2024-03-31 不要可乐 8721

I visited Singapore and couldn’t resist the chance to make a short video to review the experience of riding the famous MRT system in this country! But I also made some comparison with the systems in China, let me know what do you think in the comments down below!


The subways in Singapore and China are both impressive, both better than those in New York


Both China and Singapore are great countries. Wishing the best for them and their continued friendship.


Singapore train stations is practical,China train stations is futuristic Is out of this world like living in future


If you travel out to the suburbs, you will realize that that there are covered walkways leading from to the MRT stations to bus stops, residential buildings and schools. So, you do get sheltered from the sun and the rain as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

China has scale. Singapore’s probably easier for tourist. China’s design is more futuristic, artistic and larger given the huge population. I like China’s.


Tobe honest China & Singapore their Subway are much better than the west forsure.
Can't able to Compare Aisa with the west.
There's no way the west

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Please do not compare Singapore and China MRT, each has each own merit. Let it be!! Enjoy life!!


Welcome to Singapore, Rafal! I've been watching your past videos on China. I've been to Beijing on a few occasions. I must say China metro system is impressive due to its scale and coverage. It is also so much cheaper. However (based on my travel experience in Beijing only, cant say for the rest of the Chinese cities), I do wish the Chinese stations could improve with, more seats for tired legs, and make elevators available in all station for passengers who carries luggage. One thing Singapore surpassed here, as you rightly said, is functionality. Every station in Singapore has lifts and elevators and design with passengers in mind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

China has learned a lot from the great Singapore. City plan, governing, social system, eastern wisdom makes us similar.


The Singapore Tourist Pass includes a refundable deposit of S$10. You can get your deposit back at the ticket office.


As a Chinese, I can confirm that both are at least better than the shit going on in NYC
what is happening there


I think the Singapore MRT is more expensive due to higher staff wages and maintenance cost. The average income in Singapore might be higher than in some Chinese cities; that might also be a reason.


I believe that in Singapore,u can use credit card ,apple pay for the journey. No need to buy tourist card.

我相信在新加坡,你可以使用信用卡、Apple Pay来乘坐地铁。不需要购买旅游卡。

❤❤❤Don't compare Singapore Subway Metro with China.... ❤❤❤Because Singapore had to build only one Subway Metro while China had to build thousands of such Metro which are too very amazing and unbelievable Subway...❤❤❤

❤❤❤不要将新加坡地铁与中国进行比较.... ❤❤❤因为新加坡只建了一条地铁,而中国却建了成千上万条这样的地铁,太不可思议了…❤❤

The ticket price for a ride in China is from 2 RMB to 7 RBM (30 cents to $1). I think no country can beat China in this aspect.


Chinese are much futuristic and much practical. There is no comparison to Chinese subways on this earth.


Hi Rafa. As native Singaporean stay here and I have traveled to China Guangzhou tried on China underground rail transit. I felt Singapore MRT are better in term of connecting to building, mall, and facilities. Sheltered from rain walkway underground or above ground. handicapped friendly lifts, ramp not exceed 1:12 slope and travelators at interchange stations of different Lines require long walk will be friendly to elderly ages self help commuters. Signs, lots of visible sign to detail with map selling you where you are and how to get there, and mostly in four languages and vocal public address. Male female, handicapped toilet at every station and even nursery room at some large stations are free to use. It may be looks expensive for tourist if buying daily fare card $12 unlimited but if you travel to point to point ticket are within S$1.50 to 2.50 reasonable. Consider citizen average income and the card can be used to take all public bus get to most of the destinations lixing to goggle map App, it is very efficient time saving guiding anyone get to destination in shortest time. China fares are cheaper but compare fare to citizen income ratio, it is actually comparable. Overall, prefers Singapore MRT whether local or foreigners, I think.


Basically, building MRT system here in Singapore is way more expensive than the ones in China..Due to Labour,material and shipping cost,etcs...hence it must be practical ,useful and reliable cost effective system as a whole.


Since 1979 the 4 official languages of Singapore ae English, Mandarin, Tamil & Malay & even though English has been the mandatory language of instruction in schools since the 80's, their govt is still diligent about public signs having all 4 languages. Here in Canada, it's much the same with both our official languages, French & English often displayed, even though here on the W. Coast of Cda, British Columbia, there are far more people speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi & Tagalog than people speaking French.


Amazing experience there! China and Singapore are showing the world how it’s done! Hopefully the rest of the world can catch-up!


This type of comparison on urban transportation between China & S’pore is rather superficial & entertaining but that’s all.! Singapore is a city state , a highly developed urban population, no doubt but it’s still on a little island.! There are limitations to how extensive its urban transportation mode could get. However, China being a large country with a huge population, is totally at a different level of development in terms of scale in their transportation development & technological advancement. Such comparison becomes irrelevant when a city like Chongqing has a population of 22.8 million which is far more than the entire population of S’pore with 5.7 million people. Anyone can do the maths, and obviously, the demand & scale of urban planning for transportation, speaks for itself for a country like China.! The network of infrastructures alone, in China , is beyond belief.!


You can't compare prices because in China, their travel fares are heavily subsidized


Most things are expensive in Singapore, one of the most expensive cities in the world.


All the lines are automated. The heavily used north south and east west line still have a driver compartment for fast recovery in case anything breaks down


Those who are harping on about them being not comparable because of scale, the host already made clear that he is comparing with China only because that's where he's from and more familiar with, cut him some slack here. He's not a full-time subway systems reviewer. Different countries have different requirements, Singapore is building to its own requirement. There are many other bases for comparisons, scale is just one of them and the host did well to point them out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

3:19 - You do know that the cost of living between China and Singapore is different... Right ?? Its like comparing the cost of a property in land scarce Singapore with a property in a country where both labour and land is much cheaper and plentiful...

3:19 - 你知道中国和新加坡的生活成本是不同的...对吧?这就好像比较新加坡这个土地稀缺的国家的房产成本和一个劳动力和土地都更便宜且更丰富的国家的房产成本一样...

But here’s the thing. Only 7 city metros in China are profitable and Beijing is not one of them. It may be grand but is it sustainable? Just like their HSR, very impressive but bleeding $1T a year.


China has aligned a lot of their government and economic systems around Singapore's.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

How could you not know Malay is one of the 4 races and language in Singapore. So some signs you saw in the MRT stations are in Malay. So the 4 languages are in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. No Hindi here.


Fun Facts :
Singapore's national language is Malay. English is a common language used to interact with other races.
Our national anthem and military commands are in Malay too.
The $50 note you showed on the video, well the person on that currency is our 1st Malay president, Mr Yusof Ishak.
Singapore is also situated in the Malay peninsula. You can find Malay people in the neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.


As a Singaporean...having to travel to China regularly... Singapore is only half the size of Bangkok, nothing compared to China's advance MRT system...which is also value for money.


Are Chinese subway and bus transit systems integrated? Can the fares of bus rides and train rides be combined and rebated as a single journey if the entire journey happened on the same day? Or are the fares calculated separately?


You say it is pricey but obviously as you’ve gotten the unlimited tourist pass. But if you were to pay the travel fare for buses and MRTs using a normal card or contactless payment like your credit cards, Apply pay etc., it is relatively affordable getting around.

你说这很昂贵,但显然你已经购买了无限制旅游卡。但如果您使用普通卡或类似信用卡、Apple Pay等的接触式支付来支付公交车和地铁的车费,那么出行相对便宜。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

If this dude goes to America and make videos on their subway, people gonna unsub his channel.


I know that Singapore and China's subway systems are both better than America, which Singapore is not much far away from China which is really great as well!


Just functional? Just taking train & getting to destination? Are there any other functions to train stations I don’t know about? 0:09


Why compare with china? Just U are not maximising the convenience of using credit to tap entry. Why purchase a physical card when the Sgp system gave u such convenience. I can't use a credit card to use the train in China. That's a huge big minus for international travellers. In Singapore, the system caters for 4 languages and China only one. Another minus for international travellers. Cost wise, u mention its expensive, since u are an expert, whats the cost per kilometres globally and where this 2 counties stands? Provide such information to be able to make such judgement.


would each step in SINGAPORE cost approximately 3 or 4 USD?


The most significant difference between the subway systems in Singapore and Hong Kong compared to those in mainland China is: the scent. The subways and public spaces in Singapore and Hong Kong have a scent typical of developed regions. At first, I didn't know what this scent was, but later I figured out that it was the scent of well-regulated air conditioning. It's the aroma of adequately air-conditioned public spaces. The standardized temperature of 24.5 degrees Celsius in public places across mainland China is not scientifically sound, as it doesn't account for the humidity in southern regions such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In tropical areas, if the air conditioning temperature isn't kept low enough, it can lead to the growth of mold, lacking the refreshing scent found in the subways of Singapore and Hong Kong


The real question should be:
How many Chinese cities out there are better than Singapore?

真正的问题应该是: 有多少中国城市比新加坡更优秀?

I guess the reason why you found Singapore MRT expensive is because you bought a One Day Unlimited Tourist Pass. For locals, you simply scan your Apple Pay or Google Pay. Single trip from end to end merely cost SGD $2.40 (41km)

我猜你觉得新加坡地铁贵是因为你买了一日无限制游客通行证。对于本地人来说,你只需使用Apple Pay或Google Pay进行扫描即可。从一端到另一端的单程仅需2.40新元(41公里)。

Singapore mrt cost is not cheap compared to China but it is also very clean and confident similar to China ones. Compared to Singapore size and population, it is still very good system. you choose the one day unlimited card, which is more expensive unless you travel more than 4 longer trips. normal card, each trip will cost about SG$1-3.


1) If you are changing from MTR to Bus and vice versa, you don't have to carry any umbrellas during rainy day in Singapore. 2) SG is less crowded than CN 3) SG price is higher 4) Air cond. quality is better in SG than CN. Viola!


Both are impressive, I just hope they continue to thrive along with South Korea and Japan and other countries to follow


Give me Singapore’s understated class over China’s gaudy pseudo-futurist “design” any day.


The difference? English signboards & 3 other main languages. Other major cities do broadcast in international languages but majority of their population are mono linguistic & have no idea what the train comm is talking about.


Singapore people earn more than the Chinese and thats why tickets in singapore seem more expensive compare to china.


Should not buy the tourist pass. Use visa/master or Singtel Sim card/transport from 7-11.

不应该买游客通行证。使用Visa/Mastercard或Singtel Sim卡/从7-11购买交通卡。

You should compare apple to apple such as the subway systems of Hong Kong and Singapore. Hong Kong's MTR (Mass Transit Railway) and Singapore's (MRT) Mass Rapid Tramsit are very much alike but I don't want to go deep here , In my opinion, Japan's subway system is the closest one which you can compare with China's.

你应该进行苹果对苹果的比较,比如香港和新加坡的地铁系统。香港的地铁(Mass Transit Railway)和新加坡的(MRT)大都会快速交通系统非常相似,但我不想深入讨论, 在我看来,日本的地铁系统是最接近中国的一个可以进行比较的。

很赞 10