2024-04-22 jessca 14792

Welcome to China! Love from a Chinese student living in the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brave girl, the best is to self travel explore China yourself, good experience for life, so u can find out if the mainstream media is true or not.


You don't need to be brave to travel or live in China. Because it is so safe, so organized, so convenient, people are so friendly and helpful to foreigners.


Congrats! You are in the Best city in this world, it is Shanghai!


Be safe and enjoy your adventurous journey. If you could learn some mandarin, it should be helpful.


hope she'll get used to the streets without the addicts, alcoholics, homeless, mentals, shootings , tents , police-sirens, .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The audio quality is not ideal and the camera is shaking when you walk. Get a pro vlog device like DJI pocket 2 or Insta 360, if you are serious about vlogging. Since you are in China, it's easy for you to get good deals on these electronic products. Just my little two cents.

音频质量不理想,走起路来摄像机还会抖动。如果你真的想拍视频,你可以买一个专业的视频设备,比如大疆pocket 2或Insta 360。因为你在中国,所以你很容易就可以买到物美价廉的电子产品。一点小建议。

Please don’t go to China or you might love China instead of hating it like your government wants you to! You might also find out the US government is a lying sack of shit when it comes to China and ended up hating the US government like I do!


Wish you very successful & happy in Shanghai. I am your new subscriber from Hong Kong.


It is a very brave move, I am sure Shanghai is a great city, I wish you all the best!


Asia is the better place to live in, plenty of multiethnic cuisine, different vibrant culture, etc.


Asia is huge. There are shit holes and there are wonderlands. Not every country is a better place to be.


Wow!, you are so mature and talented for a 17 year old..Keep up the great Vlogs Sophia


Whole Asia is like that. You have everything everywhere unlike US suburbs where you might have to drives miles just get your groceries. America n is designed that way to fuel It's energy and automotive industry.


Because Americans don't have to think about protecting the environment. And they can print money to buy resources from other countries, so they drive everywhere they go without fear of waste.


She really should have graduated from high school first, in another country with no high school diploma, she won't have many job opportunities, unless she's rich and just living it up lol


Just look at how clean the streets are, when you feel down, come back to San Francisco and compare!


I see some Asian resemblance in you. One of your parent is Chinese? Freezing? In America, girls wear shorts during winter.


Thank you for talking about life in China.
Much of the recording is very shaky. Your editing software might have a function to reduce that.


I am totally opposite, I moved to a pretty rural city in australia because of my parents' work, now I miss the big cities so much, its serene and beautiful out here and you can talk to trees (lol), but sourdoughs and french toasts and entertainment in walking distance? forget about it, closest action, probably 30 minutes drive away.


People are like that unless they had a dream to move to a small town or a big city
You are just comfortable with your lifestyle
I think she more or less went to China because of her dads job


Please make sure to offer your help to your fellow countrymen by telling them the truth and facts about China. Thank you!


A little piece of advice. When walking on the streets and filming, hold the cam at street level so that your audience can share in the joy of what you are seeing yourself. Not from below your chin! It's boring to watch, only seeing you yakking yakking leh! No offence meant. Show us the China you see. That would be interesting.


Check the dictionary for "Self adulation". I think she has a serious case. Stopped watching after a few minutes... Not clicking on again, cause, I don't think she can get away from this illness.


It's so fitting that your video introducing your life as an America in China has you...looking for BREAD in the land of RICE! The most Western thing in the most Eastern country haha. And that bread actually looks better than the stuff I've got in my little town in the US! Can't wait to see what adventures await you...maybe you can start by showing us around the metro, using that as a means to explore cool neighborhoods or cafes. And it'd be cool if you could take us inside that Buddhist temple. :)


Don’t go out at the night time in China. It’s too dangerous for foreigners because all your money is gone and you will bring more than 10 pounds fat in your stomach to home.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nice start Sophia. I’m not sure if it’s in your budget but getting and using a self centring gimbal tripod for your selfeys video shots would really help. I know DJI makes some really good ones. Even later investing in a DJI Osmo Pocket 3 would make your videos look really great and easier. The Pocket 3 would give you a stable wide angle view of your surrounding background while you are walking and talking. It’s also small and unobtrusive allowing you to get quality stable video shots with ease. Anyways, Wishing you YouTube success!!

索菲亚,这个开头不错。我不知道这是否在你的预算范围内,但购买并使用自定心云台三脚架来拍摄自拍视频会很有帮助。我知道大疆造了一些非常好的三脚架。即使稍后再投资购买大疆Osmo Pocket 3也会让你的视频看起来更棒、更简单。Pocket 3可以让你在行走和交谈时以稳定的广角视角观察周围的背景。此外,它体积小、不显眼,可以让您轻松获得高质量、稳定的视频拍摄效果。总之,祝您在YouTube上取得成功!!

tbh once you started living in china... the area.. the conditions etc.. that china provides... you dont wanna go back... good luck girl ^^

说实话,一旦你开始在中国生活......地区......条件等等......中国提供的东西...你就不想再回去了......祝你好运 ^^

Living in a different country will give you experience many people don't have. This will give you a leg up in life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At a tender age of 17, u may feel home sick after a month or so. Try to get admitted into a Uni or college. But before that, u need to be conversant with the language. If your dad is with u, he will certainly give u the helping hand u need. Uni is going to be competitive but the rewards r enormous. All the best to u and will be good to see how u get by adapting to a country so different and diverse from yours.


great first video!! im so excited to see your perspective on life in china since you don't see too many from this grounded perspective. upload again soon!


Brave! What give you the courage to drop everything in the US and move to China? Did you land a job there? What’s your plan there?


Very cute girl. 17 years old living alone may have some difficulties. Please remember that if you encounter any difficulties in China (including difficulties in life), you can ask the police for help in solving them.


At least you chose some place which is safe. If you tried living by yourself in the US I think we would be reading about you in the obituary page.


Always good hearing from an expat about China rather than listening to what US government tells us in the western media. Western media is brainwashing Americans.


You r bold, didn't your country tell you China is dangerous ?Like many Americans think China is backward and no freedom, now, you will find out what the facts are..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tell everyone you don't drink when you go out or, you being 17 and no drinking experience, they'll ganbei you until you pass out.
Completely different drinking culture


Average Americans and the collective west (Europe, Australia ...etc) are ignorant and fear of China.
Yes make videos to calm them down and teach them the new way of life and culture of China.


@i-eat-you if you know much about the history, that was a Berlin Wall.
We don’t care what you think, your stubborn mind isn’t important to us. We care about the people want see the world with their own eyes, think things with their own brains. Obviously, you are not one of them.


Ah, 17yo from small-city, America, moved to Shanghai, China. Enjoy your new life. Enjoy the food and the culture. Make new friends. Keep safe and be happy.


How do you make a living in China? I would love to move to China too but afraid how I would do for work.


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