话题讨论:GJ-11“利剑” - 用于中国航母的无人攻击机 part2
2024-02-25 碧波荡漾恒河水 10920
The PLA Navy intends to field a navalised GJ-11 UCAV on its catapult-equipped aircraft carriers, a capability not available to the US Navy.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@razrose2380 You have to admire the way that the Chinese take considered and logical steps to achieve their aims. America has many more carriers but not all can be deployed at once and attempting to use them to control the seas around Taiwan would result on total disaster.


@jiokl7g9t6 Expect the PLAN to standardise on the Type 004 once its bugs are ironed out. With plenty of drones. In fact I'm surprised that we haven't seen a 2 seat J-35 yet.


@RectalRooter Almost no U.S Navy vids / pics in the video. I'm proud of you.


@springtime1838 Am wondering if the QJ-11 and other UCAV could in time give the older Type 001/002 Carriers a new life as ISR systems are getting better and better allowing for missions like "better than nothing" AEW and EW and Communications nodes and considering the CATOBAR option for the type 76 am betting the PLAN/PLANAF is going for STOBAR/CATOBAR UCAV as a alternative to VTOL UCAV's and VTOL aircraft F-35 and V-247 and good old MV-22 for Tanker and EW

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@zulkanainbaharuddin2185 It will on the type 075 & 076. That's for sure.


@tvgerbil1984 The Americans appear to be content to use their UAVs, the MQ-25s, mostly as aerial refueling drones for their fighter bombers so as to allow their fleet carriers to operate at a safer distance away from the shore of their targets. They don't seem to believe that UAVs can survive or operate successfully under intense electronic warfare environment. Maybe the Chinese GJ-11s can prove the Americans wrong but there is no way to tell until they are tested in battles against well-equipped adversaries.

美国人似乎很满足于使用他们的mq -25无人机,主要是作为战斗/轰炸机的空中加油无人机,以便让他们的航母舰队在远离目标海岸的更安全发距离上行动。他们似乎不相信无人机能够在激烈的电子战环境下生存或成功操作。也许中国的GJ-11可以证明美国人错了,但在与装备精良的对手进行战斗之前,没有办法知道。

@brianboye8025 I don't think the US Navy rejection of the UCAV was rational. We have a tendency to develop a revolutionary military design only to cease development just when it gets useful. Don't worry other peers will then field then. Oh well.


@phils4634 Seems AVIC have started operational testing of this weapon. Obviously low-observability, and the "official" comment states the two bays are (at least initially) designed to hold pairs of bombs rather than air to air missiles at this stage, however analysts suggest the potential to carry such weapons.


As it is, the GJ-11 is fast (600kts max. speed), with a 2 tonne payload capacity, service ceiling of over 40,000 feet, and maximum range of 4000km. It appears to have a range of available ELINT / EW modules including various radar modules, and IR / Surveillance modules. It is also optimised to operate with China's existing J-20 fleet, probably with a significant degree of AI autonomy (so reducing drone pilot workload). As it currently stands, there is no drone equivalent in the west, which appears to be causing "quite" some concern in the US - "The Drone-Gap is widening" comes to mind!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@gelinrefira 4000 km range ? So a combat radius of 1500-2000km? That doesn't sound realistic even for a drone.

4000公里射程? 那么作战半径是1500-2000公里? 即使对无人机来说,这听起来也不现实。

@gelinrefira Does the GJ-11 has recon capability? It does not look like it has extensive radar since its shape does not seem to be able to house a powerful radar. It also does not seem to have a IRST, electro-optic systems. It look more like a dedicated ground strike drone or a AA missile truck. If it can carry long range cruise missiles or anti-radiation missiles, then it will be a formidable addition to the PLAN carriers.

GJ-11有侦察能力吗? 它看起来不像有广泛的雷达,因为它的形状似乎无法容纳强大的雷达。它似乎也没有IRST(红外线探测与追踪),电光系统。它看起来更像是一架专门的地面打击无人机或空空导弹卡车。如果它能携带远程巡航导弹或反辐射导弹,那么它将成为中国海军航母的强大补充。

Time will tell how the PLAN will use this drone.


@zix_zix_zix I don't think it is going to have powerful recon capabilities; its primary mission seems to be to infiltrate heavily guarded airspace and perform precision strikes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@user-jp2tf5fj5k No its just a bomber, PLA will use WZ-8 to recon.




@quintinshobe109 Anybody heard anything about the FH-97 loyal wingman drone ??


@morallee6826 Of course,Fh97 will be a partner of J20-S


@nostradamus2642 The white elephant F-22 only good for shooting at balloons are being prematurely retired while the F-35 is a dead duck but is too big (jobs across many states and money) to fail. Meanwhile the USAF receives new F-15EX in very small numbers which is the only thing that works.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@azbgames6827 Most of the problems of the F-35 have been ironed out and the unit price is now lower than the EX and Super Hornet. The F-35s sensors are superior to all combat aircraft in American service and has comparable maneuverability and acceleration to the F-16 and better AOA.


@djtan3313 @azbgames6827 more agile than f16? Haha. No.

@azbgames6827 比f16更敏捷? 哈哈。才不是。

@jaihindersingh Cpp droon looks weeak. Becas dhey copii Amerikka, Britiss, koriia or jepain. But after copii, cpp onlii caan maek tofu teknologhee, puor kwalitee


@ayatollahrocknroller7632 @jaihindersingh Slum dog needs English lesson

@jaihindersingh 贫民窟的狗需要好好学英语。

@jaihindersingh @ayatollahrocknroller7632 slam doog is millionhaiir. Doont yu waach de phamoos movii abowd how riich vii ar?

@ayatollahrocknroller7632 贫民窟的狗是百万富翁。你没看过那个著名的电影吗?

@KrazeDiamond Bro you don't know how advanced the F-35 really is, it can auto eject the pilot then fly off on its own. Turly advanced.


@camt8804 @KrazeDiamond F-35 keeps winning contracts because the countries that buy it know it's capabilities. How are Chinese fighter sales going

@KrazeDiamond F-35不断赢得合同,因为购买它的国家知道它的能力。中国战机销售进展如何?

@KrazeDiamond @camt8804 Yea bro it's extremely capable!

@camt8804 是的,兄弟,它非常有能力!

@jameslum8822 @jaihindersingh .....towel Singh writing gibberish english again

@jaihindersingh ……穷鬼辛格又在写蹩脚的英语了。

@accountantthe3394 @camt8804 Arms procurement has always been a political game tho Saudis continued purchasing Patriots after they failed to stop unguided Houthi rockets lMao S.Korea and Japan had to upgrade the Arleigh burkes they got since it's trash. Japanese had a hard time with F2 fighters that were basically copies of F16s.

@camt8804 然鹅武器采购一直是一个政治游戏,沙特在爱国者拦截胡塞的无制导火箭失败后继续购买爱国者,韩国和日本不得不升级他们得到的阿利伯克,因为它是垃圾。日本人在F2战斗机上遇到了困难,这些战斗机基本上是F-16的复制品。

So don't talk about tech capabilities mate: US even begged Pakistan to sell them advanced PL-15Es when Chinese missiles far outranges AMRAAMs haha


@taiwanstillisntacountry LOL. Where do the 400kg of rare-earth minerals for any F-35 comes from? Let me give you a clue, it doesn't come from India

哈哈。 F-35所需的400公斤稀土矿从何而来? 给你一个提示,它不是来自印度。

@johnbodman4504 Yes the US has backed itself into a corner, while relying on the poor peforming f-35.


@camt8804 @johnbodman4504 Everybody wants to buy the f-35. It's not only the best fighter on the market it's also one of the most affordable. It's turned out to be one of the best US weapons programmes in history.

@johnbodman4504 每个人都想买f-35。它不仅是市场上最好的战斗机,也是最实惠的战斗机之一。事实证明,这是美国历史上最好的武器计划之一。

@camt8804 @taiwanstillisntacountry It doesn't come form China either

@taiwanstillisntacountry 也不是来自中国.

@KrazeDiamond @camt8804 F-35 may be high-performing, but in terms of comfort, it can't compete with India's super toilets. Keep coping.

@camt8804 F-35的性能可能很高,但就舒适度而言,它无法与印度的超级厕所竞争。继续嘴硬。

@taiwanstillisntacountry Psssst, D-boi, did you know, 70% of the raw-materials of the pharmaceutical industry of the British-Raj, comes from the PRC?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Did you know, 80-95% of the raw-materials of the USA pharmaceutical industry comes from the PRC?

你知道吗,美国制药业80% -95%的原料来自中国?

Did you know the remaining % of the USA pharmaceutical industry, comes from the British-Raj?


Where would you be without the PRC?


Psssst D-boi, did you know the parts of the iPhones of made in the British-Raj, 100% comes from the PRC?


In the PRC, the iPhones have 0 defaults, in the British-Raj, the iPhones have 50% defaults.


So why is the British-Raj, ranked 111th on the hunger-index of 125 countries?


Why so many people have hunger in the British-Raj?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The British-Raj buys 135B from the PRC.


The PRC buys 35B from the British-Raj.


You guys should buy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@nostradamus2642 @taiwanstillisntacountry Did you know that BYD insisted up-front payment from the dodgy Indians before delivering the EV buses. BYD also told them only USD accepted and not dunny Rupee paper.

@taiwanstillisntacountry 你知道吗,比亚迪在交付电动公交车之前,坚持让狡猾的印度人预付货款。比亚迪还告诉他们,只接受美元,不接受厕纸卢比。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@taiwanstillisntacountry The British-Raj : We talk, We brag, We lie, We cheat, We scam, We dream, We eat a veggie-curry, We watch Bollywood movies. Empty vessels makes to most noise.

英属印度: 我们说话, 我们吹牛, 我们说谎, 我们作弊, 我们诈骗, 我们做梦, 我们吃素咖喱, 我们看宝莱坞电影。 空瓶子最响。

@taiwanstillisntacountry @nostradamus2642 Even the Russian Federation doesn't want rupy-rupy, but demands payments in Chinese ¥uan. Moo-di is very angry @nostradamus2642

就连俄罗斯联邦也不想要“撸撸比”,而是要求用人民币付款。 莫迪一怒之下怒了一下。

很赞 23