2024-02-08 jiangye111 6725
UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts
-Research on life expectancy and birthrates shows that ill health makes status quo unsustainable


(By age 70, only 50% of adults in England and Wales are now disability-free and able to work.)


The retirement age will have to rise to 71 for middle-aged workers across the UK, according to research into the impact of growing life expectancy and falling birthrates on the state pension.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The UK pension age of 66 is set to rise to 67 between May 2026 and March 2028. From 2044, it is expected to rise to 68.


But the research suggests that this is not enough, and that anyone born after April 1970 may have to work until they are 71 before claiming their pension.


This age limit may need to be set even higher, say experts, thanks to the high rate of workers exiting the workforce before they reach state pension age, predominantly due to preventable ill health.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Les Mayhew, associate head of global research at the International Longevity Centre and author of the report State Pension Age and Demographic Change, said: “In the UK, state pension age would need to be 70 or 71 compared with 66 now, to maintain the status quo of the number of workers per state pensioner.


“But if you bring preventable ill health into the equation, that would have to increase even more,” added Mayhew, who is also professor of statistics at Bayes Business School and has advised the government on rises to the state pension age multiple times as a senior civil servant and in his current roles.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

By age 70, only 50% of adults in England and Wales are now disability-free and able to work. A smaller working population and a large economically inactive population reduces the tax base to pay for pensions – and creates huge labour shortages, which creates its own problems.


According to the Office for Budget Responsibility, pensioner benefits will cost the UK government £136bn in 2023-24, of which £124bn will be spent on state pensions.

根据英国预算责任办公室的数据,2023- 2024年,养老金领取者福利将花费英国政府1360亿英镑,其中1240亿英镑将用于国家养老金。

Jonathan Cribb, associate director and head of retirement at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said that while he did not disagree with a higher pension age, increasing it without addressing other cost-saving measures was not “realistic or equitable”.


He added: “It would disproportionately impact poorer individuals whose ill-health means they have shorter lives, and so who receive pensions for less time.”


While the ILC’s solution is “illustrative of the kind of pressure that an ageing population puts on the public finance”, a rise in the retirement age to 71 was not a “realistic policy option unless you have a real emergency”, he added.


Cribb pointed out that while state pensions and pension benefits are estimated to increase by £45bn by 2050, the pressure on public finance from health and social care is estimated to increase by £105bn in today’s terms over the same period. “The real issue is actually around the NHS and social care,” he said.


The Intergenerational Foundation, an independent thinktank, agreed that the pension age had to rise, but questioned on whose shoulders that cost should fall.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Younger people, their research has found, do not have the financial assets that their parents and grandparents did. In 2010, those under 40 held £7.53 of every £100 of wealth. By 2020, that had fallen to £3.98. One-third of the UK’s 14 million Gen-Xers are at high risk of retiring on insufficient income.


Angus Hanton, co-founder of the thinktank, said pension age should be based on life expectancy and occupation. He also supports a wealth tax to fund and pay more towards people’s retirement, and reducing income tax and national insurance.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“The over-60s should finance their own extra retirement years since they have received such generous treatment from the state,” he said. “The money raised can be used to invest in improving the health and prospects of younger generations so they are less of an economic burden as they age.”


Andrew Scott, co-author of the 100-Year Life, whose new book, The Longevity Imperative, will be published shortly, said there needs to be a greater focus on preventing ill health not just in old age but from early age through adulthood.


“Increasing the state pension age would be a terrible policy – a really bad way of attempting to make people more productive,” he said.


David Finch, assistant director at the Health Foundation, said increasing the state pension age without providing support for workers with health issues would worsen the situation by exacerbating existing health inequalities. “The government should provide more support for people already out of work due to health issues,” he said. “Employers can help by adapting roles and maintaining contact with employees on sick leave.”


The government said it would ensure that the state pension remained “a sustainable and fair foundation of income for future generations”.


A spokesperson said: “We have committed £70m in employment and skills support for the over-50s, which has seen an extra 54,000 over-50s added to company payrolls. Our £2.5bn Back to Work plan is supporting people to stay fit and find work, in addition to £14.1bn to improve health services to help people live longer, healthier lives.”


sarutakBlack Country
I'm sorry and I mean this with no offense to the elderly but at 71 you are just not a good worker for most jobs and would be very hard to justify employing, other than in specialised roles where you have gathered a career's worth of knowledge. Even then cognitive decline is so fast.
My grandparents were only 71 a couple of years ago and they weren't that different to how they are now. They would struggle immensely with any kind of physical work for a full day and can't fully keep up with modern technology enough that they wouldn't be a burden in a job. As the article states only 50% of people are without a disability by age 70. So I don't really know what would be expected of people when they hit that age?
When I think of how each generation since the boomers has less wealth and assets as well idk what the fuck most of the millennial and beyond generations are gonna do when they get too old to work if there's no state pension.


How about we fix the root cause issue, which is an aging population? Constantly raising the age of retirement is just slapping a plaster on a missing limb


Indeed. We need to very quickly rethink our whole approach to how we support people having children.
We front-load all of our education to the point that it's typical to be studying until your mid twenties and by the time you've got settled in your first job, you're fast approaching 30. 30 is too late to be considering kids.
One idea I heard floated around was to get people into work earlier, and normalize a 1/2 year "sabbatical" in your mid twenties that is designed to allow home study and further education.
Normalize having a "gap" in your twenties in order to feasible raise kids without having to tank your career seems like a great idea.
Given that we're likely to be working for 50 years, there's not so much of a rush to get all of our education done ASAP.


They can fuck right off.
My private pension retirement age was 50 when I started working. If this change comes in it will be 61. That's an increase of 1 year for every 3 I've worked.
Any young people want to start forecasting their retirement age?
For gen z that is going to be 70 to get your private pension and 80+ for your state. For millennials it's not much better, you'll be 67 for private pension and 77 for state.


Seems like an inevitability at this point. The retiree population is massive and growing, and along with it the population of people needing long term heath & social care.
Workers, let alone those with the skills we need, are becoming more in demand, and will do increasingly. The government have decided on big net migration to plug the gaps (whilst speaking out the other side of their mouths), but that is becoming increasingly politically unacceptable.
Mix into that a sustained attack on living standards to feed the returns of the super rich and you have a nation that will struggle to be functional in the coming century.


This wouldn’t pass in France as people would lose their minds over it and protest and rage. Unless we start getting angry about stuff like this and making a fuss they will just keep treating us like mugs


As someone correctly pointed out, people may be living longer (up till recently anyway) but that extra life is not of the same quality as <60.
Most people aren't going to be able to afford to stop working but they're also not going to be able to carry on working at a level that creates enough to live off. So what's going to happen? They're either going to have to just die or just get money from the state in a different way, so this is ultimately pretty pointless.
Ultimately this is all unaffordable though in its current form. An aging population and reducing workers to pay for it is a recipe for disaster. Society is going to have to fundamentally change at some point in the next couple of decades even without accounting for climate change.


Okay, how about making sure that more people go back to work so they would pay taxes? Im a dual citizen, in my other country, if you are unemployed, you get jobseeker's allowance for 3 months. If you are serious about finding a job, 3 months is enough. If this country doesn't restructure everything, it's just going to get worse.
Also, a lot of people work in physical jobs, not everyone sits at a desk. How's this fair? If I see 70 year old Doris trying to lift boxes, I can't just let her can I? But then, if she gets the same salary, I should just let her do her job?
I know Im going to be downvoted as the British way is the only way but it clearly doesn't work anymore.


Average life expectancy in the UK is about 81 years.
Life expectancy in Glasgow is about 72 years.
Vote the tories out. Keep them out. Fix the economy. Fix social amenities. Encourage healthy living.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Imagine being a builder, plumber, bricky, roofer, plasterer, and still doing your job at the age of 70. 25kg bag of plaster on your should and up the stairs mate.
I'm not in to privileges for an specific group but this is clearly flawed a bit.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Based on my age I'm sure some report had my retirement likely be 76 years old. Work till you die.


Realistically, this changes very little for me, I am fully aware I won't retire until I am 70. It's the next generation that is truly screwed. More than likely, by the time I am retired, that generation will be lucky if there is a retirement age at all, and if there is, it's probably going to be 85 or above.


And they'll keep fucking us as long as everyone allows it.


Always money for war, but nothing for people who spend their whole life contributing to society.


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