2024-03-17 龟兔赛跑 4501

Why are Americans so awesome?


Why do I love Americans so much?
Why I Love America.
My trip to America.
I love the optimism, innovation and "can do" attitude. We can do this. We can fix this. We can make this. We can improve this. Let's make it bigger. I love how how many people in America think big, especially in business.
I love the huge diversity of people and accents, yet there is a strong sense of patriotism and national pride
I love that life is so different in different states and cities across America. The laws are different. The culture is different. The churches are different.
The greatest thing about the United States of America is they are one nation unlike any other in the world, or any other like it in the history of the world.
Looking forward to my next trip to America, coming up soon!


Asim Qureshi
What is great about American people?
I spent 6 years working at US investment bank Morgan Stanley.
Americans, certainly the educated ones that work in investment banks, are very positive, open, friendly and tolerant people. They’re also great team players.
Around the time of 9–11 a number of my American managers came up to me and made sure I was alright. Some told me to personally tell them if anyone gave me an iota of shit.
In fact, during all my 8 years in investment banking, I only met one guy I felt made a very slight issue of me being a Muslim, and that was a Chinese guy brought up in Germany!
Many of my colleagues knew I avoided going to bars, but some American ones would go out of their way to arrange stuff around it to make sure I’d be there. I never asked them to, but I am forever grateful that they did…


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Venkat Ankam
Why would anyone like America?
“Venkat, come to my office. We need to discuss something important,” said my manager while I was working in India. I was not used to being called into my manager's office. I was very tensed about what could happen. I walked towards his office with hundreds of questions running in my mind.
“Ram, can I come in?” I asked with a twisted face.
“Yes, please come in and take your seat. I have some exciting news for you,” he said with a smile.
“Really? What is it, Ram?” I asked him with a surprise.
“You need to go to our new airline client’s office in Chicago for two months for a system study requirement. You need to discuss with business team and ...”
“Ram... please wait,” I interrupted him and said, “We are expecting our first baby by the end of next month and I have to be with my wife and family,” I said with a dull expression.
“Look... this is a great opportunity for you and for our company. You must go. You can return as soon you finish your assignment,” he said in a bossy manner.


I had no choice other than accepting it, because I could anticipate the consequences of rejecting it. I hoped to finish my assignment quickly and to return home.
After I landed in Chicago, things started moving per my expectations. I was sure that I could make it back home to my family, just in time for my daughter’s birth. I was the only person from India on a team of 10 amazing American people. My manager, Greg, and the team were very friendly and I never felt alone. I finished my assignment quicker than they expected because I was hoping to go home early.


Meanwhile, I got a call from my manager in India. “Greg is very impressed with your work. Good job! He has assigned us a new requirement. This is just for one more month. Finish it and come back,” he said with finality in his voice.
I explained the situation to my wife and the rest of my family. They accepted it, consoled me and said not to worry much about not being back right away, because it was just for a month.
One fine morning, I was working when the phone rang on my desk. “It's a girl,” said my relative who called from the hospital in India. I asked them to email me a picture of my daughter.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I got an email after an hour. Although I was happy to look at my daughter's picture, I was sad that I could not see her in person. I kept staring at my computer screen and missing being with my wife and daughter. Meanwhile, my colleague, Michelle, stepped into my office and asked who that cute kid was. I told her that its my daughter, born an hour ago. “What?” she said with a big surprise.
The whole team surrounded me in a few minutes, congratulating me and sharing the happiness. Someone informed Greg as well, so Greg called me into his office after an hour.
“Sorry, Venkat. I was not aware that you were expecting a baby. Here is your return ticket for tonight's flight to India. Hopefully, your wife will forgive us as well. Don't worry about your assignment. I will talk to Ram. Have a safe flight,” said Greg with a sorrowful face.
I was elated and thanked Greg. My team proceeded to shower my baby girl with presents I brought with me when I landed in India. I was on cloud nine when I saw my daughter for the first time. All this was possible due to my teammates.


This is my real story that happened a few years ago. My manager Ram was a very nice person but he had his own constraints.
I liked America because people of America are very kind, and they treat everyone with respect that they deserve.
My wife and my family in India liked America because of the people like Greg and the team. You can find such amazing people everywhere in America.
Everyone likes America because the people and the culture of America make it an incredible country.

这是我几年前经历过的真实故事。我的经理拉姆是一个非常好的人,但他有自己的约束条件 。

Spicy Pea Soup
Why are americans so weird?
Most of the Americans I have met seem to have this false sense of importance and superiority. This is partially because of their stupidity but partly because of their media. American children are often times spoilt, have squeaky annoying voices and don't mature till they are 25.


Rajiv Satyanarayana
Why is American culture so appealing to the world?
I too ask this question each time I visit India and observe with sadness the slow and inevitable Americanization of the old India that I once knew.
I have come up with these reasons:
America spends a lot of time asking what people want or might want or might want but don’t know yet they want, and this helps creates a trove of physical and cultural products that the world finds it easy to lap up. Let us consider the invention of a smart phone. Who would have guessed that people would need such a thing, were it not for a few dudes in Cupertino! Now that we have such a thing, we are glued to it every waking moment. Who would have guessed people will be on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Quora or whatever about two decades ago.


America can glamorize its products in ways few others can. In 1996, we got the first McDonalds in Mumbai after a long political fight. I remember yuppies from all parts of Mumbai flocking to it like on a pilgrimage and the line outside stretched a furlong. This continued for a few months. When I once visited India in the 2000s, my hosts said with some pride, “We now have Taco Bell in India”. I thought but never said “ Did I come to India to go to Taco Bell?”
America is not encumbered by tradition and challenges established tastes, and this creates newer avenues of expression. Example 1 - Some Americans came to make a cartoon on a certain Tenali Rama - a legendary court jester. Americans were not constrained by the fact that stories had to be actual folk stories and made up their own stories. The result was a hit but many were shocked. Example 2 from a different era: in the 1950s, Elvis started shaking his hips and shocked many in the world. Today, people are shocked that people were once shocked. I always think: till the dawn of civilization nobody knew people had a repressed desire to shake hips till America came along.


American products are battle tested. Indians do not watch Hollywood movies in big numbers, preferring their own. But people who make movies for Indians attentively and dutifully watch and study Hollywood movies. Why? Because Hollywood movies have been tested with huge markets, with the best techniques and the latest special-effects. So if Indian movies are made with them in mind, it greatly increases the chance that it will work.
Americanization is the inevitable result of globalization. If Trump-Kim Jong bromance continues, how do you think Pyongyang will be transformed? There will be a Trump Resort, Disney Resort and Wynn Resort in the first block. There will Gucci, Prada and Louis Vuitton stores in the next block. There will be Gap, Levis and Banana Republic in the third block.
Americanization is a result of American military might. When France was liberated, it got exposed to tidbits of American culture. “chewing gum”, “batman”, “superman”. Many Frenchmen were shocked, but what could they do? Their command and control apparatus had been knocked down. South Korea imbibes more American culture because it is under the wings of the American Army there while pristine North Korea is not.
So what makes American culture appealing is that America has an uncanny knack of understanding what people want and giving it to them. Its superpower status means its ideas will be consciously or unconsciously absorbed in large quantities by the rest of the world.

美国化是全球化的必然结果。如果特朗普和金正恩的兄弟情持续下去,你认为平壤将如何改变?第一个街区将有特朗普度假村、迪士尼度假村和永利度假村。下一个街区将有古驰、普拉达和路易威登专卖店。第三个街区将会有Gap、Levis和Banana Republic专卖店。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Steph Thomas
Why do I love Americans so much?
I love American's for a lot of reasons.
First, because we are a people who are constantly struggling for our ideals. America is actually built on principles, and we as a people have been struggling to live up to, and live out, those principles since our conception. By far, we have not always lived up to our own ideals, but as a people, we have never stopped struggling to reach them.
Second, I love American's diversity. It might not seem like it by the news, but for the most part, America revels in it's diversity. I have black, white and Asian friends. I am a Christian but I know people of diverse faiths. I know straight, gay and transgender people. Like I said, we aren't perfect. But it's okay to be different here.


Haven Chace
Why are American people so nice?
I am not sure that ‘nice’ is the word you are seeking.
Depending where you are currently located, you will have nice people. However, you cannot apply that adjective to all Americans.
We can be massive jerks. We often trample people under our feet, because we (at least a vast majority of us) are a highly individualistic and entitled culture.
There are good people here though. They do exist.
One adjective cannot be applied to the whole nation. You cannot apply ‘nice’ to the whole nation, just like I cannot apply ‘rude’ to the whole nation.
We have a unique history that has shaped us into who we are as a nation today.


Jonathan Beck
"Why Americans are so awesome?"
I hate to burst your bubble, but many, if not most Americans, are not "awesome".
Just like any other populace in the world, some of us are truly awesome, some of us are just everyday normal folk with both excellent qualities and flaws, and some of us are truly despicable representations of humanity.
People need to be defined by their own personal actions and traits, not their nationality.


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