2024-03-20 jiangye111 3485
UK unemployment rises and wages growth falls in recession
-Employers cut back on hiring new staff in three months to January as slowdown bites


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(The UK unemployment rate rose unexpectedly to 3.9% in January from 3.8% in December, the ONS said.)


Unemployment rose and wage growth slowed in the three months to January as the UK labour market showed signs of weakness, reflecting a broader slowdown in the economy.


The unemployment rate rose unexpectedly to 3.9 in January from 3.8% in December according to the Office for National Statistics, while annual average wages growth including bonuses fell to 5.6% from 5.8% in the previous month.


City economists had expected unemployment to reman flat and pay growth to slow to a more modest 5.7%. Pay without bonuses also ticked lower, to 6.1% from 6.2% over the same three-month period.


Employers cut back on hiring new staff, pushing the number of advertised vacancies down on the quarter by 43,000 to 908,000, indicating that the recession during the last six months of 2023 took a slightly bigger toll on the labour market than first estimated.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Bank of England has waited to see signs that wage growth is slowing before making a move to reduce interest rates, and is expected to view the latest figures as another reason to begin that process this year.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, more recent surveys have shown UK businesses regaining confidence in the economic outlook and preparing to raise prices as employees continue to receive pay rises above the rate of headline inflation, which is now 4% – still double the Bank of England’s 2% target.


A rise in the number of people leaving the labour market, mostly due to ill-health, will also likely mean that employers struggle to find staff and wages growth falls slowly over the coming months.


Tony Wilson, the director of the Institute for Employment Studies, said: “In all, there are well over half a million more people out of work than before the pandemic began. This is being driven by more young people and older people outside the labour force, and in particular because of more people reporting long-term health conditions that stop them from working.


“In our view this is holding back the recovery as the economy is continuing to create jobs, with nearly a million unfilled vacancies reported today.”


The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, said the figures showed his plans to increase incomes were working.


“Our plan is working. Even with inflation falling, real wages have risen for the seventh month in a row. And take home pay is set for another boost thanks to our cuts to national insurance which in total are putting more than £900 a year back into the average earner’s pocket,” he said.


Wilson said the rise in inactivity meant the government needed “a different approach to how we reach and engage with people who are out of work and may want to come back to work”.


He added: “In particular our employment services need to be more accessible, inclusive and supportive. Employers need to play their part too, and do more to keep people in work and to open up opportunities for those who may need more support.”


Lot of people hated on Corbyn but I tell you what, the country wouldn't be the fuckin shit show it is now if he'd have won.


Nonsensical take. For starters, Corbyn blamed NATO for “provoking” Russia to invade Ukraine. His stance would have weakened Europe as a whole, leading to even worse economic outcomes, never to mention that it’s flat out dangerous. I don’t like the Tories, but the economy is down the drain everywhere in Europe right now because we’ve had growth stalling for two years due to covid, then the energy crisis because of the invasion of Ukraine.


I live in the UK. I have a professional job. I am married, thus we have two incomes.
My niece lives in Germany. She is a single mum to 2 kids and works full time as a carer in a nursing home.
She earns less then us, but has more disposable income. She pays less tax and gets more services. She doesn't need a car, public transport is safe, depednable and cheap. She doesn't have to pay extra for speech therapy for her kids, or dentists, or chemists like we do with our "free" system. Her youngest is in a class of 18 children, the older one 22. My son is in a class of 34 children.
The difference is that Germany hasn't had 15 years of rinsing public services.
SO you can make yourself feel better by saying that it's the same all over Europe....but it just sin't true.
Similar stories to my brother and his family who live in Switzerland, and my other brother in Austria.


Germany has acheived that by seriously underfunding their military. Relying on the UK and US to have to step up to defend them. They've also kicked the energy can down the road being over relient on Russian gas until relatively recently, and closing perfectly functional nuclear power plants that they now sorely need. They're opening coal plants which is shocking in 2024.
Now Russian armies are marching across Europe, the UK military in a shambolic state and the US not being the reliable ally it previously was, I wouldn't be surprised if your neices standard of living decreases over the next few years as Germany has to stop being a taker on the international stage and pour money into it's military and alternative sources of energy.
Like I get your point, Germany does some things better but they've acheived that with their own versions of fuckery which are just as dysfunctional as the tories.


Sorry but no.
Germany reignited 2 coal powered plants to get them through this winter. They did not build new ones.
Meanwhile Germany is on track to spend more on defense than the UK for the first time.
It’s not a contest, though. My point is only that the UK made its choices, and as a result we are much less able to weather turbulence.
Life for the average German is better than life for the average Brit.


saint_mariaTyne and Wear
Two things can be true at the same time. NATO arguably exists mostly too isolate and provoke Russia post WW2 because the US was so threatened by Communism. That doesn't mean Russia was correct to invade Ukraine and that Ukraine shouldn't defend itself or be supported in that endeavour.


Nations join NATO of their own accord through democracy and self determination. The reason why they may want to is because many of them have first hand experienced Russian aggression and historic imperialism. Russia’s invasion of Georgia, current threats towards Armenia, past conduct in Chechnya etc has nothing to do with NATO “provocation”, because Russia will use any excuse for its behaviour, including NATO simply existing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

NATO does not exist to provoke Russia, it exists to defend against Russia. Russia just dislikes it because every country that joined NATO is one they can no longer easily bully and attack without consequence.
Saying that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was provoked because of NATO is denying the right to self determination of a whole bunch of countries, and it should be as socially unacceptable as saying the Nazis were provoked into attacking Poland. And any politician who suggests it deserves to be sidelined and excluded regardless of how good their domestic policy platform is.


'UK unemployment rises and wages growth falls in recession'. And the elephant in the room that no political party is talking about, is? Yes, you guessed it - Brexit.
Brexit, undeniably the most ludicrous, ill thought out, ideologically nuts thing that a nation could do. To actively cut off trade lixs and social mobility ties with the World's largest trade bloc.
In finality, there is no freedom, there is no other trade market, there is no freedom to choose whom to trade with, there is no free open market, there is now a distinct absence of social mobility. Then again, that was the whole obxtive and aim of segregation from Europe: to isolate and remove freedoms and rights from the British people. In fact, one can easily now state that Brexit is a crime against the people of the UK. Anyone that says different has fallen for the ideological nonsense, or lies, spoken by those that campaigned to leave the EU.
Leaving the EU was never in the nation's interest. Why can't the politicians on both sides of the house admit that fact?


Unemployment was at a 50 year low, it could only have gone up. Hopefully successful businesses are able to hire more quickly now. It's been tough finding candidates for the last 18 months. This has been a real blocker on the economy growing.
A recession will probably end up helping the economy in the long run as it should unblock the inability to find new staff. It will be the least successful businesses that fail first, i.e. the ones not generating much profit or growth.


Marijuanaut420United Kingdom
Just like the last recession helped the economy in the long run? The burden of recession is borne by the middle classes, we have an economic model that relies on the tax receipts and consumption of the middle classes. Gutting the middle classes isn't good for the economy, it's like chopping off your leg to lose weight.


This was the intended effect of the interest rate rises. Cut inflation by cutting wages, which is achieved by cutting demand and "cooling" the economy.
In this instance, the inflation was not being caused by wage rises or an overheating economy, and would have come down anyway once the supply shocks were past.
Some people will disagree with my second paragraph. But the first paragraph is not disputable - that's how the interest rate rises were supposed to work.


Ah, a week or so back I said new figures would show this and got downvoted.
It is going to get a lot worse.
I love how these figures are always "unexpectedly".
In 2021 many knew inflation wasn't transitory. Experts didn't.
In 2022 many knew it would peak massively. Experts didn't. In 2023 they then overcorrected and many knew it. Experts didn't.
And after this shitshow, unemployment rising is unexpected? LOL.
It is VERY expected to anyone with a brain.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Unbelievable that a party can be in government for 15 years and leave the place in shambles as it is.
We need actual smart people in the government.


They only care about the interests of their own party. This comes from Lord Cameron’s wife with whom we used to do business with. She owns her own clothing brand. We were her suppliers.


Why do so many Brits tolerate poor wage growth, go protest and strike like doctors and train drivers did. It's bizarre how the Brits have been such sheep. In the past they would strike and protest a lot !


They are too busy with the culture war issues. It also does not help that the alternative does not give a shit about this, either; they are more engrossed with -guess what- the culture wars. The current Labour actually despises the working class (uneducated, white trash as we know), so they are not exactly keen on trying to organize anything. And you have to have a real bad situation for a grassroot organization to succeed. (And even if there were one, it would be shut down as some sort of collection of racists and Nazis, because it would come from -you guessed it- the -mostly- white working class. And both sides of the political spectrum would be happy to work on squashing it because it would threaten their grab on power.)


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