2024-03-17 龟兔赛跑 6510

Why are Americans such haters?


Belinda Chen
I don't sense that at all. Of course there will be conflicts when you have such a large mix of different cultures and the respective values they carry with them. I am a Chinese-American that grew up in a city in the South with very few Asians. My neighbors on my street are predominantly white. Except for a few ignorant comments from some kids when I was in school, I've never experienced any type of intolerance, not to mention hate.
On the contrary, my family has had help from strangers that have gone out of their way. When our car broke down 4 hours away from our home in the middle of the night, a stranger drove us for an hour (and an hour out of his way to his hometown) to get us to the airport nearby so we could get a rental car. When we tried to offer him some money to at least cover the fuel, he absolutely refused to take it. Then as we were coming back a few days later to try to load up the broken-down car onto a U-haul trailer but were having a lot of trouble, once again, strangers nearby came over, told us to move aside as they could handle it and did everything for us, getting their hands dirty in the process. If you watch the ABC show "What Would You Do?" with John Quinones, you can see how loving Americans can be.
I think the reason that hate is so much louder is that these people are essentially extreme special interest groups and because they are actually a minority in number, they have to be louder and more visible in order to promote their agenda.


Lytiek Gethers
Why are there so many haters?
Some people hate seeing others doing better than them, so they cope by hating.


Monisha Prasad
What do I need to do about haters, and how should I respond to haters?
Haters are those who are jealous that you have achieved what they have wanted to.
They wonder how you, with the same resources as them has achieved with so much ease’ what they have wanted to.
They often fail to see the hardwork, determination behind what you have done, which they term ‘easily’.
Yes, they are the ones who spread rumours. Amongst the ladies, it is worse!


The best answer to them, is SMILE.
No matter how hard it is for you to show up, you must make the appearance with a SMILE! Even if you are crying inside deep down, make sure it doesn’t show on the face..:)
they often seem to wonder that inspite of them forcing so many troubles in your path, how is it possible for the smile to be on the face, still !?!
Trust me, nothing irritates them more


Kevin Koo
I don’t know if you need to have haters, but usually when you start getting hate, it’s a sign that you’re doing something important. It also means you’re taking a stand.
Lots of people are afraid to speak up or they keep a neutral stance on things, which isn’t very interesting, and so people don’t respond to things like that. One thing to keep in mind is the more you do, the higher you get, the more hate you’ll get too. So if it doesn’t bother you, it could potentially become a measure of success!


Brandon Wiscombe
Why is there so much hate towards the USA?
I’m going to answer this as someone with genuine, whole-hearted, bleeds-red-white-and-blue love for my country:
We have a very, very bad track record when it comes to acknowledging shameful chapters in our history, and a staggeringly myopic view of those chapters that we do recognize - There are people who genuinely do not understand that there may be a lix between slavery, Jim Crow, and modern racial inequality. There are people that genuinely do not understand that indigenous Americans continue to suffer from not only what our ancestors did to theirs, but what our government and law enforcement agencies continue to do to living indigenous peoples, especially those living in large cities and on reservations.
While I do believe that a healthy amount of civic pride in our armed forces and the work they do to keep us safe is more than appropriate, as a culture we also tend to turn a blind eye to the effects of the military-industrial complex


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What are "haters"?
Haters (n.) - people who disparage and denigrate other people and ideas to make themselves feel better. It is impossible for these people to be happy for other people's successes, so they nitpick on their perceived flaws.
It's impotent to note that the haters hate not because of valid reasons, but because of their own self-worth. They're usually miserable prats and spew their unhappiness on others


Karon K. Wooten
What do I need to do about haters, and how should I respond to haters?
The best way to handle “haters” is to ignore them. They are doing it for attention. Any attention, even the slightest attention will give the hater the attention they crave at the expense of your mental health.
Block them from all your social media sites, your email, and your phone. Your life will be much happier.
Tell people who are friends with you, who know the ‘hater’, not to mention (talk to you about) the “hater” in writing, in text, or in person, that you are freezing the hater out of your life. Stop people from talking about the hater in your presence and say politely that you don’t want to hear it, or walk away from the conversation if it is a group.


If you get a note from a hater ask someone to read it before you do (don’t ask what it says, just ask the reader if it is an apology or not) . If it is not an apology, without reading it, tear it up and flair and throw it in the trash
Make a pact with yourself that you will say nothing and do nothing, and write nothing about the haters for 6 weeks. At the end of 6 weeks you will find your life much much easier, and find the joy of the “freeze”.
If a hater approaches you, turn and go the other way. If trapped with a hater, be extraordinarily polite and say the absolute minimum to be polite and get away from them as soon as possible.
Freezing and blocking haters out of your life is the very best way to lessen drama in your life and to have a happier and calmer life.
Hope this helps, after a long life, I can tell you that it worked for me and makes my life so much better to rid myself of negative energy. After the 6 week self imposed ban, I find that I don’t even think about the hater at all anymore.
I also find that after the 6 week “freeze”, if the “hater” sincerely apologizes and vows to change their ways, it is much easier to forgive them and get on with life without drama.


Jonathan Thomas
Why do haters hate?
Because they envy something about you that makes them feel inferior to you. They are making that choice to feel that, sometimes I wish or hope I could make millions easily like some people but I don't hate them for it, I just try to learn from them. Probably the most envied quality is good looks so if you're above average looking you'll have lots of evious people aka haters trying to make you miserable like them, to keep from stressing out about them take their hate which is undercover admiration as a compliment and just smile.


Peter Zaper
Why do Americans hate foreigners?
I cannot speak for all Americans but I do not believe that most Americans “hate” foreigners. I live in Chicago, a city with a long history of immigrants coming to this city, just as my parents did, in search of jobs. This city has had a “Chinatown” for many years, a “Little Italy” a “Greektown” a “Koreatown” etc. Chicago has a large Polish population, (Little Polonia) as well as a large Mexican population (Little Village). There is also a significant Puerto Rican population, Russian Jewish population, etc. So, no I do not believe that Americans hate foreigners.


Luthor Maximus Schedel
I cannot answer the question scientifically. You would need surveys which nation hates the most, theories why this is the case and more surveys to back your theories up and so forth.
But I can give a brief incomplete answer of what I think contributes or could contribute to hatred in general:


-Human nature (being lazy to think things through, thinking in stereotypes/boxes, black and white thinking patterns)
-Fear (of losing status, resources etc.)
-Segregation (Black districts, Asian districts etc. -> there are studies to back this up, e.g., one which found out, that when Turkish children in Germany were in the sandboxes with German children they had around 50% more German friends later on in their lives which lead to less stereotyping which moderates hatred)


The problem is not an exclusively American one. These days in Europe right movements (in France, Britain, Germany, Netherlands etc.) are winning more and more voters and with the Islamic State and its inhumanity cruelty being so salient things seem to get worse (also look up 'islamophobia' which is kind of misleading as it is not a condition nor a phobia but its massively growing)
I think the idea of just mixing cultures together and believing that a more humane anti-racist culture will come out is disproved quite widely nowadays. There are positive examples but the vast majority and the tendencies appear to be rather negative. The big question is how can we do the best out of it and will we be fast enough before new big civil wars take place around the world? I guess we will not but one shall always have hope..


Other scientists say that in around 200-300 years, if tendencies persist, humankind will be a mixed brownish race.
And yes, we are mixing up more and more culturewise as well as genewise.
There are numerable other scenarios..


Nancy Shaw
How come people seem to hate Americans so much?
For as long as I can remember Americans have had the reputation of being pushy, rude, demanding, loud, disrespectful and ignorant. Kind of like their foreign policy. Of course it is not always true, or even very often, but it is true enough times that the stereotype survives. Sorry about that. I had a friend/relation at one time who used to complain whenever she came to visit about the anti-Americanism here, but she was embarrassingly rude to just about everyone she talked to (including me) and not only didn’t recognize it, but even described the events as if the person had been rude to her.


David Boyko
When did Americans start calling each other “haters” and why?
It is a recent phenomenon and I think the reason is that we are at the confluence of a number of contributing trends, including infantilism, ignorance, anonymity and declining living standards.We are an increasingly childish society,Seeking to blame for our perceived misfortunes rather than holding ourselves accountable,able to do so anonymously via social media and only associating with likeminded people.Additionally,ignorance allows simplistic conclusions about complex issues to take hold and lead to anger at perceived causes or groups.


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