2024-03-15 翻译加工厂 8971
-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

字幕: 这大概是通过长期使用培养起来的技能。

-------------译者:蛋糕配奶茶--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I actually do find this culturally insightful. I just wish I could speak Chinese as good as they speak English. Well done guys. We need more unity in the world and this is helping bridge that gap.


Incredibly proud of these young people, as a former ESL teacher in China. Truth is most young people would have had English classes at either kindergarten or at a training center, have an English teacher at school or an online tutor. It also depends a lot on the city.
Someone born in Shanghai will generally be exposed to more foreigners and will be more fluent than say someone from Lianyungang.
Chinese students work very hard in a highly competitive environment.


Great interview, gave us a better insight on the younger people in China. Also, not everything needs to be political, at the end of the day we are all human and being able to communicate, relate, and enjoy ourselves is the key to better understand each other!

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they did really well tbh. makes me wanna get out there and learn more languages. the first language I learned was a little bit of italian in middle school and then some spanish in high school. but to hear that they’re learning english from kindergarten is amazing. and shoutout to these students for being cool enough to be interviewed in a language that obviously isn’t their first.


Their English is so good, it makes me want to work hard to get better at Chinese!
I think another part of the reason for low english proficiency in China is simply because our languages are so different from each other. Even if you study a foreign language from a young age, if you don't enjoy learning languages, then something so difficult can be come very frustrating and discouraging and may make people not want to continue anymore. It's like math! You have to do it in school, but if it's not your thing, then you're relieved when you're finally done with it, and you don't use it any more than you need to for the rest of your life

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

What I find most interesting is that among the 2 best English speakers in the video, one had a very American and one had a very British leaning accent.


The light haired girl with glasses was spot on with her rating. Six months in an English-speaking country and her English might be undistinguishable from a native.


The female student with the blonde fringe is actually so impressive. Only a six months exchange program during her junior year in uni in Berkley to achieve that level of pronunciation and articulation? I would have thought she lived in the US for the majority of her schooling career. Definitely a language genius.


Language proficiency is all about practice . I have met 8 year olds that can hold a semi decent chat in English and taught 14 year olds that can't initiate a conversation and only answer in short form. I have had students score 7+ in ELTS and others that wouldn't even be able to take the exam. In most cases it is not so much the student's intelligence , but the fact that they love and immerse themselves in the language. A big hurdle here is basically English isn't used in daily life so unless as I described in the previous sentence applies, the students forget faster than they learn .

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I'm from China. I love languages, so I always tried to make chance to speak or read English in my daily life when I was a child, although most of my friends and relatives don't understand English. I got 148 marks in English in gaokao, which is 2 marks lower than full marks. (But I had totally disasters in Maths and Science.) After that I learned German and now I'm studying in the university in Germany. I'm learning Russian in my spare time, but I can only count from 1 to 10 now.
I always think a language is not only a way of speaking. Further more, it's a new way of thinking. Those who speaks 2 languages are free travelers between two parallel universes. And English is not everything. There are 6000~8000 languages in the world. I don't want to force anyone to learn 8 or 10 languages. Everyone has his own things to do after all. Even English do I not want to force anyone to learn. But I think everyone must learn at least 1 foreign language other than his mother tongue(s). Trust me: you will have fun with that.

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Experience and finding other people to speak the same language to is almost everything. As someone who was born in China but lived abroad for most of my life, my English proficiency far exceeded my Mandarin proficiency, and I now have to make up for that by speaking to some of the Chinese-speaking peers in my university.


Any language is difficult without constant exposure. I have a Chinese employee moved to Australia a couple of years ago, she thinks her english is bad but within 2 years she has gone from struggling to fluent and also reads quite well. I doubt I'd do as well in China being a monolingual english speaker.


Well their accent may be foreign but these kids are extremely intelligent & opinionated. Their pov on China vs. the US is more enlightened than most adults in any parts of the world.

-------------译者:华夫饼**真爽--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

1:07 This is very true- in some of the provinces in China top students compete to go to Fudan, but in some other geographic locations, Fudan was not commonly considered as prestigious as a top-3 university. Anyway I am very proud of these students who can express themselves so well. I could barely put together a complete sentence when I was their age lol


I came from China and spent a lot of time abroad, and from my observations, everyday people in China know a lot better about the world than those in the west know about China. That's why on the one hand we know we have a lot of problems domestically and internationally to deal with, but on the other hand we also know our strength relative to other countries and we are optimistic about our future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have a friend who runs a team for a large US chip company. His team is in China. He learned Chinese and runs meetings in Chinese. He’s been at it for 15 years and doesn’t sense any political barriers. We need leaders among this crowd on both sides to bring people together. We can avoid taking steps backwards and accomplish more.

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I once met a girl who was majoring in English literature in Fudan. To say I was extremely impressed is an understatement.


Pertaining to the question about access to English language material. Truth be told I found it easier to find a bookstore in a major Chinese city than in many other western countries. And many of these bookstores do sell English or Bilingual versions of many bestsellers or classics.


ive been trying to learn japanese for years, with nobody to practice with its an incredibly difficult task yeah. i understand a lot more than i can speak but im still stuck in the basic levels when it comes to fluency lol


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