2024-03-25 童言无忌 3466
What should be done about the current crisis at the border in the US?


Jean-Marie Valheur
The very first thing one should do, is to accept there is a problem. Below is a picture of immigrants heading towards the American border. It’s a wave — nay, a tsunami — of people. Most of them are fine people. Some of them are not. Some are desperate souls in need of a better life. Some are hardened criminals.


"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
— Justice William O. Douglas

——大法官 William O. Douglas

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We are way past the twilight.
One thing all American politicians should do is go back to the drawing table. And start to do something that, in recent years, has become an almost alien concept in Washington — make compromises. The Democrats will have to make a compromise on border control, and allow for far more and far better funding for border patrol, screening and protection. In exchange the Republicans could defy Trump’s antics and finally approve the long-awaited military aid package to Ukraine that most senators are in favor of, anyway.
For sure, something has to be done. You can’t just bury your heads in the sand, look the other way, and pretend there isn’t a problem. When millions of people pour into a country and most of these people aren’t registered, aren’t screened or vetted, you have a future disaster on your hands. You have no idea what you’re getting into.


Richard Jomha
I'm sorry, Jean-Marie, your conclusion is not wrong but it misses the most important point.
What they should do first is prosecute people and companies who hire illegal workers. The best way to curtail supply is to cut demand.

对不起, Jean-Marie ,你的结论没有错,但它漏掉了最重要的一点。

Rick D
Then who will pick our lettuce and work in meat packing houses, and other jobs that there aren't nearly enough Americans that are willing to do those jobs, especially when unemployment rates are still low. Not fair to them, but my immigrant grandfather had a nasty job too.


Sean Steele
Then those companies have to raise wages and actually attract American workers. If the only way our food production maintains itself is by using illegal immigrants who can be paid nearly nothing, then our food system will crumble inevitability.
Better to rebuild our farming system with sustainable wages and practices now rather than later.
IF its actually true that we can't keep our farms open without illegal labor, then we are screwed anyway. But what I suspect is more accurate is massive farm conglomerates can't keep profits at skyhigh levels without illegal labor, not that we simply can't produce food without that labor.
Quite frankly removing illegal labor may actually help increase competition with farms as the big players lose their competitive advantage due to their low wages. What we may see is a boom in smaller scale buisness coming into farming. This could result in higher quality food without significant increases in prices. Increased competition is always better for the free markets and this may be just the way to do it in the farming world.


Rick D
I agree completely. My poorly worded point is that the Republicans claim to want to shut down the border but aren't offering any solutions for who is going to do the work currently done by illegals that Americans don't want to do.


Tom Ryugo
Nobody would squawk louder than Republicans if farmers, ranchers, and slaughterhouse operators got arrested and imprisoned for employing illegal immigrants. This is nothing but political fear-mongering.


Lee Dawson
Try it and see. I doubt if it’s republicans who will be squawking.

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Tom Ryugo
I seriously doubt you could raise wages high enough to actually get Americans to apply for farm labor jobs.
42 years ago, there was a terrible recession. Meanwhile, in the fall of 1982, CBS News reported that Vermont apple growers could not find workers despite offering $7.50 per hour - which was pretty good back in 1982. They flew in Jamaicans to fill the void - the Jamaicans were the fastest workers and said they could earn more in 2–3 months than an entire year in Jamaica.
The reporter, Ray Brady, went to a big city - either Boston or New York, found an unemployment line and asked if anybody would apply. Absolutely nobody would even consider it. One guy even said “I won’t work for less than $10/hr”.

记者Ray Brady去了一个大城市——波士顿还是纽约来着,找到一群失业的人,问有没有人会想要申请这样的工作。没有人考虑。一个人甚至说:“我工作的工资不能低于10美元/小时。”。

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Eric Blanton
Yes you could. Farm labor jobs pay good money these days, and are already worth doing if the stigma wasn’t there. Pay them even more and you would have no end of employees lining up. unxize it so they get benefits when they retire, like any other labor job.
Most of the work is done by mechanization these days anyway.


Tom Ryugo
Dream on. It’s not the stigma.
When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers : The Salt : NPR


Eric Blanton
Cleaning rooms isn’t farm labor. Most of the people who clean hotels in the US are not illegal immigrants.
Working in a meat packing plant is not farm labor. Most of the people who work at meet packing plants are not illegal immigrants.
Picking food is seasonal. It is done in the early AM to avoid the sun. It is not done year around, which means there are breaks, and it is also not difficult to hire visa workers if you have a shortage. You can pay workers more for their labor, or hire more workers to lighten the load. Give them unx benefits in the labor unx, so their time in the fields will add up to their retirement.
Just like slave labor, having a cheap labor source prevents innovation. Having said that, wages have gone up, and so is the incentive for Americans to work in the fields. The average pay is $20.32 an hour, but farmers like people they can fire without having to pay out unemployment benefits.,States%20is%20%2420.32%20an%20hour.
Your article is from 1965. Wages have rose a lot since then, and so has agriculture technologies.


Tom Ryugo
It’s not 1965 but the Imperial Valley is still hot as hell - maybe hotter given climate change. It’s estimated that 50%-75% of California farm workers are undocumented.
A high percentage of restaurant workers, motel maids, and meat packers/slaughterhouse workers are undocumented. That’s why a chicken plant got busted in Mississippi. Plus, several years ago, Walmart got busted for hiring illegal immigrants - which upper management had approved. The employers weren’t punished.
Restaurant owners will even say that nobody but illegal immigrants applies for dishwashing jobs. They get hired because they’re on time, dependable, and work hard.
I never see any White hotel maids, landscapers, and fast food workers. All Latino these days - and a fair number are going to be undocumented. And if Americans aren’t going to do the work, why do you even care if undocumented immigrants do it?


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Lee Dawson
You certainly could. People will pay whatever they have to for food. It’s not like a cell phone.


Tom Ryugo
If you couldn’t convince Americans to pick apples in Vermont for a decent wage in the middle of a serious recession with 10% unemployment, you’re sure not going to convince them to pick vegetables in the Southern San Joaquin Valley or the Imperial Valley where it’s 95 degrees in the shade before noon - when unemployment rates aren’t even 5%.
It didn’t work in 1965 and it won’t work today.


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Rick D
I agree completely, the solution is to allowing us to use work permits, legal immigration, etc as a solution to the manpower needed. But the Republican solution is to keep them illegal so the employers can pay the illegals much less under the table.


Dr Smile
could you not establish a legitimate program that hires undocumented immigrants? Then they wouldn’t be illegally working there.


Michael Gartly
Legal immigrants.

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Libby Mehaley
Republicans will never go for that when they wield power. It’s a recipe for even more inflation.

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Richard Jomha
They won't go for that because they love having illegal immigration as an issue to work their thralls into a lather over.

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Chip Sawdust
So you’re all for this mass deluge of illegals?


Richard Jomha
No, why should I be? It doesn't benefit me like it does right wing politicians.


Lee Dawson
The democrats are in power so what’s been stopping them? Oh wait! They don’t want it stopped! They depend heavily on illegal aliens.


Libby Mehaley
What was stopping Republicans . . . during any of their power-weilding eras, ever? They actually don’t want to stop it, either, for a multitude of reasons. But they are worse than Dems for pretending to have a problem with it.


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