2024-04-02 程奇奇 4825


Thank you, Ms. Sheline! We need every gov employee with a conscience to step up and be on right side of history and humanity! Our government is NOT on the right side and the whole world sees it


Her face reveals how devastated she is from inside. She is a courageous human, and a patriotic American, to take a firm stand and do what she has been doing. I may not agree with her 100%, but I salute her being a principled and ethical human being.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you young lady, it appears that you are one of a few who know the actual meanings of GENOCIDE and democracy.


Sad state of our world today. May we all be guided. What a brave sould Annelle Sheline, this is the America and Americans I believe in and care. The moral compass is in place. My prayers and best wishes for you and your family Annelle. And salute to Amy Goodman always, you bring truth out as much possible as you can. Thank you.

这是当今世界的悲哀,愿我们都能得到指引。安妮尔-谢琳是一个多么勇敢的人啊!这就是我所相信和关心的美国和美国人。道德指南针已经就位,我为你和你的家人安妮尔祈祷并致以最良好的祝愿。向艾米-古德曼(Amy Goodman)致敬,你尽可能地揭示了真相。谢谢。

Your daughter has the bravest mom. She is and will be proud of you. You did the right thing.
God bless you and wish you a wonderful new beginning.


"Clearly the administration is unwilling to admit to reality." The devastating truth of this. Thank you for speaking out about the brutal and extensive harm of this perpetuation of inhumanity and injustice, Annelle Sheline!

"显然,政府不愿承认现实",因为这是一个毁灭性的事实。安妮尔-谢琳(Annelle Sheline),感谢你直言不讳地揭露了这种非人道和不公正的长期存在所造成的残酷而广泛的伤害!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's so beautiful to watch normal fonctioning human beings with compassion. Sad that humanity is so rare to witness.


Anyone who at this point is talking about "Israel's fundamental right to defend itself" has not understood anything. Sad and disgusting.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mrs Shenile, the world is grateful to you for standing up and testify in the name of many.
Let us spread this courageous testimony by this official with true integrity.


You are so brave Annelle and thanks for speaking up! Bless all the Americans and Jews who understand what the Arabs are going through aren’t staying silent! Palestine will be liberated because of you beautiful people! Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell ��������� may god make it easy on his family! We’ll never forget


We are proud of you and proud of you to speak out the truth. Let the American public know what is actually happening inside.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The emotional toll is visible on the face this young lady. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for her to witness all the crime committed by Government without being able to change it. She deserves the MEDAL OF HONOR for her bravery and morale values. Is anybody in this Government ASHAMED by her tears and emotional suffering. May she and her family be blessed.


Thanks for standing in the right side of history Mrs. Annelle
You have a very decent strong morals and you sacrificed your career for it❤
I wish I can be as brave as you are.
History will witness all of those who sacrificed to stand with justice


BIDEN has lost my vote over his stance on Gaza even if he calls for ceasefire today, he had 5 months to stop this GENOCIDE of Palestinians, no to BIDEN, NO TO TRUMP, will vote 4 Marianne Williamson!!!


Thankyou Annelle Sheline for speaking up. We acknowledge it's hard. But you asked the right question "what will we say to our children?"

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annell Sheline will go down in history for her bravery and courage to speak truth to corrupted power. Real professionalism. Hats off to you Annelle!


Thank you Ms. Annelle Sheline for raising your voice against human rights injustices and the rule of law abandoned by the Biden administration.


Annelle Sheline, salute to this brave woman, stood for peace & humanity. we need such people in all nations across the globe to push their governments to stop wars.


I salute the bravery and integrity of this woman and the very important light she's focusing on a very dark situation. Thank you for standing up and speaking out


Thank you for having her on. What a courageous woman. These are the moments that show who you are. I was particularly struck when she said, “this is a difficult country to be unemployed in”. I hope she has already found employment. what a backwards world we live in


Good on her for resigning, as she will sleep at night with her integrity and respect for herself, I hope many more do resigning from a rank and file job that is supporting this GENOCIDE


Now she can wake up and smell the fresh air and see her family with a smile. Money can career is important but happiness can never be compromised by greed and evil. Good for her.


People like you and Aaron Bushnell are great example for not including people of a country when we judge harshly its government and politicians. The extreme exhaustion on your face is unbelievable! I can tell your tears are 100% genuine because you made me cry and I'm a 41 yrs old man. I beg you to launch a social media channel or posts on social media to tell us how can we support you from now on. I totally understand how such decision can affect your career in the US. We just need more people like you and Aaron in this world!


This young Lady shows integrity. She worked in Human Rights of a State Department bc she believed in them. To her it wasn't just a job.
God bless you Dear!


I remember reading some of her commentary and work in the past. She seemed a principled person committed to peace. I respect her for this decision. Thank you for standing for what is right and showing there are many Americans who share your fears about Israel's campaign.


Dear Annelle, the pain on your face is what many of us feel every single day in our heart and soul. Good on you, I hope you will be forever recognized for your integrity and courage.


Good to see a genuine human face from the State Department, someone with a conscience, decency and integrity. Thank you, Annelle Sheline. She loves her country.


‘What would you do if my country was committing GENOCIDE!?! The answer is you’re doing it right now.’ Those words by Aaron Bushnell will haunt many of us for a long time to come.

如果我的国家正在实施种族灭绝,你会怎么做?答案就是你现在正在这么做。亚伦-布什内尔(Aaron Bushnell)的这句话将在未来很长一段时间内困扰着我们中的许多人。

Principled lady who is truly led by conscience. I hope you are picked up by an organisation that values your ability to listen to your heart.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's good to know there are real, decent, compassionate human beings in the US State Department whose upper echelons are led by heartless warmongers.


She is the beacon for many really dedicated US diplomatic members and all the politicians who have done nill for the country!
Sad that we have more brave women than men who have taken the right road!


Their human values are etched in their faces; Annelle Sheline is pained by US government's support of the GENOCIDE in Gaza while Matthew Miller is gloating about his boss's stance on its continuation. Good and evil is never as obvious.

安妮尔-谢琳(Annelle Sheline)对美国政府支持加沙种族灭绝感到痛心,而马修-米勒(Matthew Miller)则对其上司继续支持种族灭绝的立场幸灾乐祸。善恶从来都不是那么明显。

At least there are some humans with integrity left in the world! It's been looking incredibly bleak. What the hell has happened to most people?


Annelle Sheline you are my hero , you are brave , you speak with you heart and act with your mind i wish you the best you are a true American.


❤ thank you democracy now ❤️ We are still at the beginning of the road but if we keep going the way you are going, we will reach the stars ….. through democracy truth and justice

谢谢democracy now栏目,我们仍在道路的起点,但如果我们继续沿着您的道路前进,我们将通过民主、真理和正义抵达星空 .....

Annelle Sheline I hope you will be rewarded with heaven in the hereafter which is the most valuable reward in this universe! Thank you for standing up for justice ❤


What a brave woman. I hope her friends will rally round to support her because I fear that the vengeful "system" will make life very hard for her. I have the greatest admiration for her.


Very moving . Thank you for having the moral fortitude and humanity to walk away. It can't be easy when there are bills to pay. Our government is on the wrong side of history once again!


Thank you Anelle Sheline, I have many times questioned where my Church was in time of slave trade, holocaust and apartheid. Many of us now see America losing it's moral authority. They talked a lot about the massacre/GENOCIDE at Bucha but quiet on GENOCIDE in Gaza.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annelle Sheline you are what I imagined the US to really be like when it comes to heart and compassion and from someone in the UK who has very quickly been losing all faith in the Country I grew up loving, Thank You for your ability to not waiver in your core beliefs of right & wrong, I understand you have as a result found yourself without employment in the service of what you loved to do but you certainly made the only choice you know you had, I am sure parallels with being one of 'Those People' following the 2nd War were clear as day to your minds eye and you are truly an example of the real fortitude and commitment of the hearts intent and a potent beacon of light that reminds and helps rekindle the spirit of the Nation we know still exists behind the powerful but very thin veneer of the few that make hideous disfigurements of the things we hold as beautiful and honourable of the soul of Humanity.
I hope you are recognised as such.

安妮尔-谢琳(Annelle Sheline),当涉及到爱心和同情心时,你就是我想象中的美国。在英国,我很快就对我从小热爱的国家失去了信心,感谢你能够毫不动摇地坚持你的核心是非信念,我知道你因此发现自己没有工作,无法从事你热爱的工作,但你肯定做出了你知道的唯一选择。我相信,作为第二次世界大战后的"那些人"中的一员,你的脑海中一定有清晰的印象,你是真正坚忍不拔、矢志不渝的典范,也是一盏有力的明灯,你提醒并帮助我们重新点燃民族精神,我们知道在强大但非常单薄的外衣背后,仍然存在着少数人对我们人类灵魂中美丽和光荣的东西的丑化。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annelle is an amazing women who is taking a very public difficult and conscientious stand for human rights. She is a heroic example to her daughter, her family and to the rest of the country. We should be proud of her actions and work to support her in our own actions in whatever way we can. GENOCIDE, the crime of crimes must stop.


Take it easy Annelle. You did what you could afford and more. Good people suffering the evils doesnt care: stay strong for us all! ❤


Annelle, you are a beautiful moral person! That takes so much courage. You can be at peace with your decision. You are an amazing example for so many people. Your daughter will be proud you! Sending love


Thank you Mrs. Sheline for taking the stand you have at the expense of your position. Thank you also for sharing what you have been feeling and echoing the feelings of so many who also feel betrayed at what our government is doing against all the values we believed our Nation was about. I too had a major crises of conscience that brought me to tears, weeping and shame for my part in what is now unfolding, by my lifes work in not only the USAF, but also as a civilian in the Aerospace and defense industry. I reached out to the Veterans crises line, not suicidal or homicidal, but in great need to express how I was feeling. I feel so completely betrayed by the Nation I served willingly, putting my own life and health at risk daily, believing It would always be for just and right causes, not in the service of a genocidal campaign by any nation, state or kingdom.
In venting I realized that the blood of the innocent is not on my hands, but on the hands of those who are in positions of power, for whatever reason they've betrayed us all.


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