2024-03-19 jiangye111 3147
UK government seeks to limit low-traffic schemes as part of its ‘plan for drivers’
-Department for Transport has already cut funding but now seeks to block councils’ ability to fine drivers


(Polling indicates LTNs are generally supported and appear to work.)


The Department for Transport (DfT) is set to intensify its battle with local councils over low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) and other active travel measures, with imminent new guidance seeking to limit their use.


However, a promised plan to try to force local authorities into abandoning the schemes by cutting them off from the central database needed to issue fines for infractions is understood to be legally complicated and not yet ready to proceed.


Sunak’s “plan for drivers”, unveiled in September and intended to prioritise motorists’ needs at the expense of other road users such as bus passengers, cyclists and pedestrians, sought to crack down on not just LTNs but also 20mph speed limits and bus lanes.


The latest salvo, in the form of guidance to councils expected in the next few days, is expected to focus mainly on LTNs, which seek to boost active travel by preventing motor vehicles from using smaller residential streets as cut-throughs, while allowing full access for pedestrians and cyclists.


These are the responsibility of councils, and while the DfT has already said it will no longer provide central funding for them to be installed, it is unclear what other levers can be used.


One option being looked at, which would be particularly controversial, would be to cut off councils from access to the Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) database, which matches car registrations to their owners, to prevent them from fining drivers who pass through LTNs.


This is expected to be the subject of a consultation, with a DfT source saying ministers were “still actively looking at the options” for doing this, albeit with a timetable given only as “at a future point”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cutting DVLA access to stop LTNs could mean councils also being unable to use cameras for other means, such as enforcing parking outside schools, or on bus routes and cycle lanes, and could mean LTNs instead use physical barriers, such as planters and bollards.


It would also remove an increasingly important revenue stream for councils, who often use money from fines to subsidise concession schemes for public transport.


The move could be legally difficult to achieve, given that a 2002 law gives local authorities the right of access to vehicle registration details, meaning the change could require new legislation.


The government plan for drivers emerged from the unexpected Conservative win in last July’s Uxbridge and South Ruislip byelection, after controversy over the expansion of London’s ultra-low emission zone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After the victory, Sunak watered down a series of green policies and presented himself as the friend of the driver, pledging to end what he called “anti-car measures”, notably LTNs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This has been complicated by the fact they are the responsibility of councils and appear to be, as a broad concept, broadly popular and successful in their aim of nudging people towards active travel for shorter local trips.


Last year, Downing Street ordered the DfT to put together an official study of LTNs. While it is yet to be published, details of the document, seen by the Guardian last week, showed the polling indicated they were generally supported and appeared to work.


Clyde Loakes, the deputy leader of Labour-led Waltham Forest council who also holds the council’s air quality cabinet post, said removing DVLA access would “destroy our popular and successful active travel schemes, put schoolchildren in danger, open up to fraud resident priority parking schemes and gut our important concessionary travel schemes for older people and those with disabilities.”


He said: “This is micro-management taken to another level by those who clearly don’t understand the issue and the implications and consequences of these latest proposals.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A DfT spokesperson said: “We remain committed to the measures set out in our plan for drivers, including exploring options on councils’ access to DVLA data to enforce traffic schemes such as low-traffic neighbourhoods. This is part of our long-term plan to help people across our country travel in the way that works best for them.”


As someone who can't drive it's made me realise how much everything is designed around cars. Even just simply walking around the local area cars have priority over pedestrians more or less everywhere, which of course is how our roads are designed in this country. LTN's are one way of improving that in certain areas but of course drivers having to drive a couple of minutes or so longer is the end of the world.


Motorists are easy cash cows. Why make driving easier for them?


They're responsible for a huge amount of deaths, directly through collisions and indirectly through local air pollution. Both reasons why LTNs exist. No one wants to live on a street that has been turned into a thoroughfare rat run.


No one wants their commute time to double because everyone's thrown out onto the same poorly designed roads either.
I'm not saying LTNs are bad, but the focus should be on optimising road designs (so people aren't resorting to rat runs).
The volume of traffic can be an annoyance, but, living on a road like this myself... Quite frankly, the thing that boils the blood of us lot on this road is the state of other peoples' parking on the street rather than the volume of traffic.


Cars are the reason it is faster by bike than by bus to go to the next town over. There are so fucking many cars that the roads are clogged and nothing moves. Driving or taking the bus to the next town at rush hour takes 30-60 minutes. Cycling takes 20-25 and I am hardly in peak physical condition and not even using an ebike.
Even when there is no traffic at all you don't save that much time by car.


Option A: build better public transport lixs so people don’t have to commute at peak times
Option B: build roads/bypasses to help choke points leading to congestion, meaning there’s less traffic through populated areas
Lets go with option C I guess, whatever the fuck that is


I'm not saying public transport doesn't need improvement because it very much does. But this congestion issue could largely be aided by just having protected cycle lanes. Most roads in the UK are more than able to accommodate them, and for the ones that aren't - they typically have slower moving and less traffic anyway so don't necessarily need a cycle lane anyway.


Didn't they commission a survey a month or so back and it turned out LTNs were broadly popular with residents, and they tried to delay the release of the report?


My experiences with LTNs have only been positive so far.
Reduction in car use is the future and I think I have a proposal that will really help.
We need, in addition to blue badges a “yellow badge”. These can be given to anyone who doesn’t qualify for a blue badge but needs a car for various reasons. Those reasons could be work, difficulty walking, easy access to toilets and many more reasons why some people have to travel into and around cities in cars.
Then we limit all city centre parking to blue badges (closest spots, wide spaces as they have now) and yellow badges. Everyone else has to use park and ride or non city centre parking. We can then also make most train station parking blue and yellow.
It’s main thing is it gets everyone who just uses a car for personal convenience out of the car and to use alternative modes of transport.


They reduce traffic levels, are popular with residents, and most people outside of them don’t really care that much. There is no evidence of any impact on emergency vehicle response times, the impacts on air quality range from positive to so-so, and the impact on surrounding streets is variable, with most big issues sorting themselves out within a few weeks.
Source: am a Transport Planner who has delivered LTNs and similar such schemes for the better part of 30 years.


Yet for some reason, they seem to terrify some people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They terrify oil companies, not by themselves but because of EVs rapid growth (each ev is one ICE customer lost for life).


It makes sense to maybe have one or two in London, but do we really need these in places in the midlands where public transport is non existent.
But also limits your freedoms?


Public transport is non existent because people would rather drive. People would rather drive because it's cheaper and more convenient for them. It's also more energy inefficient for society, more dangerous and less convenient for people who live in residential 30mph+ streets. The solution is to make driving less convenient, then public transport becomes more convenient and cheaper and people have nicer places to live. The more convenient you make driving, the more people will drive and that's a bad thing.


I wouldn't say it's cheaper, if anything it's a premium to drive than take public transport.
There are benefits for and to drive too, since public transport won't get the funding it needs anytime soon this will still be an issue come 10yrs time.
Plus, having your own car gives you the freedom to go anywhere at your time and pleasure. So I don't think it's a case of ban drives and or cars, but finding that balance.


Problem is that right now the balance is totally out of whack. Cars dictate so much about how we live and work that moving the scales in the other direction even slightly, appears to be an attack.
A lot of people don't want to readjust the balance because they can't envision the benefits beyond the immediate inconvenience.


Its not existent in some areas because it's not cost effective at all. Making driving less convenient in Dorset or North Wales is just annoying and will further damage businesses in small towns.


I grew up in a small town in Wiltshire. No problem getting anywhere by bike because its a small town. By that very definition everything is close by. I couldn't really afford to learn to drive but also had no reason to.
Need to buy food. Shops take less than 5 minutes to cycle to. I even remember cycling there faster than my friend could drive as we once decided to race - Proof that 17 year olds are stupid.


That's fine when you're a teenager but becomes less appealing to people as they age, find partners who live a couple towns over, have kids and get jobs outside the town.


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