2024-04-04 jessca 7365


it is more incredible to me the fact they have 56 child in a class , and still all of the kids are disciplined




I worked in public and private schools in Chengdu China for a decade. If there is something that students in Chinese learn, it is discipline and respect for their teachers. At the beginning of each class the students have to stand silently and take a bow to their teacher and it is not until the teacher gives them permission to sit down. At the end of class the students have to stand and take a bow in silence. When at any time in class I would crossed my arms
automatically all the students in the class inmedatelly would stop talking immidiately and stay quiet in absolute silence. Then after the class in the playground studentes would run to me a high five or a group hug a sign of mutual love and respect.




​ @victormendez8811 What is the punishment for non compliance please?

@victormendez8811 请问不遵守规定会受到什么处罚?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@arthurlincoln9093 Children are not punished at school all you can do is sit with the student and have a meaningful conversation about his or her behaviour . All teaching staff always encouraged the students that be themselves but at the same time respect the class rules and be mindfulness for others.

@arthurlincoln9093 孩子们在学校不会受到惩罚,你能做的就是和学生坐在一起,就他或她的行为进行有意义的交谈。所有的教职员工总是鼓励学生做自己,但同时也要尊重班级规则并为他人着想。



56 student in one class is very common in China. Although in big cities like shanghai, the class size will be much smaller.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



We have much to learn from them, here in the US



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Illisil well, I think our schools could use some improvement, I really don’t want them to turn our children into brainwashed automatons

@Illisil 好吧,我觉得我们的学校可以改进一下,我真的不希望他们把我们的孩子变成被洗脑的自动机器。



Today's children are lacking manners and respect. They are very selfish and do not care for anyone. It's all about ME, ME, ME!




Teachers are seen as an important role model and held in high regards in their culture.




victormendez: We had about the same discipline in my school in the 70's in Finland, but later I heard from others that it was particularly in my school, not in others. We had HUGE respect for the head-teacher, we had to stand up in seconds when he walked into our class, we had to be absolutely quiet, and not sit down until he sat down. We all liked him but also feared him, respected him. One morning we were told "from today on you don't have to stand up anymore, not when the teacher walks in and not when you answer a question". That felt weird. All the respect gone in the blx of an eye. Today our schools are a joke. Pupils can choose if they sit or stand or lie down or whatever. They wear beanies inside, they run in the corridors, they shout,scream, throw things. No wonder we fell down from the PISA-points to the bottom. When you take the respect and discipline away everything becomes chaos.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



@mrsScandinavia60 Respect for your teachers, parents, and seniors have always been golden rules that all students learn from the youngest age.My first priority as an educator was always to be an example for my students. I showed them the highest level of respect and at the same time I gave them a lot of affection and always motivated them to be themselves and have fun in class because learning has to be fun.

@mrsScandinavia60 尊重老师、父母和长辈一直是所有学生从小学习的金科玉律。作为一名教育工作者,我的首要任务始终是为我的学生树立榜样,我给予他们最高级别的尊重,同时也给他们很多关爱,并始终激励他们做自己,在课堂上尽情欢乐,因为学习必须是快乐的。


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@victormendez8811 Yes,I agree, I work in daycare and we absolutely demand the children to obey us and to listen to us and to not interrupt, but we also love them and play with them and laugh with them and they love us, so many of them come back to visite us when they are teenagers, but the sad thing is what we teach them about respect and discipline is all for nothing once they start school. Todays teachers don't have discipline here, or ability to gain respect from the children, I don't know why they are taught to let the children decide about most everything. Children need adults to teach them how to behave in society.

@victormendez8811 是的,我同意,我在托儿所工作,我们绝对要求孩子们服从我们,听我们的话,不要打断我们,但我们也爱他们,和他们一起玩,和他们一起笑,他们也爱我们,所以他们中的很多人在十几岁的时候还会回来看我们,但可悲的是一旦他们开始上学,我们教给他们的关于尊重和纪律的东西就都白费了。现在的老师没有纪律,也没有能力赢得孩子们的尊重,我不知道为什么他们被教导要让孩子们决定大多数事情,孩子们需要成人来教他们如何在社会上立足。



@mrsScandinavia60 When I stopped working in schools and accepted a position at a university, on several occasions I met former high school students on the streets and they always gave me the glory of greeting me with great affection and respect and in those moments I knew that I had done my job.

@mrsScandinavia60 当我不再在学校工作,而接受了一所大学的职位时,有好几次我在街上遇到以前的高中生,他们总是很亲切、很尊敬地跟我打招呼,在那些时刻,我知道我已经完成了我的工作。



What a way to motivate the students to work hard and not fall asleep during class. Way better than stimulants or dangerous items (drugs, weapons, etc).



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's not fun being an energetic little kid, but forced to keep still for hours. This helps redirect some of that energy, and makes the sitting down lessons easier to manage.




Other than teaching the loyalty and dedication aspect,its also engrain better coordination and vigority also creating great memories for childhood.fully support such initiatives.




I have never ever imagined how a classroom can be transformed this way. It is thinking out of the box and will certainly inspire the kids in team bonding. Kudos to the teacher with the bright idea. I love it.


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