2024-03-19 辽阔天空 2891
What are some reasons to explain why Indians get depressed when they go abroad to settle?


Raja S.
What are some reasons to explain why Indians get depressed when they go abroad to settle?
My answer might not sound very polite, I am just offering my 2 cents and I am sure those who have witnessed or experienced what I mention will be able to relate to it. Most people here have answered from US perspective, sounds like Indians going to other countries don’t use Quora or Quora is only used by Indian IT folks, who are abundant in the US.
Two types of Indians live in the US, I am considering only those that came as students and then start working or came on work visas in this example. Those who came at very young age or move here permanently on family based immigration (US citizen spouse or immediate relative) etc. are also excluded.


Those who come to the US to earn money.
Type 2-
Those who come to US to have a better quality of life or experience a change or different culture.
Let me start with Type1-
1. Their goal is to save 85% of their paycheck. They live with a lot of roommates, maybe 4-5 in 2 bedroom apartment. Thankfully this is way better than Canada, Australia and NA where (as per some videos on YouTube and whatsapp groups) 15-20 people live together in a very unclean manner.
2. After the get their jobs and get married etc., they take one bedroom apartment and buy minimal furniture. I have seen people buying their first bed when their wife’s due date is only 2 months away. They spent their whole time on just a mattress that was kept on the floor. Numerous photos where they post a pic of the biriani they made at home, but the plate is lying on a beige carpet. No dining table.
The above two points might sound callous as not everyone is rich. Some had financial problems in India and their families still have shortage of money, previous loans etc., so they want to send as much as they can to India. I totally understand that.
But what I don’t understand is-


Why do they continue living like this (or a little better) even after a few years after their first job started?
1. They now purchased a flat in India and now they started sending back the EMI for that every month.
2. They invest in gold.
3. They save the money just for the sake of secure future.
4. OK the bed and a light weight couch with a coffee table has arrived but dining table is still missing and alcohol is still being served in disposable cups. This is a rhetorical statement, please don’t take it literally.
5. No social life- they just know their Indian co-workers or other friends that went with them in the same university for their masters.
6. No happy hours after work, no going out in the weekends. The only think they do is video call with their folks in India or discuss with their “Indian friends in US” about grocery coupons and deals.
7. OK, now they purchased a DSLR on black Friday, but the maybe only place they visit is next year is (drive to) Las Vegas on a thanksgiving holiday. That city is full of non immigrant Indians at that time. The hotel prices are very cheap as rest of the Americans spend that holiday at homes with their families. This is again a rhetorical statement.
8. They work like robots (like someone else said in their answer), doing “same” activities every day, for years to come.


1. They pay their loans and send money home but don’t get greedy with that. So they just send 25% -30% of what they earn. This might take a year or two more to pay off their debts but they are patient.
2. They assimilate with their neighbors and coworkers, regardless of their race. They make Indian, European, middle eastern and American friends. They are not shy and don’t have inferiority complex due to their thick Indian accent, rather they stand out and get more attention as their non Indian friends are curious to know more about India and ask them a lot of questions.
3. They buy stuff to match their US lifestyle with what they had in India or would have in India (if they hadn’t moved).
4. They visit India or other attractions in the US once or twice a year.
5. Some of them even buy single family homes as an investment (appreciation is mostly expected in real estate, recessions don’t happen every year but once in 2 decades) while their GC is still pending. Also the make sure their fathers (who are visiting them on tourist visa) don’t water the lawn by holding a hose while wearing lungi. They buy them track pants to take a stroll in the neighborhood. This is a rhetoric, I am trying to hit the assimilation subject here.
6. They always have something new to do every weekend, make plans, go to neighbors or friends for BBQ, take their kids to play dates, Chuck-E. Cheese’s, Disneyland etc.

1、他们偿还贷款,寄钱回家,但他们不是很渴望。所以他们只把收入的25% -30%寄出去。这可能需要一两年的时间来还清他们的债务,他们很有耐心。
6、他们每周末总有新鲜事要做,制定计划,去邻居或朋友家参加烧烤聚会,带孩子们去玩耍约会,去Chuck-E. Cheese's(查克芝士餐厅,一家以儿童为主题的连锁餐厅和娱乐场所),还有迪士尼乐园等等。

Now which out of these two types you think will have a depression in the USA? Type1 or Type1?
I do understand that there are visa uncertainties, job security is not that great these days, but I still see people who are well secure but living as Type1.
Do people really think they will have a better social life in Bangalore, Gurgaon, Pune, Hydrabad? Maybe those who are local and were born and raised in these cities will. But what about the rest who moved from other small cities from different parts of India? They don’t even sometimes know the local language.
Do people really think that IT people don’t work like robots in India? The last time I checked, the work culture was even worse.
One cant be happy after moving to foreign and unless they adapt a little as per the foreign land and culture, and adopt the foreign land a little. Depression is inevitable if your mindset and lifestyle is like Type1, be it in India or outside India.
When people leave their home country for a foreign land, they do so in hope for greener pastures. But they should not take anything for granted. Happiness has to be earned. Those who lament a bland life should ask themselves- did someone force them to leave their home country? Did their employer forcefully file their H1 or L1 and then forced them to live in the USA for 5 years? Or were they really naive and didn’t know that they will not have their near and dear ones in the US, for obvious reasons.
P.S- Some of the answers on the same subject on Quora sound like “mummy ki yaad aati hai" meaning “I miss my mom", I cry a lot etc. are very juvenile that I sometimes think people needed to cut their umbilical cord long back in India itself before they moved to a foreign country.


My answer is pretty similar to another Anonymous answer, the major difference being our professions, she is working and I am not.
The easiest way to make friends was to meet my husband’s colleagues’ wives, but it did not work for me because either they were working, or the colleagues were staying here alone without their wives and kids.
Many of them were in Canada for more than 5 years, had a house, 2 cars with no idea of public transport or Indian grocery stores! They were so engrossed in consumerism, jobs, socialising (attending 2–3 parties every weekend) and trying to be richer than the next person, that we could not be really be friends. Plus, there is a compulsive need to fit into the Canadian lifestyle by consuming alcohol REGULARLY, which led us to be out of many friend circles.


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Some of the colleagues took for granted that we will babysit for endless hours, FREE. Their schedules, day care, office, weekend birthday parties, everything is child-centric, because there are no grand parents or cousins to play with, unlike India.
A whopping and disturbing majority of Indian housewives do not venture out on their own. They are completely dependent on their husbands for travel and transportation like prehistoric times. I made futile attempts to coax them into going to a grocery store and a cup of coffee. Many chauvinistic men do not allow their wives to step out. The wife can work, but after office she is prohibited from leaving the apartment building. It is the reverse of development!
Many wives come here after the husband has resided here for at least 6 months or has PR. By the time the wife arrives, she has an apartment, health insurance, bank account and in some cases a car. We, on the other hand were staying in a run down, away-from-civilisation, never-heard-of motel and hunted for a 1 bedroom Jr. apartment in 14 days with no reference, no credit card, no mobile number, no car. We also lived without health insurance for 9 months, and fell terribly sick in the meantime. It is a good time to add that our standard of living fell drastically compared to our lives in Pune/Hyderabad.


The elder (late 70s and early 80s born) generation who are in Canada belong to two categories. First category is fully westernised with mortgage, alcohol, traffic, parties, Lakeshore 4 bedroom houses, frozen and packaged foods for daily meals, and is reluctant to acknowledge that Indian cities now have a much better lifestyle than early 2000s. They also tend to shun Indian customs, speak only English, watch only western sports and movies etc. The amazing benefits of being bilingual
They derive a sadistic pleasure by belittling India for dirt, pollution and traffic. They take pride in this traffic-Soul sucking traffic delays in Toronto and Montreal hurt your productivity, 'quality of life'
2016 the deadliest year for pedestrians in Toronto in over a decade


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The other category of the same generation is stuck inside their houses. They watch only their regional language movies daily after office. These groups also throw parties where alcohol guzzling is abundant at any bachelor's apartment.Are You a Weekend Alcoholic?They do nothing to experience Canadian nature and culture from the periphery, without falling into the vortex of materialism. They do not explore other Canadian restaurants, shops for tools and hardware, clothes, cosmetics or home decor.
In a nutshell, it is difficult to stay here without family and friends, who won’t judge you by your residential address, wardrobe, car, and credit cards.


Manish Sharma
Indians, unlike many other immigrant groups aren’t able to cut their roots. We are told from a young age that India is great, despite all it’s issues and we’re unable to let that go. Most of us don’t let go of our accents(It’s hard), our traditional names(Great names, mostly!), our food(Bale Bale!) and our culture.
I was depressed as a teenager at school. I had to pretend to be like non-Indian kids(most of them were actually not white), follow sports they followed, listen to the music they listened to, enjoy lunch they enjoyed and follow a culture I didn’t understand. I though there was something wrong with me for being depressed.
That was until the first week of university, I met my two best mates. Admittedly, we came from different backgrounds in India, we knew we had a lot in common. Over the years we’ve all admitted that we couldn’t be non-Indian, it’s ingrained in us. We’re not alone, all Indians(newly arrived or born here) eventually ended up in small groups with other Indians. We don’t need to explain a lot of things to each other and it’s easier.
Note: This is in a purely Australian context. India isn’t as far from here as it is from other places but I saw the same in US.


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