2024-03-21 Natsuo 2952

Michael Davison
I know that on the few occasions I had to be in Germany, I found myself wondering about the older Germans I saw, the ones who were alive and teens or more during the Nazi era—”What were you doing during the war?”
This feeling is absent among the younger Germans I met or saw.
Isn’t it a bit ridiculous to blame an entire current nation today for the deeds of their parents or grandparents? (Not including the neo-Nazis, of course.)
Isn’t this along the same lines as black people in the US hating whites because their great-great-great-grandparents were brought to North America in chains?
How long is it possible to hold a grudge?

我知道在我不得不去德国的几次场合中,我常常会想到我看到的那些老德国人,那些在纳粹时代活着并且是青少年或更大的人——“战争期间你们在做什么呢?” 这种感觉在我遇到或看到的年轻德国人中是不存在的。 责怪整个现代国家的人民因为他们的父母或祖父母的行为,这不是有点荒谬吗?(当然不包括新纳粹分子。) 这是否与美国黑人因为他们的曾曾祖父母被带到北美搁置而憎恨白人的情况类似? 持怀恨之心能够持续多久?

Ira Spector
Well stated. I’ve done business in Germany on many occasions, and have always been treated warmly and professionally.
On the other hand, I had a very different experience in Austria, where I felt that prejudice towards Jews and anti-Semitism was still quite prent.

说得好。我在德国做过很多次生意,总是受到热情和专业的对待。 另一方面,我在奥地利有过一个非常不同的经历,我感到那里对犹太人的偏见和反犹主义仍然相当普遍。

Yoav Sachnovsky Yanai
As an Israeli citizen married to a non-Jewish German, I would say that openly expressing support for the Nazis’ genocidal deeds against the Jews - is a taboo in Germany. Expressing such views is generally frowned upon in Germany and many Germans will openly disassociate themselves from anything to do with the Nazis. The holocaust is regarded by many Germans as a stain on their country's history.
However, stereotypes associating Jews with money and with greed, and regarding Jews as rapacious money-grabbers who use their influence (especially in the USA) to advance their interests (and that of Israel) to the detriment of others - are not uncommon in Germany. Especially among older Germans.

作为以色列公民,娶了一个非犹太德国人的人,我要说,在德国公开表示支持纳粹对犹太人的种族灭绝行为是一个禁忌。在德国,表达这种观点通常是不受欢迎的,许多德国人会公开与任何与纳粹有关的事物划清界限。大屠杀被许多德国人视为他们国家历史上的污点。 然而,在德国,将犹太人与金钱和贪婪联系起来,认为犹太人是贪婪的钱财掠夺者,利用他们的影响力(尤其是在美国)推动他们的利益(以及以色列)损害他人的行为,这样的刻板印象并不少见,特别是在老年德国人中。

Brian Serle
I don’t see it as a grudge against the German people. Certainly Germans who were very young in the 1940s could not have shouldered any blame for either active or apathetic involvement in the Holocaust. Germans and collaborating Europeans who participated in the persecutions and murder of Jews will likely be in their 90s today. Not many survive. You can see that some countries continue to pursue charges against those who are still alive, despite their advanced age. Millions of them were never brought to justice, as their leaders were in the Nuremberg and other venues.


On the other hand, Germany has tried to repay its debt to the Jewish people to some extent with reparations to specific survivors of the Holocaust, as well as trade and economic and political support of Israel. According to the Claims Conference, negotiations since 1952 have led to the German government paying more than $70 billion in Holocaust reparations to over 800,000 survivors. This is no way can repay the Jewish people for the horrific loss of family members and whole cities and a civilization. Instead of the 14 million Jews today in the world, there might have been 50 million or more alive today. Like many Jews in the Diaspora, I have spent a lifetime being angry at the Nazis and their supporters. The best way to move forward is to prevent the recurrence of such GENOCIDE and persecution of other humans, include Jews and Muslims and Uighurs and people of color in our world today.


Ayush Ganguli
50 million Jews today is doubtful. There were some 15 million Jews in 1950 around the world and 9 million in Europe. 6 million perished. Orthodox Jews have a high birth rate as a method to maintain their race. But if Holocaust didn't happen, I doubt even Orthodox Jews intermingled in Europe would have such high birth rate. And European population is on a decline. Maybe some 4 million more Jews, but 34 million more Jews. No chance.


Isadore Huss
Germans as individuals are wonderful but as a crowd they are Germans. Go to a soccer game and see. But don’t go by me, I’m still pissed at the Romans for knocking down the Temple.


Steven Werezak
Historical hatred is just a red herring to camouflage one's own hatred and racist supremist ideals and beliefs.There are prejudicial and bias people in every camp, be it on racial,religious,ethnic or racial grounds! It's shameful and regrettable the media today focuses solely on the 1 percent of the bad apples and actors of the camps I've mentioned, through outright lies and propaganda,followed by each camp making sweeping indictments against every other camp as if all are duplicit


Uwe Siemon-Netto
Michael, at age 85, I am presumably one of those “old Germans” whose past you are wondering about. Well, when I was seven, my family home in Leipzig was bombed out and I had to guide my father, who was blinded in combat in WW I, past puddles of burning phosphor on the street. At 8, I heard my grandmother bawl out two Gestapo officers who showed up in her apartment accusing her of having made seditious remarks in her air raid shelter. “We are monarchists and Christians,“ she told them. „To us, the English, Americans, Jews and Russians are God‘s children. If that‘s seditious, then you must arrest and try me.“ They never came back.


My grandmother was too gutsy for them. I could also tell you how I found out about Auschwitz the same year, and how I followed the advice of West Germany‘s first president, Theodor Heuss, that all Germans must feel collective shame for the crimes committed in their name. And shame we felt and still feel, but not guilt because eight-year old kids were not guilty of the holocaust. I also know which party my father voted for in 1933: the National People‘s Party (DVP). My mother was too young to vote then, and she would be 107 by now. And my granny was a fervent subject of the eminently decent royal house of Saxony, the Wettins, one of the oldest dynasties in Europe. The Queen of England is a Wettin descendant.


Dan Rosenberg
I’m an American Jew who first visited Germany in 1993, only 48 years after the end of the war. I definitely felt odd seeing anyone there aged 60 and up, wondering if they’d been partially responsible for killing many of my relatives, or, even if not, if they’d turned a blind eye to the abuse and torment of German Jews in the 1930s. I’m thinking now anyone left there who was a teen or older then would be in their 90’s or older. Not really an issue now.


Sam Kaplan
I was with you until the last paragraph. I do not see too many African-Americans holding a grudge for what happened hundreds of years ago. Their grievances are overwhelmingly about what is happening today, including an unwillingness to acknowledge the continuum of history from 1619 to the present, not just slavery but Jim Crow, including segregation and lynchings, not just Jim Crow, but recent attempts to suppress the right to vote , alongside a continued inability to live the same as other citizens of European ancestry. Ahmad Arbery was hunted and murdered, and authorities saw video yet failed to take action until there was a public outcry and demonstrations. That is a grudge from yesterday not 400 years ago.


David Holland
To this day, when i see an old German. I wonder what they did during the war. Obviously, most Germans who were ten or older by 1945 are mostly dead now. I would say that up to the early 70s, there were many American Jews that would not buy German cars. Havings that, many of the taxis in Israel were German during that period. Germany has been a good ally to Israel for many years and does go out of its way to provide material and financial help to Israel. Ever Jew and every Israeli has their own relationship with Germany and Germans


Mark Meyers
Sam, my father-in-law, was a holocaust survivor, liberated from Auschwitz by the allies in January 1945. He ended up in Southern California where he owned a small chain of electronic stores. He always drove a german car. When I asked him why did he buy german after all they did to him and his family, he said proudly poking his thumb into his chest, “They work for me now!”


Paul Bahre
My Jewish Dad was raised by his adopted German American step father and that is why this Anglo Irish Jewish person has a German last name. To paint a whole group of people with hatred would be the same as what the NAZIS did to the Jews. Jews should be better than that and see people as individuals. I don't hate Germans or I would be hating my relatives who raised my dad with much love and care.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Holland
I disagree. 1945 Germany should have been bombed to the Stone Age. It wasn’t like only the German leadership was responsible . The German people were complicit with the war crimes they committed . What they did couldn’t have been done without full partnership of the people


Stu Edwards
I used to go shooting with an old Jewish guy who fled the Nazis as a child. He drove a Mercedes and I did raise this with him once. He said he avoided German cars until the wartime generation was no longer building them. He had no issue with younger generations so was quite happy to buy car they had made.
I guess it was his way of dealing with things and not a wholly irrational reasoning.


Werner Wegner
My father and uncles were all in the Kriegsmarine or Wehrmacht in WW2. I was born in 1947 and in conversations with my parents about the Holocaust they were shocked and ashamed when after the end of the war they learned about death camps and the GENOCIDE committed. Years later in 1964 after migrating to Australia I met a Jewish girl however, after a brief introduction to her parents I was asked to leave and not return as I was German. Thankfully those days are behind us and the first member of our family now lives in Netanya in Israel married to a Jewish man. We have also supported Jewish charitable causes, purchased Israeli made goods and support Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign nation.


Kupferman Judy
I know older Israelis who were alive during the Holocaust who do. But I can say categorically that the vast majority of younger Israelis do not. Germany has been a good friend to Israel for decades, and many Israelis go to Berlin for study or to live for a while.


Ilan Elron
It’s a wide spectrum, imo.
There are still Israelis alive, not all of them old age pensioners, who would not own a German-made vehicle, nor visit Germany.
There are still Israelis alive, not all of them old age pensioners, who abhor Wagner being played in Israel.
And there are many, lots of Israelis, some more knowledgeable than others, who are mostly ‘at peace’ with today’s Germany and most German people.

这是一个广泛的范围,依我看。 仍然有以色列人活着,不都是老年养老金领取者,他们不会拥有德国制造的汽车,也不会访问德国。 仍然有以色列人活着,不都是老年养老金领取者,他们憎恶在以色列播放瓦格纳的行为。 还有许多以色列人,一些比其他人更有知识,他们大多数对今天的德国和大多数德国人都“和平相处”。

As a German living in Israel I can say some do, but the majority does not.
I came to the country because I LOVE LOVE Israeli culture, food, music, everything. When Israelis know you love their country and you are open-minded to talk to Israelis, study Hebrew, learn about Judaism and let them know that you are interested in a friendship, Israelis are the first people to invite you to their home and yes, also to Shabbat diners or take you with to the Synagogue.
Well, to be honest, Israelis are one of the kindest people, very direct, they dont like when you feel ashamed about yourself, dont hide behind someone you are not, be yourself. The people in Israel will notice when you are not yourself and that is way worse than “being German”. I came to Israel and felt ashamed to be German, but Israelis taught be to be shamelessly myself.

作为居住在以色列的德国人,我可以说有些人会,但大多数人不会。 我来到这个国家是因为我热爱以色列的文化、食物、音乐等一切。当以色列人知道你热爱他们的国家,你乐意与以色列人交谈,学习希伯来语,了解犹太教,并让他们知道你对建立友谊感兴趣时,以色列人是第一个邀请你来家里的人,甚至邀请你参加安息日晚餐或带你去犹太教堂。说实话,以色列人是最善良的人,非常直接,他们不喜欢你感到羞耻,不要隐藏自己,做自己。以色列人会注意到当你不是真实的自己时,这比“德国人”更糟糕。我来到以色列感到羞耻是因为我是德国人,但以色列人教会我毫不羞耻地做自己

Of course, I also came to Israel with the knowledge that not everyone will like me, not everyone can forgive the German people, some people are so traumatised, they will never talk to a German and I can totally understand. The horrors of the holocaust are so tragic and I still cannot understand HOW it was possible that people could to something like this to other people. The ugly side of my culture is haunting me and it made me way more aware that talking to the people who have been hurt by your own people and culture is the best way to find peace with each other, giving each other a helping

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Real life is out there, I am married to an Israeli since 2002. I am also converting right now to Judaism. I can suggest every German to go to Israel and find out themselves. Life is never black and white, some will hate you, some wont. Just be yourself, and be respectful towards the Israeli culture and you wont have any problems.


Oren Hadas
It’s complicated, but mostly Israelis have a positive view of modern German people. Germany as a country has been very supportive of Israel, both politically and materially - being a main weapon development partner (the Merkava MBT is mostly built in Germany), paying massive amounts of reparations for the country and also paying pensions for surviving Jews who worked in Nazi occupied Europe (as slave labor!). Kind of crazy that they kept such meticulous records of their slave laborers they were able to do that, I would imagine that is the only time in history that happened. German engineering is also widely celebrated as high quality, and it is quite a marketing tool to have a “Made in Germany” sticker.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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