2024-03-07 Natsuo 11124

Abhishek Sen
No it cannot become superpower by 2025, straight and clear.
Now, like every Indian I too want my country to become a super power, and like any other Educated Indian I too have my own Ideas of “How we can” become Super power!


· Education
o Firstly I think Education should be free and compulsory at least up to 12th, by free I mean quality education not the cheap one.
o Government schools have to be state of the art, with all facilities.
o Teachers salary should be hiked at least four times. Eligibility for teaching primary school students should be M.Ed, not below that. Strict punishment for teachers neglecting classes and giving private tuition.

· 教育
o 首先,我认为教育应该是免费的,至少要义务教育到高中,所谓免费是指优质教育,而不是廉价教育。
o 政府学校必须是一流的,配备所有设施。
o 教师的工资应该提高至少四倍。教授小学生的资格应该是硕士学位,而不是低于这个水平。对忽视课堂和给予私人补习的教师采取严厉惩罚。

o Pvt Engineering collages with no standard labs and with no other adequate facilities should be made to close.
o Adding grants to Researcher, so that they need not go to other country.
o “India is a country that produces as many as Engineers as the entire population of Switzerland every year, but it is unfortunate that India is ranked 76th in the global innovation Index” I hope many have heard this before, so it’s imperative that the government must encourage, fund engineers/innovators to create new things/ test new things.

o 应关闭没有标准实验室和其他充足设施的私立工程学院。
o 增加对研究人员的拨款,使他们不需要去其他国家。
o “印度每年制造的工程师数量与整个瑞士人口一样多,但不幸的是,印度在全球创新指数中排名第76位。”我希望很多人之前都听说过这个,所以政府必须鼓励、资助工程师/创新者创造新事物/测试新事物。

· Administration
o Basic salary for police, especially constables should be hiked ten times. Giving them modern day ammunition replacing age old 3 not 3. Strict surveillance and action in case of bribery.
o Police have to be made an independent entity, like Election commission or governor, not controlled by state/center.

· 行政管理
o 警察的基本工资,特别是警察局长,应该增加十倍。使用现代弹药替换古老的武器。对贿赂行为进行严密监控和制裁。
o 警察必须成为一个独立的实体,像选举委员会或州/中央政府,而不是由国家/中央政府控制。

o We have to make police that capable that they can take on elections duty and emergency situations like terrorist attack. So that we need not wait for Army/para military to take action.
o Reshuffle in the rank system. Like in Britain, every person joining police force got to start his journey from the junior ranks, then gathering experience with years, and clearing written exams for each rank, then they reach the top level ranks. Not just by clearing a single exam, and without any field experience.

o 我们必须使警察有能力承担选举职责和恐怖袭击等紧急情况。这样我们就不需要等待军队/准军事部队采取行动。
o 对等级制度进行重新洗牌。就像在英国一样,每个加入警察部队的人都必须从初级职位开始,然后通过多年的经验积累,通过每个级别的书面考试,达到最高级别的职位。而不仅仅是通过通过一个单一的考试,并且没有任何实地经验。

· Judiciary
o Number of courts have to be increased.
o Redundant laws should be abolished, I mean few specific laws built by Britishers to rule us more comfortably.

· 司法 o 应该增加法院的数量。 o 应该废除冗余的法律,我是指英国人制定的一些特定法律,以便更舒服地统治我们。

· Transparency of political parties
 Political parties should reveal sources and amount of donations they are receiving.

· 政党透明度 o 政党应该披露他们收到的捐款的来源和金额。

· Business /jobs
o Opening and running business should be made Hazel free. Developing infrastructure and logistics.
o Less interference from bureaucracy.
o India must lure companies to invest, manufacture.

· 商业/就业 o 开办和经营企业应该变得更加便利。发展基础设施和物流。 o 减少官僚干预。 o 印度必须吸引公司投资和制造。

 Like China, India should have it’s own versions of “Facebook”, “Twitter” and “Whasapp”, because at the end of the day they are American companies capitalizing on India’s population. Why should give them the monopoly at least they should have a native Indian competitor company. (By “own version of Facebook, Twitter etc”, I mean a new Social media website, not a duplicate version of those)

o 像中国一样,印度应该有自己的“Facebook”、“Twitter”和“WhatsApp”的本土版本,因为最终它们是美国公司利用印度人口赚钱。为什么要让它们垄断市场,至少应该有一个印度本土的竞争对手公司。(通过“自己的版本的Facebook、Twitter等”,我指的是一个新的社交媒体网站,而不是这些网站的复制版)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

· Defence
o Paramilitary( AR, BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, NSG, SSB) should be treated alike Army, With One Rank One Pension. [3]
o They should be given free hand dealing with terrorist and people who hide them or create hindrances while they are in action.

· 国防 o应该像军队一样对待准军事部队(AR、BSF、CISF、CRPF、ITBP、NSG、SSB),实行一军人一饷制度。他们应该被授权自由处理恐怖分子以及在执行任务时阻碍他们的人。

· Foreigners / tourists
o Special attention should be given towards Foreigners /tourists, any person disrespecting them should be caught and given strict punishment, otherwise the ripples will go far and damage India’s image as favorable tourist destination.
o Vendors selling Tourists “over -pricing” an items, should also be punished.
o As I belong to a town which is in itself has a historic value, I know that if they are properly Conserved and secured, they can become a great tourist attraction, state and Central govt must act together to save those historic sites.

· 外国人/游客 o 应该特别关注外国人/游客,任何不尊重他们的人都应该被抓住并严惩,否则会对印度作为有利的旅游目的地造成严重影响。 o 对兜售给游客“过高定价”的摊贩也应该受到惩罚。 o 作为来自一个具有历史价值的城镇,我知道如果它们得到适当保护和安全保障,它们可以成为一个伟大的旅游景点,邦和中央政府必须共同采取行动来拯救这些历史遗址。

· Huge huge number of Road side Toilets should be build nation wide, not just in metropolis, but small cities.

· 应该在全国范围内建造大量路边厕所,而不仅仅是在大都市,还包括小城市。

· Reservation system
o Reservation should be awarded to poor and needy, because reservation based on caste and creed helps needy to some extend, but there are also many who misuse it.

· 预留制度 o 应该根据贫穷和需求来进行预留,因为基于种姓和信仰的预留在一定程度上帮助了有需要的人,但也有很多人滥用了它。

· Medical
o We all know we need to increase the number of doctors, on average it’s like 1 doctor per 2000 people.[1]

· 医疗 o 我们都知道我们需要增加医生的数量,平均每2000人就有1名医生。[1]

· Media
o Our media need to be fair and unbiased and must not sour our relation with our neighbors, I am taking about Nepal, In the devastating Nepal earth quake crisis, our media showed Nepal as a child and India as it’s mother. We helped them, but it’s not right to advertise that, right?[2]

· 媒体 o 我们的媒体需要公正无私,不能破坏我们与邻国的关系。我说的是尼泊尔,在毁灭性的尼泊尔地震危机中,我们的媒体把尼泊尔描绘成一个孩子,把印度描绘成它的母亲。我们帮助了他们,但是这样做不对吧?[2]

o We have often seen media spoke person got silent when they got to interview a politician, not a single cross-question, we all know why this happen!

o 我们经常看到媒体发言人在采访政治家时沉默不语,没有一个交叉询问,我们都知道为什么会这样!

· Rapist should be given exemplary punishment, hanging is not enough. God knows how many such cases do we get to listen each day on news channels. It’s like a naked sword that’s always hanging over our head, who knows when it strikes? I have a sister and I worry about her.
I think corruption, unemployment and urinating in roadside are symptoms, we must check the root causes first.

· 强奸犯应该受到惩罚,绞刑还不够。天知道每天有多少这样的案件我们在新闻频道上听到。就像一把赤裸的剑,总是悬在我们头上,谁知道它何时会袭击?我有一个姐姐,我为她担心。

One may say, to do all these we need huge amount of money, but I think we are in fact a rich country with only difference is that, almost 70% of wealth is confined with in 1% of Indian population, i.e it is not evenly spread. And after seeing estimated default NPAs(Non-performing asset ) in banks, amount to around few lakhs crore, at least this shows that we have the money.


Guru Prasath Pk
Nicely written. However, don’t you think these two points contradict each other ?
· India must lure companies to invest, manufacture.
· Like China, India should have it’s own versions of “Facebook”, “Twitter” and “Whasapp”, because at the end of the day they are American companies capitalizing on India’s population. Why should give them the monopoly at least they should have a native Indian competitor company.

写得很好。不过,你不觉得以下两点相互矛盾吗? · 印度必须吸引公司投资、制造。 · 像中国一样,印度应该拥有自己的“Facebook”、“Twitter”和“WhatsApp”版本,因为说到底它们都是美国公司在利用印度人口。为什么要让它们垄断市场,至少应该有一个印度本土竞争对手公司。

Abhishek Sen
Well, I think we first need people to have job opportunity and pockets filled, then we can think of creating and making own companies, first we need some capital. Also villages folks deserve some better job opportunity rather MNREGA.


Subbu Thenan
“almost 70% of wealth is confined with in 1% of Indian population, i.e it is not evenly spread” ,
This is a fancy statement that has become fad nowadays.
The wealthiest 1 percent of American households own 40 percent of the country's wealth
Does this mean that America has no money?

“几乎70%的财富掌握在印度1%的人口手中,即财富分配并不均衡”, 这是一种时髦的说法。美国最富有的1%家庭拥有该国40%的财富 这是否意味着美国没有钱呢? 不是的。

Wrong understanding of the word “Wealth” makes one to think like this.
“Seeing estimated default NPAs(Non-performing asset ) in banks, amount to around few lakhs crore, at least this shows that we have the money”
This is another misconception , Bank creates new money whenever it lends out money. So when a loan is defaulted , then it contributes in some way to inflation. Understanding “Fractional Reserve Banking” will clear this misconception.


Truth is India does not have enough money for many things . When i mean India , i mean Government, Government is poor in India. Why Government is poor? oh man Government is taxing me heavily man .Less than 5% of population pays income tax. Remaining many sectors are not formal sectors to be taxed properly. How many of house owners pay income tax around you properly from the rent income?


Srirama Chandran
Thank you…many suggestions made. But, primarily, because of many iner-state problems, especially related to utilization of water, we are not properly utilizing water resources. So, let gov't finish lixing of all from all four directions (*let gov't take help from people through donations. There may be at least 1 crore people who can donate not less than 1 crore => 1 crore crore rupees…..is it not sufficient to build up modern India?). But, unfortunately, still, unaccountability prevailing in many fields. This leads to greater corruption, so, decline in growth.


Secondly, complete eradication of all types of reservations, based on caste, religion, region, state, but, as you said, only based on “real economic status”, that too, on repayment basis only. Let, govt (*with the help of sincere, honest officers) make a true (economically poor) list across the country, and start giving helping hand till they get good source of income. But, after that, they have to repay it back… .how many agree for this?


Third aspect is complete change in education system. All state Govt should follow only one syllabi at least from class vi, and only one examination should be there for SSLC, +1, +2, engineering, medical, management, or any other. Based on ranking (*given to different instituions), let student opt to join. Now, still, there are many examinations (*IIT-main, advanced, state engineering colleges, autonomous colleges, so on) and student is really losing more money, wasting time andcapartvfrom, developing tension. In stead of theory based examination, let, us think about OMR-based right from +1 level and also, to avoid tension, let, medical/engineering entrance examinations being conducted in 3 poses (*phase-1 based on +1, phase-2 based on +2 and finally phase-3 based on sexted and related topics from both. Let average score (*percentile) decide the ranking.


Quality of education giving more priority on practical applications is needed, not simply theoretical based.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Excellent, I will give you 1cr upvote bro, without basic infrastructure, our uneducated politician ruling us, that must stop and remove cast ism from constitution also ban family politician rule it set to based on performance like US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sunny Dimalu
HMM Where will money come from ? You expect govt to do eveything How about paying tax honestly,following rules ,Bashing Govt being over emotional on everything. These things are holding us back not Govt.
Secularism is biggest curse . And Superpower ? it’s a most annoying question people ask here on Quora . We will never be a superpower. See except Nuclear arsenal and Big military we have nothing to offer. Yes we have 6sth largest GDP it’s quite obvious with 1.5b people and We are ranked around 120 in Nominal GDP so it will take altleast 60 years to eliminate Poverty . Then we can think of becoming SUPERPOWER

嗯,钱从哪里来?你期望政府做所有事情,那么如何诚实地缴纳税款,遵守规则,对政府过于情绪化呢?这些事情阻碍了我们的发展,而不是政府。 民族主义是最大的诅咒。成为超级大国?这是人们在Quora上提出的最恼人的问题。我们永远不会成为超级大国。除了核武库和强大的军事力量外,我们没有别的优势。是的,我们有着世界第六大GDP,这很明显,有15亿人口,我们在名义GDP排名大约在120位左右,要消除贫困至少需要60年。然后我们才能考虑成为超级大国。

Siddharth Kale
You gave nice suggestions like increasing the salary of teachers 4 times. But doing so is going to cause a lot of taxpayer's money. And if you could somehow provide close to exact numbers you would realise that's an insane amount of money. And we don't have that resources to invest into.
So, kindly examine the solutions you have given and suggest solutions that are actually feasible not only that which looks good on paper or in an essay.


Abhishek Sen
Well I think it seems we are a poor nation, but if the amount of money that is being leaked/scammed is stopped then I think each and every point is feasible. Also can you image the insane amount of money being spend on salary hike of central govt services?
Four times may be high, but my point was to invest in education sector, because developed countries have higher expenditure in Education. That reflects!
Can’t we draw a relation between education with open-defecation? I hardly see any news on people in Kerala having open-defecation.

我认为似乎我们是一个贫穷的国家,但如果能停止泄漏/诈骗的金额,那么我认为每一点都是可行的。你能想象为中央政府服务的薪水增加的巨额资金吗? 四倍可能太高了,但我的观点是要投资教育部门,因为发达国家在教育方面的支出更高。这反映了! 我们不能把教育与露天排泄联系起来吗?我几乎看不到关于喀拉拉邦人们进行露天排泄的新闻。

Laxmikant Kashyap
I agree with a lot of your statements.
However, I don't believe its possible until the Indian Government stops distribution of “freebies” to non Tax Payers and hindering corruption.
I particularly hate poor people because they are exempted from taxes. Moreover they are eating on tax payers money. I went to Ranchi and I saw the hypocrisy that most poor people are simply abusing the system for their own personal profits.
Just a personal opinion.

我同意你的许多观点。 然而,我认为在印度政府停止向非纳税人分发“免费赠品”并遏制腐败之前,这是不可能的。 我特别讨厌贫穷人,因为他们不用交税。而且他们在吃纳税人的钱。我去了兰契,看到大多数贫穷人只是滥用系统谋取私利的虚伪行为。 这只是个人看法。

很赞 9