2024-03-16 汤沐之邑 5477
Why are so many Indians successful internationally?


Devan Kumar
Why are so many Indians succesful internationally?
There are four major factors playing a significant role in our success on international arena.
Mentality – Indians don’t have the habit of saying NO. There’s a phrase in India which basically means ‘I’ll find a way of getting things done”. This creates persistence and perseverance which later leads one to find a solution though no matter what the obstacles are. Short to say. It is the word NO which leads one to try and eventually successful outcome.
In those countries, there exist better education, lifestyle, social welfare, equality, personal freedom and sustainability thus enabling Indians to progress abroad rather than at home.
Human capital flight or Brain drain – The people which are leaving are typically representing the higher end of society. The common fact associating with brain drain and it is a natural thing.
Language – The fact is English is a lingua franca in present globe plus many Indians speak English as a second language thus enabling them to secure employment in Anglosphere.


Shreyasi Choudhury
Why Indian are doing much better in abroad?
I can answer this question with respect to UK. But before I go ahead, I should tell you that the context of ‘doing better’ can be based on mental, emotional or monetary conditions. I will try to touch on all the three.
Mental: An Indian’s mental health may or may not become better whilst living abroad, given the kind of stress he or she is in; given the lifestyle he or she leads and the type of friends or people he or she is around. I have had a very good experience of having very understanding, helpful and great international people around me. In fact, I have been more mentally stressed in India that in UK because I don’t have the pressure of the society to act in a particular manner like don’t go out with friends, don’t watch television at home or even don’t stay out of home after evening. I feel safer in UK and that has reduced my mental stress by a lot. Also, I can give my own opinions without leading to fights and not being judged so that takes off a lot of stress from your head.


Emotional: Emotional conditions are very much related to mental but this depends on emotionally flexible and/or sensitive a person is. If you need someone around you all the time and do not have your own hobbies, your emotional conditions are deemed to be worse than in India. For me, I am better in UK emotionally because being a sensitive person, I have received more respect here and have never been demeaned for my words or opinions. Additionally, I was able to pursue my hobbies in UK as opposed to in India. I like to have people around me but I also developed my own hobbies, which brought emotional stability to my life. I wanted to learn horse riding, shooting and swimming and I was able to do all of them in one city itself. My hormonal conditions improved with regular yoga/pilates that I do with my friends. So, I have seen myself becoming emotionally stronger day by day.


Monetary: Monetary conditions definitely improve but that is with respect to Indian currency. The conditions in several other countries are different, depending on how much you get paid, what is the lifestyle you are expected to lead and what is the currency exchange rate against INR. Not every Indian becomes Sunder Pichai, but yes, you earn more than you can spend if you have lived an Indian middle class life based on you-buy-what-you-need. With this lifestyle, I started saving a lot in UK. I must tell you here, that this is only if you are working or have a funded academic position (PhD/PostDoc) in UK. The hourly working rates are very high as compared to India and even though the living expense is higher, you are earning more than it is needed.

财务:财务状况肯定会改善,但这是针对印度货币的。其他几个国家的情况是不同的,这取决于你的工资多少,你期望过的生活方式是什么,以及货币对印度卢比的汇率是多少。并不是每个印度人都会成为皮猜(Sunder Pichai,谷歌CEO),但是,如果你过着“你买你需要的”的印度中产阶级生活方式,你赚的比你能花出去的要多。有了这种生活方式,我在英国开始攒了很多钱。我必须在这里告诉你,这只适用于你在英国工作或拥有资助的学术职位(博士/博士后)的情况。与印度相比,时薪率非常高,即使生活费更多,你的收入也超过了花费。

Bala Subrahmanyam Kovvali
How are Indians so successful abroad?
Good question.Indians are successful in the US, UK Canada etc.. because of their use of intelligence , innovation honesty and hard work. The developed countries are very smart to encourage clever professionals to reach their potential. Indians are happy with a good job and comfortable life style.
I think India should change its policies and develop the country. Thanks.


Vandana Munshi
The basic problem is huge rapidly growing population in india. As a result of this students hv to face very tough compitition and for this they hv to prepare since their childhood. This develops a habit to work hard and they also learn how to deal with this pressure. In this situation day by day the enterance exams for professional subjects like wise medical ,engineering ,manage ment , etc becoming more tough still students manage to crack these exams with very high score. limited no.of seats in respect of huge population is another reason for cut throat compitition.
Students who crack these exams do not find any difficulty to phase any compitition in any other part of the world.
Since students in INDIA mostly r from middle class family and they know the worth of money thats why they r more into studies rather than any other activities. Since INDIA is a developing country and its economic growth has not been very consistent and fast enough to produce more n more jobs for every one. After spending several years of life for study student find themselves no were in term of earnings. This facinates them to migrate to the countries which hv strong economy and consistent growth.
Indian students r also known for creative idea apart from hard work. This has opened the avenues for them world wide.
Since medium of education in INDIA is mostly english which is international language and INDIAN students do hv excell in this language makes them universal.


Abhimanyu Singh
There are Six things I can think of as the primary reasons for Indians being so successful internationally and in no particular order
Desire - Coming from a poor country like India and struggling to get opportunities right from the beginning in a nation of 1.3 billion and growing makes the desire very strong to be successful and if you want to achieve something in life.
Working Hard - Similar reasons of availability of opportunities and competition for those makes us hard working which i am sure a lot of people from other countries also are but we are hard working for survival and the sens of survival is strongest among all. Hard work is key to success
Street Smart - Single word “Jugaad”. Lack of sufficient resources makes us smart in a unique way which helps in developing this unique sense of problem solving and once we get better opportunities this sense of problem solving gets extended to our work place now.


English: Home to the largest population on earth of english speaking people. Now that can be considered as highly accented but being able to communicating in English gives Indians an edge on any other country and combine it with Emphasis on Mathematics, Engineering and Medical profession we have in our society
Emphasis on Maths, Engineering and Doctors :I wouldn’t exaggerate if i say that Indians are obsessed with Mathematics, Engineering and Doctors as a profession and that’s the reason we see so many Indian Scientist, Engineer and Doctors going out of the country for exploring better opportunities. Even Indians living abroad are known for forcing their kids to study hard and that’s the reason we see Indian kids being so successful in schools overseas.


Diksha Verma
Why do Indians perform better in foreign countries? Indians as in non-resident Indians (NRI) or people of Indian origin (PIO)?
I can give you a simple answer to this question:
Circumstances - the unemployment rate is high and ease of doing business in India is low in rank. As a consequence less opportunities are present plus circumstances worsen as these unemployeds couldn't find a job to feed themselves which later leave them with no choice but to migrate elsewhere. Another factor contributing to one of India’s social problem, brain drain.
In foreign countries, opportunities abound and circumstances are much better than in India where it is easy to get a job and to start a business.
Culture - in a society which debilitates one’s ability to break beyond boundaries, one could not progress and or to even question social norms. Are there any Indians who dare to take on Reliance Industries or Tata Group of Companies? Foreign nations foster competition and considers it a healthy lifestyle unlike in India where it is look upon as bad habit. Need I say more?
Those Indians abroad live in a multicultural and multiracial society where they learn to communicate and coexist with different communities thus enabling them to trial with different methods and approach to success.
Take me as an example. I’m a Malaysian Indian and I live in a multicultural and multiracial nation plus spent my years of life in Singapore and other foreign nations. Could any of those in India find me not weird if I told you I've dated a Chinese girl, slept with a Philippine girl and married to a Jewish woman?
It’s simple. Get rid of your bureaucracy and social stigma and you’ll see or maybe not the same successful Indians abroad in your country too.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Krishna Pratz
Why are so many Indians succesful internationally?
Recently there was a story of how a billionaire sent his only son to live on his own and fend for himself
This Billionaire Father sent his Son to Kochi to live on his own !
From a younger age we are disciplined and sometimes even had the wrath of a hanger, the sandal, the belt etc. My parents never held themselves from being mean. Tantrums are a dream come true for many. My parents became my friends only after I graduated. I believe every parents has a sleuth mode for their kids in India and emotional blackmail is another weapon.
Getting up early in the morning, being obedient, talking less and working more is ingrained in every kids brain. Comparison is another method to scold your child. Parents keep track of your every move, you just don't know it.


If u survive in India u can survive anywhere. My parents were rude to me and sounded unhappy however I was and I am happy they did it because now I know they have prepared me for the world and my parents never let me drive the car, never buy expensive jewellery or clothes and I can't remember my last party. I always travelled in public transport, wrote my accounts for every penny my parents gave me.
I am thankful to them that they prepared me for the harsh reality. They call multiple times a day but I knew it was out of concern. They had every persons number I knew so they knew what I am doing. They prepared me for the worst and helped me through it
I am now sorry I cursed them and gave them a difficult time. They were just like any other anxious parents who want their child to succeed and be able to fight any obstacle she faces and they succeeded. Every parent in India is almost like this. They are protective and disciplined. They love you and make you hate them and you can take your time to thank them because that's why you have succeeded.
I am sorry if I hurt anyone. And thank you for reading my post


Venkat Raman
Why are so many Indians succesful internationally?
Indian are exposed to extreme levels of competition. If someone makes it Internationally, he is one in a few thousands. That kind of an upbringing makes them ready to face any kind of pressure and competition and end up on top.
Besides, we are generally bright and everything that we get is earned by us. The level of competition is more than anywhere else in the world.


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