要或奇闻异事。只有像英国和法国这样的国家对这些物品产生了兴趣,它们的真正价值才变得显而易见。 我们还必须问一下,如果不是像法国或英国这样的国家在博物馆中保存它们,这些物品能否幸存下来?
And to add, there are many items, which were treated as not important/relevant, or curiosities when they first acquired by the British Museum or their donors. It was only with countries like the UK and France taking an interest in these items did their true value become apparent.
We also have to ask, how likely would these items have survived if it wasn’t for countries like France or the UK preserving them in museums?
此外,许多物品在被英国博物馆或他们的捐赠者第一次获得时被视为不重要/无关紧要或奇闻异事。只有像英国和法国这样的国家对这些物品产生了兴趣,它们的真正价值才变得显而易见。 我们还必须问一下,如果不是像法国或英国这样的国家在博物馆中保存它们,这些物品能否幸存下来?
Now, I want to know when the UK can get a Magna Carta back from the Americans… How dare the Yanks steal such an important constitutional document - they have their own constitution to worry about… (/sarcasm)
Burt Turderson
ms a bit weak of an argument to me, because it makes some major assumptions about the nature of things like colonialism. The Ottomans, for instance, didn’t ask for legal permission to take control of Greece, it did it through military conquest with no respect for the local opinion or laws on the matter. So therefore, it is very dubious to say that the Ottomans are in the right when they agree to sell off the artefacts that belonged to the people of Greece.
ms a bit weak of an argument to me, because it makes some major assumptions about the nature of things like colonialism. The Ottomans, for instance, didn’t ask for legal permission to take control of Greece, it did it through military conquest with no respect for the local opinion or laws on the matter. So therefore, it is very dubious to say that the Ottomans are in the right when they agree to sell off the artefacts that belonged to the people of Greece.
As a counter to your analogy, this would be like if a squatter forced their way into your living room and started selling all your possessions to me. He didn’t become the legal owner of them to make the sale, and I don’t become the legal owner just because I paid for them. I can insist it is a fair and legal transaction, but I’d be wrong; I would be in receipt of stolen goods that the squatter stole. Thus is the nature of imperialist rule; the Ottomans took control of Greece and started selling their stuff to us.
Returning the Elgin Marbles to Greece, despite it not being the same continuous political entity that existed when the Marbles were first made, is not the problem you are making it out to be. If we don’t have any ancient Hellenist nations to give the Elgin marbles to, it’s an obvious solution to give it to the nation that sits in its place.
Gaurav Upasani
But the Greeks haven't moved into Greece, it's a continuous inhabitation so the people of Greece are descendants of ancient Greeks even if there has been migration and settlement of other cultures. Also the culture of a region is heavily influenced by geography hence saying that geography has no claims to titles is wrong. Further your analogy of the house is incorrect. The person living in the house has no idea about the existence of stolen items so him claiming is wrong but here there is record of the people of Greece owning the artefacts.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
But the Greeks haven't moved into Greece, it's a continuous inhabitation so the people of Greece are descendants of ancient Greeks even if there has been migration and settlement of other cultures. Also the culture of a region is heavily influenced by geography hence saying that geography has no claims to titles is wrong. Further your analogy of the house is incorrect. The person living in the house has no idea about the existence of stolen items so him claiming is wrong but here there is record of the people of Greece owning the artefacts.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Dave Hoyles
I have read this argument and understand exactly what you are saying but what I would like you to expand upon is the issue with Australian indigenous remains that are in possession of the British Museum? The indigenous culture in Australia is one which places great significance on their ancestors and their remains what right do you think the British Museum has to keep their ancestors skulls and bones? Is it because the country of Australia didn't exist or is it because the British that colonised our country didn't recognise them as human beings the entire time they ruled the colonies there? Seriously I really would like someone to explain to me why the British Museum has such artifacts?
I have read this argument and understand exactly what you are saying but what I would like you to expand upon is the issue with Australian indigenous remains that are in possession of the British Museum? The indigenous culture in Australia is one which places great significance on their ancestors and their remains what right do you think the British Museum has to keep their ancestors skulls and bones? Is it because the country of Australia didn't exist or is it because the British that colonised our country didn't recognise them as human beings the entire time they ruled the colonies there? Seriously I really would like someone to explain to me why the British Museum has such artifacts?
This is the type of knowledge you gain when you attend European education system. A system whereby you’re thought to steal, cheat and kill while at the same time arming you with deceitful techniques to justify your actions.
what you said makes no sense at all… might do in Europe and other Caucasian Europeans might agree with you but out here in the real world it’s absolutely nonsense.
This is the type of knowledge you gain when you attend European education system. A system whereby you’re thought to steal, cheat and kill while at the same time arming you with deceitful techniques to justify your actions.
what you said makes no sense at all… might do in Europe and other Caucasian Europeans might agree with you but out here in the real world it’s absolutely nonsense.
firstly, before purchasing any goods it’s the buyers responsibility to properly vet the goods to ensure the seller acquired the goods legitimately. So, your rhetoric on why stolen goods can’t be return is nonsensical.
secondly, every single artefacts from Asia, Africa, Europe and West Indies (Americas) were all stolen and by law that you claim to have studied should be returned because it’s illegal to handle stolen goods regardless of whether you paid for it or not.
lastly, the descendants of the victims are actually well and alive but because of migrations, intermixing and other factors it’ll take quite a bit of work to identify these people but at the same time the geographical location that these artefacts were stolen from which you’re trying to dismiss is actually the starting point.
it’s ridiculous that in the 21st century you still think it’s okay to hold on to stolen property and give lame justification as to why it can’t be returned. Clearly shows there’s a huge problem in the Eurocentric social fabric and educational system. It now makes sense why African leaders that studied in Europe come back to Africa and behave exactly like colonists.
Pls, don’t take this as an attack but rather for you to question your views and ideologies which are product of your environment.
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