2024-04-23 IPmod 8650

@eggheadegghead I don't know about the HSR in Vietnam, but the Hanoi Metro was built by China, while the HCMC Metro is being built by Japan right now.
Thailand is richer than Laos, so they are financing their own section of the HSR, but the technology and technical expertise is being provided by China. The Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima section is already under construction, and they are now trying to secure funding for the Nakhon Ratchasima to Nong Khai section from Parliament. The bridge from Nong Khai to Vientiane will probably be the last to be constructed because that requires a three-way negotiation between China, Thailand and Laos.

@eggheadegghead 我不清楚越南的高铁,但河内的地铁是中国修建的,而胡志明市的地铁现在正由日本修建。
泰国比老挝富裕,因此他们为自己的高铁路段提供了资金,但技术和专业技能由中国提供。曼谷至Nakhon Ratchasima的路段已经开工建设,现在他们正在努力争取国会为Nakhon Ratchasima至廊开路段提供资金。廊开至万象的桥梁可能会最后建造,因为这需要中国、泰国和老挝三方进行谈判。

@eggheadegghead And speaking of which, China actually plans to turn Bangkok into the main rail hub of mainland Southeast Asia. So if all of China's proposals come to fruition, route via Laos will be only one of three railway lines from China to Bangkok. They're also proposing a western line via Myanmar, and an eastern line via Cambodia and Vietnam. All three lines are supposed to converge in Bangkok, then continue south towards Malaysia and Singapore. But it's probably going to take decade if these are realised, and I probably won't be around to see them.

@egghegghead 说到这里,中国实际上计划把曼谷变成东南亚大陆的主要铁路枢纽。因此,如果中国的所有提议都能实现,那么途经老挝的线路将只是中国通往曼谷的三条铁路线之一。他们还提议修建一条途经缅甸的西线,以及一条途经柬埔寨和越南的东线。三条线路都将在曼谷汇合,然后继续向南通往马来西亚和新加坡。不过,要实现这些目标可能还需要十年时间,而且我可能也看不到它们了。

​ @eggheadegghead China to provide Thailand for the technology assistant and Thailand to secure it with her own finances. However it is progressing slower than expected. At least another 5 years needed for the phase one

@egghegghead 中国向泰国提供技术帮助,泰国自己出资保障。然而,它的进展比预期的要慢,第一阶段至少还需要5年时间。

This is great! First Laos then Indonesia also getting high speed train. Good for those countries development and easing the pain of traveling between cities in hours. I wait to see what Laos has beside Luang Prabang.


Lao bullets are a mix of passenger and cargo. In the future, Laos will become a transit point for train freight between China and ASEAN countries. This will also give the landlocked country a land route to the outside world. (The transit fees alone are enough for Laos to recover a huge amount of money. However, the Thai route is currently under construction. Laos also makes a lot of money from train exports)


From wiki reports:Sri Lanka has $35 billion debt in 2021. 10% is from China. 50% from USA and Europe, others were from Japan , IMF and other countries


The Chinese believes in the Win Win principle, since China is the factory of the world developing it's neighbors and improving their economies increases it's neighbors purchasing potential and buy products back from China.


Does anyone know if it is okay to bring pump sprays rather than aerosols, i.e. the type of spray that doesn't involve compression/propellant? And do they allow bottles of liquids like shampoos on board?
Must have been so annoying for you to have to hunt down new bug spray and sun screen! At least you had those Red Goats to power you


Good to see you tried the high speed rail in Laos, a useful innovation only opened about 1 year ago and built by china, much safer by rail than poorly maintained roads and vehicles, good to see it, how does it compare to via rail in Canada?


Very true. Canada's Via Rail was a bit nicer interior wise if you're asking about their new trains and sells better food/drinks but it still doesn't hold a candle to what Japan has going on.

非常正确。如果你问的是加拿大的新列车,那么加拿大的Via Rail的内部装修要好一些,而且食品/饮料也卖得更好,但还是比不上日本。

I understand the security issue is an over-kill. however, it's nessesary, for example like wearing a seatbelt, most ppl in their whole life will not get into any traffic accident, but once you do, seatbelt saves your life. same goes to the secruity, if one, just one guy brings explosives onto the train and caused fire and havoc, the whole train will explode and cause mass casualties. there is maybe 1 in a million chances for this, but.... it's good trade off IMO.


Hello Alina,
I was in Laos prior to the train opened. This means, I had to go by plane from Vientiant to Luang Prabang.
Very interesting experience. I did not recognize marks on the floor like in Japan, which tell where to expect the doors for each car.
All my best wishes for You and your Dad for the upcoming year 2024
Best regards, Ralf


We arrived yesterday in Vang Vieng via the train.
We chose to purchase tickets at the agent in Luang Prabang. That all went very smoothly. They do take a 20k commission but it was worth it not to have to go to the train station twice. The agent was kind and patient.
The check in process we experienced at Luang Prabang train station was utter chaos. 1 long line turned into 2 lines and then a mad push to the doors after a lady made an announcement on a megaphone (in Lao).
People were throwing bags onto the security scanner belt, in piles. I saw no one getting stopped at all. I don't think the security was able to actually check it all.
I also assume if you arrive very early for the train, the security is more strict. I had read about people getting pocket knives and scissors (pointy things) confiscated as well as aerosol products. We found our 2nd class seats just fine and as you and your dad experienced, the ride was fine!
We head to Vientaine tomorrow!
Love your videos! Happy New Year and safe travels to you and your sweet dad!


Don't carry vape, as you will be fined without any receipt, if ya know what I mean. Welcome to S.E.A


January 1, 2024
We arrived at the Vang Vieng Train Station and the process was calm and orderly. This was much less busy and crowded than the Luang Prabang experience.
Tickets and passports checked. Bags through the machine. Walked through the metal detector and had the wand waved. No issues with us.
While waiting for the train, we did witness people getting the following things confiscated: open bottles of alcohol, pocket knives and aerosol cans.
The boarding of the train was totally calm and the ride was great. Lovely scenery.
An easy and relaxing way to get around. Highly recommend.


One day if you come to Indonesia���� and traveling to bandung city, better by high speed railway whoosh, top speed 350 km/h.usualy by car 3 or 4 hours to bandung city. But by high speed railway whoosh top speed, only 45 minuts to bandung city. Very fast. This is the first in southeast, southern Hemisphere and Oceania. The best


I like trains. Good to see a modern, train system for Laos that sounds quite good and efficient. The regulations are a downer and strange. Lots of queuing up for authoritarian sake which is the big hindrance for me related to travelling these days. Good to know - very good showcasing what is on offer.


Yeah some of the bureaucracy was a bit off putting but overall a great experience and by far the best way to travel to the major centers of Laos.


@naturalexplorer you need to think positively. Queuing at Laos trains stations is not like queuing at US airports where US border customs officers drill passengers like criminals. The luggage scan at Laos train station is good for passengers and for peace of mind.

@naturalexplorer 你需要积极地思考。在老挝火车站排队不像在美国机场排队,美国边境海关人员会像对待罪犯一样对待旅客。老挝火车站的行李扫描对旅客来说是件好事,可以让他们安心。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The construction of this Laos high-speed rail is about cooperative coexistence between two nations and not hegemonic dominance by one over the other


Dear Americans, when you travel to foreign countries you must adhere to the laws of that country. U$ laws does NOT apply outside of U$A even when you think you owned the world, you don't. Things that are legal in the U$ like owning a gun and smoking dope might be legal or okay in the U$ are in fact illegal in other countries.
Please do a bit of research before travelling to your destination, and BTW any drugs will likely attract a death sentence in most places in SEA. Alternatively just go to Florida or Alaska where you'd be safe.


Red Goats. Glad to see that the tradition of selling questionable goods on trains remained. Eastern Asians have a very stick take on drug usages which often caught westerners off guard, and vaping is simply not something we are familiar with. On the other side, alcohol usage is pretty much unregulated. So just some culture difference here.


Yeah very interesting that Thailand has legalized weed but is tough on vapes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ms your cannot complain for that ! because your in someone country not in your country ! your must follow they rule or they Law !


Hey if you love riding a train why don't you buy a ticket directly to travel to China?? China has so many of these high-speed trains. Now China provides a 144-hour visa you can go to have a look, my advice is to go to Guangzhou which is a very large city close to Southeast Asia. China has many very modern cities and the landscape is stunning, with so many beautiful mountains and rivers, please go there and see China with your own eyes, stop believing in those Western media's nonsense.


I will be visiting China for a longer period of time in the future! 144hr visas are really quite useless as a YouTuber unless you’re just transiting.


@AlinaMcleod Sound great, but I suggest not going to China during Chinese New Year, Chinese May Day Labor Day, and Chinese National Day, because people have 7 days off for each of these holidays. Hence, people pour out to tourist sites, so many people everywhere that you have to line up 4-5 hours to see something, and traffic jams everywhere, you will waste a lot of time just for waiting. But other times everything is fine, the best time to go to China is spring and autumn, the weather is not hot not cold perfect for traveling.

@AlinaMcleod 听起来不错,但我建议不要在春节、五一劳动节和国庆节期间去中国,因为每个节日人们都有7天假期。因此,人们都涌向旅游景点,到处人山人海,你必须排队4-5个小时才能看到一些东西,而且到处堵车,你会因为等待而浪费很多时间。但其他时候一切都很好,去中国最好的季节是春天和秋天,那时天气不冷不热,非常适合旅游。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

this China Laos train is good for Laos people ! because all Loas Agriculture can sale to China ! before Laos Agriculture can't sale no way !


I took the boat from Luang Prabeng to Va Vieng along the Mekong River years ago. It took me 7 hrs with fantastic scenery. The boat was not very comfortable though. How can one of the poor countries Lao to pay off the Chinese loan with high interest. Which asset of Lao China is going to possess this time as a result of another debt trap after Sri Lanka and Pakistan?


If you find the Strict Security is "A Bit Difficult" and too much of a hassle, you can always opt for other "less difficult" travelling options.
I'm all for strict security because it is for the safety of everyone on board and not to inconvenient anyone. After all, ALL passengers have to abide by the Strict Security Rules, not only YOU.
The Big Problem is WHAT IF? -> What if something unfortunate happened while riding on the train eg. a TERROR ATTACK or a MAD PERSON RUNNING AMOK and starts attacking other passengers - it can happen -- and you happened to be the victim???
I know what you are going to say then. First and foremost, you're going to point your finger at the Railway Authority of Laos for LAX SECURITY.
At the end of the day, you must choose, Safety Or Convenience. You still have the choice.

最大的问题是万一?-> 如果在火车上发生了什么不幸的事情,例如恐怖袭击或疯狂的人开始攻击其他乘客--这都有可能发生--而你恰好是受害者怎么办?

Laos is weighed down by about $US10.4 billion in debt to China, the equivalent of almost 55 per cent of its GDP, according to the newly published Belt and Road Reboot report by the AidData research lab at William & Mary, a public university in the US state of Virginia.

根据美国弗吉尼亚州公立大学威廉玛丽学院(William & Mary)援助数据研究实验室(AidData research lab)最新发布的《"一带一路"重启报告》(Belt and Road Reboot report),老挝欠中国的债务约为104亿美元,几乎相当于其国内生产总值的55%。

You read too much US propaganda. BRI is the ticket to develop for the developing countries which they never got from developed countries in the past.


It seems that the security checks are even stricter than the trains in China. This railway line has really boosted the local economy. I have a friend who used to do business in Bangkok, and a few months ago he sold his property in Bangkok and opened a shop near Vientiane Railway Station.


很赞 14