《霍比特人》-五军之战-精灵/矮人 VS 兽人(下)
2024-04-27 jessca 4627

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Only the most Brave stand their ground. Death for friends or saving your own life; when you can flee and live or fight for your friends and accept death. What will be your choice?


Had Guillermo Del Torro pushed through in directing the Hobbit films, this battle wouldn't have materialized as he wanted to keep the original context of the book where Bilbo just slept through the battle.. having fought in WW1 , Tolkien didn't want to draw up the horrors and image of war in the Hobbit story since in context, it was really a children's book.. on another note, PJackson said he really couldn't keep the original context as it would be hard to relate that to LOTR

如果吉尔莫-德尔-托罗(Guillermo Del Torro)继续执导《霍比特人》电影,这场战斗就不会出现,因为他想保留书中比尔博在战斗中睡大觉的原貌。曾经参加过一战的托尔金不想在《霍比特人》故事中描绘战争的恐怖和形象,因为从上下文来看,这其实是一本儿童读物。

As with everything in life it's about keeping a clear head and 'thinking' what do I do next! Slowing down our pace of life will benefit 'everyone' - so lets do it!!! Starting - tomorrow!!! Smiles - let's unify! Let's be 'one' as it should be!!! We NEED to stop fighting each other and live as one! It's TIME!!! Time to bury WAR once and for all into the history books and TIME to embrace each other!


As well made as the Hobbit movies were I'm astounded by Jackson thinking he could tell the story better than Tolkien. LOTR movies were so good and I understood why so much had to be cut due to the length of the story, but the Hobbit could have been told in its entirety within three movies without the umpteen additions to the story. The Hobbit is a wonderful story on its own. These movies were fanfiction and almost make the story of the Hobbit unrecognizable. I was initially excited before the movies were released but ultimately disappointed. Great visual effects and imagery though.


If this was in real world ( minus giants obviously ); both Dwarves and Elves would get their behind handed to them by any half way competent army. They break ranks almost immediately,. Your shield wall is only strong if order is maintain. You don't charge as mob, you advance as a unit, never breaking ranks.
Charge isn't "run as fast as you can", but it is "advance as fast as a unit can move".
Oh and wear bloody helmet!


I absolutely hated the part where the elves jumped over the dwarf spear wall when fighting the orcs. That was just freaking pure stupid. They would have been trapped between the dwarf spears and the orc charge.


Amazing AI Choreographic Battle Scene.
Western movies are now full of ridiculously DEI Black, Brown, and insufferable bitch boss actors where they don’t belong. Sad to see such beautiful Western art and culture are being gutted in a name of diversity. I enjoy movies and arts from people who represent them. Now I can no longer find this simple enjoyment.


Battle like this is absolutly will happen in last days of earth, Muslims and christians will make alliance against enemy from the east, and then battle will be between Muslims and chritians, at last the earth will destroyed and everythings dies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thou I wish they did less CGI and more live acting like in the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit was an excellent prequel to the story.


Some of the greatest battles in the history of the world took place in the ancient Americas, on the North American continent, and relatively few people know of them. Entire civilizations were wiped out..............because they turned away from their God and their King.


Idiotic jump of the elves makes me facepalm every time. A wall of shields and spears of a disciplined army is its main advantage over numerically superior barbarian horde. It is ALWAYS the main goal to hold it as long as possible, because broken formation = defeat. But who needs logic? Lets just willingly break the line of our allies at the start of the battle and turn it into an uncontrollable mess where every one fights alone against multiple orcs. That sounds more fun, than using our super bows, shooting from behind the dwarves, or covering their flanks with swords/spears.
Real life rome/greek/medi generals spin in their graves at the speed of sound.


Picture this happening in America in the not so distant future. The people's armies going against the US government. As we speak avengers n Patriots are assembling now. Stay Safe and fight for what's yours and what You Love. I sure am. GOD Blesses the Righteous Souls that We are.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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