2024-04-23 IPmod 11749


This was one of the nicest and budget friendly high speed trains I have ever taken! The Laos China Railway was inaugurated in December of 2021 and has made a HUGE impact on Laos's transportation systems. What used to be a 5hr bus ride can now be done in a 1hr train ride through the mountains (literally). But before you think about taking this railway journey, there are some things that you should know and some things are quite unexpected, so I hope you will find this video helpful in planning your trip and knowing what not to pack in your suitcase to avoid any troubles!


The building of this high speed rail was made very difficult not just because of the tough terrain but by unexploded bombs in the Laotian countryside.
The officially neutral country became a battleground in the Cold War between the United States and Soviet unx, with American bombers dropping over two million tons of cluster bombs over Laos—more than all the bombs dropped during WWII combined. Today, Laos is the most heavily bombed nation in history. The U.S. bombing of Laos (1964-1973) was part of a covert attempt by the CIA to wrest power from the communist Pathet Lao, a group allied with North Vietnam and the Soviet unx during the Vietnam War.
In Laos, the legacy of U.S. bombs continues to wreak havoc. Since 1964, more than 50,000 Laotians have been killed or injured by U.S. bombs, 98 percent of them civilians. An estimated 30 percent of the bombs dropped on Laos failed to explode upon impact, and in the years since the bombing ended, 20,000 people have been killed or maimed by the estimated 80 million bombs left behind.
Hopefully the building of this railway as part of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) will enhance trade with China and other parts of South East Asia and improve the lives of the citizens of this land-locked, beautiful country.

这个官方中立的国家成了美国和苏联冷战期间的战场,美国的轰炸机在老挝上空投下了200多万吨集束炸弹,比二战期间美国投下的所有炸弹的总和还要多。如今,老挝是历史上遭受轰炸最严重的国家。美国对老挝的轰炸(1964-1973年)是美国中央情报局(CIA)从共产主义组织"老挝人民革命党"(Pathet Lao)手中秘密夺取政权的一部分。

Very true. Absolutely horrific what they’ve been through.


- Where are we, Dad? - Oh, I don't know It always turns out funny when you two travel together! I just checked, the train is actually China-made, by the huge CRRC company. Interesting, I'll definitely try it when in Laos.

- 我们在哪儿,爸爸?- 哦,我不知道。你们俩一起旅行的时候总是很有趣!我刚刚查了一下,这辆火车其实是中国的巨头中国中车制造的。有意思,到了老挝我一定要试试。

I did the bus ride from Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang and back and it was indeed brutal, one of the windiest roads I've been on. Also there seemed to be something wrong with the bus because it was going ridiculously slow the whole time, so of course took longer. Great to know about the new train, I'd love to go back and revisit sometime.


The buses are not of developed countries' quality. The ones I saw, and sat in one of them at the bus terminus, were all not new, i.e. looks like over 3+ years old. They are probably under-powered vehicles. And the one I sat on, I suspect due to the roads condition it has travelled on, were dusty, and it gave a metal-rubbing squeaking sound over even small road humps, corners, etc.
I took it nearly 6 years ago. It was an experience that I pray would not happen in my life again. I had not anticipated the physical stress and therefore not prepared for it. (For older people, who may need to visit the loo more than the young, it would certainly be necessary to wear adult pampers).
I would advise those foreign travellers who have not "enough time" to book in advance for the train ticket or are unsuccessful in securing the train ticket for whatever reasons, to take private "taxis" instead that ply those venues instead of taking the bus!


I enjoyed riding that train a few months ago. First time I went to Laos the only way to travel between LP and Vientiane was a very long bus ride, now it is so much easier.


Yeah that would honestly sounds like such a rough time, glad this option exists now.


Harriet and I remember when the Chinese were planning the Laos China Railway . Having friends from Lao taking its inaugural run from Vientiane to Luang Prabang just a few years ago.
It's a game changer for travel. Harriet and I are planning a trip in December 2024 to visit. Sounds like you guys had a great time there. Hope you guys go back again when you have more time.


Do you know the U$ has given Laos a very super world record as the most bombed nation on earth?
And I remember when China was planning to build this railway line for Laos, many westerners are saying China is trying to debt trap Laos. Now we see many westerners are enjoying this railway ride in Laos.


The BRI by China does benefit a lot of countries along the way.


Sending you and your Dad so much love and wishing you the happiest New Year yet! We are so grateful for you and all the great info and to see the wonderful relationship you have together!


I've been to Laos 2 times and I love this country. It's great fun. About 12 years ago, I took the bus from the China border to Luang Prabang, it was a Chinese mining company bus. Quite an adventure. The bus ride from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng and onward to Vientiane, is quite long and tortuous. Winding roads and potholes large enough to swallow full grown elephants. In contrast this train is luxury and I'll certainly use it in the future.
My other trip was Don Det and 1000 Islands and then to Pakse and a motorbike loop around Bolaven Plateau. So much fun. The bus from Pakse to Vietnam (Kontum/Gialai) was interesting as well.

我的另一次旅行是去Don Det和千岛湖(1000 Islands),然后去巴色,骑摩托车绕着Bolaven高原转了一圈。太有意思了。从巴色到越南(Kontum/Gialai)的巴士也很有趣。

Now I saw many foreign tourists visiting Luang Prabang not just for the UNESCO tourist spot but also for the nice western food there
That wouldn't be possible without the convenience of the HSR train


Happy New Year Alina to you and your Dad! It certainly looks like a great train ride. I’m following your videos from Maricopa, Az where we escape from the Calgary winters - this year Calgarians have been blessed with a pleasant winter - so far! Continue to enjoy your travels and thank you for sharing!


Will have this experience this afternoon, but straight from LP to Vientiane. Thank you for the information on the security process which I heard of from some people living here as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s crazy because this is what i mentioned in the comments on your last video that this is how I found out about Laos ���� was because of the railway.And now you tried the train ride.


I certainly enjoy your video! Glad you’re enjoying your travel and with your dad! Will have to check this train out when I visit Laos in April 2024. Happy new years and take care eh


Hi Alina, thank you for making this video. Me and my family took the train from Kunming South Station, got off in Luang Prabang and then took it to Vang Vieng and Vientiane later in the trip. Absolutely very fast and smooth journey ,with spacious and clean seats. Since we took off in China, most passengers were Chinese. Glad to see tourists/solo-travellers are benefiting from this infrastructure!


Hello Alina,
Hoping all is well. It was really nice meeting you and your dad in Luang Prabang and again in Vang Vieng.
My husband and I took the LCR from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng and we had no problem simply because we had been told about the rule of not carrying aerosol over 100ml. However from Vang Vieng to Vientiane our hotel recommended we take the bus because the train arrives in Vientiane away from the downtown area whereas the bus drops you off right in the center, which for us was more convenient and overall an easy enough ride.
Safe travels !
A couple from Montreal.


Wishing you and your family happy new year! It’s been so lovely to follow your travels and chat with you live from time to time. Your dad is such a trooper with some of the tough adventures! I’ll be looking forward to your new travel videos!


I wimped out and flew from LP to Vientiane. It was like a 50 minute flight. LP is a little airport and had no security queue. Airports in LP and Vientiane are both close to the city--actually probably both in the cities proper. Will have to try the train when I get the opportunity.


Were still waiting for High Speed Rail here in the US. I don't think we will ever get them, though.


Laos is one of the poorest countries in the world. The US one of the richest, yet, Laos has high-speed railway and the US doesn't. The US should cooperate with China to build a HSR in the US.


California has spent $10 billions of tax payers money on the high speed rail project. But after 20 years, we got nothing. Where did the money go? Anyone?


I traveled a lot in German ICE 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen and French TGV several generations for long distances and travel times up to 6 h, first and 2nd class. 1st class is a 1/2 seat configuration, 2nd class a 2/2 seat configuration. When I did see the 2nd class on the train in Laos with a 3/2 seat configuration it made me think of budget airline seating - narrow seats for slim people. The trains also run on normal gauge and the carriage cross-section is the same as in Europe. If you turn in your seat, you bump into your neighbor in 2nd class. So I would prefer 1st class when traveling and taking photos or videos as you need the space turning back and force for bets camera perspective.

我经常乘坐德国的第一代、第二代、第三代高铁和法国的几代TGV 列车长途旅行,旅行时间通常长达6小时,我会坐头等舱和二等舱。头等舱是1/2座位布局,二等舱是2/2座位布局。当我在老挝的火车上看到二等舱的3/2座位配置时,我不禁想起了廉价航空公司的座位--适合瘦弱的人的窄小的座位。老挝的火车也采用普通轨距,车厢横截面与欧洲相同。在二等舱,如果你在座位上转身,你可能会撞到邻座。因此,在旅行和拍摄照片或视频时,我更愿意选择一等舱,因为你需要有足够的空间转过身来拍摄以保证相机的视角。

Chinese carriage is a little bit wider than most European ones about 20 cm if I am not in mistake


Will be taking the LCR soon. Hoping the ticketing process goes smoothly, but at least I have a spouse fluent in Lao to help sort it out.


Hello Alina and your Dad, Red GOATS(greatest of all time) over Red Bull. Train looks very modern, roomy and clean . Glad you both enjoyed the journey.


Laos ���� looks very beautiful & affordable Alina. Thank You for sharing all your travel experiences & Happy New Year !


Generally speaking I would recommend taking the 1st class seats because in China 2nd class cars are usually packed with people who make a lot of noises and the smell would make your trip super uncomfortable too.


I've not been on this train line, but I've taken the trains in China. If you can get your visa in order, you should try taking the train all the way to China next time, and it passes through numerous ethnic minority areas on the Chinese side that you can explore. They are now building an extension of this train line to Bangkok, and the plan is for it to reach Singapore one day, but that's still a long way away.


Is it official that China is building the HSR for Thailand? I remember I read the news that Vietnam decided that they had enough with the Japanese (10 yrs and still no HSR) and officially signed deal with China to build the HSR from China to Vietnam then connect to all the countries in South East Asia, maybe no Philippines because they are not part of the mainland of Asia.

中国为泰国修建高铁是官方消息吗?我记得我看过一则新闻,说越南受够了日本人(10 年了,还是没有高铁),决定正式与中国签署协议,将修建从中国到越南的高铁,然后连接东南亚所有国家(可能没有菲律宾,因为他们不属于亚洲大陆)。

很赞 21