2024-04-22 JOJOyu 14305


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was in China last year, I felt as if I was teleported to 2050


Compare that with all the American and Canadian malls that are constantly closing up! Wow!


It looks cool and futuristic but is nothing but gimmick more of pretty looking that gets old the first day that doesn't moderized in other area

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Impresionante el desarrollo que a alcansado China, con el fruto del trabajo de millones de chinos, que han aportado al bienestar de su pais. Gracias por compartir.exitos.


Wow!! Incredible.
10 largest malls in the world and they're all in China.
Most incredible country in the world.


Blame Amazon for controlling half the Market if people actually went out and shopped more and stores provided things we wanted like Amazon has then that will kill the competition for Amazon in half give the customers what they want and that's how you produce a fine business. It's not a secret it's to make the world a better place and create interaction in the REAL world instead of people buying from random people online all the time I buy from Amazon SOMETIMES but most products like technology in real life I only buy from validated sellers.


That looks like a really cool shopping mall and the visual effects are awesome! When you were showing the pet store, i felt sad for the 2 kittens in the cage and the white kitten was looking up at you meowing up a storm and asking for help; the metal cage floor is hard on their paws.


Finally, China is the first nation that has entered the future! Salute to the Chinese superhero government. I wish that our Indian government and leaders could undertake initiatives like this, but the people of India face unfortunate circumstances." We Are So Unlucky


Here in the USA we can’t stop people from stealing and causing our malls to close down. This mall looks incredible


Wow so good so exciting to see many western brands in China.


@stelun56 lmfao another sour grape, the us government sure pays a lot for your comment

@stelun56 lmfao 又一个酸葡萄,美国政府肯定为你的评论付了不少钱。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Xping, Neo, and Tesla all have stores in this mall. To reiterate: they are selling CARS in this mall! OMG!


US has been moving away from closed space malls so I highly doubt we will ever have a building like this. Hopefully we innovate out expanding outdoor malls.


Taipei had a mall called “Core Pacific City” opened in 2001. It looks just like that without all the led lights. Unfortunately, the mall has been turned down for new commercial buildings in 2019.

台北有一个商场叫"京华城",于2001年开业,它看起来就像那个拿掉了所有LED灯的商场, 遗憾的是该商场已被拒绝在2019年新建商业建筑。

Wow! Totally 22nd-century future tech mall! Bet u it'll be background for a few SiFi movies. Also thx for the details.


How much is the entrance fee to enter this amazing amusement park??
Can you build one in North America some day PLEEEEASE???
Thank you !!!


They let little kids drive electric cars about around all those people. Would be an insurance nightmare here.


A great mall, but the so called zoo sucks. The space is so small for the animals. I wish the Chinese treat animals with more respect instead of just toys for humans.


I wonder why we can’t have nice malls like that in America, HMMm China is missing something that we have


It's very pretty but it seems like an attraction for the people, like an amusement park. There's more people spending money on the coin games than in the stores. No one is carrying purchases., The stores have almost no people shopping also the restaurants. Most people seem to be hanging out. They spent a lot of money to find out it's gonna be a dinosaur. In America, malls are almost extinct! This mall is about 20 years late. Pretty though.


U forgot they have the world largest E shopping ? Beside thier people can have places to go . And enjoy the modern infrastructures that better and more futuristic than any of old western mall in the world.


But malls in general are less
popular for some reason.
It will be interesting to see
what all this leads to.


Before Americans living in most luxurious life and in modern world compare to all nations... today world is changed...Now Chinese living more luxurious life and Extreme modern world than americans.American never lived this kind extreme modern world in their whole life........if we compare American lifestyle with Chinese lifestyle .....American lifestyle and their modern world is nothing...infront of Chinese modern world lifestyle..


Malls are a past phenomena in America. Covid has changed American shopping & work habits. Work from home and buying online makes mall shopping obsolete in small cities. Sz has the population base, but cities with smaller population, malls may be empty as is happening in America despite a vibrant economy and v low joblessness.


Seems most USA malls are shutting down / boarding up.... "business is booming" in China it appears !


After Covid, there’s no foreign tourists coming in to China
Foreign nationals and businesses are leaving away from China
And what’s the use of big malls when such malls are empty?


U are just crawling out of the cave but it is beautiful and most futuristic place that u have found. Yeah?


China doesn't rely on foreign tourism for consumption, never did, never will, so we really really dont give toss about whether they leave or stay.
In terms of "businesses leaving china", oh boi, those whom couldn't compete lost market had to leave? All I'm seeing is china just recently became world no.1 car exportor, ships manufacturer and very soon aerospace products.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I noticed the Chinese woman don't wear short shorts to the mall whereas american mall you will see a lot of teenage girls in the mall wearing short pants short skirts really revealing clothes


Why China still building those fancy malls? Seriously, here in the US people don’t go to the malls anymore like they used to back in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Malls are so outdated, I don’t go to mall anymore like I used to. Everything can be ordered online these days, mall are boring. I guess the Chinese had never seen malls before so now they finally catch up to America’s 1970s & 1980s society.


The malls for shopping are also outdated in China. Now the malls in China are generally called "entertainment complex". In one single mall you can find cinema, theater, carnie, zoo, garden, museum, restaurant, bar, cafe, teahouse, painting studio, pottery studio, dancing studio, etc.


@flyingnan2520 I see, in my city there is big mall that was abandoned in the mid 2000s. Few years ago I went to mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota and it was not as packed like it used to. I remember back in early 1990s every mall you go to on the weekends was packed, today probably less than half of what it use to. It’s sad that Malls are dying in the US. There are probably no new malls are built in the US since 2000.

@flyingnan2520 我懂了,我所在的城市曾经有一个大商场,但在2000年代中期被废弃了。几年前,我去过明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的美国购物中心,那里不像以前那么拥挤了。我记得在20世纪90年代初,每到周末,每个商场都是人满为患,而现在人流可能还不到以前的一半。在美国,购物中心正在消亡,这让人感到悲哀。自2000年以来,美国可能再也没有新建商场了。

@teng27 The population of Minneapolis is about 400k, as many as a small village in China. With such few people it is not possible to run an entertainment complex like I mentioned. Two or three big supermarkets like Walmart are sufficient. Not necessary to build a mall.

@teng27 明尼阿波利斯的人口约为40万,和中国的一个小村庄差不多。就这么点人,不可能办成我说的那种娱乐综合体。两三家像沃尔玛这样的大型超市就足够了,没必要建购物中心。

@teng27 In addition, the climate is also very important. Shenzhen and Guangzhou are in tropics, so that people prefer to play in malls with air conditioners rather than going outside. Beijing is in north with cool weather, so the malls there are not as many as Shenzhen or Guangzhou. I'm not sure this also applies to the US. Does Florida have more malls than the north states?


@flyingnan2520 I’ve been to Florida twice and only to Disney world in Orlando and to the beach in clear water Florida. I’ve never been to shopping mall in FL. Florida probably has less malls since it’s hot year round. White people are different from Asians, they like baking in the sun. In the north where I live the days are long and hot in the summer, it doesn’t get dark until 9pm. So whenever I went to the state fair in August the hottest month I only see Asian people carry umbrellas in a sunny day to block the sun, while white people only use umbrellas when it rains. So I assume that Florida probably has less malls since it’s summer year round and people can enjoy outdoor year round.

@flyingnan2520 我去过佛罗里达两次,但只去过奥兰多的迪斯尼世界和佛罗里达的清水海滩,我从没去过佛罗里达的购物中心。佛罗里达可能商场比较少,因为那里一年四季都很热。白人和亚洲人不一样,他们喜欢在太阳底下暴晒。在我生活的北方,夏天的白天很长很热,晚上九点才天黑。因此,每当我在最热的八月去参加州集市时,我只看到亚洲人在晴天撑伞遮阳,而白人只在下雨时才打伞。所以我想佛罗里达州的商场可能比较少,因为那里一年四季都是夏天,人们一年四季都可以享受户外活动。

My idea of the perfect shopping experience, park in front of the store, preferably a local business. Get what you need, pay, leave. If I want to be surrounded by flashing lights and clowns, I'll go to a theme park.


Looks like an amusement park or high-tech museum disguised as a shopping mall. First of all, too much of visual effects that make you overwhelmed and tied real quick. Second, I've got an impression that the whole purpose of this mall is to accommodate hundreds of automatic wending machines. In other words, it feels like you are missing human contact there. Now, with all due respect, you don't ride horses on the third floor of the shopping mall. It's called an animal abuse. Big animals should live outside, in open space. It seems to me that everything was wrong about this mall and its functionality.


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