2024-04-10 辽阔天空 5961

Did man really land on the moon?


Jake Williams
Let me get this straight.
People say man didn't really land on the moon. They say that somehow, billions of dollars were sunk into a project whereby the worlds largest hoax occurred. Giant rockets that didn't actually go anywhere were launched multiple times in front of people, while hundreds of other people pretended to be mission control, astronauts, film crews, and everyone else shown. Every news industry on the planet was either in on it, or completely fooled. The USSR, who were spending billions spying on America, found no evidence of this hoax, and bought it. And, to top it off, in the 47 years since not a single person, out of the hundreds of people who must be in on it, have come forward despite the massive opportunity for fame and fortune. Oh, and the reflector is actually a naturally occurring phenomenon, not a clear example of human engineering.
I'm sorry, but that would actually be more impressive than landing on the moon.
Yes, we landed on the moon, not because it was easy, but because tricking everyone into thinking we did would be freaking impossible.


Ernest W. Adams
Did the US really land on the Moon?
No, the big secret is that it was actually the Russians, but they used fake American spacecraft in a false flag operation. They sent English-speaking cosmonauts named Neil Armstrongski and Edwin Aldrinovich in order to fool the world into thinking the Americans did it. This was the most glorious disinformation project ever achieved by the KGB. Mikhail Collinsev was made a Hero of the Soviet unx for his support role.
It worked. Americans have been taking the blame for being the first to land on the moon for the last 40+ years. You and I are the only ones who have seen through their nefarious subterfuge.

不,最大的秘密是,登上月球的实际上是俄罗斯人,但他们在假国旗行动中使用了假的美国航天器。他们派出了名为Neil Armstrongski和Edwin Aldrinovich且会说英语的宇航员,目的是欺骗世界,让世界认为是美国人干的。这是克格勃有史以来最辉煌的虚假信息项目。米哈伊尔·科林塞夫因为他的支持作用被封为苏联英雄。

Charlie Platt
There was a great interview with Neil Armstrong where he was asked that question, I think in the early 2000s. He responded calmly, and said, he was proud to have been part of one of man’s greatest achievements, the Apollo moon landings. That he understood it was such an amazing achievement, that people might be skeptical and have questions about how it was done, is it possible, etc… Hell, they weren’t even sure it was possible when they started the program.
Then he paused, and thought for a moment, and said, but, oh to have been part of a program that involved hundreds of thousands of people, around the world, with countries like the Soviets trying to prove us a failure constantly, and to have pulled that off and kept it a secret for over 30 years now, then, wow, that would be even more amazing. So regardless of how you look at it, in the 1960s we did something that was truly remarkable.
I would add, what type of world would you want to live in? One where we did amazing and remarkable things, brave men and women risked their lives to reach the moon and space, where the limit of our abilities is equal to the limit of our imagination, or a world where everything is a hoax and a fake. A bit of skepticism is good, keeps people honest


Paddy Alton
Is it true that humankind visited the Moon?
It’s definitely true; the idea that the moon landings were faked is a well-known conspiracy theory, but is utterly without foundation.
There’s plenty of compelling evidence, e.g. during the Apollo missions the astronauts left behind some mirrors to bounce lasers off in order to measure the Earth-Moon distance more accurately (Lunar Laser Ranging experiment). And that’s even if you don’t believe the reams of footage that was taken. No, in order to believe that we didn’t land on the moon it is necessary to believe:
The USA was willing to build a whole load of extremely expensive rockets, send them to the moon, conduct a pantomime series of landings and manufacture fake footage, somehow also contriving to land the mirror arrays I mentioned on the moon while doing this. Note that we’ve since imaged the landing sites and seen the remnants of the landing (too grainy to really show much, but there’s definitely something there).
That they did this on multiple occasions, aided and abetted by the vast number of NASA employees and external contractors involved with the missions, and no-one let anything slip.
That they did this at the height of the cold war and somehow weren’t found out by e.g. the Russians.
That over the following decades, none of the people who’d have to have been in on it have cracked.
On the other side of the equation are a bunch of people who weren’t involved with the mission analysing the footage and mumbling something about the lighting not looking quite right, while steadfastly ignoring the perfectly reasonable explanations for their various points of contention (e.g. that lighting conditions on the moon are rather different from those on Earth).


Jane-Maree Howard
A few months ago, while I was getting some blood tests, the lady performing the procedure happened to mention that her birthday fell on the anniversary of the first moon landing (21 July in New Zealand, 20 July in the US, depends on which side of the International Date Line you're on), & then mentioned that ‘theory’ that the moon landings were faked. I was pleased to be able to offer a brief rebuttal - & may I say how very pleased I am to see the many comprehensive replies to this old canard; I learnt a lot! My sister later pointed out to me that the lady probably got this ‘fake-moon-landing’ rubbish often, & that I'd probably made her day by giving her ammunition to refute it.


There are far better answers here than mine.
At the time, the Cold War between the Russians & the US was in full spate. Every propaganda point counted, including (& especially!) the Space Race; when President Kennedy announced in a speech (1962*) that the US was going to put a man on the Moon & bring him safely back to Earth ‘before this decade is out’, the Russians were well ahead on points (Sputnik, dog Laika, male cosmonaut Gagarin, & later* female cosmonaut Tereshkova, all in Earth orbit), so the US needed a knock-out blow & the first moon landing was it (the announcement caught NASA by surprise, though they must've known that something pretty big would have to be on the agenda). Not too long after JFK’s announcement, the Russians sent an unmanned probe to orbit the moon & transmit photos back to Earth (& they repeated the procedure some time after the first (& subsequent) landing(s). Now, the die was cast! The US had no choice but to go for broke & do what JFK said they would do.


Jon Mixon
Did man really go to moon?
Why can't it be ruled out?
Tens of thousands of people worked on various aspects the Apollo programs - Are they all lying?
Twelve men walked on the moon,brought back lunar samples and took pictures - Are they all lying?
Hundreds of professional and amateur astronomers observed the mission - Were they all deceived or are they lying?
There are reflectors upon the moon which can viewed with telescopes - How did they get there?
The Soviet unx, the United State's mortal enemy at the time, never disputed that the US missions to the moon were anything other than genuine. Given the massive public relations boost that they would have received if even one mission had been fraudulent, why would they have kept anything secret for decades if they knew that it was untrue?
Sorry, but the evidence of the Apollo missions having successfully launched men into space, sent them to the moon and brought them back is so overwhelming that it shifts the burden of proof onto the side of anyone who claims that they did not occur.


Stephen Perrenod
More than once. Six times in fact.
The kooks, nuts, idiots who say that the Apollo 11 landing was faked generally forget to make up a crazy, insane story about Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17. Apollo 13 was unable to land.
Twelve American men walked on the Moon’s surface.


Erwin Molnar
Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?
I participated in the testing of the Lunar Module propulsion systems and their components in Houston, White Sands, and Bethpage, Long Island. I was also present in the Lunar Module control room in Bethpage during Armstrong’s landing. No amount of self-deception can make me believe that all this took place in a Hollywood studio or that my paychecks were issued by a movie production company.
Every day there are fewer and fewer of us left who actually worked on the Apollo program. However, in a few years this entire discussion will be not only academic, but will be seen as an absurdity. In a few years, when we have permanently colonized the moon, the descent stage of the Apollo 11 Lunar module (designated as LEM-5 during fabrication and test) as well as the surrounding area with the astronauts’ footprints will be protected and designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (perhaps Interplanetary Heritage Site?).


Geoffrey Widdison
Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?
Note that the astronauts also left a corner reflector on the moon. Anyone with the right equipment can bounce a laser off that reflector and pick up the reflection. If the moon landing was a hoax, it would have to include everyone on earth with access to a decently powered laser and detection rig over the past forty years.


Katie Anne Holton
Just a few Americans landed there.
The rest of the country stayed home and watched it on TV.


Austin Willard Bryan
You can Google real footage from the moon landings where they dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time. Now, on Earth, they hammer falls faster than the feather, despite the gravitational constant supposedly being constant for all obxts, but that actually has to do with our atmosphere, which the moon has not.
Because of that, this was the first time anyone was able to test, and eventually prove, that gravity pulls on all obxts equally.
Check it out, it’s totally bizarre. The hammer and feather fall at the exact same rate!
CG wasn’t around back then and wouldn’t be for more than half a decade. Mythbusters also did a special about the moon as well you might want to check out.


John Chapman
Did the US really land on the Moon?
Absolutely not. The US has never moved from it’s position between Canada and Mexico, between the Atlantic and Pacific.
Some astronauts from the US did land on the moon though. Some people appear to believe this was all a gigantic hoax but obviously choose to ignore the fact that thousands would have had to be involved in this ‘hoax’, that worldwide radio telescopes tracked them to the moon (including some in Russia). That equipment was left there which can still be detected today.


Dhulipala Somayajulu
Surely yes. It would've been easier and cheaper at that time to actually go to moon and take a video than faking a video. The latter would've required technology far beyond the reach at the time the first person set foot on moon. Slow motion cameras required to simulate conditions equivalent 1/6 th of earth's gravity would've required really really long tapes to catch all the detail at such high fps. The processing technology would've costed much more than the technology required to simply shoot it at moon at that time.


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