Wrong place and wrong time! Not saying all Singaporeans are rich but you're interviewing elderly Singaporeans, and blue-collar foreign workers in one of the less 'rich' and old neighbourhoods. Moreover, you are doing this interview during what seems to be office hours during a weekday, if this is a weekend, it will be crowded, which means all the non 'jobless' people are all at work. Try interviewing Singaporeans in the CBD area to get a wider perspective. Come on Asian Boss do better.
错误的地方和错误的时间! 并不是说所有新加坡人都很富有,而是您正在采访新加坡老年人,而蓝领外国工人则是在不那么“富裕”的旧社区之一。 此外,您正在一个工作日的办公时间进行采访。如果是一个周末,那将是拥挤的,这意味着所有没有“失业”人都在工作。 尝试在CBD地区采访新加坡人,以获得更广泛的观点。来吧,Asian Boss可以做得更好。
Wrong place and wrong time! Not saying all Singaporeans are rich but you're interviewing elderly Singaporeans, and blue-collar foreign workers in one of the less 'rich' and old neighbourhoods. Moreover, you are doing this interview during what seems to be office hours during a weekday, if this is a weekend, it will be crowded, which means all the non 'jobless' people are all at work. Try interviewing Singaporeans in the CBD area to get a wider perspective. Come on Asian Boss do better.
错误的地方和错误的时间! 并不是说所有新加坡人都很富有,而是您正在采访新加坡老年人,而蓝领外国工人则是在不那么“富裕”的旧社区之一。 此外,您正在一个工作日的办公时间进行采访。如果是一个周末,那将是拥挤的,这意味着所有没有“失业”人都在工作。 尝试在CBD地区采访新加坡人,以获得更广泛的观点。来吧,Asian Boss可以做得更好。
I think CBD people too busy hustling to want to stop for interview xD
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I think CBD people too busy hustling to want to stop for interview xD
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
"Go to the rich areas and there will be more rich people". The interviewed people live in Singapore, their voices are no less important when trying to find a consensus.
“去富裕地区,将会有更多的富人”。 接受采访的人们居住在新加坡,当试图找到共同答案时,他们的声音同样重要。
"Go to the rich areas and there will be more rich people". The interviewed people live in Singapore, their voices are no less important when trying to find a consensus.
“去富裕地区,将会有更多的富人”。 接受采访的人们居住在新加坡,当试图找到共同答案时,他们的声音同样重要。
Nothing wrong with the video. You can't accept the reality of the real Singapore ?
视频没有错。 您不能接受真正的新加坡现实吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Nothing wrong with the video. You can't accept the reality of the real Singapore ?
视频没有错。 您不能接受真正的新加坡现实吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Not sure if you are able to comprehend what I wrote. What’s the obxtive of asking jobless people, domestic helpers if they feel rich?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Not sure if you are able to comprehend what I wrote. What’s the obxtive of asking jobless people, domestic helpers if they feel rich?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There is only one helper and one jobless guy in the video. The rest are working class people.
There is only one helper and one jobless guy in the video. The rest are working class people.
Your title is misleading. You interviewed foreign worker and domestic worker. Those are not Singaporeans. Singapore's median income in 2023 is $5,197 hence 50% of Singaporeans earn more than 5K per month.
您的标题具有误导性。 您采访了外国打工仔和保姆。 这些不是新加坡人。 新加坡在2023年的收入中位数为5,197美元,因此,50%新加坡人的月收入超过5千。
Your title is misleading. You interviewed foreign worker and domestic worker. Those are not Singaporeans. Singapore's median income in 2023 is $5,197 hence 50% of Singaporeans earn more than 5K per month.
您的标题具有误导性。 您采访了外国打工仔和保姆。 这些不是新加坡人。 新加坡在2023年的收入中位数为5,197美元,因此,50%新加坡人的月收入超过5千。
your $5k average income in singapore is considered close to minimum wage in all other developed countries inclucing OECD / G20
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
your $5k average income in singapore is considered close to minimum wage in all other developed countries inclucing OECD / G20
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
They live in Singapore too and have to bear the same cost of living, why is this misleading?
They live in Singapore too and have to bear the same cost of living, why is this misleading?
western countries have much higher tax rates. Australia's average pay is about 8k a month but after tax it's only 5-6k, comparable to SG's.
西方国家的税率更高。 澳大利亚的平均工资约为每月8,000,但税后仅为5-6k,与新加坡相当。
western countries have much higher tax rates. Australia's average pay is about 8k a month but after tax it's only 5-6k, comparable to SG's.
西方国家的税率更高。 澳大利亚的平均工资约为每月8,000,但税后仅为5-6k,与新加坡相当。
They should have interviewed some middle age people working in the financial and high tech industries too. Obviously the people interviewed are mostly around or below average pay. The title says to find out if Singaporeans feel rich, so they should interview people from different social economic backgrounds to have more balanced views. Actually in any country, there are rich and poor people depending on who you ask. Rich/poor is also relative. A person earning $5k a month may be considered rich in some countries but just average in Singapore.
他们也应该采访一些在金融和高科技行业工作的中年人。显然,接受采访的人主要是在平均工资范围内或低于平均工资。标题是说,要调查新加坡人是否感到富有,因此他们应该采访来自不同社会经济背景的人们,以得到更平衡的看法。 实际上,在任何国家,都有富人和穷人,具体取决于您的采访对象。 富人/穷人也是相对的。 每月赚取5000美元的人可能在某些国家中被认为是富有的,但在新加坡仅仅达到了平均水平。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
They should have interviewed some middle age people working in the financial and high tech industries too. Obviously the people interviewed are mostly around or below average pay. The title says to find out if Singaporeans feel rich, so they should interview people from different social economic backgrounds to have more balanced views. Actually in any country, there are rich and poor people depending on who you ask. Rich/poor is also relative. A person earning $5k a month may be considered rich in some countries but just average in Singapore.
他们也应该采访一些在金融和高科技行业工作的中年人。显然,接受采访的人主要是在平均工资范围内或低于平均工资。标题是说,要调查新加坡人是否感到富有,因此他们应该采访来自不同社会经济背景的人们,以得到更平衡的看法。 实际上,在任何国家,都有富人和穷人,具体取决于您的采访对象。 富人/穷人也是相对的。 每月赚取5000美元的人可能在某些国家中被认为是富有的,但在新加坡仅仅达到了平均水平。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Median is a statistic that can be stacked. You have a higher immigrant population that is coming because of higher pay grades ... The median will be skewed upwards. And the people who are not looking for work and not employed can be excluded from the stats ... And then the Median will be skewed even higher.
Remember stats are what bankers used to skew things.
中位数是作为统计数据是可以叠加的。因为未来移民人口将会较多……工资中位数将上移。 不在寻找工作而没被雇用的人可以被排除在统计数据之外……然后中位数将变得更高。
Median is a statistic that can be stacked. You have a higher immigrant population that is coming because of higher pay grades ... The median will be skewed upwards. And the people who are not looking for work and not employed can be excluded from the stats ... And then the Median will be skewed even higher.
Remember stats are what bankers used to skew things.
中位数是作为统计数据是可以叠加的。因为未来移民人口将会较多……工资中位数将上移。 不在寻找工作而没被雇用的人可以被排除在统计数据之外……然后中位数将变得更高。
Bull$hit!!! average/median income is 5k. There may be 20-30% earning above that but there are at least 60% earning around 3k
Bull$hit!!! average/median income is 5k. There may be 20-30% earning above that but there are at least 60% earning around 3k
The data for Singapore's median income takes into account Singaporeans and permanent residents only.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The data for Singapore's median income takes into account Singaporeans and permanent residents only.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There's difference between average and median. Median is the middle value of a data set when it's ordered from lowest to highest. It's less sensitive to extreme values compared to the mean and can provide a more accurate representation of the typical income in a population, especially in cases where there's a wide income distribution.
Hence, median income means 50% of Singapore and PR earns more than $5197 monthly. If you're earning less it just means you are the below 50%
平均水平和中位数之间存在差异。 中位数是从最低到最高的数据集中的中间数。与均值相比,它受极值的影响不大,并且可以在人群中更准确地代表普遍收入,尤其是在收入范围广泛的情况下。
因此,中位收入意味着新加坡50%的永久居民月收入超过5197美元。 如果您的收入较少,这意味着您在50%之下
There's difference between average and median. Median is the middle value of a data set when it's ordered from lowest to highest. It's less sensitive to extreme values compared to the mean and can provide a more accurate representation of the typical income in a population, especially in cases where there's a wide income distribution.
Hence, median income means 50% of Singapore and PR earns more than $5197 monthly. If you're earning less it just means you are the below 50%
平均水平和中位数之间存在差异。 中位数是从最低到最高的数据集中的中间数。与均值相比,它受极值的影响不大,并且可以在人群中更准确地代表普遍收入,尤其是在收入范围广泛的情况下。
因此,中位收入意味着新加坡50%的永久居民月收入超过5197美元。 如果您的收入较少,这意味着您在50%之下
Still higher than Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, China and maybe HK and Macau.
Still higher than Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, China and maybe HK and Macau.
Yeah like I commented before, would be interesting to get actually decently rich peoples view as well to balance these interviews out. Head out to CBD and ask a few people also!
是的,就像我以前评论的那样,实际上有钱人的观点也很有趣,和这些人的观点相互补充。 前往CBD,也采访一些路人!
Yeah like I commented before, would be interesting to get actually decently rich peoples view as well to balance these interviews out. Head out to CBD and ask a few people also!
是的,就像我以前评论的那样,实际上有钱人的观点也很有趣,和这些人的观点相互补充。 前往CBD,也采访一些路人!
So you want to declare Singaporeans are rich? Ok I believe that, don’t worry. They are doing better than many countries anyway.
因此,您想证实新加坡人有钱吗? 好吧,我相信,这不用担心。 无论如何,他们的表现都比许多国家要好。
So you want to declare Singaporeans are rich? Ok I believe that, don’t worry. They are doing better than many countries anyway.
因此,您想证实新加坡人有钱吗? 好吧,我相信,这不用担心。 无论如何,他们的表现都比许多国家要好。
I'm not declaring anything. I'm just calling a spade a spade. This video is misleading with its title mentioning Singaporeans but interviewed 2 foreign worker and also provided factual data of Singapores median income
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I'm not declaring anything. I'm just calling a spade a spade. This video is misleading with its title mentioning Singaporeans but interviewed 2 foreign worker and also provided factual data of Singapores median income
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Half the population is not local. About one third are new immigrants converted.
Half the population is not local. About one third are new immigrants converted.
you have to look at spending power not just earning. If you earn x2 more in another country, but expenses is x3 more for the same consumption, it does not make you richer
您必须考虑支出能力,而不仅仅是收入。 如果您在另一个国家 /地区获得2倍的收入,但是对于同一消费而言支出更多,这不会使您更为富有
you have to look at spending power not just earning. If you earn x2 more in another country, but expenses is x3 more for the same consumption, it does not make you richer
您必须考虑支出能力,而不仅仅是收入。 如果您在另一个国家 /地区获得2倍的收入,但是对于同一消费而言支出更多,这不会使您更为富有
yea right, it's not diverse enough... but i think it's harder for them to interview richer people. They are likely avoid the media haha
yea right, it's not diverse enough... but i think it's harder for them to interview richer people. They are likely avoid the media haha
Half the population is Singaporean (about 60%) while half of the interviewee also sounds local. That’s a fair representation
一半的人口是新加坡人(约60%),而一半的受访者也听起来也像是当地人。 这个采访很有代表性
Half the population is Singaporean (about 60%) while half of the interviewee also sounds local. That’s a fair representation
一半的人口是新加坡人(约60%),而一半的受访者也听起来也像是当地人。 这个采访很有代表性
It's not true. There are many earning about 3k in a month. This are not just young students. Look at the low birth rates. Stop living in your bubble world.
It's not true. There are many earning about 3k in a month. This are not just young students. Look at the low birth rates. Stop living in your bubble world.
The title should be 'Asking poor people wether they feel rich in Singapore"
The title should be 'Asking poor people wether they feel rich in Singapore"
I would say that the interviewer got people who were poor, and people who were 'middle-class'. For salaries above $7k/month is already upper-middle. Don't believe what media says, especially when they quote the average salary of Singaporean. Even one billionaire in a country will skew the average results and Singapore has a few dozen
我要说的是,采访的是哪些贫穷的人和“中产阶级”的人。7千+/月的薪水已经是中等偏上。 不要相信媒体说的话,尤其是当他们引用新加坡的平均工资时。 即使一个国家只有一位亿万富翁,也会拉高平均工资,何况新加坡有几十位
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I would say that the interviewer got people who were poor, and people who were 'middle-class'. For salaries above $7k/month is already upper-middle. Don't believe what media says, especially when they quote the average salary of Singaporean. Even one billionaire in a country will skew the average results and Singapore has a few dozen
我要说的是,采访的是哪些贫穷的人和“中产阶级”的人。7千+/月的薪水已经是中等偏上。 不要相信媒体说的话,尤其是当他们引用新加坡的平均工资时。 即使一个国家只有一位亿万富翁,也会拉高平均工资,何况新加坡有几十位
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
From my experience as an Australian who spent a lot of time In Singapore in the 80s, I think there is a large difference between the rich and poorer people. The people interviewed were realistic about their situations.
80年代我作为澳大利亚人在新加坡呆了很长时间,我认为富人和穷人之间存在很大的差异。 接受采访的人对他们的情况很是现实。
From my experience as an Australian who spent a lot of time In Singapore in the 80s, I think there is a large difference between the rich and poorer people. The people interviewed were realistic about their situations.
80年代我作为澳大利亚人在新加坡呆了很长时间,我认为富人和穷人之间存在很大的差异。 接受采访的人对他们的情况很是现实。
Just one example. Think about the car prices . It is the world most expensive place to own a car but average people are still buying . Many Singaporeans are not stupid financially either.
只是一个例子,考虑下汽车价格。 在新加坡有辆汽车是世界上最贵的,但普通人仍在购买。 许多新加坡人在经济上也不是那么愚笨的。
Just one example. Think about the car prices . It is the world most expensive place to own a car but average people are still buying . Many Singaporeans are not stupid financially either.
只是一个例子,考虑下汽车价格。 在新加坡有辆汽车是世界上最贵的,但普通人仍在购买。 许多新加坡人在经济上也不是那么愚笨的。
I don't think even a rich person anywhere would feel rich. They'd always want more.
I don't think even a rich person anywhere would feel rich. They'd always want more.
Asking people whether they feel rich is bloody silly.
Asking people whether they feel rich is bloody silly.
In all honesty, I do feel rich. My net worth is more than 130 million. So if you think that a rich person would not feel rich. That is because you have not meet a truly rich one.
老实说,我确实感到富有。 我的净资产超过1.3亿。 因此,如果您认为有钱人不会感到富有,那是因为您还没有遇到一个真正的有钱人。
In all honesty, I do feel rich. My net worth is more than 130 million. So if you think that a rich person would not feel rich. That is because you have not meet a truly rich one.
老实说,我确实感到富有。 我的净资产超过1.3亿。 因此,如果您认为有钱人不会感到富有,那是因为您还没有遇到一个真正的有钱人。
"Money, at the end of the day, is just a number." That makes for a good tagline, but is nothing more than an empty platitude for those living on or below the poverty line.
“归根结底,钱只是一个数字。” 这是一个很好的宣传语,但对于那些生活在贫困线上或下方的人来说,这是没意义的。
"Money, at the end of the day, is just a number." That makes for a good tagline, but is nothing more than an empty platitude for those living on or below the poverty line.
“归根结底,钱只是一个数字。” 这是一个很好的宣传语,但对于那些生活在贫困线上或下方的人来说,这是没意义的。
It just sound great, but not reasonable in actual life. Sometimes people forgot everything around them are there because of *money*. Clothes, shoes, phone, computer, foods, etc all require money. Money cannot buy time, health, happiness, etc is like an empty wise words.
听起来很棒,但在实际生活中不合理。 有时人们会因为 *金钱 *而忘记周围的一切。 衣服,鞋子,电话,计算机,食物等都需要钱。金钱不能购买时间,健康,幸福等,就像是说大话。
It just sound great, but not reasonable in actual life. Sometimes people forgot everything around them are there because of *money*. Clothes, shoes, phone, computer, foods, etc all require money. Money cannot buy time, health, happiness, etc is like an empty wise words.
听起来很棒,但在实际生活中不合理。 有时人们会因为 *金钱 *而忘记周围的一切。 衣服,鞋子,电话,计算机,食物等都需要钱。金钱不能购买时间,健康,幸福等,就像是说大话。
money is never just a number the guy watched too many movies and read too much philosophy.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
money is never just a number the guy watched too many movies and read too much philosophy.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I have food, a place to stay, a laptop and internet connection, plus going to college for free. I don't care about luxury stuff. However I'm just a student currently, thinking about trading my time for money in the future seems kind of scary.
Anyway, I think after you reach to a minimum point of living comfortably, money isn't that important.
我有吃有住,有一台笔记本电脑并和互联网连接,此外免费上大学。 我不在乎奢侈品。 但是,我目前只是一名学生,考虑将来要将我的时间换取我的钱,这似乎令人恐惧。
I have food, a place to stay, a laptop and internet connection, plus going to college for free. I don't care about luxury stuff. However I'm just a student currently, thinking about trading my time for money in the future seems kind of scary.
Anyway, I think after you reach to a minimum point of living comfortably, money isn't that important.
我有吃有住,有一台笔记本电脑并和互联网连接,此外免费上大学。 我不在乎奢侈品。 但是,我目前只是一名学生,考虑将来要将我的时间换取我的钱,这似乎令人恐惧。
Living inside Singapore, we don't feel rich. Living in some of our neighbor countries, we can feel a little bit rich.
生活在新加坡内,我们不会感到富有。 生活在我们的一些邻国,我们会感到更富有些。
Living inside Singapore, we don't feel rich. Living in some of our neighbor countries, we can feel a little bit rich.
生活在新加坡内,我们不会感到富有。 生活在我们的一些邻国,我们会感到更富有些。
As Singaporeans,I feel rich when going overseas.True hard facts bro.
As Singaporeans,I feel rich when going overseas.True hard facts bro.
As a Singaporean, I feel privilege, but thats not to say there isnt any issue in Singapore. Things are getting really expensive and it is hard for younger generation to live in. Could be said the same for other countries too.
作为新加坡人,我感到荣幸,但这并不是说新加坡没有任何问题。 东西变得越来越昂贵,年轻一代很难具有定所。其他国家的情况也是这样的。
As a Singaporean, I feel privilege, but thats not to say there isnt any issue in Singapore. Things are getting really expensive and it is hard for younger generation to live in. Could be said the same for other countries too.
作为新加坡人,我感到荣幸,但这并不是说新加坡没有任何问题。 东西变得越来越昂贵,年轻一代很难具有定所。其他国家的情况也是这样的。
"Expensive" is relative.
"Expensive" is relative.
How much money is required to stay in Singapore
How much money is required to stay in Singapore
SG is a large boring open air prison where people spend their childhoods studying and then entire adulthoods working like a slave.
SG is a large boring open air prison where people spend their childhoods studying and then entire adulthoods working like a slave.
In the first place, no locals or even the government said Singaporean are very rich. It is the foreign media who labeled us that, due to the high GDP and strong currency.
首先,当地人甚至政府都没说过新加坡人非常富有。 正是外国媒体因为我们GDP高且货币强流通认定我们很富有。
In the first place, no locals or even the government said Singaporean are very rich. It is the foreign media who labeled us that, due to the high GDP and strong currency.
首先,当地人甚至政府都没说过新加坡人非常富有。 正是外国媒体因为我们GDP高且货币强流通认定我们很富有。
SG is expensive in house, food and transportation. If you are migrant workers. It is pay to pay check. No much you can save. But if you are in bank, finance, accounting, tech, Ai etc, you can get 10k and above. You need average of 5-6k for easy life. SG government are very smart people that can tied you down by asking you to get married and settle down policy, so you are grounded . Btw, SG is like a big steel cage that housed the people to work non stop.
新加坡在房屋,食品和交通方面很昂贵。 如果您是移民工人,支付支票是付费的。 您没有什么可以存起来的。 但是,如果您在银行,财务,会计,技术,AI等,则可以获得1万及以上,您需要平均5-6千才能轻松生活。新加坡政府是非常聪明的,可以通过要求您结婚并解决政策来将您拴住,因此您将扎根。 顺便说一句,新加坡就像一个大钢笼,它圈进人们让其不停地工作。
SG is expensive in house, food and transportation. If you are migrant workers. It is pay to pay check. No much you can save. But if you are in bank, finance, accounting, tech, Ai etc, you can get 10k and above. You need average of 5-6k for easy life. SG government are very smart people that can tied you down by asking you to get married and settle down policy, so you are grounded . Btw, SG is like a big steel cage that housed the people to work non stop.
新加坡在房屋,食品和交通方面很昂贵。 如果您是移民工人,支付支票是付费的。 您没有什么可以存起来的。 但是,如果您在银行,财务,会计,技术,AI等,则可以获得1万及以上,您需要平均5-6千才能轻松生活。新加坡政府是非常聪明的,可以通过要求您结婚并解决政策来将您拴住,因此您将扎根。 顺便说一句,新加坡就像一个大钢笼,它圈进人们让其不停地工作。
yeah and unfortunately our country has no natural resources, only human capital so we must work and work.
yeah and unfortunately our country has no natural resources, only human capital so we must work and work.
The foreign domestic worker speaks better English than Singaporeans. She could surely get a higher paying job if she's local.
外国保姆说的英语比新加坡人更好。 如果她是本地的,她肯定可以找到更高薪水的工作。
The foreign domestic worker speaks better English than Singaporeans. She could surely get a higher paying job if she's local.
外国保姆说的英语比新加坡人更好。 如果她是本地的,她肯定可以找到更高薪水的工作。
Much agree, her spoken English is so fluent could land her a good job. On a side note, she is pretty looking too
Much agree, her spoken English is so fluent could land her a good job. On a side note, she is pretty looking too
i wonder where she is from
i wonder where she is from
That domestic helper could be university graduate. Yes, she is pretty and well dressed too.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
That domestic helper could be university graduate. Yes, she is pretty and well dressed too.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There are quite a number of Singaporean interviewees in this video, despite negative comments here stating that majority being interviewed are non singaporeans. Thank you for posting, Asian Boss!
该视频中有很多新加坡受访者,尽管这里有负面评论说接受采访的大多数不是新加坡人。 谢谢您的视频,亚洲老板!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
There are quite a number of Singaporean interviewees in this video, despite negative comments here stating that majority being interviewed are non singaporeans. Thank you for posting, Asian Boss!
该视频中有很多新加坡受访者,尽管这里有负面评论说接受采访的大多数不是新加坡人。 谢谢您的视频,亚洲老板!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Its refreshing to hear from people on the other side of the spectrum, cos too many times the mainstream media in SG interviews and glorifies office workers, ignoring those of the "lower" class. SG is an elitist society
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Its refreshing to hear from people on the other side of the spectrum, cos too many times the mainstream media in SG interviews and glorifies office workers, ignoring those of the "lower" class. SG is an elitist society
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
As expected, realistic thoughts from Singaporeans...lol. I hate how the media also portray Singapore as the city with all the wealthy people. The everyday struggles are real but we will just need to learn to manage and find simple pleasures in life within our means.
正如预期的那样,新加坡人很现实……大声笑。 我讨厌媒体如何将新加坡描绘成所有富人。 努力挣扎是真实的,但我需要学习管理和通过方法找到生活中的简单乐趣。
As expected, realistic thoughts from Singaporeans...lol. I hate how the media also portray Singapore as the city with all the wealthy people. The everyday struggles are real but we will just need to learn to manage and find simple pleasures in life within our means.
正如预期的那样,新加坡人很现实……大声笑。 我讨厌媒体如何将新加坡描绘成所有富人。 努力挣扎是真实的,但我需要学习管理和通过方法找到生活中的简单乐趣。
All Sngaporeans are rich enough to have security, clean streets, clean water and good education and transport. Things that are normalised here and taken for granted but are luxury elsewhere.
Even if you ask condo and car owners, they will say they are not rich because they can't fly first class all the time.
All Sngaporeans are rich enough to have security, clean streets, clean water and good education and transport. Things that are normalised here and taken for granted but are luxury elsewhere.
Even if you ask condo and car owners, they will say they are not rich because they can't fly first class all the time.
The irony when the domestic helper is the best dressed of the lot....
The irony when the domestic helper is the best dressed of the lot....
once a week can go out, dont tell me you also wanna wear ur tshirt . as if wearing tshirt 6 days a week is not enough
once a week can go out, dont tell me you also wanna wear ur tshirt . as if wearing tshirt 6 days a week is not enough
maybe her family lives in another country... so cheaper expenses. If she lives with employers....0 rent i suppose.
也许她的家人住在另一个国家……所以生活开销便宜。 如果她与雇主住在一起,.我想租金为零。
maybe her family lives in another country... so cheaper expenses. If she lives with employers....0 rent i suppose.
也许她的家人住在另一个国家……所以生活开销便宜。 如果她与雇主住在一起,.我想租金为零。
Thank you for bringing the real voice to the world. A country with Press Freedom Index of 129 (in 2023), many of our voices are silenced.
感谢您将真实的声音带入世界。 一个新闻自由指数为120的国家(2023年),我们的许多声音都被淹没了。
Thank you for bringing the real voice to the world. A country with Press Freedom Index of 129 (in 2023), many of our voices are silenced.
感谢您将真实的声音带入世界。 一个新闻自由指数为120的国家(2023年),我们的许多声音都被淹没了。
Some people do that, earn in Singapore but stay in Malaysia. It's not really sustainable to live like that, long term
Some people do that, earn in Singapore but stay in Malaysia. It's not really sustainable to live like that, long term
I am saddened to see so many Singaporeans and foreign workers could not cope with the high cost of living here. I like this video, interviewed, and obtained direct feedback from ordinary citizens. I hope our Grassroots people and MPs go to the ground and get direct feedback from the hdb residents and others. I hope they can get feedback from retirees and those who are unable to work due to unforeseen circumstances, etc.
看到这么多新加坡人和外国工人无法应对这里的高昂生活,我感到很难过。 我喜欢这个视频,得到了普通公民的直接反馈。 我希望我们的基层人民和国会议员能够从政府保障房居民和其他人那里获得直接反馈。 我希望他们可以从退休人员和由于无法预料的情况没法工作的人得到反馈。
I am saddened to see so many Singaporeans and foreign workers could not cope with the high cost of living here. I like this video, interviewed, and obtained direct feedback from ordinary citizens. I hope our Grassroots people and MPs go to the ground and get direct feedback from the hdb residents and others. I hope they can get feedback from retirees and those who are unable to work due to unforeseen circumstances, etc.
看到这么多新加坡人和外国工人无法应对这里的高昂生活,我感到很难过。 我喜欢这个视频,得到了普通公民的直接反馈。 我希望我们的基层人民和国会议员能够从政府保障房居民和其他人那里获得直接反馈。 我希望他们可以从退休人员和由于无法预料的情况没法工作的人得到反馈。
Singaporeans have financial troubles of their own. Much like any other person from an Asian country. It's fascinating to hear their insights. They're somehow informative.
新加坡人有自己的财务困境,就像亚洲国家的任何其他人一样。 听到他们的见解真是令人醍醐灌顶。 他们是有点东西的。
Singaporeans have financial troubles of their own. Much like any other person from an Asian country. It's fascinating to hear their insights. They're somehow informative.
新加坡人有自己的财务困境,就像亚洲国家的任何其他人一样。 听到他们的见解真是令人醍醐灌顶。 他们是有点东西的。
Inequality is a massive issue in Singapore
Inequality is a massive issue in Singapore
Why Singapore salary is so low, and everything is too expensive?
Why Singapore salary is so low, and everything is too expensive?
Modern day slavery
Modern day slavery
They didn't interview people working in financial and high tech industries, or those who live in condos driving BMW/Porsche. The people interviewed are mostly on below average pay.
They didn't interview people working in financial and high tech industries, or those who live in condos driving BMW/Porsche. The people interviewed are mostly on below average pay.
can you please share the percentage of Singaporean who can afford to drive Porsche and BMW etc ?
can you please share the percentage of Singaporean who can afford to drive Porsche and BMW etc ?
Huge disparity between the rich who earns over $10K a month to those who only earn $800 to $1500 per month!. It is a struggle for them.
每月赚超过1万元的富人和每月只赚取800美元至1500美元的穷人之间的存在巨大差距! 这对他们来说是一场斗争。
Huge disparity between the rich who earns over $10K a month to those who only earn $800 to $1500 per month!. It is a struggle for them.
每月赚超过1万元的富人和每月只赚取800美元至1500美元的穷人之间的存在巨大差距! 这对他们来说是一场斗争。
if you conduct your interview at CBD area, you will get a very different answer sets
if you conduct your interview at CBD area, you will get a very different answer sets
Whats the point of asking whether people feel rich? Its stupid…
Whats the point of asking whether people feel rich? Its stupid…
很赞 3