2024-02-10 辽阔天空 6613

Why do people in Europe claim that life in Europe is better than life in the United States, yet they can't find any large number of people moving from the United States to Europe to back up their claim?


Mats Andersson
Um, we don’t actually let Americans move here.
Please form an orderly queue; it seems like quite a lot of people are trying to flee to Europe from oppressive regimes and assorted warlords in the Middle East. And they’re ahead of Americans, since they often have genuine refugee status.
The only realistic way for an American to move to Europe is 1) as someone’s spouse, 2) having qualifications for a job that are unmatched by any local applicant. Reason 1 is incredibly much more common than reason 2. Especially since many jobs have as a key qualification “somewhat fluent in the local language”.


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A. C. Andersen
Um, we don’t actually let Americans move here.
Well that's kinda overstating it, if an American wants to move to Europe they are welcome to do so as long as they can comply with the requirements that apply to every potential immigrant, and some Americans do just that, I was previously married to an American myself, lived in the US a while myself and we moved to Denmark together, got divorced later but she still lives here and has no intention of returning to the US, but anyway the immigration process wasn't that difficult, and on a side note considerably cheaper than the US one was, something like 200 kr in fees vs. About 2500 dollars, but yeah some random American with no skills, no assets, no relation will probably have a hard time of it

呃呃,这有点言过其实了,如果一个美国人想搬到欧洲,只要他们能遵守适用于每一个潜在移民的要求,欢迎他们这样做,而有些美国人就是这样做的,我以前也和一个美国人结婚,我自己在美国住了一段时间,我们一起搬到了丹麦,后来离婚了,但她仍然住在这里,无意返回美国,但无论如何,移民程序并没有那么困难,而且比美国便宜得多,生活费用大约是200克朗 VS 2500美元的样子,但是的,一些没有技能、没有资产、没有关系的美国人可能会过得很艰难。

Leslie T.
Applying for Irish citizenship costs a thousand Euros upfront, but is achievable if you have an Irish grandparent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Greg LHV
Overstating it because Mats is just a narrow-minded chauvinistic ass.


Jenny Peters
Says the American who thinks that the US has ‘exceptionalism’.


Greg LHV
I never said that, Jenny. Know of what you speak before opening your mouth.


Jenny Peters
You do. No other country talks about their ‘exceptionalism’ despite being behind every other first world country in every stat that matters to security and safety except crime, school and mass shootings.


Greg LHV
Again, I never said that. Follow the logic of the conversation please.


Alex Skuli
The fact that you and your American ex divorced later doesn't change that she came into Denmark as your spouse (or as Mats' reason 1), she wouldn't have been allowed to move to Denmark if you had divorced before she moved. We (Europeans/Nordics) don't deport permanent residents for getting divorced, but getting a permanent residence status takes 4–7 years (depending on the country). you are the one overstating when you say "if an American wants to move to Europe they are welcome to do so as long as they can comply with the requirements that apply to every potential immigrant", since those requirements will be exactly one of the two reasons Mats listed unless they're from another EU/EEA/Schengen country (in which case there won't be any requirements at all) or if they're accepted as refugees (which no American will be).
I've been in a relationship with an American woman for nearly 5 years, living with her in Europe (Iceland) and paying taxes together mutually as spouses, for nearly the entire time, and she is still legally tied to me (she'll hopefully be granted permanent residency next year, and citezenship 2 years after that).


A. C. Andersen
Well Mats started by stating we don't allow Americans to move here and that's just not correct, there are no prohibitions against immigrants from the US they are the same as any other immigrants from non EU countries often expats talk to each other share their experiences of life in their new country so while we were married I met several other Americans living here with a multitude of routes to get residency/citizenship between them, she had a son from a previous marriage who has recently moved here with his girlfriend also American and they are currently going through the process without significant difficulties, he is too old for family reunification and such, so his family relation to her doesn't matter from an immigration standpoint, but he found a job here so did the girlfriend, the point really is Americans can and do immigrate to Scandinavia they are allowed to on an equal basis with anyone else, and as I wrote in the end of my comment a random person with no skills, relations or assets will have a hard time of it, it isn't impossible but difficult if you have none of that, but if you are American or Australian doesn't really matter in that equation.


Dan Petre
Add the double taxation to this, any US citizen has to pay taxes in US regardless of where they live.


Thomas Soininen
Although it's not really double as in they don't pay twice the amount of tax. They have to report their earnings to the US IRS and, if in the US they should have paid more than they've already paid in their country of residence, they'll pay that difference to the US.


Kuba Uhlíř
Which is absolutely insane, let's be honest


Thomas Soininen
Oh, for sure. In combination with the US’s jus solis citzenship laws, it’s creating a whole host of accidental Americans who are likely to be charged upon entering the US if they haven’t been keeping up with their taxes.


Rich C
“who are likely to be charged upon entering the US if they haven’t been keeping up with their taxes.” Do you have any idea how often that actually happens? Hint: the use of the word “likely” here is so inaccurate as to be absurd. “Very, very remotely possible, if you are on their radar for other reasons” would be much more accurate.


Dan Petre
One of them is Boris Johnson, former UK PM born in US. He gave up US citizenship to stop paying tax in US..


why? if you aren't liable for taxes, you shouldn't have the benefit of citizenship.


Erkki Hirvonen
Tax revenue is used to fund public services, corrupt politicians notwithstanding.
The amount of public services that you may need to use while living abroad is minuscule enough that it can be said to be covered by you being a citizen-ambassador in said foreign country, helping in making your country more visible to the locals.
A fair trade for a nation state, I would say.
Although this hinges on the belief that you understand how your actions abroad do not only affect your reputation but the reputation of your compatriots and your nation too, which may be a tall order for the stereotypical American.


Bicycling Enthusiast
Typically the tax rate in the US is lower, so I’d think most won’t need to pay anything to Uncle Sam. But, yeah the tax filing requirement is extremely burdensome and especially unfair to ‘accidental Americans’.


BJ Ahlen
Taxes can be lower in the U.S., but you get your wallet vacuumed by health insurance companies and hospitals with side billing of anesthesiologists, etc.
In the end, you may keep more of your income in Europe.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Mark Janczewski
That’s an overly simplistic and misleading answer. If one is a US ex-pat residing overseas, and if one meets the time requirements for being outside the US, then the first $100,000 (approx.) of foreign income is exempt.
Beyond that, one gets a credit for foreign tax paid where you’re getting your foreign income. If the tax exceeds what you would have paid per US tax schedules, then you owe the IRS nothing; if it doesn’t, you pay the difference to the US.


It’s not very easy for someone from the United States to move to Europe.
Most Americans have terrible foreign language skills so can only speak English and hence are limited to Ireland or the Uk both of which have strict immigration requirements that most US citizens aren’t capable of passing.
Also the Net Worth in those countries for a median resident is a LOT higher than in the US so it can be a financial struggle for Americans to afford a home.
So only wealthy Americans with very good jobs can afford the move and the US isn’t a bad place to live at all if you are wealthy.


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