2024-03-29 大号儿童 7252

Miles Burling
They were Roman. The concept of race didn’t exist to them. If you spoke Latin and worshipped mars publicly, you were the same race as them in their minds. Generally they had skin similar to modern napolese or Sicilians, but just like anywhere else, there was variety. Nero for example was a natural born Roman going back generations, but was a ginger. So clearly they didn’t all look the same.


David Kwa
Race in an american sense? Lets not get there. Lets go with academia. The Imperial language of the Romans was Latin. Latin is an Italic branch of the Indo-European family. So there you have it. The Romans were Indo-European peoples of the Italic branch. Other branches include Hellenic (Greeks), Germanic (Germans/English/Swedes/etc.), Indo-Aryan (Iran and Northern India), etc.


Maria Milani
The ancient Romans were multi-ethnic. If ancient Roman portraits and historical accounts weren’t enough to convince us of this, it has also been demonstrated through modern DNA studies.


The ethnicity of the ancient Romans is interesting to study because of the very long time period over which ancient Rome developed the vast geographical spread across three continents. Even defining ‘Romans’ is a task in itself. For example:

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The earliest founders of Rome around the 8th Century BC were the “Latins”: Caucasian Italic people, of Mediterranean origin. Like all other peoples around them such as the Etruscans, Sabines, Samnites, Greeks, they were of Indo-European or proto-Indo-European origin; though this tells us more about their common roots of language and customs than it does about their race.


At the full extent of the Empire around the 2nd Century AD, Roman citizenship had been legally extended to many more people (and races) than the original Latins alone, reahing as far afield as Germany, Britain, Africa and the Middle East. This provided ample opportunity for genetic mixing of all these separate peoples and racial groups.


Very recently the universities of Vienna, Harvard and Rome ran a DNA study of bones found around Rome but pertaining to burials across a time period spanning some 12,000 years. The Romans of 6000 years ago even had some traces of Turkish and Iranian DNA, then 5-3000 years BC included Ukrainian steppe. As Rome was founded there were increasing elements of eastern Mediterranean. Later periods including the fall of Rome and the middle ages showed a shift towards western and northern European genes – in line with the western Roman empire having become “the Holy Roman Empire”.


Josh Marlo Aviñante
I would assume you mean the early Roman Republic when they were not yet a racially diverse empire.


They were the inhabitants of Latium (thus Latin) where Rome is now, who were for the longest time subjugated by the Etruscans. Scholars believe Octavian was blonde with blue eyes while Julius Caesar had light brown hair. However, this was would have been diluted over time as they expanded to the rest of Italy. To the south, the southern Italian cities were colonised by Greeks and Phoenicians. To the north of Italy were the Gauls in what is now France. In Spain were the Celtic Iberians. According legend, the Romans are decendants of the Trojans through Remus and Romulus, the babies who escaped Troy.


The Italians must have already been mixed long before the fall of the West Roman Empire. Many Roman emperors were born in Spain, including Constantine. During Rome's decline, Ostrogoths and Lombards had already invaded northern Italy.


Of the nations today, it is the Italians, Spaniards, and Romanians who considers themselves direct descendants of the fallen West Roman Empire.


The ancient Romans were a Mediterranean people. They were a diverse population that included individuals from a wide range of ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds. The Roman Empire was a melting pot of cultures, and people from all over the empire, including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, contributed to the diverse population of Rome.


Paul Wright
Wasn’t really a concept. It did matter if you were a Roman citizen or not and most were not for much of the period. Off course 2500 years ago the Italian peninsula was populated mostly by people of Indo-European genetic stock. Likely you would call them “white people” today.


Chris Backhaus
Caucasian. As there are ONLY 3 races. Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucazoid. White, Black and Asian. Thats it. The rest are “ethnicities” or “nationalities”.

白种人的。 因为只有3个种族,黑人、蒙古人种和高加索人种。白种人、黑种人和亚洲人。其他的都是“种族”或“国籍”。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fabio Paolo Barbieri
Human. The idea of “race” is artificial, and the Roman Empire spread from dark-skinned Nubia to pale-skinned Britain anyway. Stop thinking in stupid modern terms.


Aaron Fan
The Roman Empire was a multi-ethnic and multi-racial empire. Roman citizens’ phenotypes varied depending on location. Citizens in Roman Britain and in Germania had lighter complexions and were more likely to have red/blonde hair than citizens in North Africa.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As for the city of Rome itself, it was a melting pot of the different ethnicities in the Empire. Most residents of the city were Mediterranean in appearance, but people with blond/red-hair and people with sub-Saharan African appearance were also relatively common in the city. Ostensibly, Italic and Celtic languages might belong to the same branch of Indo-European so the earliest “Romans” might have some “Celtic” traits such as red hair. But we must also remember that physical traits and language families don’t correlate perfectly. When a new culture/language takes over, it is usually done via assimilation of and intermarriage with indigenous peoples rather than complete population replacement (the cases of European colonization of what is now the US and Canada were actually rare exceptions rather than the norm).


Sven Jeske
Since there is no such thing as “race” in a biological/genetic way, the question makes no sense at all.
As for outward appearance … well, what do think - where does the term “Latino” come from? Could it by chance be that it has to do with the term “Latin”, which was the language the Romans spoke?


Lara Landis
Homo sapiens. There is and only has been one extant human race in the biological sense ever since the Neanderthals went extinct. The Romans saw themselves as the Roman race, which is even less well defined as modern notions of race.
But if you’re going for a slightly more broad Anthropological sense, like Indians, Arabs, Semitic people, and Europeans, they were Caucasians.


Mario Salvatore
The Ancient Romans were Mediterranean Latins and always were. They mixed heavily with the Ancient Greeks, Etruscans, and various Main land Italian Sub Groups who were all Mediterranean in Origin, not indo-European. They were technically their own Mediterranean racial group just like Mediterraneans are today.


John Prestwick
The human race.
Scientists have abandoned the idea that humans can be subdivided into races based on biology or appearance. Race does exist, but as a social construct. The concept of race is obviously relevant in the history of the United States, South Africa and more recently the United Kingdom. On the other hand, it cannot be projected onto Roman civilisation.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Romans certainly could be politically incorrect by modern standards, but this was based on traits like ethnolinguistic identity and social class, rather than skin colour. They had a higher opinion of the Egyptians than they did of the paler-skinned Germanic tribes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you are asking how the Romans looked, that depends how you define “Roman”. Exactly what “Roman” meant varied during the history of Roman civilisation. Originally, it just meant someone from Rome. Over the centuries, Roman identity and ethnicity expanded across the Latium region of Italy, and then across the whole of Italy, and then to the other lands that the Romans ruled — as far north as Great Britain and as far south as the present-day border between Egypt and Sudan.


People did move around in that time, such as when the Romans founded cities called coloniae for retired soldier to move to. Overall though, there was far more continuity than change.


Thus, skin colour and hair colour varied in the Roman Empire, mainly based on latitude. In the north, the average appearance was pale skin and brown hair. In North Africa to the south, the average appearance was a darker ‘olive’ complexion and dark hair. The average appearance of Roman Italians, like present-day Italians, was something in between. It is important to note though that there was much overlap between how people looked at different latitudes. Some Italians could blend in with northerners, while others could blend in with North Africans. Indeed, some North Africans could have blended in with northerners.


The southern limit of the empire was usually around where the present-day border is between Egypt and Sudan. Towards this southern limit, some locals had darker skin, to a point where they might be considered “black” if they visited the present-day United States or United Kingdom. That does not mean though that they would blend in if they went to West Africa.


Scott Stanard
Given that most answers below are very matter of fact that Romans in the period of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ were essentially of the same genetic makeup as Italians today, from people presumably of various fields and biases, I imagine my obxtion to that answer would essentially prove ridiculous.


Therefore, let me ask those of you with an education in these things a sincere question that comes out of my limited and likely spotty understanding of the Mediterranean region:


With the Muslim Empire, and its encirclement of the Mediterranean Sea, peaking in the centuries that straddle the change of the two millennia of the Common Era, how is it possible that the genetics of the people inhabiting the Italian peninsula would not now be more like the people from the area from modern-day Iran to the Arabian peninsula than it was at the start of the First Millennium CE?


I have long suspected that the typically 'swarthy,' darker, Mediterranean look of, particularly, Southern Italians had to have been from the influx of what I would assume to have been predominantly Arabic Muslim people as they came West with the occupation of the Southern coast of Europe, the Eastern coast [Syrian/Assyrian (?), Phoenician, Canaanite/Palestinian?] lands, and the Northern coast of Africa.


Just as Britain over the millennia saw their genetic heritage evolve due to the influx (invasion, subjugation, immigration/settling, etc) of different groups -- [randomly] including Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Scandinavian/Norse/ "Viking"/Germanic/Frankish/Norman peoples -- [such constant intermingling!] -- I would guess that a similar type of evolution would occur in just about any place in Europe and the Near/Middle East where plentiful resources, moderate weather, and ready navigability are most desirable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(I am always interested and curious about history of all kinds... nations, languages and their development over time, archaeology, evolution, empires, culture, religion, science, and technology, especially as they intersect and affect one another... so I am open to being educated.)


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