今天我了解到,中国的高中生要从早上 6 点 20 分学习到晚上 11 点,为大学入学考试(高考)做准备。
2024-04-18 兰陵笑笑生 11348

TIL that there is a high school in China where students study from 6.20am to 11pm to prepare for college admission exam (gaokao)

今天我了解到,中国有一所高中,学生从早上 6 点 20 分学习到晚上 11 点,为大学入学考试(高考)做准备。

"A" high school? That's just normal high school+cram school in China.


But didn't the party forbid extra curricular gaokao training couple of year ago? I don't remember what was the motif and I'm sure the after school cramming schools are still active.


Only recent years after seeing what south korea has became,and banning this require both student and parents efforts(some dipshit just willing to work their kids to death).So we could expect more changes in the future.


Yes, but now the kids just have tutors come to their homes to help. If they're rich enough of course, it's like $80 an hour for these tutors

是的,但现在孩子们只需请家教上门辅导。当然,前提是他们有钱,这些家教的费用大概是每小时 80 美元

Did this shit in Korea too. School 8am-10pm then we’d go to academy after hours till like 1-2.

在韩国也是这样。上学时间从早上 8 点到晚上 10 点,放学后我们就去补习,直到凌晨 1 点到 2 点。

This is child abuse IMO.


Yeah. Not to mention wasted effort - the human brain cannot learn for that long continuously. You have to take breaks for your brain to properly internalize what you've learned.
Of those dozen hours they're spending, they're only getting maybe 5 hours of actual productive learning.

在他们花费的十几个小时中,真正有成效的学习时间可能只有 5 个小时。

Worth noting that there's no real learning happening - the students are just memorising their textbooks. The exams are all based on regurgitating memorized facts or even entire passages/poems from books.
Your point still stands though - it's probably not possible to memorize for so many hours straight.


Singapore does it too. “World class education” consists of regurgitating model answers memorised from practicing on decade-old exam papers. There’s no real learning, it’s just about knowing the correct answers and getting As means you memorised better than someone else. And then we wonder why we don’t produce notable talented individuals.

新加坡也是这样。“世界一流的教育”就是通过反复练习十几年前的试卷而记住标准答案。没有真正的学习,只是知道正确答案,获得 A 只是意味着你比其他人记得更好。然后我们还不知道为什么我们培养不出杰出的人才。

I wonder if this is helping to reduce both nation’s population growth, because who wants to have a child younger when you know they’re going to go through this, and you simply don’t have the time to fuck.


Anecdotal here,but quite a few of my Chinese friends do tell me that’s part of the reason they don’t want kid or get married,their upbringing is so terrible,their parents treat them like a race horse that’s not fast enough,telling them they’re whipping them because they love them and want them to be successful (some straight up say they invest in their kids so they have someone to take care of them when they retire).
Some say they just can’t bring another being into this world and let them go through some ordeal.
Some just don’t know how to be a good parent because their parents failed at it so much a friend of mine once found herself saying degrading shit about how dumb her cat is just like her parents do to her, and it really frightened her.
And other few just your regular “my school year ruined my personality and social skills so I never had a relationship” or “I’m finally done with my parents requirements,now I’m going to live the free life I yearn for years (still under heavy influence from their parents ,some just straight up emotional blackmailing)
Also “I saw how terrible marriage actually is by watching my parents” is an answer way too common too, honestly it’s a really depressing conversation.


I don't think so. East asia and europe have simlar fertility rate if you don't count the European immigrants fertility ratea.


HMM that doesn’t seem right. China’s TFR is like 1.2, but I just looked at France, UK’s, and Sweden’s native-born population fertility rates and they are 1.8, 1.5, and 1.6, pretty substantial difference.

嗯,好像不对。中国的总和生育率好像是 1.2,但我刚刚看了法国、英国和瑞典的本地出生人口生育率,它们分别是 1.8、1.5 和 1.6,差距相当大。

So, sixty years ago Korea was 100% agricultural based society. Now Korea has a top fifteen economy in the world. Their push was to educate their people to push the Korean economy to industrialize.
We can talk about the down side of capitalism all we want but the push for having an educated work force has been wildly successful.
Imagine getting illiterate, non technical generational farmers, to join NASA or Apple and having them have meaningful impact to the business. That’s what Korea did in a generation and a half.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And now they're dying out because nobody is having kids. Great success!


That has nothing to do with the methods of education. You have no evidence suggesting that simply switching from no education to a system similar to the US or Europe wouldn’t have had the same effect. They just went from one extreme to another… I also love, love, love, that you don’t think Korea is capitalist. It’s cute.


When did I say Korea isn’t capitalist?
My Major gripe is that the chaebol have too much influence, working conditions are poor, social safety net is trash.
Condescending cunt.


I completely agree this is child abuse and unnecessary. I confess that US medical school is not very different. There I was consistently astonished at how much I could retain with this study regimen. The human mind is very powerful.


Kids are now not allowed to study, work, and use entertainment facilities (karaoke, gaming rooms, etc..) past 10.
Some people still get around it, but most go home at 10 now. Good riddance, kids need sleep in this country

现在,(韩国的)孩子们过了 10 点就不能学习、工作和使用娱乐设施(卡拉 OK、游戏室等)了。
有些人还能绕过去,但现在大多数人 10 点就回家了。这挺好的,在这个国家,孩子们需要睡眠。

I really don't understand this, don't we have like a billion researches proving that making kids wake up too early and study for too many hours is actually counter productive? Seems like they're just preparing you to accept bad work conditions.


Seems like they're just preparing you to accept bad work conditions.
SK has a workweek of 52 hours, or roughly 9.6 hours per day, this doesn't include the totally-not-mandatory overtime and after-hours dinner/drink sessions. The goverment wanted to raise the workweek to 69 hours.

韩国每周工作 52 小时,即每天工作 9.6 小时,这还不包括“完全没有强制性”的加班和下班后的公司晚餐/饮酒时间。政府还希望将每周工作时间提高到 69 小时。

Vietnamese here, middle school would be 7am-11am, 12pm-5pm then cram school/extra classes until 9-10pm

越南人在此,初中是早上 7 点到中午 11 点,中午 12 点到下午 5 点,然后上补习班/额外课程到晚上 9 点到 10 点。

I work at an international school about 35% Korean students, my other students always marvel at “how good they all are at math.” I tell my students they’d be great at math too with that kind of school schedule, it’s insane drilling, not some sort of preternatural ability.

我在一所国际学校工作,大约 35% 的学生是韩国人,我的其他学生总是惊叹“他们的数学真好”。我告诉我的学生们,在这样的学习时间安排下,你们的数学也会很棒,这只是疯狂地训练,而不是某种超自然的能力。

I do think its important to note that the gaokao isnt like the SAT or ACT. Theres one test the entire year, and its lasts 9 hours iirc. And it basically determines if you go to college at all. Like theres nothing else which is used to determine if you go to a college or not, its entirely based on the gaokao score. Thats why people stress over it so much

我认为需要注意的是,高考不像 SAT 或 ACT。全年只有一次考试,持续 9 个小时(如果我没记错)。它基本上决定了你是否能上大学。除此之外没有其他任何东西可以用来决定你上不上大学,它完全取决于高考分数。这就是为什么人们对它如此重视

Yeah, and American applications can be quite opaque and require that students spend hours and hours each day on a variety of extra-curricular activities. At least, that's true if they want to be considered for the top private universities.
It isn't uncommon for top American students to get their day started at 5 to be ready for practice before school, go to school with the hardest classes offered, have another extracurricular after school, study for hours and hours on projects/homework/test preparation + prep for the SAT/ACT and go to sleep near midnight stressed out all to repeat the next day. Then they apply to colleges not even really knowing with any certainty at all if they are getting in which is even more anxiety inducing.
Asian countries just shift most of the anxiety to pure academics, but once you have your score and accept it, that's it, it's over both in opportunity and in anxiety.

对于顶尖的美国学生来说,早上 5 点开始一天的情况并不少见:准备课前练习,上课时选修最难的课程,放学后再参加一次课外活动,在项目/家庭作业/考试准备+SAT/ACT准备上花费一个小时甚至几个小时,临近午夜才入睡,第二天又要重复这一切,压力山大。然后,他们去申请大学,却根本不知道自己是否能被录取,这就更让人焦虑了。

yeah but in America the extra curricular activities mean you get to dance, play an instrument, play a sport, etc. while they do take up a lot of time, you get to choose and many kids find their chosen activity enjoyable.


At the very least, there's less pressure to go to a good college in America. Which is good in some ways and bad in others, like a lot of students never even trying to take one of the biggest opportunities for social mobility. On the other hand, college in China is free...


At the very least, there's less pressure to go to a good college in America
Haha. No...


They do this in India too. There are entire cities where top universities reside and high school students often will drop out of high school in their last year to study for the acceptance test for the entire year. It's incredibly competitive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I went to a fairly expensive private school, while I was a mediocre student I was in school with some incredibly smart and capable people. I thought I was sitting next to future senators. Other than kids whose parents owned a business that they have now taken over by nature of their birth, to my knowledge the most successful person in terms of prestige positions as an adult was my best friend who was just as bad of a student as I was.
The thing is a ton of these kids who seemed poised to be so successful is that their parents drove them so incredibly hard, but those aspirations were not their own but their parents. When many of these kids got into college and away from their parents they flunked out or just barely gave a shit about school work anymore. I remember the shock of meeting the class president years later at a bar where she was our waitress, at first I had the shitty thought of “oh wow, look how far she fell from the girl who wanted to run for office”, (she was not AOC) but then i snapped out of it and realized like she seemed so much happier doing some regular job than being the girl who cried that she didn’t get a perfect score on a test.
Forcing kids to learn like this is rarely going to produce geniuses and will just get you people who will rebel from that attitude when they have the ability to do so.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Am I crazy or could they not get a full-ride to a good/great US university by putting half as much effort to learn English and ace a bunch of AP courses?
Please tell me why that wouldn’t work.

是太天真了,还是他们不知道只要付出这里一半的努力学好英语,再学一门 AP 课程,就能获得美国好大学/名牌大学的全额奖学金?

Not Chinese, but the situation is same in India. My family was poor. Couldn’t afford education outside not even private universities. The competition to state sponsored universities is insane because they are cheap and prestigious.
My current monthly salary is 4x of a years cost for engineering (excluding scholarship), a degree in US would cost, twice my yearly salary at least (and would be in neck deep in debt with h1b uncertainty)
A good education is often the ticket out of poverty

我目前的月薪是工程学一年费用的 4 倍(不包括奖学金),而在美国攻读学位的费用至少是我年薪的两倍(而且由于 H1b 的不确定性,我还会负债累累)。

I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of financial aid is from the federal government, which reasonably stipulates that it can only be spent on US citizens and permanent residents. And I imagine schools might also be more strict about giving out their own money to non-Americans. (I think most also practice need-aware admissions, so if you’re not American they can reject you for being poor). That’s why the international students at almost every major university are generally wealthy. For most non-Americans, going to an American university for undergrad is just out of reach.


Japan has done this for decades. My JHS students would wake up at 530, go to school for sports practice, then the school day, then more practice, then to cram school until at least 10pm 6 days a week. The upside is that university in Japan is a cake walk once you get in because big companies do all their training on the job (this is changing, but not really.)

日本几十年来一直如此。我的日本高中学生 5:30 分起床,先去学校参加体育锻炼,然后继续上课,接着参加更多的体育锻炼,然后上补习班,一周 6 天,至少要上到晚上 10 点。好的一面是,在日本上大学是小菜一碟,因为大公司的所有培训都是在工作中进行的(这种情况正在改变,但还没有真正改变。)

很赞 12