2024-04-08 程奇奇 4612


Man. Not only you encouraged the cycle of nature, you also tamed and brought in a feral cat. This video is so wholesome and it might be one of the best video i've watched in Youtube


This man truly deserves a million subscribers. A person who is actually doing good things and helping our environment.


So awesome. I inheritted several acres of marshland. It became stagnment and dead over the years. We opened it up with some culverts to get some circulation and and thined the high weeds. Now we have ducks, muskrats, frogs and all kinds of critters flying around.


This was honestly the most beautiful video ever watched on youtube. You put so much work into making this little refuge for wildlife, and your cinematography skills absolutely SHONE. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It's inspiring.


This was wonderful! You are so knowledgeable about all the animals and your cinematography is outstanding. I can’t believe you got that sparrow swooping down and snagging that feather. Wow! What a capture! This is going down as one of my all time favorite nature documentaries!


You have no idea how much this moves me, thank you Stefano. My mother owns a flower farm, and my sisters have taken on our traditions of growing flowers and vegetables to really help all the pollinators, especially the bees and monarch butterflies. What you have done in creating a pond though to help an entire ecosystem establish is remarkable. I have sent this video to my family, and I'm sure it will inspire them. Thank you again!


This video made me cry!! I could hardly believe that someone could care so much about nature and give back to it. I grew up in the rural south of the United States, in Louisana and Mississippi, and as a little girl, I used to love exploring the streams, ponds, and the forest on my grandfather's property. And to see someone care so much about wildlife and nature to take the time and do the hard work to create a small piece of Heaven is so moving!
You literally created a small example of what Heaven must be like -- your creation brought so many different examples of life and nature together. The video is just extraordinary! I wish there were more people like you in the world! Most people tend to destroy nature and take it for granted! Thank you for this beautiful work of art!


We only hear about us humans destroying the nature. How wonderful to witness helping out the nature! Also, thank you for taking care of the cat!


This was a beautiful full scale documentary summarized in an incredible effective way in just 15 minutes. Impressive work for everything: from the filming to the editing, from the setting up of the whole pond to helping the cat, till describing so well all the species and phases you got through . Truly a great work, bravo


WOW !!! There is so much crap around Youtube, just click bait, and suddenly I stumble upon this piece of art. Really beautiful, a lot of true, hard work, but It was all worth it
I wolud give anything to have a piece of land like this and be able to surround myself with nature, unfortunatelly I can't, not at this level.
Amazing footage and environment. I could go on for at least 1 hour of how much I enjoyed this, but I will just say THANK YOU !!!


Excellent vid. I was a Game Warden (Law Enforcement) for 30 yrs in a southern state, retired now. Although it had some long and late/early hours, I loved my job. One of my favorite things was working with the Wildlife Managers in there late summer and early fall, before hunting season. We would plant food plots, clear roads and creeks, put up duck boxes and some bird houses, etc.
I love what you have done here...good job.


I remember as a kid I use to try to make tiny ponds in my front yard. Digging up holes, putting in water, decorating it with rocks and little plants. This dude is taking my dreams to a whole new real level.


I love that in the middle of this you just happened to come across a cat, rehabilitate it and give it a home with you guys. It almost made me tear up. What an interesting video overall


This goes to show that as much as humans can destroy the earth, we can remake and encourage nature as well. Not only did he make the pond, he maintained it in a way that preserved the natural cycles of these species. Beautiful. This is the most inspiring video I’ve watched all year, thank you so much.


I've literally watched this video 3 times! It's incredibly well made and I love how you use your knowledge of all of these creatures habits to help provide for the wildlife on your property. It's really beautiful to get a close look at all of our little friends up close & it's amazing to see the true chain reaction of this ecosystem balancing itself. Keep up the good work!


This is one of those videos I don't think will be an emotional one for me but was. you don't understand how important just a small water source is to nature, but we keep destroying things and making places inhabitable. I'm also very glad you recognized how threatening a cat can be to the ecosystem since they are another reason so many are declining. As well as I know mosquitos are food sources to a lot of animals, but I hate them, but you've helped me hate them just a little bit less. When i move back home and get some land I'll definitely be doing a few of these around the property.


If this one man can bring life to a huge area like this, imagine what change we can make if more of us would also try. You’re very inspiring, I’m now rooting I could do something like this in the future.


I’m studying to be an ecologist starting next year. One of my biggest dreams is owning property and maintaining a habitat for wildlife, just like this! Truly inspiring content.


I’ve been watching videos of people homesteads out in the wild and living with the nature a lot the past few months. This one was a little different in that it was basically a mini ecosystem being designed and carefully built and taken care. Truly appreciate the work you put in! And the kitty coming in and being adopted was the absolute cherry on top. Thank you, those were a very satisfying 15 minutes that I just spent.


Your deep appreciation for all things, from mosquitoes and jumping spiders to birds to feral cats, is inspiring and uplifting. Between that and your excellent photo/video work, it's the whole package. Thank you. There is a quote attributed to Charles Eames that I think embodies your philosophy and speaks the truth: "Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely, and to the best of your ability, and that way, you might change the world."

从蚊子、跳蛛、小鸟到野猫,你对万物的深厚感情令人鼓舞和振奋。再加上你出色的摄影/视频作品,这就是你的全部。谢谢。查尔斯-伊姆斯(Charles Eames)说过一句话,我认为这句话体现了你的理念,也道出了真理:"选择你的角落,认真、专注、尽全力地去挖掘它,这样,你可能会改变世界”。

My mom got over cleaning her pool so she just left it. What happened was plants started to grow in it. Reed frogs as well as common frogs inhabited. Woolly-necked storks, Egyptian geese and Hamerkops frequently visited. And just recently Weavers have built their nest over the water. It's incredible how nature just takes back.


I didn't even know your existence 15 minutes ago and now I'm super proud of you and what you've done for the ecosystem there. Such a rewarding experience. I do not own land but I wish I would in the future to follow your inspiration.


What a work of art. So inspiring to see what one man can accomplish for nature on a small patch of land. That was probably the shortest and longest 15 mins I've ever watched because I absolutely loved every single second of it. This was basically a well-made movie but one that is so real and has a significant impact. Most people wouldn't even notice one of the small details you covered; you relayed them all, matter of fact. Saving the cat was just as awesome. I would love to follow your lead and make a space for nature one day (considering I plant a tree as part of National Tree-Planting Day every year).


Stefano, your work is an incredible demonstration of how one person can make a lasting, positive impact on the world. Biodiversity is central to the health of our planet and needs to be considered first and foremost when deciding how we use land. Thank you for creating a respite for these vulnerable creatures, and for inspiring us to do the same. Your impact is immeasurable!


The feeling when i helped a single bird or animal is priceless but you helped am entire local ecosystem...its not even imaginable to me how Great you are feeling for helping them


This was honestly so well narrated and filmed, I didn’t even skip 5 seconds of the video and watched it all the way through like a documentary, which is rare for me as I have a really short attention span, but the video was so beautiful and mesmerising that it kept me hooked, honestly this is the type of content I want to be consuming on youtube, which makes me feel mesmerised and like I learned something, not videos which leave me with a headache. Thanks a lot for this video, it made my day ✨


Wow this was awesome. It was very wholesome, heartwarming and inspiring! Thank you for sharing this journey with us, looking forward to more in the future ❤


What you have done is right at the heart of humanity's sacred role of guardianship of the Earth. I would love to do exactly the same thing you are doing, and have dreamed about this kind of project since I was a little boy.


Dude. What a fantastic effort & outcome! The planet is better off because you’re in it and making a difference. I’ve never tipped a YouTube video until now. I’m gonna do something similar. If enough people do the same… You’re an inspiration! Thank you, subbed!


This is the first time I’ve come across this channel, and I have to say, you’re an actual legend! The fact that you made an entire habitat with little help out of the goodness of your heart is amazing! This also goes to show no matter how small the habitat is, the ecosystem is still just as intricate and important to the rest of the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Incredible work on this wild pond! It's amazing to see how you've transformed the area into a habitat that's not only beautiful but also beneficial for wildlife.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wish we all could do this in our backyards. I teared up in the end- the cat found you. This was meant to be. The work you put in bore it's fruits and you also shared it with millions of us, Just want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.


After seeing this I decided to overhaul my small garden pond, and have now setup a brand new pond more friendly for wildlife, with shallower edges, natural soil substrate and a wider surface area. I still need to get more plants, but I'm hoping that with time it turns out better than the last one. Thank you for inspiring me to help the wildlife in my own yard; even if it's small and urban, there's still many ways to help and encourage wildlife!


I'm truly at a lost for words. The breathtaking cinematography and audioscapes help to build a beautiful narrative and storyline that I cannot recall seeing in other videos. Your knowledge and love for nature is really infectious and I found myself wanting to step outside of the house and explore multiple times throughout the video. You deserve many more subscribers!


How i just found your channel!!! This is so amazing and beautiful!!!! Thanks for caring about our ecosystem!
I live in Tennessee and love watching birds and other wild life pass through our land. Is unbelievable how they search for survival. I am inspired to make a water fountain for birds and other animals.

我怎么才找到你的频道! 这太神奇、太美丽了!!!! 感谢您关心我们的生态系统!

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