2024-03-14 xky 6101

What will happen to the US economy if ten million immigrants are deported?


Darrell Blank
It would cost a ton of taxpayer money just to find and deport everyone. Especially since it will have to go through the courts. A ton of them detained and will have to be fed and housed. No longer working no longer paying taxes or buying in our economy. With labor shortages expect slow downs and higher prices.


I think there are 10 million better choices to deport. Start with all the January 6 traitors, deport them to Afghanistan in a rowboat without oars.

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Barbara Lewis
A lot of employers will have to start paying living wages.


Polly Fukuhara
These people do the jobs that no one wants, and they often are underpaid. I think companies and farms/ranches that use this labor pool are going to be badly impacted, but maybe they should be. Take a look at Florida. There are not enough people to clean hotel rooms or harvest crops now that DeSantis draconian laws are being implemented. I wonder how that is going over right now.


John Symank
Worse case It could grind to a halt. but if not it will still not be good for the US economy, can you say recession, perhaps more extensive than 2008–10 actually? That is exactly why it will never happen. The business interests who have many of Washington’s “leaders” in their pack pockets won’t allow it!


Not much. Finding and deporting 10 million illegals will take years. Those vacancies will be filled by LEGAL migrants who have applied, been vetted, and issued green card status as guest workers.


E. Thrush
Crash, plummet, fall. “Americans are leaving Middle America and the only people who are moving in are immigrants. Metro areas here grew mostly because of the immigrant population. This adds up to 50 percent of the total growth in some areas. New waves of immigrants are making these areas demographically younger.”
They are also most of the agricultural workers. Wait until food prices skyrocket!


Stephen Weinstein
Most food production would stop.
Many employers would close or move to other countries. Their American employees would lose their jobs.
Because of the drop in food production, more food would need to be imported.


Joseph Wit
Less taxpayer funds paying for their upkeep. More legal employment where taxes are collected. Less risk of terrorism. Less organized criminals free to walk the streets. Basically a safer and richer USA


When Trump does this the economy will boom with more jobs & opportunities


Speedo Mars
the econ is in shambles thanks to bidens inflation. the illegals are also pushing cities and states into debt caring for them


J.J. Mireles
Nothing bad, I can assure you. However, ten million isn't enough. Get them all out.


Feifei Wang
I mean, we already had a taste of that when Florida implemented its more strict immigration policies.
Florida's immigration law brings significant unintended consequences, critics say
The new sweeping immigration legislation, signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May of 2022, prohibits anyone from transporting illegal immigrants into the state.


We see food rotting in the field because nobody is picking it up. I remember reading about one farmer who opened up their potato farm to anyone willing to pick them, and they got to keep whatever they picked. The farmer doesn’t want the potatoes to rot in the field. And still, nobody came. I saw plenty of videos of empty construction sites with half-finished houses. If we deport all undocumented immigrants and seasonal laborers, the US economy will collapse overnight.


And that’s just undocumented immigrants. If you want to deport ALL immigrants… well, that is roughly 97% of the entire population. In 2021, 9.7 million people in the United States identified as American Indian or Alaska Native, which is 2.9% of the total population. We’re talking about deporting over 300 million people. Even if we count every white person who claims to have a Cherokee princess in their family line as “part indigenous,” we’ll still end up deporting about half, including everyone who came from Europe during WWI and WWII. And there is a high probability that YOU, the questioner, Robert Van Dusen, would also be deported since Van Dusen (or Van Dursen, Ven Deusen, etc.) is a distinctive Dutch last name.
Be careful what you wish for, Robert. It might not end the way you like.

提问者Robert Van Dusen也很有可能也会被驱逐出境,因为Van Dusen(或Van Dursen、Ven Deusen等)是一个独特的荷兰姓氏。
小心许愿,Robert 。它可能会以你不喜欢的方式结束。

Jack St. Clair
You know he doesn’t mean “immigrants” he means non-white people. Non Christian people. Deport all those people Trump doesn’t like, Including all Democrats.


John Keller
In a way, the U.S. economy collapsing would be the ultimate form of karma for Red States. Hell, it’d be karma for most of America that fails to realize undocumented immigrants are what keep us the superpower that we are (for now, at least).


Steve Arrian
Angry Americans will enslave Republicans to take over the unfilled jobs.


James A Cabeceiras
Not true Steve as we don’t enslave people as a nation anymore, I do think our country should be run like others. Strict border entry’s with a passport stating why you are here, who you are staying with, the reason for visiting the US (business or pleasure) how long are you staying! Do you have anything to declare for tax reasons, a search and now it’s time to leave.
We have many real Americans that don’t work, stop giving handouts and get our Made in America workforce out there again. We need a New President not a choice of these two again and put Higher sanctions and taxes on China so they can’t ship their shitty mass made products by family’s and their children that have to listen to Wu in fear of the lives. Have a good weekend.

我们需要一位新总统,而不是再在这两位总统中做出选择,并对中国实施更高的制裁和税收,这样他们就不能通过家人和他们的孩子运送他们的劣质批量生产的产品,因为他们不得不听从 Wu 的话,因为他们担心生命安全。

Steve Arrian
We have manufacturing plants opening all over the country. Who will (wo)man them? The unemployment rate is near rock bottom. There are 9 million job openings because we have millionaires all over the place who can and do choose to live their hobbies instead of work.
We are a rich country. People have options for better jobs that leave the entry level jobs unfilled.


James A Cabeceiras
There are many people that are Not Millionaires, I’m not are you? How about anyone you know. I know a few but they still work and Hire many young people to get them into the workforce! How about you, do you know anyone living the life of Riley doing anything they want when they want????


Dim Reese
There will be more prosperity in the USA. Ten Million less people on various govt. programs that could help homeless and indigent citizens. More than a million jobs available to citizens, including good jobs for our young workers joining the work force for the 1st time. Our citizens can learn how to do anything a illegal immigrant does. The unemployment numbers should decrease in every state saving tax payers millions every month.
Crime should go down. Not all illegal immigrants are criminals but many are. 1% of ten million is 100 Thousand! Fentanyl use and fatalities' should decrease. The cost of controlling and processing the aprox. 100,000 offenders would save the tax payers significant dollars. Not to mention the lives saved.
There’s a lot more areas the USA economy should benefit. Not every job they take is picking fruit, vegetables, or sweat shops.
Illegal immigrants send over 50% (on average) of their income to other countries. This creates a huge imbalance in the flow of income generated and paid by US companies/employers from goods being purchased from overseas with low tariffs, sold in the USA, and that profit returned to other countries.
Government healthcare, education, housing, perishables costs should decrease as well. The USA would probably begin to produce more sustainable products made in the USA vs that imported by non US citizens just because it is natural for all of us to enjoy the foods and goods we grew up with. Its not cruel.


R. Frawley
It will not just be 10 million “illegals.” It will be another 10 million US citizens—their kids. Decreasing the population by 10 million workers will not have a positive effect! And sending 10 million US citizens into camps and then to foreign countries. . . well, we actually did the first part of that once before.
And 40 years later, we apologized and paid then $20,000 each.


Robert Elder
It will crash from labor shortages


Kim Gladden
Take a load off the free loads on food stamps an government handouts


Grant Jim
Taxpayers won’t have to house, feed and clothe them!


Timothy Mclaughlin
The USA would improve, and the economy would be better and people would have jobs


Craig Kopcho
The economy would improve because we don’t spend as much money caring for illegals.

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Matt Lye
our bills would go way down


Dave Wells
Gun Stores and Lock smiths will go out of business

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Karen Pierce
I will be able to get a job


Victoria Arias
Crime and looting would go down.


Patriot Rider
Exactly ZERO migrants will be deported. Shut the fuck up.


Brendan McNally
Resturaunts will be unaffordable, you will have to mow your own lawn, hospitals will become dirty.


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