2024-02-21 碧波荡漾恒河水 7851

‘No longer a top-level fighting force’ How the British Army lost its way.
Weakened by years of cuts and strategic MoD reductions, the forces are faltering just as the possibility of all-out war is nearing


So we throw Ukraine a moderate amount of mostly outdated weapons and now Russia is fought to a standstill (I know, its complicated).


But we're expecting all out total war with the full force of the armies of the following states fighting next to our own forces; Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.


What Russia army is going to fight them?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I support the drive from the British establishment-right to rearm. The state of the UK armed forces is embaressing. But all this all out war stuff in nonsense. We have trident, they have thousands of nukes. Its just bizzare.


Trident is there for an important but a very specific job; to deter an enemy who is considering using nuclear weapons against the UK. While in theory you could use it e.g. to solve the Houthi problem by making the areas they control uninhabitable, that would be unpopular and would reduce the weapon stockpile. We need the ability to project convential power to do things like keep trade routes open and deter adventures like the invasion of Ukraine - or Belize - or the Falklands. IMHO having a large stock of user-friendly high tech (conventional) weapons is relatively more important than it used to be but we still need to convince other nations that if we want to we can send a decent sized group of elite troops half way around the world and have them win whatever fight we have sent them to. (I'd like to say a division, but I'm not sure we could, which is really what people are worrying about).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It appears to be a bit more ambiguous than that.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A source which suggests that it is, if anything, more specific than I have claimed, is "The Silent Deep: The Royal Navy Submarine Service Since 1945" This contains a chapter on the political decisisons leading up to the decision to buy Trident, and the various choices were uated against a very specific goal: being able to damage the Soviet unx to a degree which their leaders would find unacceptable in exchange for any benefit that they could derive from eliminating the UK. I will conceede that this covers elimination due to an escalating conventional war as well as from a Soviet unx first strike. The government appears to have considered in detail the damage that could have been done by the various options, taking into account the specific defences of the Soviet unx, especially the anti-missile systems defending Moscow. To quote a chunk:


The Government was clearly aiming for a Trident force that could meet the criterion set out in Option 1, the targeting of specific sites and facilities within Moscow, such as underground command centres. The importance which the Soviet leadership attached to maintaining the administrative centre unimpaired was shown by its positioning of the ABM Sytem around Moscow...


This deters states from using their nuclear weapons against us or carrying out the most extreme threats to our national security.


We are deliberately ambiguous about precisely when, how, and at what scale we would use our weapons. This ensures the deterrent’s effectiveness is not undermined and complicates the calculations of a potential aggressor.


That does not seem to preclude nuclear use in the event of an invasion.


they have thousands of nukes. Its just bizzare.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's the reasoning I suppose. Russia has shown it is willing to slug out a conventional war without using nukes. This is a proxy war between Nato and Russia. I suppose the Western fear is another comparable conflict like Ukraine, but then with one or more of the Baltic states. Since these countries are Nato members, Nato must act to remain credible, which means boots on the ground. Hence the perceived need for a capable army.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is anybody's guess how Russia is coming out of this war. But I believe the Western worry is a Russian military industry production on the loose, an army that is gaining plenty of relevant combat expertise and perhaps a remaining nationwide will to endure another slaughterhouse once more.


Ukraine has shown that a large portion of NATO will do fuck all to help you if you're invaded and you have to rely heavily on the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Right now the US is in an election year where one of the candidates wants to leave NATO. So if you're Eastern Europe you're just a little nervous because Russia could hypothetically buy a bunch of Chinese equipment and rush the Baltic States right after Ukraine if Trump wins.


And even with American foreign aid Ukraine is losing badly


Vastly overperforming expectations and fighting the #3 military power to a standstill is not losing badly by any calculation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This decade’s Fall Weiss was halted at Torun and the Nazis continue to mount fruitless Panzer II attacks on western-supplied Churchills while Recoilless Rifles behind every hill inflict murderous losses. VT shells swat Stukas and Heinkels from the sky.


Almost all Ukraine's support comes from NATO member states; the US is the lesser contributor in this instance.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ukraine wasn't a member of NATO before Russia invaded. NATO is not obligated to help Ukraine but they are helping anyway. Had Russia invaded a NATO member then this war would have ended over a year ago with Russia limping home being soundly defeated.


Not all conflicts get to the point of nuclear weapons. Most don't. In fact we have one conflict where nukes were used. They are a great deterrent against existential threats. But nukes are the final argument. You can't start there and most things are not to the level of using nukes as a response. This was a lesson learned in Vietnam. The USAF had over optimized for a nuclear war and tactical air power was lacking. Their fighters were built for and pilots trained to shoot down strategic bombers. And their strike fighters were made to deliver tactical nukes. The transition back to air superiority and conventional strike was a difficult one.


Russia is spending an absurd amount of money on their military, around half of their government spending now is on their armed forces. They’ve taken a major setback in Ukraine but they’ve learned from it and it’s clear now that they’re restructuring their country for a protracted conflict and not about to give up. And we don’t just want to be better than Russia, we want to overmatch them. Maintaining a large power disparity is a deterrent that makes conflict less likely overall, and if conflict does arise it means we can end it as quickly as possible to limit the destruction.


A nuclear deterrent is useless in conventional warfare. It’s overkill to nuke Moscow if Russia invade Estonia. We don’t want to rely on nuclear weapons because in nuclear warfare russia has parity with us, we want to fight them conventionally where we have the biggest advantage. If we ignore our conventional forces because of nuclear weapons it makes it more likely for conflict to escalate to nuclear exchanges, which I’m sure you understand is a bad thing.


I think I have two seperate points mixed together there.


Firstly, really I'm just annoyed by the tone of these headlines about "world war three", "all out war", "conscxtion coming soon" for the killing fields and so on when what they really mean is "maybe we should be able to deploy a division or god forbid two to Poland if shit kicks off", and maybe not have our army be 1/6th of the size of Ukraines. Like I say, I agree with the reccomendation and most of what you said, its just the drumbeat of this stuff has got people at my work who should know better talking about if they are going to get drafted.


Secondly though, I think Russia would very quickly lose an "all out war" and that the chances of nuclear escalation would be at the highest point they have ever been should that happen. In an all out war europe would hit targets in Russia and attack into Russia to deny it bases and other things which are off the table in Ukraine. Russia getting its ass kicked in a big way is probably the most likely way for a nuclear exchange to start, so we do need to be careful not to learn the wrong lessons from Ukraine and assume that cold war rules are cancelled and we can happily go to war with Russia without nuclear use.


Edit: also everyone who downvoted you is a moron


The last time UK had a "top-level fighting force"(army-wise) was during latter half of WW2.


Where they really top? Wouldn't they have another Dunkirk moment if Soviet and America weren't in the war?

他们在那方面真正是顶级的? 如果苏联和美国没有参战,他们不会有另一个敦刻尔克时刻吗?

You're overlooking British India, the Crown colonies, its protectorates, etc., i.e., the Commonwealth nations, which also included dominions like Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa—nations that almost immediately joined Britain's declaration on Germany and actively fought alongside them. So, yes, they were making significant contributions, contrary to what Hollywood may lead you to believe. The Battle of Imphal, the Battle of Kohima, the campaigns in Africa, etc., were just as crucial in ensuring the Allied victory in World War II as the Battle of Moscow or any other American victory. While the United States and the Soviet unx entered the fray in 1941, the British Imperial forces had been fighting the war since 1939.


Contributing and world class is different things. Chinese fought and held millions of Japanese and UK army's contribution is less that that.


Without UK the Soviet probably still would have won. Without Soviets the full force of German army would have crushed UK in Africa even if they brought reinforcements form India. Put another way, if UK had US lend lease do you think they can single handled have pushed into Berlin?


Is the Nazis fought a 1 front war against the USSR, Moscow probably would've fallen. UK kept enough forces occupied in the Western front and Africa.


Maybe it would have been close. But the other way with Germany single front against UK it wouldn't have been close at all.


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