2024-04-22 龟兔赛跑 8139

Amazing China in 1917 in color [AI enhanced and colorized]




This is splendedly enhanced and colorized footage from two fragments of Benjamin Brodsky’s ten-reel film documentary, showing Peking in the 1910s. It is highly interesting material as it shows what China really was like over a century ago in 1917.
It should be noted that the film was shot only about 16 years after the ending of the boxer uprising from 1899 to 1901 and 6 years after the Chinese Revolution of October 1911 during which a group of revolutionaries in southern China led a successful revolt against the Qing Dynasty. This lead to the establishment of the Republic of China which ended the imperial system.
Many scenes in the film show that at the time China hardly had changed for over a thousand years. Life follows its course almost full time on the streets.
We see every day life with many people executing their skills and trades, children playing, artists and acrobats performing their tricks, processions, a funeral, great glimpses of the Forbidden Palace and much more!

这是从本杰明·布拉斯基(Benjamin Brodsky的十卷影片纪录片中选取的两个片段,做了加彩处理,展示了1910年代的北京;这材料非常有趣,因为它展示了一个多世纪前的1917年的中国的真实面貌。

This video is here for HISTORIC purposes and NOT to discuss present day China-related (CCP) politics !
You may find this additional information provided by @tianming4964 interesting:
"Phenotypes in different parts of China vary by region and ethnic background. Beijing in the early 1900s still had a sizeable Manchu population (at one point only Manchus could live in the inner parts of the city), as well as other minority groups such as Hui, Uyghurs, Mongols, etc. Hui are Chinese Muslims who ethnically and culturally aren't much different from the majority population, but many have ancestry from Arab and Persian settlers who arrived in China between the 7th and 14th centuries, hence why people of Hui descent tend to have more Central Asian looking features. Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group from the far western part of China more ethnically and culturally similar to Uzbeks and Turks than to Han Chinese.
But even among Han Chinese there are variations in facial features (skin colour, eye shape, nose shape, face shape, etc.) between north and south China. Most Chinese in the diaspora (Southeast Asia, Europe, Americas, Oceania) come from southern parts of China like Fujian and Guangdong and have features that more resemble people from Southeast Asia like Vietnam for example. Most Chinese people you'll encounter abroad will be from southern China, and so those are the features most foreigners associate with being Chinese. Northern Chinese are known to have different facial shapes from southern Chinese and its usually possible for a Chinese person to tell whether another Chinese person comes from northern or southern China just by looking at them.


Also when it comes to skin tone, it might not just have to do with the colourization process. My grandpa has ancestry from northern China and has similar features to most of the people in the video, including eye shape, nose shape, face shape, etc. This also includes skin tone, to the point that when many people meet him they mistake him for being Indian. His skin isn't naturally dark, but because he was forced to work out in the fields when he was young it became tanned. His siblings similarly have relatively darker skin than what most people would expect for Chinese. The reason why most Chinese people today don't have skin that dark is because they aren't working out in the rice fields anymore and can keep their skin pale and light with an office job indoors. Chinese culture is like most other Asian countries where they value pale skin because its a symbol of being wealthy and upper class and not having to work out in the fields. And as most Chinese today no longer have to work in the fields, they no longer have such tanned skin compared to the past, though among older generations like my grandpa many still do.


A lot of people who have met my family will say things like my mom and grandpa "don't look Chinese," even though their ancestry is 100% from China (and we've done DNA tests to confirm). Even other Chinese people will say this, but almost always its southern Chinese people. They never say that my grandma doesn't look Chinese, because my grandma is also from southern China like they are. But because most aren't used to seeing as many northern Chinese in the diaspora, northern Chinese don't look as Chinese to them. I can say that of the northern Chinese I know--friends, neighbours, acquaintances, etc., most share similar features to those in the video. I often watch a lot of Chinese dramas, where actors are more likely to be of northern Chinese descent, and on many instances people have commented to me how some of the actors don't look Chinese at all. In some cases its because they are not ethnically Han Chinese but are from one of the ethnic minorities in China, and in other cases its just they have different features than what people normally associate with Chinese.
PS: This video is here for historic purposes and not to discuss present day China-related politics So please think of this before making your comment!


Perhaps the used b/w film stock was not panchromatic. This may have contributed to dark skin colours.


@andreas7136 darker skins were also due to sunlight exposure.


22:10 The hands are black, which is obviously unreasonable! Your face will tan, but have you ever seen your hands tan? It’s about light!


@JeeryAltkins The back of hands tan just as much as faces! It's the inside that stays lighter. I repeat: do not blame the A.I. Watch the original B&W footage on Archive.org It is amazing to note that viewers are not able to accept that the population of Peking had a different composition a century ago. There are more videos about old China around 1910 on Youtube. They all show the same darker skin tones. Also look at present day pictures/footage of people from Mongolia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@JeeryAltkins Sorry, I am Nordic and I intentionally get a tan. My hands even after 8 months from bright sunlight are as tanned as my face and legs.


Even today, Chinese farmers and construction workers are darkly tanned from working under the sun, and can easily be recognised as such compared to pale skinned Chinese city dwellers.
I worked and lived in China for 10 years - Qingdao, Ningbo, xi'an, Guangzhou and Dongguan - and I think I prefer the older traditional way of life than the modern, Western frenetic stressful lifestyle most Chinese experience experience now.
P.S. and for all you trolls and low IQ twits out there, I'm not advocating the Chinese give up their modern life and go back to being desperately poor and uneducated and dying before the age of 40 from preventable diseases.
Keeping their traditional architecture and style of clothing and some old customs and values instead of simply copying Westerners would have been great.


@Rick88888888 These images don't lie? These images do lie. You should say "the film images are over 100 years old and do not accurately reflect the colourisations, because of age and film deterioration." why don't you travel around China yourself, and use your own eyes to see things as they really are, instead of making incorrect statements? I have visited Singapore, Malaysia, the West Pacific Area which has many Chinese settlements, North Thailand (many Chinese), Beijing and Hong Kong. I have worked alongside Manchurians and Mongolians. Over a period of 60 years I only ever saw two very dark brown Chinese, in Guangdong South China.


Thanks for sharing this interesting information. I'm a Malaysian of Chinese descent and my grandpa came from Fujian. The dark skins was mostly from exposure to the harsh weather and the manual work they had to do. Richer folks don't have such dark skin

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@blkoay When I worked in Penang Malaysia in 1976 I saw many ethnic Malays and many ethnic Chinese(in Penang) were light skinned. Yes I agree exposure to a harsh, hot sun will darken the skin. But I think it must be recognised that this you-tube film used very old b/w film stock, which was not panchromatic. This gives the impression, in this film, that all Chinese had black skins, which is not the case.


This is BS, although skin tones do vary the monolithic very dark/black skin shown here is WRONG. It is a problem with the film and it does not show the real appearance of these people. The fact that you are pretending that this isnt an issue shows your disrespect for Asian people.


Can you just enjoy the footage? And keep your unreasonable comments to yourselves, please! Props to this guy for the effort. It's a different perspective when it's colorized. We all know it's not perfect, but be civil about it.




Not enough people know that China is an ethnic melting pot, more diverse than a lot of places.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@darqv9358 Melting pot doesn’t mean Northern China is 90% Sudanese. Most South Chinese are Filipino tan at best. No one is charcoal black.


They would have been darker due to working out in the sun all the time , but not THAT dark.


What fascinates me is here we have the origins of racism, the association of darker skins with poverty and manual labour, and paler skins with intelligence, authority, and wealth. The Australian Aborigines mistook the first white people to be their dead ancestors and treated them with great respect, as gods almost. What a mistake that was.


Is there any particular cultural reason people in the north become actors?


Ppl living in harsh environments and sub standard living conditions & the lack of hygiene facilities such as modern toilets & bathrooms compared to those in today’s society tends to have darker skin colour and age faster. Just look at our grandparents generation, let alone hundreds years ago.


Look at China now! What an astonishing development in shorter than 120 years! In spite of the present policical situation, which is hard for us westerners to understand, one must admit that they achieved unbelievable things. Chinese people are incredibly hardworking!


China used to be rich in culture, tradition, civilization, art of living, courtesy, manner....nowadays, people only care about money


China has always supported traditional culture. You cannot name a country other than China that still values their traditional culture.


I don't know if you're trolling or what you're thinking. China has been like this for 5,000 years. Chinese women always dress femininely and value traditional culture, Taoism, and Confucianism. Money is also Chinese culture because money was invented by Chinese civilization

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Yangpeiling-de-zhangfu what city in China do you live?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@thereturnofthemac I live in Vietnam


Thank you for kindly sharing, May God bless you all the time.


It's impressive how far China has gone in over 100 years.


I mean not really, it took foreign companies moving in so that they would finally catch up with the West, otherwise it would still look like this minus the firearms and tram system you saw in the video.


Wow street & water front look so clean compare to India mother river 2024. The crowds look so well behave on road.


this is fascinating. as a student of the Chinese revolution when i was in high school i find it invaluable. subbd


Never seen a man pulling a wagon like horse


When horses are way more expensive than human, sure you will see them like that.



2:20 this is the old view on what nowadays called Tian’An men square the the left side was a flat residential area called DaZhongFu(大钟府). My mum (born in 1953) was born and grew up at this district was later was erased to build People Assembly Hall 人民大会堂. I was told she usually played on the bridges right in front of Tian’An men which is the building at the farther distance of this picture. Glad to see the real picture of this.

This is private property sir you cannot be filming here..lol


1917 Chinese streets are cleaner than 2024 Indian streets, lol


1917 Indian streets were better than 1917 Chinese streets what r u even talking about?


Another great historical video. Thank your taking the time to put this together. Regards


so many western building!


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