2024-04-11 大号儿童 5434

Ayan Mirza
The Roman Empire was long-lived for many reasons, some of which being new laws and engineering, military potency, and social legislation to combat political fragmentation along with exceptional leaders.


The Age of Augustus saw the beginnings of the Roman Empire along with grand feats of architecture and a systematic principle for justification applicable to all people and their rights as citizens. The army of Rome was a fighting machine, marching across the provinces on well paved, one foot thick roads, and all the while drawing the lines of new provinces and towns along the way. The army continued to evolve in the Roman Empire as new emperors with effective leadership and organizational skills adopted new reforms, key to the success of the army and the empire.


The Five Good Emperors sustained a peaceful rule, treating citizens and the armament with civility and giving back to the Roman Empire. Their social organization led to the de-fragmenting of politics and their extensive building programs allowed Rome to live on for five hundred years.


Shay Dessie
A professional army that had Heavy Infantry capable of withstanding anything.
Example: you have 8,000 horse archers during the battle of Carrhae. With “infinite arrows”. Let say 30 arrows a archer witch is 240,000 arrows. (MEAN ASS ARROWS). Their was some 20,000 legionaries killed during the battle. So let’s say each legionaries shield had only 5 arrows embedded harmlessly into the shield. That would be roughly 100,000 arrows that did nothing but stick into the shields. Witch means the formation and shield wall DID its job.


leaving 140,000 arrows left to be loosed. We know injuries happened all over. So assuming that those injuries are apart of the 20,000 deaths. That would mean 7 Romans dead every volley. Witch is 54,000 arrows actually harmed the romans. (My math skills aren’t good at all). But I’m assuming that some 240,000 projectiles were indeed needed to kill 20,000 shield bearing soldiers. With 100,000 stopped those numbers are PRETTY DAMN GOOD. Thought this doesn’t proof the Roman legions success.
it helps bring my argument out their.


Nikola Nikitovic
A combination of law and engineering, military force, and social legislation to combat political fragmentation along with exceptional leaders, allowed the long lived Roman Empire to become one of the greatest superpowers the world has ever seen.


Main rule:
Divide et impera (lat)- Divide and rule -It was utilised by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar. During the Gallic Wars, Caesar was able to use a divide and conquer strategy to easily defeat the Gauls. The Romans invaded the Kingdom of Macedonia from the south and defeated King Perseus in the Battle of Pydna in 168 BC. Macedonia was then divided into four republics that were heavily restricted from relations with one another and other Hellenic states. A ruthless purge occurred, with allegedly anti-Roman citizens being denounced by their compatriots and forcibly deported in large numbers.

Divide et impera(拉丁语)- 分而治之 -这是由罗马统治者凯撒大帝利用的策略。在高卢战争期间,凯撒能够利用分而治之的策略轻松击败高卢人。罗马人从南方入侵了马其顿王国,并在公元前168年的皮德纳之战中击败了珀尔修斯国王。马其顿随后被分为四个共和国,它们在彼此之间和其他希腊城邦的关系受到严格限制。进行了残酷的清洗,据称反罗马的公民被同胞指控并被大规模驱逐。

Eric Behar
The main reason for the relative longevity of the Roman Empire roughly 600 years excluding pre republic period,is due to the lifestyle the Empire could offer to its subjects,if you want like a Roman Dream.This was fuelled by conquest economy with ever growing wealth to build the Romanised cities .


However when a better seeming alternative appeared ,in this case the totally different lifestyle of Christianity the Empire crumbled and give way to Cristian Kingdoms,with the exception of the East which totally changed to become itself Christian,the Byzantine Empire,which will continue to exist till 1453 on the administrative base of the older Empire,but with a new faith.


Mark Ollard
This would involve a long answer to be complete, but as a more concise answer, they did not assimilate and absorb, but instead, included regions into the protection of the empire and the receipt of Roman trade, and further rewarded them for progress toward the Roman ideal. Under the Augustan Franchise for instance, the Senate gave tax breaks or trade concessions to settlements that built Roman-style civic improvements like aqueducts or walls.


The interesting thing is Romanisation, which is largely a false premis, because Rome did not impose their own culture on provincials, just offered Roman civilisation as a superior and beneficial form of cooperation. However, what is unique about the empire was the widespread adoption of gladiatorial combat, which became a unifying concept, rather like football has become in our modern global culture, the setting up of arenas and holding games was a statement of Roman affiliation as much as politically advantageous to the sponsor and even financially profitable to suppliers of events (not the sponsor, he paid a huge amount of money to stage free entertainment).


The Romans were really good at keeping peace throughout their empire. They treated people living in their empire good. Also, Rome had a really strong military, so anyone who revolts will be unsuccessful. These two reasons helped the Romans to avoid revolts. Also, their strong military could fight off invaders. All these reasons are why the Roman Empire lasted so long.


Peter Ole Kvint
The Roman Empire was not a modern country, but 200 city-states centered around the city of Rome. When Rome came to the center it was because the city was a republic. Normal peace treaties were unfair to the weaker of two princes, and peace was revoked if one died. But the peace treaties with Rome were fair to both parties and they were eternally valid. So every time a new prince inherited his power, his starting point was peace with Rome, and no one wanted to be at war with Rome because Rome had peace with all other cities. And a war with Rome therefore would become a war against all others.
Virgines Vestales (pagan priestesses) were responsible for the peace treaties with the other cities even after Rome had become an empire.


By the year 394, Christianity had become so widespread that the emperor could close the Vesta temple. But in the year 410, the Roman army was destroyed. And there were no Virgines Vestales to summon the reserves from all the several hundred allied city-states. Therefore, the city had to surrender. So Christianity became the fall of Rome.


Roy Boss
Every empire has its periods of weakness and of strength. It is not just that empires are strong at the beginning and weak later. Obviously they're strong at their foundation , but the later story is not just one of decline. What gives an empire longevity is surviving the crises. Often this is a matter of nit having two crises at the same time, suchbas an economic crisis and a barbarian invasion, or an internal rebellion and a period of harvest failure and plague. Rome was in real danger in the third century AD when it lost a war with the newly emergent Sasanian empire, was invaded by Goths and Franks and underwent a succession crisis with several short reigns and economic problems.. They survived because a succession of soldier emperors fought off the attackers and a great emperor , Diocletian reorganised the imperial adminstration. Rome’s advantage was that it was so big. It could afford rd to lose control if areas such as Gaul, the Balkans and Syria all at the same time because it could still count on Spain, Italy, Africa and Egypt. Attacks that took over provinces could still be reversed because the attackers were each individually taking over one province each and were not coordinated. Rome could deal with each in turn.


When , in the fifth century the Germans took over Gaul and Spain and Britain , or at least large parts of them , the killer was losing Africa to the Vandals. This left Italy on its own and too weak to reconquer the Western provinces.


Lastly, an Empire is a big idea. To survive the recurrent waves of crisis needs an elite that believes in that big idea. Rome managed to maintain an elite that did that in the West ti 476 and in the East until 1453. In the West the upper classes gave up on the idea of Empire . They would not make sacrifices in the common cause. This has been attributed to Christianity weakening the idea of earthly success and repudiating military service and to the greed of a senatorial class who would not serve society and evaded taxes.


Steve Jordan
Organization and inclusion.
The Empire was organized with road networks, efficient taxation, and bureaucracy which allowed economic growth and efficient governmental use of finance to develop infrastructure.
It also conferred the rights of Roman citizenship on those who chose to work on behalf of the Empire; in other words, everyone under Roman rule had the possibility of becoming a citizen, and thereby seeing themselves as members of the larger Empire.


Thomas Denson
I think the one quality that the Roman civilization had which was more responsible than any other in allowing it to survive so long was it’s ability to assimilate the people it conquered and make them into Romans. This quality allowed a tiny city state of a few thousand people to grow into a superpower of 50 million people, who considered themselves as Romans. This quality is a formula for success in growing a country and keeping it around for a long time. It has been successfully used by a lot of other countries: China, Russia, Turkey, the Arab Caliphate, the Inca Empire, and the United States.


Geoff Hughes
Very simple, they had a well disciplined society where the average person had a fairly good life and was somewhat happy. Thier army was well disciplined, organised and well fed and it's communication was also very good. Citizenship could be achieved by all, and was a thing that came with many privileges .In short,they were disciplined,respectful of themselves and prepared for war, so other races left them alone . I will finish with one question…How does our society of today measure up??????


Keith L.
Great question! Everyone always asks why the Roman Empire fell when they should be asking about why it lasted for so long, a point Gibbon made in “A History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” too.


The key to the Roman Civilization lasting so long was the combination of the deep patriotism of the Roman people with the Roman culture’s ability to encourage and produce so many innovations. From Cincinattus to Scipio to Eurysaces the baker, Roman citizens were dedicated to their country.


Diocletian, a man whose homeland was repeatedly invaded by the Romans, a man either born into slavery or born to parents who were born into slavery under the Romans, worked his way up to become emperor and LOVED Roman culture and tradition. Diocletian is remembered for his role in the persecution of Christians(I’m skeptical he actually ordered the persecutions, and I think Galerius was really the one who persecuted the Christians), but the fact that he stood in defense of a civilization that had declared him a slave at birth, attests to how amazing and important Roman Civilization truly was and to how it inspired patriotism of the highest virtue.


The Christian religion, flourishing and dominating after Constantine, in many ways encouraged such patriotism and civic virtue. Although the Christian Eastern Roman Empire(Byzantine) lacked the intellectual and philosophical innovations that had flourished under the old Roman Empire, it encouraged tons of other kinds of innovations and patriotism as well. For instance, the Byzantines made tons of engineering innovations for their country.


Gaius Stern
Polybius says it was the mixed constitution that made the Roman Empire (already100+ years old in his time [ca. 140 BC]) last so long. Read all of his Book 6. Machiavelli addresses the same question briefly and has the same conclusion in Discourses, plus what I say below, but I forget the citation.


In fact a feature Livy does not talk long about the decision to incorporate some conquered people as citizens and give them a stake in the success of Rome. Thus Rome and the Romans grew as their territory grew and they gave the recent enemy a full forgiveness and a reason to fight for Roman success.


Other nations rarely did/do this. But see the Marshall Plan after WW II, when George Marshall and President Truman decided to rebuild Europe and make them our fuller trade partners to prevent the Soviets from doing the same. That was Roman style thinking.


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