2024-03-08 碧波荡漾恒河水 9187

Moscow’s space chief, Yury Borisov, has said that a joint venture with Beijing might install a reactor to power a lunar settlement

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Russian and Chinese space officials are “seriously considering” a joint project to install a nuclear power station on the Moon within the next decade, to generate electricity for a future lunar settlement, Roscosmos chief Yury Borisov has revealed.


Borisov, a former deputy prime minister who was appointed to head the Russian space agency in 2022, claimed on Tuesday that the technology needed for a lunar nuclear development is already almost ready. “Today we are seriously considering a project – somewhere at the turn of 2033-2035 – to deliver and install a power unit on the lunar surface together with our Chinese colleagues,” he said at the World Youth Festival near Sochi.


Nuclear power could be a solution for providing the energy needed for settlement on the Moon, Borisov said, as solar panels would not be able to generate enough electricity. Robots would be used to install the reactor, he added.


“This is a very serious challenge,” the Roscosmos director said. “It should be done in automatic mode, without the presence of humans.”


Borisov added that the only technological hurdle that had not been cleared was a solution for cooling the reactor. “We are working on a space tugboat,” he said. “This huge, cyclopean structure that would be able – thanks to a nuclear reactor and high-powered turbines – to transport large cargoes from one orbit to another, collect space debris and engage in many other applications.”


The talk of a lunar reactor comes amid what some observers have called a modern-day space race between the US and its allies on one side and Russia and China on the other. US Space Command chief General Stephen Whiting has claimed that China is developing its space-based military capabilities at a “breathtaking” pace, while the Chinese Defense Ministry has warned that Washington is leading a dangerous push to militarize outer space.


US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner alleged last month that Russia seeks to deploy a missile interceptor in space – possibly with a nuclear warhead – to boost its anti-satellite capabilities. Russian President Vladimir Putin responded by saying Washington was using false claims to gain negotiating leverage on limiting space-based weaponry.


Mess up one world and already planning on the next. Guess investing in making this earth better isn't a money making project . . . destroying it certainly is making a few very rich.


Warmongers & Media= Criminal Enterprise
Icterina, you pretty stupid to put russia, china, and america all together. ONE COUNTRY is messing the world up, if you can't see this after 30yrs of bullshit, then you blind and deaf.

Icterina, 你把俄罗斯、中国和美国放在一起,真是太愚蠢了。某个国家正在把世界搞得一团糟,如果你在30年的胡扯之后还看不到这一点,那么你就是瞎了又聋了。

Icterina, Could say the same about you. It is never ONE country - just follow the money. They are all involved -some more, some less.


The US spent billions and invested years to keep the Chinese and the Soviets/Russians apart and enemies. Then later it enacted policies that made the two close and strategic partners. This is a debacle. Moreover, it is no surprise, the Americans also spent 20 years and billions to topple the Taliban, then one night they forcibly gave power back to the Taliban!!! The Zionists and neo-cons are destroying and bankrupting America.

美国花了数十亿美元和多年的时间,让中国人和苏联/俄罗斯人彼此对立并成为敌人。后来,它制定的政策使两国成为亲密的战略伙伴。这是一场溃败。此外,这并不奇怪,美国人也花了20年和数十亿美元推翻塔利班,然后一夜之间他们强行把权力还给塔利班!! 犹太复国主义者和新保守主义者正在摧毁美国让其破产。

TBTB, ABSOLUTELY!!!! And, unless the Zionists & neocons are stopped, they will do everything they can to destroy this Russia/China lunar power venture.

绝对是的! ! 必须阻止犹太复国主义者和新保守主义者,否则他们会尽一切努力摧毁俄罗斯/中国的月球发电项目。

i think they are just having some fun with Washington. Considering the US figures it owns moon, stars and every country on earth, this could be trolling the exceptional ones.


Stay United and stay commited comrades, you are the flag bearer and true guardians of the humankind, space is ours, waiting to be explored, off course not be GENOCIDEd like what AngloSaxon did to Native peoples.
There is no comparison between socialist East and capitalist West.


Whoever comes up with this project: "Russia, China consider putting nuclear plant on the Moon – Roscosmos" must take it easy this will give heartache to the US/ European alliance for real


....while all US and its allies are thinking of, is money, and the shortest way to get it which is countless wars all over the blue planet, and the Galaxy!
I will move to China, or Russia, thats for sure!


If the joint venture between Russia and China install a lunar nuclear reactor, the US and England will bomb it using their queer run "Space Force" they created.


BMS, And trigger a nuclear chain reaction that will blow the Moon out of its orbit and stuff up my fishing as the tides go out of whack.


bob jack
Jappppp polluted the ocean , Russia and China got bigger dream thumps up.


Nice going Russia and China, the murrica will forever stuck on earth


elensky (more milk, joe)
While Fossil Joe plans to put nukes on space for war. Please place more cameras & satellites on space to supervise Joe. This guy is dangerous.


India and China should quickly carve out complicity or scheme to torpedo or handicap western hegemony. ....It is easy. They already have a huge population on-board in those countries.


Swift_Alternative, India is still deeply connected with the West and will continue to play both sides to their benefit


Russia would be better off investing that money in recapturing Kherson


Anon Anon
NOW we're talking! Russia + China in space makes sense. Why on Earth is Roscosmos cooperating with NASA still is BEYOND me.

现在我们在谈论此事! 俄罗斯+中国进入太空是有意义的。到底为什么俄罗斯航天局要和美国宇航局合作,我还是不明白。

Anon Anon, scientists are beyond hate (like yours)


jon s
well that's actually a good idea. you'll have to hire spaceX tho!


Anon Anon
jon s, China's space program is mature enough to work with Russia without a hitch.


Warmongers & Media= Criminal Enterprise
this is the sweetest era for mankind, but it is also at the most dangerous time for mankind, because warmonger cabal groups are losing grip all over the world, their world domination is getting weaker and weaker and this is why they want to instigate a nuclear ww3, WEST Vs The Rest... or caucasians Vs everybody else. IF warmongers give up their attempt at choking humanit, gripping the necks of every country on earth, if they stop doing this, and let human beings breath fully their lungs, and let humanity prosper and progress and advance, by eg. letting OTHER nations their own freedom to develop, to advance, we can finally colonize moon, which is a stepping stone trial, for the colonization of mars. IF humans can live on the moon for many years, then it will easily be done living on Mars, cause the moon and mars you need drinking water, you need air to breath, and you need to grow food crops, and you need to exercise your bone structures. So china and russia is preparing human kind to be living on moons and planets in our solar system possibly within our own lifetime. I would LOVE to see HD videos daily, of the moon base, and what scientists are doing. 7 billion people would be watching it.

这是人类最甜蜜的时代,但也是人类最危险的时代,因为战争贩子阴谋集团正在失去对世界的控制,他们对世界的统治越来越弱,这就是为什么他们想要煽动第三次核战争,西方 vs 其他国家……或者白种人 vs 其他所有人。如果战争贩子放弃扼杀人类,掐住地球上每个国家的脖子的企图,如果他们停止这样做,让人类充分呼吸,让人类繁荣、进步和进步,比如,让其他国家自由发展和进步,我们最终可以殖民月球,而这将是殖民火星的垫脚石。如果人类可以在月球上生活很多年,那么在火星上生活也很容易,因为在月球和火星上人需要饮用水,需要呼吸空气,需要种植粮食作物,需要锻炼骨骼结构。所以中国和俄罗斯正准备让人类在我们有生之年居住在太阳系的卫星和行星上。我很想每天看关于月球基地,以及科学家们在做什么的高清视频。70亿人会观看。

很赞 18