2024-03-29 yzy86 9684

The trisolarian crisis is a global issue. Most of the protagonists hadn't known eachother before yet they were involved in coping with this crisis in some way.
There were nanotech scientist, former cops, soldiers, hedonistic teacher, aerospace engineer, cancer patient, president of a socialism country, former US secretary of defense, Nobel winning scientist. They were born in 1950s, 1980s, Era of Deterrence.


Perhaps they even never met eachother in their whole life. But their lives have been connected by the string of the destiny of humanity since the crisis. I feel it like so many people are in the same community for humanity. They have the same target.


But the Netflix adaption made the joint force of different people from different backgrounds look like the world saved by a small group of people. Operation Guzheng was brought up by Wade and Raj, relying on the technology from one of the Oxford 5. Staircase Project was put forward by Wade and one of the Oxford 5, too. And guess what, wallfacer, swordholder, escapist, spy are all from the Oxford 5. And AA is actually from the future, they are gonna make her Auggie from the Oxford 5. Looks like the Oxford 5 is the center of universe.


The diversity is limited in the UK, or more specifically, in London(or a little bit in China and US). The epic scope of the book is thus reduced exponentially.


One of my favorite tropes in wide-scope stories (like Game of Thrones) is having that large cast that doesn't know eachother but POVs start to converge and characters form unlikely connections. I assumed that's what would happen here, and the Oxford Five would be a name for disconnected people-of-interest designated by powers that be like Wade, but no, its just their school club


They somehow "globalized" the show by making it even less global than the book.


Then they should not cramp the event of book 2 and 3 in the season that was supposed to adapt book 1 in the first place. That way they have 3 episodes to flesh out book 1 instead of rushing through it to get to the next big thing


literally had the exact same thought independent of this post. Every character in the book had their own independent network with depth most of which never interacted. It felt like an anime where a group of friends are going off to save the world.


They turned it into Stranger Things.


I get you and agree but again, 8 episodes is limited. Add onto that a story spanning hundreds and thousands of years, planets, etc with many important plot points, politics, and theories I think simplifying the characters and established relationships might help overall


I wondered are they not given a budget and decide episodes based on that?
If so, ok stick with 8 episodes if you want them.done well BUT why adapt 1.5 novels of notoriously dense material?WTF?


Agreed. I am rewatching it to try and take myself out of my bias, but damn. I can’t help but feel they had a very minimal budget on this.


Totally agree. I admired superheroes when I was a child. But now, when I look at these frivolous so-called "genius" saving the world, it is disrespectful to the human beings, who are building the world with their "ordinary" efforts. Oxford 5 are too cheesy.


What’s quite interesting is that superhero movies always develop the superhero stories independently at first and then converge their path. If Iron man, Captain America and Hulk were already buddies, the first Avengers movie would be half as fun.


You mean fat, vulgar snackfood guy, girl with simp, guy who is simp, self centered stoner and ice queen aren't compelling characters?
I literally can barely remember their names. Splitting Wang was a mistake.


Just binged it and this was my biggest problem. So you're telling me that the only people who can: come up with the propulsion method, the nanofiber tech, provide a brain, be a wallfacer all just happen to be friends?
Oh and btw the person who invited the aliens in the first place just happened to be the mother of one of their research colleagues.


Gimme a break, there are billions of people on the planet this is totally ridiculous !


I think that also defeats the purpose of even “Westernizing” the story. Instead of setting the story predominately in China with predominantly Chinese characters, they instead chose to set the story in predominantly the UK with predominantly a random group of people who all know each other. It really dues the scale at which this story can develop in a believable way.


and one of the boy friends may save humanity


The only other problem is I wish Da Shi had been funnier. The Tencent version is far better. I thought casting here was perfect, but Benedict Wong just didn't have enough to do.


In the books the 3 protagonists come from a country with over a billion people. In the show the 3 protagonists were all in the same study group. Which is more ridiculous?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think when you are adapting these books to video format you have some obvious problems. When we read the internal thoughts of a character, how is that presented in screen? By making these characters interact with each other and verbalizing their thoughts you can further the story more efficiently. I think this is much better for storytelling then making it more realistic.


It is kind of the same as popular cop shows seem to always be capturing serial killers even though in real life serial killers are rarely caught by good police work


The Chinese version managed to express the characters via actions, emotions, implied meaning between the lines etc. Not via Verbalising everything.


In the books it looked like Trisolarians vs Earth, in this it looks more like Trisolarians vs Wade


They seem incapable of breaking free from the 'lone (group of) hero' archetype, don't they?
I'm beyond weary of these hackneyed tropes.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the coolest things in the book is when Beihai decided to kill the Ultimate Law then realized the (until that point) unnamed captain figured out the problem independently and did it earlier and better. That is the scale of this book is about: ultimately, the whole world is in this together and everyone is going through the deep thinking.


It's the pinnacle of Netflix faux-diversity. Take a non-western piece of media, change all the characters to hot young people, but it's fine because they're all different skin colors and sexual orientations.
It's sadly ironic how homogenous Netflix's "diversity" is.


diversity for the progressive is white men, black men, women, and no east asian men unless they're fat/effeminate/homosexual, essentially a eunuch


So far I am in episode 4, I feel the storyline was rushed too fast, as a result, there is less suspence. Some book plots were ommitted which was very unfortunate, for example why on earth change the plot of Ye wenjie murdering her husband ? And in the novle, when Ye met Evans, they were two broken soul who found conformt with each other, why change that? And why omit Evans childhood story ?


Yes! I've been saying this to almost every post. Everything had a reduced scope. Even the defence was mostly just Wade & Clarence. Where is the committee? Where is the fun interaction where US gets as allies with China. The book tries to show that the entire globe is affected. The series feels like it takes place in 2 cities and has only 20 people involved. It feels cheap. Even the raid had like 4 swats.. That operation should've had hundreds of people involved (by that moment everyone was an ally) Also the UN and wallfacer announcement is on fast forward. Need some intro... Isn't that the prime minister? Or the queen? Give it a grander scale, that announcement is a world wide event. There were just a bunch of people involved. You don't get to feel that everyone is on board on a global scale. Last one the nukes. It was literally a one liner that they just got 300...wtf, go a bit geopolitical, even it's just adding some dialogue ("Russia doesn't agree on such a big concentration of nukes. They barely agreed to sign off on a plan for 200. And later on.. the prime minister of India & president of China manage to run some inteterference, so we managed to get it up to 300. I'm sorry but that's the best we can do").

你无法感觉到每个人都在全球的层面上同舟共济。最后是核武器。简直是一句话就搞定了,说他们刚刚得到了300 枚...搞什么鬼,来点地缘政治吧,哪怕只是增加一些对话(“俄罗斯不同意如此大规模地聚集核弹。他们勉强同意批准200枚核弹的计划。后来...印度总理和中国设法作了一些干预,于是我们成功地将核弹数量提高到了300枚。我很抱歉,但我们已经尽力了”)。

The reason is for dramatic impact. If these people didn't all know each other, they either wouldn't be interacting, or would be interacting as strangers. What you're complaining about isn't a consequence of changing the national origins of the characters, it's about wanting an ensemble show, a cast who will relate to each other and have a history together to show and build on, rather than a cast of characters who are all essentially monads.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

typical, now I suspect the scxt was written ttem by AI


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