2024-03-07 Kira_Yoshikage 5325

What is normal now but won't be in 25 years?


We’re slowly seeing paperwork die out in hospitals as nurses. I often think about down the line when employees will think it’s crazy I worked when they still used paper. Everything is online now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’ve had the opposite experience at pregnancy appointments. I’ll fill EVERYTHING out online and they still make me fill out 7 pages of the same info in person


I was raised in the professional world by someone who believes in paper over everything so I still keep paper copies of important things, but most of what I do has to be online because I work for a school and our school and district is pushing to do almost everything online.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One day, about an hour after school started, the building's internet went out. Classes were halted because lesson plans are on Google drive. Testing was halted because they couldn't access testing software. Lunch was free because the cafeteria couldn't access student accounts. The internet wasn't restored until around midnight so the rest of the school day was restless kids with no paper lessons and 75% of the staff unable to do their job in any way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The upside to everything online is accessibility and sharing is so much more convenient. The downside to everything online is one little glitch (or one bad actor) can incapacitate the whole program.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Plus I believe research has shown that writing notes - on actual paper- increases retention and comprehension. We are constantly warned about the dangers of screen time but every time I turn around, kids have yet another required computer application they need to get work done.


Also you don't have to adhere to any rules when writing notes on paper. Style is free, form is free, no need to follow any template or structure. You can doodle pictures on it on a whim, you can highlight text by circling it or underlining it without worries, you can add random notes to the margins.


I always have some kind of a notebook and a pen nearby because while sure I could probably jot something down or figure out some equation or draw something out to visualize it better with a computer, I don't have to figure out what app I'm going to use, set it up, choose the right tools, choose the right pen size and shape, nothing like that. I can just grab the notebook, grab my pen, and get right to it on the spot.


Computers are really good for when you want to clean the result up later and make it look good, but when you're just trying to figure out some problem often nothing beats a good old pen and paper.


Possibly posting very personal details of your life on social media


Kind of weird. When I was in middle school (early 2000s) I remember being hammered in my head how dangerous sharing personal information was, and everyone was afraid of doing anything like that. Then social media got popular and everything went out the window.


Yeah I(old) remember the days of homepages, “be careful what information you post”. Fast forward to now … your wedding party? Post that damn thing online for 3 billion users! The more the better

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They told us in grade school (in the 90s) not to wear one of those sports jackets that have your first name embroidered on the sleeve, in case a stranger drove up, knew your name, pretended to know your parents, and then abducted you. Times they are a changing.


I swear to god. Using social media as it is used right now will probably be looked at like smoking tobacco is right now.


Definitely. I’ve already seen posts from younger users saying “my parents posted my whole childhood online and I absolutely hate it”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah there are sooooo many families with multiple kinds of social media accounts on which the parent posts what the kids say, what their behavior is like, lots of photos, etc.


Mom props phone in bathroom.


Starts recording two year old standing on stool in front of the sink.


"Okay Johnny. I'm going to close the door. You can say all of the swear words you want and you won't get into trouble! Let me know when you're done!"


I cut way back in TikTok after that trend started. What is wrong with people?


wtf? This is a real thing?


Someone I know has a literal Instagram of her 4 year old daughter, that she runs as if it's her daughter posting and it's the most cringe thing I've ever seen in my life


It's not even just younger people. It's so annoying when my mom posts every little thing that I do and whenever we go do something she's taking pictures to put online and what not. I'm in my 30s I think I should get a say if my pictures are posted somewhere but I can't visit mom for dinner without her sneaking pictures to post online.


Something will happen regarding AI that will suddenly alarm everyone. AI has already been hoovering up data all over the internet. How long until your face shows up on an image generated by ChatGPT or MidJourney? That'll be the day a lot of people switch to private or deactivate accounts.


Or SOMETHING will happen that suddenly shifts public sentiment, and the intersection of AI and social media big data will be at the center of it all.


Eventually, AI will do your stalking for you. Your AR glasses will scan a girl in the bar and match her to an Instagram account, then go around the net and find all the information it can about her. Name, birthday, address, phone number, hobbies, her pet's name, her family's information, the picture she took of her breakfast two years ago, collecting complaints to get a basic medical history, even grabbing from public anonymized-but-not-really data sets to pull purchase history, browsing habits, and even creepier stuff that can be either found or derived by calculating many points of data. Gone will be the days of giving someone a fake number or getting them bounced if they're pushy. One look and they'll know where you live and when you're home alone. And if that's too much effort, you could just click a button and generate porn of her and you together, either to enjoy or to mass mail to her family for daring to reject you.


It's a good thing we Americans have such a young, cooperative, and technologically-savvy Congress to legislate these terrible possibilities away before they wreak havoc on countless lives. If not for that, we would have nothing to do but stare in horror as this prediction grows ever-closer to reality while our congresspeople shout wildly into their jewel-encrusted oxygen masks and ask their assistants what an email is and to tell Mr. Google that they don't want to buy any. Can you imagine?


As someone whose come up from having to look number up in the phone book to MySpace and the original Facebook to the current status of social media, I think that social media will become even more ingrained in your life that you won’t even know you’re participating. Nowadays every app lets you check in or review or share or document your life somehow depending on how it pertains to that specific app. This is social media. You can get an email from google with every place you visited for that month. Every month there is an email saying “you visited 5 states, left the country 3 times, this was your favorite store since you went here the most”. And it’s not stuff you checked into just places you went with your phone. That’s right now. The future will be that times a 1000


And every specific app is being consolidated into one stop general use apps. So in the future everything with be automatically shared with your peers and it will be considered the norm.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ordering food and drink from a human in a drive thru

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There was a drive thru I went to last year where the order was taken over the speaker by a bot. It actually did a better job than most people who take orders and asked me if I wanted to add bacon.


Single family homes in major cities owned by the middle class.


I can see a potential future where a majority of people have to rent because corporations have bought up most housing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fax machine in offices


Ha, that's what they said 25 years ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The sad: glaciers and snow during winter

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The good: single use plastic and 5 day work week


The pessimistic: civilization

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The optimistic: nuclear threat


Octogenarians in office.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I can confidently say that nobody born in the 1940's will be holding elective office in the year 2049.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Young adults having the ability to read and write. Gen Z is functional, but Gen A seems to be severely behind in their academics and they don't care.


As an older gen Z, I'm really thankful that my early grade school education was before you had a device that could answer all of your questions. Mental math and memorization was a big part of my education. I even had to learn cursive, even if it was completely ignored after elementary school. I got "the old doctrine" with tech still being a big part of my education. It seems like the students even a few grades after me had their education completely revamped to be entirely tech focused. In my district, they even stopped doing multiplication tables, because you'll always have a calculator in a post smartphone world


The education gap that occurred during the pandemic is serious and bad. Teachers across disciplines see it; kids are legitimately 2 years (or more) behind previous milestones.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In my opinion, it's worse to pretend that's not a problem than it is to slow things up and address it. Some seem to want to treat it as irrelevant because kids that were already higher-performing aren't as badly hit.


Carrying on as if nothing's different is doing a disservice not only to those kids but to society.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Parents need to step the fuck up. Like you gotta teach shit at home if your kids not responding well to school. Can't just let them flunk their way into adulthood it's depressing.


I have multiple friends who left education as a career because parents demand that teachers be solely responsible for their child's success, and the teachers get all the blame when the kids fail. These parents don't get involved with their child's education, don't help them succeed, and instead just demand that the teacher does it all.


That's so odd to me. When I was a kid both of my parents regularly helped me with homework, would help me study for tests, would proofread my papers. And some of this was pre-Wikipedia. The idea of not having parents invested in my education is totally foreign to me.


Owning things. Everything is slowly turning to digital or subscxtion models


Ugh. Like Microsoft office, subscxtion makes sense for them but I’m not getting much for it. How much can you upxe a simple word processor?


I hope it will be single use plastic


yes, but find a better alternative for paper straws


My favorite is the paper straws wrapped in plastic on some juice boxes... Genius!


We bought glass straws for the house. Epic. No, we don’t have small children.


I think it is more likely that we discover a biodegredable plastic than an alternative to plastic.


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