“非洲之王” 传音要超小米赶三星
2024-02-28 西斯摩多 9938
【“非洲之王” 传音要超小米赶三星】

Chinese cellphone maker Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co. Ltd. (688036.SH) is renowned for its beginnings in Africa, where it dominates the market with its cheap but local-friendly models. Now, the company is starting to spread its wings beyond its traditional stronghold to other developing markets, posing a potential threat to Chinese rivals like xiaomi (1810.HK) and Oppo.


New data released this month indicate the expansion is yielding some early success. The company became the world’s fourth-largest smartphone vendor during last year’s fourth quarter for the first time after shipping 28.2 million smartphones – up 68.6% year-on-year, according to IDC. That far outpaced all of its other rivals in the top five, and was also well ahead of the overall market’s 8.5% growth.


That growth is even faster than the 33.3% revenue growth the company projected last month for 2023, indicating it may be cutting prices or going even further down market in its bid to quickly gain share in its newer markets. The company anticipates it will report its revenue for all of 2023 climbed to 62.1 billion yuan ($8.8 billion), while its profit more than doubled to 5.4 billion yuan. The company attributed the strong growth to “continuously exploring emerging markets and advancing product upgrades,” according to its revenue and profit forecast issued last month.


Founded in 2006, Transsion and its Tecno, Itel, and Infinix brands have become household names and a dominate force across an African market that was overlooked for years by most of its peers. It earned its success by catering to the needs of African mobile users with several savvy strategies. Notable among these was its specially designed cameras with beautification features optimized for darker skin tones.


As the company looks to replicate its African success in other emerging markets, investors will be closely watching Transsion's progress in other regions such as South Asia, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.


Its strong growth has translated to Transsion’s stock. Its shares have risen steadily since its listing in 2019, including a more than 60% increase over the past year – a rare feat in China’s slumping stock markets that have been some of the world’s worst performers over that time. Its latest closing price of 145 yuan on Thursday was down from the 250 yuan level reached in early 2021, but remains over four times higher than its listing price of 35.5 yuan.


While the stock trades on China's domestic A-shares market, it is also accessible to international investors through a program lixing the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. Even after its stock’s recent pullback, the shares still trade at a healthy price-to-earnings ratio of about 29, well ahead of xiaomi’s 20.


Out of Africa


Transsion is the "King of Africa," having become the continent’s largest smartphone seller since at least 2017. It controlled 48% of the market by shipping 8.6 million smartphones there in last year’s third quarter, well above second-place Samsung at 26%, according to Canalys.


The company began exploring expansion beyond Africa in 2015, announcing plans to enter specific markets in South Asia, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. These three regions remain the focus of the company's international growth efforts, consistently listed in its earnings reports as priority areas for further market penetration and expansion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The rationale for Transsion's choice of new markets beyond Africa is clear. Those regions share many traits with Africa in terms of their development, and offer a huge demographic opportunity with a combined population exceeding 4 billion and relatively low smartphone penetration rates. Many nations within those regions are also at an inflection point, as declining mobile fees and the shift from basic phones to smartphones drive increased usage and upgrades.


Compared to more mature markets like China, Europe and North America where smartphone sales growth has slowed in recent years or even contracted, sales in these emerging regions continue to rise. For example, smartphone sales in Latin America grew 9% year-over-year in last year’s third quarter, while they were up 21% in the Middle East, and 7% in Southeast Asia, according to recent reports.


One region where Transsion has seen particular success is India, a market it first entered in 2015 and where many of its Chinese peers are also very active. While Transsion's brands made gradual gains at first, recent data indicates those gains have begun to accelerate.


According to Counterpoint Research, the company’s Tecno, Itel, and Infinix brands in India collectively rose in market share from 6.3% in 2022 to 8.6% in 2023. This helped Transsion reduce the gap with Chinese rivals like xiaomi and Oppo in the world's second largest market.

根据Counterpoint Research的数据,公司旗下Tecno、Itel和Infinix品牌在印度的市场份额从2022年的6.3%上升至2023年的8.6%。这有助于传音缩小与小米、Oppo等中国竞争对手在这个全球第二大市场的差距。

While the company doesn’t break down its revenue by geography, a report from Chinese brokerage Soochow Securities estimated that regions outside of Africa accounted for 50.9% of Transsion's total revenue in 2022. The report also projected the proportion of non-Africa revenues will continue to grow over the coming years.


Transsion's movement beyond Africa will also come with challenges. Chief among those is the stiffer competition it will face from its hometown Chinese rivals, including not only xiaomi and Oppo, but Vivo and OnePlus. Additionally, as with other Chinese companies expanding abroad, Transsion will face issues often seen in developing markets, such as inconsistent regulations and diverse consumer tastes.


Like many of its Chinese rivals, for example, Transsion is facing a significant legal and administrative challenge in India amid rising geopolitical tensions between Beijing and Delhi. According to corporate filings, Transsion's Indian subsidiary, Ismatu India Private, has been under investigation by revenue authorities regarding customs duties paid on its previous display-component imports. xiaomi and Vivo also are facing similar allegations of tax evasion by the Indian government.

比如,与许多中国竞争对手一样,随着中印地缘政治紧张局势加剧,传音在印度也面临重大的法律和行政挑战。公司备案文件显示,传音控股的印度子公司Ismatu India Private正在接受税务机关对其之前的屏幕组件进口关税调查。小米和Vivo也面临印度政府提出的类似逃税指控。

At the end of day, Transsion's growth prospects will hinge on how well it can scale its international presence beyond Africa. As it does that, the company is also looking to expand its product portfolio, taking a page from rival xiaomi's playbook in venturing into new categories like its Syinix home appliances launched in India back in 2015. But such initiatives will be a hit-or-miss effort, with available information showing these ancillary categories have yet to meaningfully contribute to Transsion's overall revenues.


After years of wrangling, a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15 per cent is finally in effect. These groundbreaking new rules were driven by the desire to prevent big companies, often in the tech sector, from flocking to tax havens or jurisdiction shopping. There are a host of public policy solutions that the anticipated $220bn in annual collection can help address. But even though the ink on the treaty is barely dry, it is time to start talking about a new one: targeted at artificial intelligence companies.


Generative AI is already bringing a host of societal challenges. Global job losses are one key expected effect. While the political debate remains largely focused on safety and security harms, various studies foresee deep disruptions to labour because of the technology. It was Elon Musk who raised the future of work on the margins of last year’s AI safety summit. He casually mentioned, in a conversation with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, that we must anticipate a society in which “no job is needed”. The reverberations of that are unimaginable.


And it is not just tech mavericks like Musk who predict major disruption. A study by Goldman Sachs projects almost $7tn of additional growth for the global economy over 10 years, while expecting that roughly two-thirds of US jobs will be at risk of being impacted by AI. McKinsey anticipates up to 30 per cent of worked hours in America will be affected by automation in the next six years. Twelve-million people will need “occupational transitions” in addition to those already facing obsolescence.


While consultants are optimistic that AI will “enhance” jobs rather than replace them, research by ResumeBuilder found that more than a third of business leaders said AI had already replaced workers in 2023. There is no indication that the more sophisticated versions of generative AI would lead to a slowdown in impact on employment.


Although scenarios differ, they all signal similar trends. Jobs will be displaced, and even if there may be an economic upside in the longer term, the transition will require significant public policy efforts. Governments need to zoom in on the specifics of their own national economies and anticipate the impact of AI, sector by sector.


On the corporate side, there are also unprecedented shifts taking place. Already, we see AI companies as a major component of the most highly valued corporations in the world. In the US, tech companies helped drive gross domestic product growth in 2023. At the same time, AI threatens to exacerbate the concentration of capital into the hands of even fewer companies.


“Over the past four decades, automation has raised productivity and multiplied corporate profits, but it has not led to shared prosperity in industrial countries,” say Daron Acemoğlu and Simon Johnson in a paper for the IMF. In other words, the benefits of automation are not shared automatically. (More research is needed into the specific effects on jobs across the global south.)


Without intervention, the next chapter of the technological revolution risks once again privatising profits while pushing the costs of mitigating its harms on to the public. Paying for welfare and reskilling laid-off workers are not just economic downsides: they signal the kinds of societal shifts that easily lead to political unrest. For generations, work has been the foundation not just of family income but also of people’s routine and sense of purpose. Try imagining what you would do without your job.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

To rebalance the cost-benefit impacts of AI in favour of society — as well as to make sure the necessary response is affordable at all — taxing AI companies is the only logical step. I had not anticipated starting 2024 by agreeing with Bernie Sanders and Bill Gates, both of whom have proposed a tax on job-taking robots in the past, but here we are. An upxed version of their plan, taking in generative AI’s progress, is needed.


A debate resulting in global political consensus may take years and should start now. Agreement must be reached around the percentage of revenue or profit to be taxable and the purpose of the tax — should it be focused on mitigating job losses specifically or on addressing the multiple societal impacts of AI more broadly? And given that China and the US are both leading AI developers and have not yet implemented the minimum corporate tax rate rules domestically, incentives and enforcements will have to be effective.


It took years to get a minimum global corporate tax base in place. Considering the impending costs to society, a conversation about a targeted tax for billion-dollar AI companies cannot wait.


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