2024-04-12 不要可乐 16034


Whether India will be the next China is debatable or unforeseeable BUT one thing is certain ..US will be the next India in the near future...


Go visit Tibet, xinjiang and the rest of China which presumably many foreigners won’t even dare to travel to other parts of the world let alone China. There’re so many foreigners travelled to China already including Tibet, xinjiang and remote regions and they’ve nothing bad to say but amazed how peaceful and beautiful those regions are.


maybe in terms of lawlessness, but US is already past its industrial revolution, it will never be polluted like India


Try elevating over 800 million indians out of abject poverty first. Then we can start tslking about catching up with China.


India to be next China is not about money and cheap labor population. It needs a great brain of the government/people's commitment running and protect the country sovereign.


Nice comparison. China is just on a different level of success.


Tobe honest can't really using China to compare India.
There's noway at all.
The only that can figure out India can compare with their US


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s true. There is no comparison between India vs China. China is long way ahead when it comes in infrastructures and so on.


Both are very similar in some ways. Both were post-colonial impoverished dysfunctional nations until Globalization. Both have massive numbers of people who, as soon as possible, migrated to Western countries. Both have an advantage of massive populations and more importantly 'demographics' aka working age people (China's came and went a little sooner) so they can sell gigantic amounts of cheap labor for Big Global economy. Both are kept relatively stable by US Military enforcement of global trade.
India has 1.4 Billion people over a large landmass and China has 1 Billion.
Both are entrenched in Eastern religions (similar, shared, common religious worldviews)
Both have been rising into modern '1st world' economies at breakneck speeds. India just a bit later and still has its 'golden growth' coming for the next 15 years.
China is now finished its golden fast growth phase and will end over 15 years.
more obviously, both share a border and China has 300 Wolf Warrior Commandos who get beat up by 200 Indian regular guards.
both have massive 'GDP' which in itself doesn't say much but both Indian and China have around the same GDP 'per person' that fluctuates around the 100th of 200 countries. both are in that zone of a south American nation, a Vietnam, a Ukraine sort of poverty level.
Both have similar sized military and both have (allegedly) nuclear weapons.
Both Indian and China share another similarity in that despite being relatively poor nations on average, there will be stunning gaps between the absurdly wealthy and then stunning dirt-eating poverty of many.
however, the two 'rising giants' (huge populations) of the East do have very different political and social systems.


The 2010 Commonwealth Games in India was the Indian Government's attempt to show the IOC that India could host a future Olympic Games, but instead became a headache when a walk bridge collapsed just 4 days prior to the games opening and African athletes complaining that their accommodations were dirty in the Athlete's Village along with malaria infested mosquitoes flying around everywhere.


OMG, don't ask about that fiasco at that time. Every day there were news that venues won't be ready and of course many corruption issues were also there related to those games.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I read there were problems with the toilets too.


The total costs in Chinese much more efficient and the general population got to enjoy this spectecular facility.


The moment you step into their respective airports and go to immigration and customs there is absolutely no comparision.


And after you have cleared indian immigration and customs and exit the airport, just when you thought the ordeal is over you face another nightmare. A swarm of aggressive touts and taxis who wont take you where you want to go .


One thing India is better than China by at least 70 years is Indians ability to comments.


That's true, China is good at doing, India is good at talking.


Tbh India China comment section wars would go crazy if Youtube was allowed in China


If you want something done, ask China.
If you want something said, ask India.


I live in a former Olympic city in North America, it took taxpayers 30 years to pay off just one $1 billion stadium. Today they are asking for another $1 billion just to replace the roof ! ...LoL


I been to the Beijing Olympic Stadium, the bird nest. Inside it was being revamped to hold a concert. A magnificent stadium and it was all inspiring to be there.


Indian here...China is WAAYYY ahead of us....let alone it also looks more modern than Western countries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You can travel alone in china. Nobody will bother you.
In india its essential you have an indian host or guide. There are touts everywhere and can be aggressive.


I don't know where you can travel in India without meeting swarms of aggressive touts and beggars and salesmen who just intrude into your personal space and follow you around. Maybe you have been to the NE which has a different culture (I haven't).


Sydney's 2000 Olympic park facilities still in use... stadium use for football/rugby matches, indoor stadium for concerts and sporting events, swimming pool now a community aquatic centre etc and quite a few pavilions and arenas are used for annual Royal Easter Show just opened now for next weeks.... apartment towers, hotels and corporate campuses are built around there so it's now a vibrant suburb

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They don't maintain these things, they don't have maintenance companies for bridge after construction, that is fact. So corrupted is the Indian entire political system that when a project is to start, that 50% is added on to cover the costs in total bribes ( it use to be 15%) . There is hardly anybody not on the "take". This is well known within India ,politicians abroad to international geopolitical analysts. Modi being an ego minded, racist, and Hindu fanatic has done nothing to increase India's manufacturing sector. Other countries declined in output, allowing India to be ahead of them. No NEW true industrial growth in capacity but has a burgeoning increase of jobless , while cooking the books in govt offices . 95% of all indian businesses have NOT paid a cent for income taxes, why? ?
India lives on dreaming of big projects but won't see any while the very useless Modi and the entire political parties members take bribes should be in jail.
It will be India's lost century yet again.


I have visited these places a couple of years after the Games and must admit China do look after them and let the public enjoy the venues. Some of the infrastructure were modified/re-purposed for the recent winter Olympic.


I’ve been there twice and I saw part of the bird nest stadium getting renovated. So I guess they take good care of maintaining it.


That’s what democracy is all about. You get to do whatever you want, whether it’s good or bad. Give me the Chinese system any day.


Well Commonwealth Games were a total disaster but I didn't knew it was this bad. LOL.


China always thinks ahead 20 years into the future. A beautiful building like that is precious and it is not a surprise that China has planned ahead what to do with the building. India on the other hand has proven that they don’t think ahead just like the usa never has a long term plan. Building a massive over budget building and leaving it to rot is a shame to nature and human intelligence itself.


U cannot compare china and India in any angle ...compare even Singapore, Malaysian, Indonesia has better infrastructure compare to India


No government (except Singapore) generally has the brilliant minds of the Chinese government and people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Singapore is a good example to show the world that Chinese are good at governance at different political spectrums. and ideologies


Actually, not so different political spectrums and ideologies. China only started to prosper after Deng xiaoping visited Singapore and got schooled bY LEE Kuan Yew on economy and governance. Then he went back to China and adopted what he learnt. China is now fast becoming a large version of Singapore. It is no longer a communist or socialist country in the old Marxist sense. "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is in fact market capitalism governed by an autocratic but pragmatic, meritocratic technocracy based on Confucian principles - just like Singapore.


Birth rate is falling in China but in India it keeps going up. India will be the next most populated country in the world.


Where the 6 billion go in London?


Beijing’s Stadium was used for the Asian Games & Olympic Games is well worth the investment. Together with the Cube, the stadium’s designs was so innovative that it has became an Icon for Beijing, China.


I think it's more fair to compare India with Brazil maybe?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India to compare with China???? They are not even in the same category to compare with China.


If India hosts the Olympics one day, it will be a miracle for India. Unfortunately, it is still unknown whether it will be held. I don’t know how long it will take to see it, 20 years? 30 years?


Everywhere the cost of maintaining is enormous,China even does that in India everything is being created for a political reason,even North Korea is developing fast very soon the Americans will have to find a reason for their development

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The same waste happened in Rio. Now they're having talks about spending 4billion for a new stadium in Brisbane, after the BS that the 2032 would be a different, sustainable Olympics. I really hope they don't go trough with it.


@0:20, Many Olympic host countries, including USA, build sport-dedicated structures with very short service life — as cheap as possible and as fast as possible. Consequently, these sport facilities do not survive the test of time. The Olympic sport structures in USA that escaped the demolition derby are either refurbished antiquated ones having historical value or annexed by a needy public institution with the necessary resources. Most structures were in such poor condition after several years of wear-and-tear , and the extraordinary maintenance cost to remedy the marginal or questionable construction that the economic equation justify their demolition. USA has hosted the most Olympic events. Ironically, only very few Olympic structures survived. The local municipality could only salvage a few sport structures due to quality construction issues. In contrast, China has built Olympic facilities that endures the test of time; many are still in use consistent with in their primary sport mission. The ‘Bird Nest’, the ‘Water Cube’, and many others are still faithfully serving their sport missions.


In comments , and talks india wins china .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The fact is that after any big sporting event is over, such infrastructure is hardly of any use.It actually becomes a waste.On the contrary a lot of money and effort is required to maintain these venues.


As NEITHER Chinese nor Indian, let alone Blacks/Whites, i think China is more developed.
It will be fair if you compared India with Indonesia, Brazil, or Mexico. It's fair too, if you compared China vs China, e.g. Guangdong vs Shandong, xizang vs xinjiang.


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