“帝国死就死了,只希望别连累我们”美利坚帝国的崩溃 - 人口统计学(二)
2024-03-16 翻译熊 7145

What may surprise some, however, is that citizens of the 1970s and 80s Soviet unx were also unusually overweight.
Soviet citizens began gaining weight during the Brezhnev era due to the wider availability of food compared to the past.
In one medical study commissioned by the Soviet state during Perestroika, it was found that 30% of citizens were overweight and 2/3s were sedentary, despite ample opportunities for engaging in exercise and sports. This clashed with the Soviet unx’s vaunted efforts to become internationally known as an athletic superpower.


This was one fact the Soviet regime could not hide in the 1970s. To tackle the obesity epidemic, the government sought technocratic solutions, which led to research discovering many special diets and treatments popularized today such as intermittent fasting.
Contrary to Cold War propaganda from both sides connecting obesity with capitalism, Soviet citizens were fatter than Americans. In 1975, only 20% of Americans were considered overweight.
Soviet data released during Glasnost and Perestroika from the 1970s and 80s also found huge increases in deaths due to alcoholism, increases in narcotics related fatalities, and ballooning suicide rates. This social crisis continued to intensify into the 1980s, hitting its zenith under the post-collapse presidency of Boris Yeltsin, where the life expectancy for a Russian male was reduced to a grim 57 years.


The prerequisite for any attempt to manage a world empire is naturally the well-being and happiness of its people. Americans more obese, high, alienated, mentally ill and dying of preventable causes at higher rates than the citizens of countries seeking to depose the US world order. It is a matter of time until this differential is made irrefutably apparent in the global balance of power.


Economists may point to America’s GDP growth, a matter we will explore in a future article, as evidence of imperial stability. But liberal economists lack an analysis of power in their outlook, and in the realm of military, technological, soft power, or other forms of international competition, this derives from a people’s general health, ability, and faith that their leaders are making their lives better. This has long been lost in the America of 2024, and the gravity of the situation is no longer possible to ignore.
Just as Russians became disenchanted with the Soviet system, the American people (especially the white people) have given up on America.


Anonymous[105] · Disclaimer says:
Nothing is more more telling of the impeding collapse of the empire than the state of its leadership. From the people who organized the largest false flag act of terror ever against their own country, to the Kenya-born niggerfaggot married to a tranny, to President Roomba today whose admin so far failed to have a single positive achievement. All pedophiles and Satanists. No way a country can survive when such degenerate clowns are in charge. What the author mentioned are symptoms of this underlying cause.


anyone with a brain says:
I was expecting more about how the average American is lazier, fatter, dumber and browner than before.


Anon[334] · Disclaimer says:
@anyone with a brain In seeking to explain anything, the “experts” can never point out the simple. That would show they are not “deep thinkers” and people would mock their baloney. No, the reasons must always be so convoluted that the average deplorable is overwhelmed with psycho babble bullshit.
Its like a wooden house on fire. You dont need to call the architect, engineer and building inspector to explain how, when, where and why it is going to collapse. Simple observation suffices.
The average American dont give a shit about the fall of the Roman, the Russian or any other empire. He does not need to analyze why Caligula’s Fruit of the Loom underwear caused Rome to fall. He need not spend years figuring out and waxing about the bushy eyebrows of this or that Russian leader.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The average citizen with ingrown commonsense KNOWS the West is done for. He can see it in every action and circumstance around him. These convoluted discussions are best confined to the halls of the elite Universities where idiots debate what we already know and inspite of their “higher” education are dumb fucks. Inspite of their understanding ALL the nuances of anything, their stupidity forces them to make an even bigger mess of the situation.
Like the burning house ! Instead of calling the fire department or forming a bucket brigade they wax about the previous similar fire the next town over and try to predict which supporting beam will be the first to collapse.
Let me fix the reason in one word! IDIOCY !!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kratoklastes says:
@anyone with a brain It would also have been good for the article’s author to mention that in 2023, the number of births in the US was below the number of immigrants – and that the number of white births was lower than the number of illegal immigrants. The attempts to DEBOOONK those facts are risible: pretending the border apprehension of illegal immigrants constitutes all illegals is the most obvious canard.
The White TFR is now 1.58 and falling; worse, childbirth is concentrated in lower SES, and thus some of the children born to White mothers, will be darker than beige due to mudsharking.
The US is getting more than 100% of its population growth by importing street-shitters; good luck with that. (That’s also true in Australia and Britain, and in NZ it’s a close call).
Time will eventually prove that The Dirt’s Not Magic.


mijj says:
the people of the USA will only have a future if the US Empire collapses. It’s the Empire’s focus on international domination that deprives the people of the USA of a sense of significance.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jim Richard says:
@mijj Not if, but when. The decline is already approaching terminal velocity. Problem is that this empire looks like it will not ‘go gently into that good night’. Just the collapse of the electric grid is projected to lead to the death of up to 90% of the population in a year. This will not be a fun ride.


Megoy says:
@mijj I had seen a German (possibly Jew) politician claim that they (German government) wanted to make sure the actual German people did not see one penny of their tax money!! So I asked myself if that was what was happening here? Well Jew Schumer’s recent $95 billion “Jew GENOCIDE Aid” package with NOTHING for the U.S. border certain does attest to that plan!!!

我曾见过一个德国(可能是犹太人)政客声称,他们(德国政府)想确保真正的德国人看不到他们的一分钱税款! 所以我问自己,这就是这里发生的事情吗?好吧,舒默最近提出的950亿美元的“犹太人种族灭绝援助”计划,其中没有为美国边境提供任何援助,这确实证明了他的计划!

Notsofast says:
@Anonymous empires live and die, hopefully the day of empires, will eventually die with them, without taking us with them.


anonymous[139] · Disclaimer says:
Demographics are everything, quality being preferable to quantity. Germany and Japan rebuilt and became important yet again within 25-30 years. The Russians have rebounded as never before in just 30 years, China has chugged along to an unprecedented level. New Guineans and the rest of the non-historical people, never were, never will.


They solved this by dissolving the USSR, much as a company divests itself of unproductive acquisitions, getting rid of the albatross of some of those ‘Stan’ countries. This is fundamentally different from the US where the various populations are intermingled geographically. Come the collapse there’s no place to export the non-white dead weight to, which are getting close to being half the population. All the Russians have to do is limit the movement of the Central Asians into the Russian areas and they’ll have a manageable balance. For the US any realistic plan would be about how to manage the decline with as little chaos and catastrophe as possible, which doesn’t seem to be the case.


Hulkamania says:
@anonymous Germany and Japan did not rebuild and become important. They were rebuilt by the USA and became weapons to be used in America’s imperial policies. Neither is a sovereign entity, and the idea that they bootstrapped themselves up from nothing due to superior demographics is false.


showmethereal says:
@Hulkamania What you said is true about Germany and Japan post WW2… But at the same time the US used them as their tools because the people are intelligent and were hard working. Those conditions can’t be just recreated anywhere.


BlackFlag says:
@anonymous Demographics are everything, quality being preferable to quantity.
Right, Striker provides good data to show how the American people as a whole are undergoing degradation. But if we separate out the elite stratum, say the top 10%, it is being strengthened with high-skilled immigration. This stratum isn’t that vulnerable to the degrading forces experienced by the rest of the population.
The stratum that drives economic production is continually smaller as fewer and fewer people are able to utilize new tech. So in terms of the quality of people that matter in terms of global power, America is increasing vis-à-vis China, Russia, Iran, and the whole world. True, the elite immigrants to America have low fertility rates but I see no reason to believe that it’s lower than that of their counterparts in rival countries.

随着越来越少的人能够利用新技术,推动经济生产的阶层不断缩小。因此,就全球实力而言,美国 vs 中国、俄罗斯、伊朗和整个世界的影响力越来越大。诚然,美国精英移民的生育率较低,但我认为没有理由相信它比竞争对手国家的同龄人低。

SafeNow says:
To explain the collapse of The U.S., you don’t need to examine Rome or The Soviet unx. For the U.S., JFK was murdered, and that was that. The result was LBJ, The Great Society, Civil Rights run wild, illegal Immigration, the Vietnam war, loss of faith in government and institutions. Graham Greene wrote that men’s lives have a turning point, a point of no return. (He added that most men do not notice it at the time.) For the U.S., the above Greene dynamic applied not to individuals, but rather, to a society. Finally, I will add, as an ancient boomer, that it was my cohort of people who allowed this to happen. Very likely the unraveling did not have to follow from JFK‘s killing, but my people allowed it to happen, and for that I apologize.

要解释美国的崩溃,你不需要研究罗马或苏联。对美国来说,肯尼迪被谋杀了,仅此而已。结果是约翰逊、伟大社会、民权运动失控、非法移民、越南战争、对政府和机构失去信心。Graham Greene写道,男人的生活有一个转折点,一个无法回头的转折点。(他补充说,大多数男性当时都没有注意到这一点。)

anonymous[242] · Disclaimer says:
@SafeNow Apologies are as useful as farts in the wind. The boomers did terrible harm. But so did Kennedy’s generation. JFK was hardly a prince, but his death marked the final Zionist takeover of the United States. To give you an idea of the scum running the United States, the Khazar land-robbers in Israel have named an airport after David Ben-Gurion, a self-admitted terrorist and murderer. They bathe in the blood of infants and call themselves men. They kill the unarmed and call themselves soldiers. Behold the “Jews”.


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