2024-04-03 jiangye111 4077
AI ‘apocalypse’ could take away almost 8m jobs in UK, says report
-Women, younger workers and lower paid are at most risk from artificial intelligence, says IPPR thinktank


(Customer support workers are among those at risk in the first wave of AI adoption. The second wave will have a much bigger impact.)


Almost 8 million UK jobs could be lost to artificial intelligence in a “jobs apocalypse”, according to a report warning that women, younger workers and those on lower wages are at most risk from automation.


The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) said that entry level, part-time and administrative jobs were most exposed to being replaced by AI under a “worst-case scenario” for the rollout of new technologies in the next three to five years.


The thinktank warned that the UK was facing a “sliding doors” moment as growing numbers of companies adopt generative AI technologies – which can read and create text, data and software code – to automate everyday workplace tasks.


The report said this first wave of AI adoption was already putting jobs at risk as growing numbers of companies introduce the technology. However, a second wave could lead to the automation of more jobs amid rapid advances in AI.


Analysing 22,000 tasks in the economy covering every type of job, the IPPR said 11% of tasks currently done by workers were at risk. This could, though, increase to 59% of tasks in the second wave as technologies develop to handle increasingly complex processes.


It said routine cognitive tasks – including database management, scheduling and stocktaking – were already at risk, with potential to displace entry level and part-time jobs in secretarial work, administration and customer services.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, the second wave of AI adoption could impact non-routine tasks involving the creation of databases, copywriting and graphic design, which would affect increasingly higher earning jobs.


Women would be significantly more affected, as “they are more likely to work in the most exposed occupations, such as secretarial and administrative occupations”, the IPPR said.


In the worst-case scenario for the second wave of AI, 7.9m jobs could be displaced, the report said, with any gains for the economy from productivity improvements cancelled out with zero growth in GDP within three to five years.


In a best-case scenario for full augmentation of the workforce with generative AI, no jobs would be lost, while the size of the economy could be increased by 4%, or about £92bn a year.


Sounding the alarm over the impact on workers, the left-of-centre thinktank said government action could prevent a “jobs apocalypse”, and help to harness the power of AI to boost economic growth and raise living standards.


Carsten Jung, senior economist at IPPR, said: “Already existing generative AI could lead to big labour market disruption or it could hugely boost economic growth. Either way, it is set to be a gamechanger for millions of us.


“But technology isn’t destiny and a jobs apocalypse is not inevitable – government, employers and unxs have the opportunity to make crucial design decisions now that ensure we manage this new technology well. If they don’t act soon, it may be too late.”


chlebsebyASI & WW3 2030s
Its 12% of population
AI will hit hard service based economies


A large chunk of the population are financially dependant on people who are vulnerable to AI job loss. e.g. family of 4 with working husband, stay-at-home wife and 2 kids. What % of the workforce is the 8m?
Not to mention the secondary effects from having more people unemployed. Someone who lost their high paying job to AI is no longer able to hire someone to clean the windows, cut the grass, getting car serviced so often, go to the pub etc.
No doubt that 8m job losses is completely catastrophic for UK economy


Yeah it's basically a game over scenario.
It's so funny to me to see serious and somewhat smart people discussing how their job is "safe" LMao in a crumbling economy.

是的,这基本上是一个game over的场景。

It's not catastrophic. The production remains the same, if not higher. 8 million desperate starving people is a massive army. There is no way the billionaires win that


SGC-UNIT-555 AGI by Tuesday
8 million soldier's sure, but 8 million office based administration, call centre and secretarial workers (the sectors mentioned in the article) ? I think they'll just slix away without much of a fuss to be honest.
Coal miners and factory workers (automotive especially) put up stiff political resistance to automation in the last century but they still failed.


In coal mining, which coincidentally I do understand, there hasn't been much automation. A remote scoop is typically controlled by a human operator, for example. The technology has empowered the same number of workers to be many times more productive.
I can imagine how machine learning could automate most coal mining jobs today. I don't mean one day when some breakthrough is discovered. You could do a lot today, and I'm watching the early stages of that unfolding right now. The miners, geologists, and engineers are all suspiciously looking out of the corner of their eye at a machine doing the same job that they do.
When factories were being automated, the tech industry was blooming. People have always been chased into what are termed "higher levels" of work. Now the machines are coming for the higher level jobs first. Dexterous manual labour will actually be the last to go.
Anyways I can tell you that most of the mining industry workers are going to be displaced and it's unclear where that population would find alternate work.
I'll tell you where they will go. Before WW1 there were 200 million horses. The horse powered that era. Where are they now? They died.
People think that what is now will always be. Like that the S&P 500 will grow forever because it always has. They think the Luddites were wrong so we are wrong now. Even if the technology stopped progressing today, just implementing the discoveries of the past few years will annihilate every job market.


I think there are more than 8m people in the UK who would prefer to do something other than their monotonous job. Automate everything, give us enough for our needs and sosciety will prosper like we couldn't have imagined.


For those with a mortgage, bills & children, can you please suggest what jobs these people can do if they suddenly find themselves unemployed after AI makes their jobs obsolete? We can’t all be tech gurus and STEM graduates.
I think people on this sub and similar tech-oriented subs are underestimating how devastating AI is going to be to average normal families who will likely find themselves homeless. What about somebody working in accounts payable, data entry or recruitment? Suddenly their job is gone but they have no skills or experience to get another. All these over optimistic people saying ‘the government will introduce UBI’ are naive in my eyes. The government does not have the average workers best interests at heart and will allow the situation get out of control before they act, by which time it will all be too late. Millions will be unable to pay their mortgage and will burn through whatever savings they have just surviving. It won’t be long before there are millions of rough sleepers, entire families even, who have lost everything.


Won't happen. In countries like the UK voting is a thing. When unemployment is nearing 10% everbody will be affected, since they know people who are affected directly. The first politician who goes out and says "I'll tax AI labor and distribute its wealth" will win and implement some support system that helps. This will become more relevant each election cycle and will create better and better systems.


Calling it an apocalypse is a bit overdramatic... especially considering we are facing actual apocalypse scenarios right now (climate change and the threat of nuclear war).


BillyBarnyarns▪️ AGI 2030
Apocalyptic means total destruction of something. I agree it wont be the total destruction of UK society, but 25% unemployment rate in the current system would be an absolute disaster.
Also, I believe that Hitler rose to power during 30% unemployment in Germany. Those kinds of conditions can bring out the worst in society.


I think labeling the destruction of the entire working class as apocalyptic makes sense. Globally that’s billions of people dying. Well before climate change would effect them. And nuclear war might actually have a chance at preventing ai apocalypse, considering it has the capability of frying almost all electronic devices.


A.i. isn't murdering anyone...? What are you talking about?


When did I say ai was murdering anyone? Ai is a tool that will replace billions of people’s jobs, leaving them unemployed and without money. Given the political and economic systems of the world right now, those unemployed people would starve and die (no amount of social welfare could cover all of them), hence it being an apocalyptic event.


Good-AI▪️ASI Q4
Don't just take 8m jobs. Take all of them. It's time we abandon the view we need jobs.


I hope I live to see the day that we move on from work as a concept.


Work is not the problem. I'd argue without work a lot of people would have trouble finding meaning in their lives. The problem is the amount of work we have to do to make a living, and how little time we have left to just live our lives. I'd agree that mundane, soul sucking jobs should not be what we strive for though, but something where people can actually make a difference in some way, or find real fulfillment.


Well, if a large amount of people aren't really needed in the job market then we shouldn't force people who don't want to work a soul sucking job to work. Not eveyone derives meaning from their "normal" job, some people would rather work on stuff they are passionate about instead, think hobbies, side projects, volunteering, etc


Who said we should force people to work? Or that work is the only way people find meaning? Sometimes I swear people don't even read comments, you're literally just rephrasing what I said


People who were replaced by machines found jobs in previous centuries. In the worst case, everyone will be given robots/AI by the governments for free. And then people will form unxs renting their robots to the highest bidder.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’ll crest new ones just like automation has. We always make bigger or more advanced things with the tech otherwise it would be like having billions of dollars but not deploying it to use


AI will get politicized in the next few years
Elections are won on small margins, and impacted workers will vote for candidates that speak to their anger and to their needs
The harsh reality is many people will become unemployable
These blocks of voters will decide elections for the foreseeable future


We need a new class revolution. This time it’s the non-working class.


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