2024-02-15 杏子 11554


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Students must skip 17 times in a minute to get a passing score in the exam, but those aiming to get a Good result must do more than 87 jumps. Boys would need to make 99 jumps to reach an Excellent result in their grades, while girls need a bit more at 103.


Dakens2021 to Skythewood
103 in a minute? That sounded like a lot to me, then I looked up the world record is 739 jumps in a minute! Wow!


tylerchu to Dakens2021
That’s not even two per second. If you’re not using an anchor chain as a rope it’s not that hard for a reasonably coordinated 14 year old. If you’re doing some double Dutch shit or whatever that requires multi#person coordination then yeah it’s hard but if you control your own rope it’s not bad. If you use a metronome app and set it to 120 you can envision the bap-bap-bap of the rope in time.


DumbieStrangler117 to tylerchu
Chinese parent here - you offering private lessons?


tylerchu to DumbieStrangler117
You should have seen the girls at my middle school, a constant bapbapbapbap. Very impressive. I also remember having members of a national roping team at my youth church and they were greased lightning.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Consistent-Ad-6078 to tylerchu
Idk, but a youth roping team sounds like something illegal…


HaloGuy381 to tylerchu
Man, I’d have flunked out if I were Chinese growing up. No coordination. Took years in martial arts to get my balance and control of my own limbs to something passable.


tylerchu to HaloGuy381
You’d miss 17 in a minute?


HaloGuy381 to tylerchu
I’d be shocked if I made 17 in a minute when I was a kid. I’d get a handful going in gym class in elementary and then immediately trip on the rope.
Being autistic does not do wonders for one’s control of their body. It’s actually why my mother encouraged the martial arts studies, because I was very injury-prone as a kid from sheer klutziness.


Roflkopt3r to HaloGuy381
I feel you... I had some sports I was talented at and some that I just couldn't make work no matter what I tried.
Combined with idiotic old teachers who interpreted that as "you just don't want to do it", sports class was a horrible experience and it took me a long time to develop a decent relation with sports afterwards.
The worst one was probably front crawl in swimming for me... even though I was a good diver and quite fast with the breast stroke, I just couldn't get the coordination right and felt like I was getting waterboarded. I never managed to do it right. In short, grading students on standardised sports techniques is just idiotic.


They figured out that Cirque de Soleil will be the only available post-AI employment and all preparing for it?


ImitationButter to SayYesToPenguins
Not if Boston Dynamics has anything to say about it


SayYesToPenguins to ImitationButter
Must. Skip. Faster. Must. Skip. Faster.


Why would people care if their in the excellent or good tier at skipping rope? I’d personally just be cool with passing. Why hire a tutor for elite tiers?


ThePevster to jellyjamberry
In China a child must be the best at everything


jellyjamberry to ThePevster
Does the skipping rope test affect college entrance or job prospects?


TreesmasherFTW to jellyjamberry
Plus, did you hear about that kid who only did the passing amount? Guys a loser, I’d rather not have him in my company.
Now imagine that as the standard


jellyjamberry to TreesmasherFTW
Sounds like hell. My slacker and unambitious ass would not do well.


Senor-Enchilada to jellyjamberry
failing is one thing but intentionally being a slacker and unambitious is straight up shameful. the american equivalent would be a drug dealer or pimp.
honestly being a drug dealer would be MORE acceptable than not having ambition. at least you’re doing something to make money as distasteful as it is.
your family likely wouldn’t bring you to events even with the external family.
your name would be a source of shame and i’d be surprised if they let you stay with them.
i’m from india where it’s very similar.


freakinbacon to jellyjamberry
I think it's just a measure of fitness


CausticSofa to jellyjamberry
So you can flex on all the other parents.


element515 to jellyjamberry
School is very competitive in China. A whole different level from anything in the us. So many people for only a few good schools and few high level jobs.


Stopher to jellyjamberry
When you have a billion people competing for limited school slots they will cut you off for any minor thing. It’s kinda dumb. Now you have a populace wasting resources on jump rope skipping and the original intention of just making sure people are at a health requirement level is out the door.


Odd that girls need to reach a higher score on a physical activity test, no?


[dexed] to RockingRocker
It's probably less about muscle and more about coordination.


HMM ya. Maybe stronger legs.


Skipping and motor skills used to be a large part of grading in US kindergarten. The joke at my parents house was that I was put in certain classes in 1st grade because I received a "needs improvement" on skipping for my final report card.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

double_positive to formerlyanonymous_
It still is a test for development. It's just buried in a lot of activities that teachers watch for and take note of. It's not graded.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sehmket to double_positive
My husband teaches pre-k - 8 music and this is actually a HUGE part of what he does. Every year, he has 2-3 kids that he flags for not hitting physical development milestones that need some extra help.

我丈夫教学前班到八年级的音乐,这实际上是他工作的一个重要部分。每年,他都会标记 2-3 个孩子,因为他们没有达到身体发育里程碑,需要一些额外的帮助。

graphiccsp to double_positive
As an aside, if you have a boy born in the summer months that can be pushed ahead or held a year. Hold them back. They may be smart enough to be moved ahead but there's a bunch of small details 1 extra year of development makes. Size and mental development that goes beyond "He's mature for his age!"
I say that as a kid that was pushed ahead. Even though I got great grades and am average height now, I was smaller and a bunch of little developmental elements kicked in later than my classmates due to being almost a year younger than most of them.


needlzor to graphiccsp
That reminds me of something I read about the month of birth being a good predictor for athletes, mostly because if you're born at the right time you'll be a year older than everybody in your class, and therefore developmentally more advanced, bigger, stronger, etc. which makes it more likely you'll be into sports.


FerociousFrizzlyBear to formerlyanonymous_
Yes, in kindergarten, we took turns going out to the hallway in the beginning and at the end of the year to skip. This was the early 90s.


RegularWhiteShark to formerlyanonymous_
I’m 30 (not American) and could never successfully skip using a skipping rope - and probably still couldn’t. We didn’t even have them in our school. I had one at home that I would try with for a bit before getting frustrated and giving up.

我已经 30 岁了(不是美国人),从未成功地使用跳绳跳过——而且现在很可能还做不到。当时我们学校甚至没有它们。我家里有一个,我曾经尝试了一下,然后感到沮丧并放弃。

Win_is_my_name to RegularWhiteShark
Same I could never skip with a rope. I just move my hands to pretend I have one.


MaimedJester to formerlyanonymous_
Yeah I remember hearing one of my dad's Vietnam war era college entrance involved every male having to swim a lap in the pool to be certified fit etc for dorm room life.
Yeah if you ever wondered why the Americans with Disabilities act in 1990 was signed it was bullshit like that that annoyed everyone and fucked over a very specific group of people.
Oh you have Scoliosis and can't swim without aganising pain etc, well fuck you you can't attend classes in Princeton.
But I'm a leading Rocket Scientist Physicist!
Nope apparently only completely physical capable men of athletic activities can possibly contribute to the world.
Goddamn I hate the stupid shit of academia dinosaurs screwing over the young generation

嗯,如果你想知道为什么 1990 年签署了《美国残疾人法案》,就是那个胡说八道,惹恼了所有人,还惹恼了特定的一群人。

angelicism to MaimedJester
I don't know if it's still true but when I went to college in the early... aughts? Having a swimming test requirement was not unheard of, but for graduation, not entry. I know my university had it.


cheffgeoff to MaimedJester
This is why China does it. We see those videos of kids all doing coordinated dances and activities and people say "Our education system is fucked, look what they can do!". Yeah, it's a bit easier to do this when anyone with a physical or mental disability is just swept under the carpet (I will not pretend to know what happens to many disabled children in China but I can make an educated guess). This doesn't mean that physical education in the Western world shouldn't improve, but your totally right that this old school thinking is pretty awful.


BiggusDickus- to MaimedJester
Sure, but then there’s the flip side that ignores the need for physical fitness as a contributor to success.
We all know that American children and young adults are obese and out of shape at an epidemic level. walking down the hall of a typical high school, or across a typical college campus reveals one fat kid after another. It’s awful
This is terrible for every other aspect of their lives, including their self-esteem and academic ability.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing that graduating from high school, or earning a college degree should include being physically fit. Exceptions can be made for the legitimately disabled.


Many Chinese parents are enrolling their children in jump rope schools that cost $50 an hour in the hopes of landing scholarships through China’s national jump rope exams.
Schools in China must host annual jump rope tests for children from first to sixth grades. The tests have a grading system of Fail, Pass, Good and Excellent

“许多中国家长让孩子报名每小时 50 美元的跳绳学校,希望通过中国国家跳绳考试获得奖学金。

mr_ji to Clipboard4
"I don't care if you can do calculus, skip that fucking rope!"

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

HossOdin to mr_ji
"Do your calculus WHILE skipping rope!"——Dragon mom


We had similar things in Swedish high school, not skip rope but I remember for an A grade there was pirouette while ice skating, front flip on ground, hand stand 60 seconds


randomIndividual21 to xuan135
what the shit, that pretty high level

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Theoretically a c should be acceptable, b is goes beyond expectations and an a is extraordinary.
The only time I saw that was in engineering courses... And those professors didn't write fair tests.


wildhorsesofdortmund to xuan135
What is this, tests for a James Bond?


NotSayinItWasAliens to wildhorsesofdortmund
No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to pirouette while ice skating!


很赞 7