2024-04-26 地平线123 6223


I am an American and I believe the last thing the west should do is tell India how to handle it's domestic affairs. India is a very important country culturally and historically and the way they deal with their domestic affairs is still much better than China.


Thank you. Love from India

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I totally agree. You are honest and pragmatic . The West has a lot of soul searching to do before criticising India. They were aggressors and hooligans not India

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India has a lot of issues internally but she is not a killer.


human right is not internal matter


Germany lecturing India on its internal affairs will be just fanning anti-Germany and anti-west sentiments among Indians. Criticizing India will just push India towards the Russia-China bloc.


Not just better than China but even the West.
India is a much freer place than most western countries Especially compared to the uk amd germany.
Only US, France and Switzerland freer than India.


Kissenger once say, "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal"


If china attacks india……us will be bery important to us then


You are absolutely right


India is a sovereign democratic country. It can think on its own. The time of colonisation is over. This ancient land is standing on world stage with confidence now


It's also got massive social problems, massive inequality, poverty, corruption and religious strife.


@Conn30Mtenor ....And yet we are at the centre of the International stage. Every country has some or the other problems, we have all these above mentioned issues due to the British colonial policy, which will take a lot of time to settle down.


Conn30Mtenor It’s the year 1700 India is the among the largest economies in the world, all the major trade routes pass through India- the brits arrive, fast forward 1947 as they leave, India is the poorest country on the face of the earth. After 70 years, this poorest country is now among the top 10 economies of the world. You see India’s problems, but fail to see India’s resilience.


India should be carefull not to become too dependent on Western or Russia. It's better to develop your own capabilities & become self reliant as much as possible. I'm sure that they will act according to their own interest and do what's best for them. That's the right of every sovereign state.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India and the west working together as so much potential. India however should try and avoid being reliant on any country for it's defence.


BTW.. US always backed India on Tibet.
When did India back the US


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

craigkdillon bec US fought China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It would be Dilemma for Europe if India,Russia and China formed Trio.


Which would never happen


There is a better chance of an alien race invading earth


people say that india have no free speech.
in these video many peoples are openly criticising government.
if these is not free speech , i wonder what is....


Although the west has been supportive of us in the field of education and employment, Russia has rushed to India's rescue whenever India faced a tough situation. India is not going to ditch our friends so easily.


Nah, that was the USSR not Russia.


aleong.9566 lMao time will Definitely tell especially when RUSSIA has to choose between INDIA AND CHINA…


Today's Russia is getting closer with Pakistan. In Indo-Chinese conflict they will stay neutral. Just because India is not towing NATO's line on Ukraine doesn't mean it is doing it out of love for Russia. It is in best interest of India to not take sides.


@Dodsodalo True. But Russia is the legal successor of the USSR


In my opinion I think we should increase trade with India to reduce the reliance on China. A stronger India will help counterweight China.


How would you increase trade with India? Just go to any Walmart, Best Buy or Target in the US and see how many things there India makes.


@Spicy Nyampire The best university in India is ranked 155 in the world. India is not in position to replace China anytime soon


Don't forget it was US which helped develop China manufacturing base if EU and US can help India with finance and technology India with large manpower resources to replace CCP China.


India is a two-faced country, purely for it's own self interest just as China has all these years. Once India builds up it's economy and military power just as China has done, it will be just another country like China. Only difference is instead of a communist country, it will be a fascist country under the thin disguise of Hindu nationalism. Then the world would end up having to deal with threats from Russia, China and India.


@prcr8tion What threats does Russia and China pose to the world? By "world" I mean WORLD, not Western countries. What threats do those two pose?


A decade later: we should help Pakistan to counter balance India.


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