2024-03-15 翻译加工厂 7174
-------------译者:华夫饼**真爽--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

For every seven cars sold around the world last year, one was electric. And global sales of electric cars are expected to set another record this year.
Governments are offering incentives to buy cleaner cars, as part of a push to reduce carbon emissions.
China is leading the race right now.
But, United States President Joe Biden wants to change that - and he's spending billions of dollars to boost production in the US.
Meanwhile, the European unx is playing catchup, and investigating allegations that Beijing isn't playing by the rules.
Plus, how green are electric cars compared to fossil fuel ones?


-------------译者:华夫饼**真爽--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The market is absorbing EVs about as fast as they can, the pace is fine. more electricity production, dealer support, etc can only move so fast. EVs can't be stopped, we've crossed the Rubicon already and China is dragging the entire planet with them on their road to electrification of society

市场正在尽可能快地吸收电动汽车,速度还可以。更多的电力生产,经销商支持等等只能这么快了。电动汽车是无法被阻止的,我们已经别无选择,中国正在拖着整个地球,和中国一起按照中国的方式走上社会电气化 的道路。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Life cycle cost vs 'sticker price' makes all the difference. When you pay nothing for fuel, and near nothing for parts / maintenance, your costs drop significantly.


Ok can someone explain to me how China is breaking trade laws with subsidies? Doesn’t every country subsidize some of their industries? I don’t get it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Beijing isn’t playing by American rules. Just to clarify the statement “China isn’t playing by the rules”

-------------译者:-Z2Y---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

What is the unfair trade practice, Biden?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

EV is the choice and the real winner is the one who gets with the Range.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was lucky to try different EVs, gotta to say my next car would be the Chinese EV BYD or Huawei.


Both Us and EU has launched huge subsidies to their EVs and now they blame China for subsidizing their EVs? In fact That subsidy was ended long time ago.


I would love to buy EVs, China is reaching the next level in technology. My next car will be Chinese

-------------译者:一个普通人。--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

EU has no EV car making capacity. Most likely it will team up with some Chinese EV car makers to build their cars. EU can not possibly abandon its gas car capacity and work force and move to EV car sector.


Journalist lied. Tesla lowered price NOT because of low demand but because of Chinese car makers being cheaper.


For car manufacturers, "who wins the race for electric cars" might as well be frxd as "who will dominate the lucrative electric car market once it becomes mainstream." It has little to do with preserving the environment. If "Who Wins the Race for Electric Cars" was the title of a movie, "Profit" would be its star, and "Green Environment" would be its background actor.

-------------译者:陌上花--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

2023 EV sold nearly 14 millions worldwide and 8 millions are sold by China.
While China every day is making amazing progress, achieving real results for technology, infrastructure, improving the nation building and working hard to improve the standard of living for the people. China next door neighbor "I" on the west border is always busy with their tons of boastful hypes, self-praise on their leadership, chanting superpower, dreaming of replacing China as world manufacturing country. But with not much real achievement, progress and result.
Their many media channels, no a day we don't get to see negative news, fake news and propaganda reports bashing, mocking and belittled China like a dog barking at the neighbor daily. But the China just ignored the dog barking noises and keep moving forward to get their business done to achieve what they aim for.

-------------译者:陌上花--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

When you follow everything EV and adjacent industries you find that these main stream takes are often way behind, more wrong on many issues and even though this was one of the better episodes, it still shows a lack of knowledge of the EV industry.


Not sure about the EU, our government in the US actually also subsidizes various industries here, not only currently but historically as well.


Just like "national security threat for phones and other technologies " they want to find a way of buying time for their companies

-------------译者:胖胖胖爪鱼--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Take a look at Chinese EV car Avatr 12. It is like from the future. The design is amazing and the quality if surprisingly great. It runs on Huawei technologies with powerful self driving software. The software does not rely on maps but various sensors around the car and high level AI to execute the self driving operations. Amazing.


Is nobody addressing the issue of higher insurance costs in the UK?


Test driving a EV is a new experience that worth taking especially the impressive instant acceleration.
Buying a EV or otherwise can come later.

-------------译者:陌上花--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The similarities between the ICE vs. EV debate.
Same as the struggling of the manufacturers of tape, floppy disk, CD-ROM, USB flAsh Drive, and aluminium hard disk in this mobile broadband cloud computing internet era.


This is always customer demand, but large legacy automakers are failing to provide value for money EVs.


Chinese EV startup NIO just demonstrated the latest technology with a 150kwh battery. They also have fast charging and battery swapping technology. I wish they enter the North American market soon. I really like the idea of buying an EV without enduring the expensive battery replacement costs!


Who Won? China hands down !!! LOL

-------------译者:陌上花--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Absolutely the most environment-friendly so far!
Either related minerals, batteries or electricity are manufactured or produced in well pollution-controlled factories, the most ideal environment-friendly situation ever possible in the automobile history when compared to ICE cars


Once Tesla making their 25K EV, its really game over for any ICE vehicle and it will become the new Toyota corolla dominating the market for many many years.


Why am i hating usa more and more? Its china now but India is also developing very fast and India could be the next victim of usa jealousy.

-------------译者:陌上花--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

In a rapidly changing world, instead of crying foul, it's time for the US and the West to adapt and innovate. Wise up and embrace the challenges ahead. There is a new kid in the block.


And what about opportunity costs? How about investing in more transit, especially in places like the US and UK.


I’m not too sure about these EV’s, I have a plug in hybrid that gives me around a 45km range. There are only 3 public chargers in my area that i know of, so most of the charging is done at home, which takes around 4 - 7 hours. I have now stoped using the car in hybrid mode, using the batteries just to precondition the car before driving.
Think this is a really bad experiment, but maybe once the technology gets better, I will be proven wrong.


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