2024-05-06 吕洞宾! 7623

Madan Follow
A Brazilian couple came to India to visit.
They were on a motorcycle trip to India.


Now they are saying on Instagram that they faced a disturbing incident with a woman alleging she was raped by 7 men in Jharkhand.

现在,他们在 Instagram 上表示,他们遇到了一起令人不安的事件,这名妇女声称她在贾坎德邦被7名男子强奸。

This woman should get justice.
This happened in Jharkhand’s Dumka district last night.
Dumka is the political constituency of jailed former CM Hemant Soren


Jagmohan Keshari Follow
A couple of things, really. Many people in our beautiful nation park their vehicles in front of a neighbour’s place and keep the place in front of theirs open and free. When you ask him to park it at their place, they argue that it’s a public place and that they can keep anywhere they wish. Lol.
Another annoying thing is that many jerks take their pets out for a stroll and make those poor animals pee and poo in front of neighbour’s place instead of theirs. Over and over again. Every day.

确实有几件事。 在我们美丽的国家,许多人将自己的车辆停放在邻居的房前,并理所当然地认为邻居家门前的地方是开放和免费的。 当你要求他把车停在他们自己的地方时,他们会辩称这是一个公共场所,他们可以停在任何他们想停的地方。 哈哈。
另一件烦人的事情是,许多混蛋带着他们的宠物出去散步,让这些可怜的动物在他们邻居家而不是他们家门前撒尿和排便。 一次次一回回,几乎每天都在发生。

Kripacharya [guru of Karna]. Follow
Their are many things but because of the limitations in this question i can only state or mention one thing not more than that.
"A village chief and a gang of higher-caste men opened fire on poor farmers in northern India and killed at least 10 of them in a land dispute"
‘It Was a Massacre’: 10 Are Killed in Caste-Driven Land Dispute in India (Published 2019)
Basically discrimination/murder/perpetrators getting away with their crimes without getting held accountable.
Though i am no sunny deol fan i believe once in their lifetime all indians should see the film DACAIT (1987) sunny’s acting was average but the films message tackles a very important subject which is the lack of legal justice for indians that are of a different caste.

[引述]“一名村长和一群高种姓男子在印度北部的土地纠纷中向贫困农民开枪,导致至少 10 人死亡”
“这是一场大屠杀”:10 人在印度种姓驱动的土地纠纷中被杀(2019 年出版)

Fatima Sheikh Follow
Indians have absolutely zero civic sense and cleanliness sense. They will show 100% patriotism on social media, TV interview and if you talk to them they will give long lectures on patriotism, but that is all eyewash. Truth is, they have zero respect for their own country. The same people will turn around and throw trash everywhere, spit everywhere, break all the traffic rules, and drive on the pavement. If you respect your country, how can you treat it like this?

印度人的公民意识和清洁意识绝对为零。 他们会在社交媒体、电视采访中表现出100%的爱国主义,如果你和他们交谈,他们会就爱国主义进行长篇大论,但这都是拍马屁的屁话。 事实是,他们对自己国家的尊重为零。 这样的人转身就会到处扔垃圾、随地吐痰、违反所有交通规则、在人行道上开车。 如果你尊重你的国家,你怎么能这样对待它呢?

Nick Genero-Forex Trader Follow
We were labelled as Rapist in the past, unhygienic, Unethical and much more. As an Indian I do feel offended about it but at the same time this is what we read and this is the image of Indians in foreigners' eye.
Though all are not same still one bad fish is enough to make whole pond stink. We are nation of Kama sutra, but it doesn’t mean we will rape any one or everyone. Such a shameful act.
Education level need to be improved plus Populaltion need to be monitored especially in rural India.

过去我们被贴上强奸犯、不卫生、不道德等等的标签。 作为一名印度人,我确实对此感到被冒犯,但同时这就是我们读到的内容,这就是外国人眼中的印度人形象。
虽然情况各不相同,但一条坏鱼就足以使整个池塘发臭。 我们是编写了《爱经》的国家,但这并不意味着我们会强奸任何人或所有人。 这是如此可耻的行为。
我们为了省钱而深思熟虑,对每样东西都讨价还价,浪费时间,但最后从来不买。 我们需要改变我们的基本心态。 人民创造国家,所以让我们通过学习基本的道德和礼仪来使其成为一个值得骄傲的国家吧。

Krishna Kumar Subramanian Follow
You have committed two crimes:
You are a racist, and
You invented a question so you could answer it yourself.
I am not even counting the third crime, which is writing poor English which needed correction by Quora Moderation.
This is not a good time to bring racially-inflammatory comments again anybody, particularly Indians.
Don;t venture out alone.

我甚至没有写出第三个罪名,那是因为我的英语不好,需要 Quora 审核来纠正。

Seema Oak · Mar 2
Horrible people. They should be punished properly. These people spoil our country ‘s name. Hope the girl gets justice.

可怕的人。 他们应该受到应有的惩罚。 这些人败坏了我们国家的声誉。 希望女孩得到公正的对待。

Geoff· Mar 8
unfortunately, your country’s don’t have much left to be spoilt or destroyed by the actions of so many nonsense


Shrishti Sngh· Mar 28
I want to know as foreign tourist are people allowed to camp outside in tent anywhere in your country ? I am not sure what laws are there in that state now .This place was previously known for kidnappings of even the ministers of the states.. a tribal and sensitive area….Because the news says they didn't inform the police and camping in a desolate area . Apart from that this state in Naxal and Maoist,hit state where even Indians from other North states do not go .. ,what happened was really wrong, .. they should enquire a bit abt the place.,,

我想知道作为外国游客,在你们国家的任何地方都允许人们在外面的帐篷里露营吗? 我不确定该邦现在有什么法律。这个地方以前甚至因部长被绑架而闻名... 这是一个种族冲突敏感地区... 因为新闻说他们没有通知警察并在当地一片荒凉的地方露营。 除了纳萨尔派和毛派人士会去这个邦,甚至连来自其他北部邦的印度人都不会去这个邦,发生这样的事情真的是错误的,但他们事先应该了解一下这个地方。,,

Kriti Singh · Apr 24
Seriously, going anywhere without doing your homework is dumbest thing one can do as a tourist in a host country or maybe they were trying to get some kind of attention which in the end backfired..smh


Joe Sampath · Mar 9
Unfortunately India is going the way of some latin American countries. It's already damaged beyond repair


L Shan· Apr 4
In india media is very strong. This kind of news comes out very fast. India is a very huge highly populated country where the laws are very lenient to criminals. A criminal knows how to escape punishment by bribing government officials. There should be strict laws and Capital punishment for those rapists. We need CMs like Yogi. Some countries like Pakistan and gulf countries rapes are not reported at all. In west every minute there is a rape. 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime .
On should avoid going to isolated places anywhere in the world.

印度媒体的实力非常强大,这种消息传播得很快。 印度是一个幅员辽阔、人口众多的国家,法律对犯罪分子来说非常宽松,罪犯知道如何通过贿赂政府官员来逃避惩罚。 对于那些强奸犯应该有严格的法律和死刑,我们需要像尤吉这样的部长。巴基斯坦和一些海湾国家根本不会报道强奸事件。 在西方,每分钟就有一起强奸案发生。 每6名美国女性中就有 1 人一生中曾遭受过强奸未遂或已完成的强奸。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Kriti Singh · Apr 24
Sorry that’s what your perception is, which is completely based on media narrative or i should say specifically western media. India is growing in so many ways thus always attracts news be it good or bad. I have never seen any good media coverage about India even when it’s landed on MOON. So pls keep your bogus & outdated views to yourself. And also every country has crime & you are no different.

我对你的看法感到抱歉,这完全是基于媒体叙述,或者我应该特别说西方媒体。印度在很多方面都在发展,因此无论好坏,它总是吸引着新闻的关注。 即使印度登陆月球,我也从未见过任何关于印度的好的媒体报道。 因此,请保留你的虚假和过时的观点。 每个国家都有犯罪,你的国家也不例外。

Geoff · Mar 8
The fact you said “hope” already says alot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Sharath Nair· Mar 19
Well that was a grammatical mistake. We are not much well versed with foreign language of no use to us. But u should follow up with the case. All are arrested and will be judged in court with highest punishment. Law and order is a world issue. India is much safer than targetted killings in western countries.

嗯,这是一个语法错误。 我们不太精通对我们没有用的外语。 但你应该跟进这个案子。 所有人都被逮捕了,并将在法庭上接受最严厉的审判。 法律和秩序是一个世界性问题。 印度比西方国家的定点屠杀要安全得多。

A. Khanna · Mar 22
Don’t defend your country if anything happened so wrong and it’s happening every day somewhere in our country. and there is no comparison we need to do with other countries. Here we are talking about a girl rape and you are comparing that it’s safer than western countries. why do you need comparison, just that you’ll be able to show that India has less crime, inside you know how much crime we have here in India and how badly govt. is managing the crime in any state.


Avinash Ojha · Mar 2
India is not even safe for Indians. How can they dare to do such a thing ?

印度对印度人来说甚至都不安全。 他们怎么敢做出这种事?
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nagaraja Malagi· Mar 3
I agree, in my own city , i don't visit some shady localities,


Vikrant Chauhan· Mar 3
Very few are good rest of them are criminal minded


Anti Haters · Mar 8
What do you expect criminal government criminal people

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

A. Khanna· Mar 22
no all this is about the govt. who is in power, opposition will not be able to control the crime as they don’t have any authority on law system only the govt. which is in power will be able to do that. so unfortunately it’s BJP, now you can take it the way you understand it.


Vikrant Chauhan· Mar 3
No many like me respect women but yes most of don't respect others womens like their own mother sister some even don't respect mother sister too

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dhananjay Godbole· Mar 3
What exactly do you want to say, mate?


Vikrant Chauhan · Mar 3
Im saying many boys like me respect every women bhut many are their who only respect their own mother sister but don't respect others and some are even who don't respect their mother sister also


Prema Wertitsch· Mar 3
good that you explained because yr comment was misleading - as if you are one of them that dont respect women.


Nilesh Pandey · Mar 3
I have read it thrice to understand this. Are you saying that there are good and bad people along with the variation in their goodness and bad behaviour?

我读了三遍才明白这一点。 你是说人有好有坏,行为有善恶之分,对吗?

Croos · Mar 3
He’s saying that there are 3 types of people
1st are those who respect everyone
2nd are those who respects only their mother, daughters, etc
3rd are those who do not respect anyone.
I think that's what he is trying to say

王玲琴· Mar 31

Why the government not make some laws to assure fair between man and female? Social problem need some strict law to correct it, if government determines to make a country better.

为什么政府不制定一些法律来保证男女之间的公平呢? 如果政府决心让一个国家变得更好,这些社会问题就需要一些严格的法律来纠正。

Delaram · Mar 11
Come to Iran once and see for yourself You thought that Iran is a desert without water and grass where terrorist operations are carried out You have never seen Iran up close and the only thing you know about this country is what you heard from the media.


Shak Sharma· Mar 3
This is bullshit. India needs to throw the book at criminals who rape people. Personally if it was up to me I would cut their penis off for committing such a cowardice act just so there’s no way they could ever get that satisfaction again. Who does this to people anywhere in the world. India as a whole needs to step up to this issue & show india & the world that they are not going to stand for this disturbing behaviour. Sick men need a sick punishment. We can’t show them even a grain of humanity when they don’t have any to spare for anyone. 7 men, 7 F¥€|{ing MEN rape one women. This aggravates me to the core. I’m not sorry for the language that I’ve used for this. These men have mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, and some of them maybe even have daughters & grand daughters. How in the World can you commit such a heinous act. What if this was your daughter, sister, aunt, mother, cousin, or grand daughter. You would be out for revenge ready to kill some one. I know I would. I can’t wrap my head around this, not even one of the seven men had an ounce of good, or common decency in them to stop this from ever happening. India needs to find these men & make sure they get punished accordingly. In a very very public setting so all of India will know the faces of who commits these types of crimes. We can’t protect these Once thier faces are released to the public. Most of thier families will disown them. The families won’t want them back home. Just sick. What is humanity coming to when people have no self control. There is en easy fix for that.

这是胡说八道。 印度需要严惩强奸他人的犯罪分子。就我个人而言,如果由我决定,我会因为他们做出如此懦弱的行为而砍掉他们的阴茎,这样他们就再也无法获得那种满足了。 看谁还敢对世界上任何地方的人做这种事。印度人作为一个整体需要站出来解决这个问题,并向印度和世界表明他们不会容忍这种令人不安的行为。 有病的人需要病态的惩罚。 当他们没有人性可言时,我们就无法向他们展示哪怕一丁点人性。7名男子,7名男子强奸一名妇女。这让我很恼火。我对我为此使用的语言并不感到抱歉。这些男人有母亲、阿姨、姐妹、表姐妹,其中一些人甚至可能有女儿和孙女。 这些人怎么能做出如此令人发指的事呢。 如果这是你的女儿、姐妹、阿姨、母亲、表妹或孙女怎么办? 你会为了报仇而准备杀人。 我知道我会的。我无法理解这一点,甚至这七个男人中没有一个有任何善良或普遍的正义感来让他阻止这种事情的发生。 印度需要找到这些人并确保他们受到相应的惩罚。 在非常非常公开的环境下,所有印度人都会知道犯下此类罪行的人的面孔。 一旦他们的面孔被公开,我们就无法保护他们。 他们的大多数家庭都会与他们断绝关系。 家人不希望他们回家,就当他们病死了。 当人类没有自制力的时候,人类会变成什么样子?这是一个简单的解决办法。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Wallah Habibi · Mar 3
I still don’t understand what is there to be angry about Indians. The people who did it must be jailed according to the law. That’s it, but where is this ashamed of being an Indian angle coming from? Apparently, everybody should be ashamed and go into utter damnation except the r@pists, that’s what's going on social media. It’s the r@pists who are at fault, why blame an entire country for it?
So now u extrapolate the activity of 7 people in a country of 1.5 billion people. By that logic, all Muslims are terrorists bcz Osama was muslim.
And for people saying North India is unsafe, Bengaluru just had a bomb blast in a cafe. It’s the first bomb blast in a “civilian area” in nearly 10 years. Deal with that first.

我还是不明白有什么可对印度人生气的。干这事的人必须依法入狱。都这样了,作为一个印度人感到的羞耻感是从何而来的呢? 显然,除了强奸犯之外,每个人都应该感到羞耻并受到彻底的诅咒,这就是社交媒体上正在发生的事情。 错的是强奸犯,为什么要怪罪整个国家呢?
现在你可以凭借7个人的活动给一个15亿人口的国家下定论。 按照这种逻辑,所有穆斯林都是恐怖分子,因为本拉登是穆斯林。
对于那些说北印度不安全的人来说,班加罗尔(印度南部城市)刚刚在一家咖啡馆发生了炸弹爆炸。 这是近十年来首次发生在“平民区”的炸弹爆炸。 先解决这个问题吧

David Lim · Mar 2
India always fascinated me as l can also speak indian language but, l will never visit India.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Awake· Mar 3
Boycott the Hindi Heartland. All other regions of India are much safer, have better HDI, hygiene etc.

抵制印地语中心地带。 印度的所有其他地区都更加安全,拥有更好的人类发展指数、卫生条件等。

Jai Sanatana Dharma · Mar 3
Northeast India is also pretty down trodden.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Zaed the Curry Man · Mar 16
I wanted to visit India.But I realized how dangerous it is specially during night time.Some of them are absolute monsters and even serial killers roaming around freely.Its like columbia of asia.Same can be said about Bangladesh or Pakistan


Chandrahass Racha· Mar 3

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Joe Sampath· Mar 11
u must be kidding me? Kashmir and Punjab have very high HDI? Delhi is sh^th hole…Most Hindi areas are poor and backwards. Not surprising the highest recorded rape cases come from Hindi areas. . Economy bad and people are jobless. If u want high HDI go to Kerala or some southern states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

你一定是在开玩笑吧? 克什米尔和旁遮普邦的人类发展指数非常高? 德里是个烂地方...大多数印地语地区都很贫穷和落后。 毫不奇怪,记录最多的强奸案来自印地语地区...这些地方经济不好,人们失业。 如果你想要高人类发展指数就去喀拉拉邦或一些南部邦如泰米尔纳德邦和卡纳塔克邦。

Subbu Kutti· Mar 2
It is very regrettable. Law must take suitable action.


Hameed Mineeals · Mar 2
No. We in BJP government Gujarat free Rapists & Murderers free! ( Bilkis Banu Case) and garlanded them !!

不会。我们的人民党执政的古吉拉特邦政府刚刚释放了强奸犯和杀人犯! (比尔基斯巴诺案)并为它们戴上了花环!

Aneek Biswas Biswa · Mar 2
I had gone to Jharkhand once back in 2009 when I was a kid. And man I just don’t want to go to that place anymore since it’s worse than hell with shitty people whom I can’t even classify to be like cavemen.

2009 年,当我还是个孩子的时候,我曾去过贾坎德邦一次。 伙计,我绝对不想再去那个地方了,因为那里比地狱更糟糕,那里有那些我甚至不能将他们归类为原始人的糟糕家伙。

Kedar Prasad · Mar 3
If at all it had happened in UP, you would have heard at least 3 or 4 being shot down, 2 committing suicide and many houses being bulldozed.


IMNoMore · Mar 3
I am not justifying nor downplaying the gravity of the incident.
But this type of incident happens in every single country in the world. No country is safe for tourists specially for a woman. If you are an woman you need to be extra cautious on the road be it in your homeland or in a foriegn land.
I dont dont know whether those tourists living in the tents of their own or in some hotel accomodations. Its kinda going in jungle at night without any weapon expecting no wild animal going to kill you.
Even in upscale metropolitan cities in India arent safe for women how can you expect safety in these areas. Best to avoid this areas for solo trips.
As of the justice goes, I hope the culprits are not politician or some politician’s sons. Otherwise police going to give those sick heads a tough time for bringing this shame on Indian tourism.

但这种事件在世界上每个国家都会发生。 没有一个国家对游客特别是女性来说是安全的。 如果你是女性,无论是在祖国还是在异国,在路上都需要格外小心。
即使在印度的高档大都市,女性也不安全,你怎么能指望这些地区的安全呢? 单独旅行时最好避开这些区域。

Nick Goh · Mar 4
But those so-called other Countries perpetrators Rapists are of Indian Origin … No ?
In the Great Britain …
UK: Indian-origin man jailed for nearly 7 yrs for raping a drunk woman at his flat
In America …
US: Indian-origin man convicted of raping woman
In Canada …
Indian Canadian held for drugging, raping woman in Toronto club
In Australia …
The shocking story of Balesh Dhankar of Indian-origin, convicted of multiple rapes in Australia | TOI Original - Times of India Videos
In New Zealand …
Four Indian-origin men face gangrape charges in New Zealand
In Singapore …
Rapist who dragged woman to forested area in Kranji gets jail, caning for brutal attack
In Germany …
Indian visitor in US extradited to Germany for raping minor

在澳大利亚 ...
印度裔巴莱什·丹卡在澳大利亚被判犯有多起强奸罪,令人震惊的故事 | TOI 原创 - 印度时报视频(链接)

Meanwhile at home in India …
A Rap*st, A Kil*er, A Sociopath Umesh Reddy - Beast of Bangalore Real Story — Premiered Mar 7, 2023
About Video: Umesh Reddy, the man who is famously known as the Beast of Bangalore, is a serial rapist, murderer who confessed to have brutally killed and raped 18 women. But, the police believes that Umesh raped at least 20 women in the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujrat.
In this video, we dive into the mind of this monster who strategically kept a close eye on his victims, stalked them, painfully murdered them and then left them naked, crying for help.
So, what happened to this beast? How did he get caught? How did he become a sociopath? And most importantly where is this killer now?
Watch this video and don’t miss out on this spine-chilling case of the Beast of Bangalore.
99% cases of sexual assaults go unreported, govt data shows

饶舌歌手、杀手、反社会者乌米什·雷迪- 《印度捕食者:班加罗尔野兽》 — 2023 年 3 月 7 日首播
视频简介:乌米什·雷迪被称为班加罗尔野兽,他是一名连环强奸犯、杀人犯,他承认残酷杀害并强奸了 18 名妇女。 但警方认为,乌米什在卡纳塔克邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和古吉拉特邦强奸了至少 20 名妇女。
那么,这头野兽到底怎么了? 他是怎么被抓到的? 他是如何成为一个反社会者的? 最重要的是,这个杀手现在在哪里?

IMNoMore · Mar 4
You want to imply that most of the rapists and sexual offenders are Indians? Ok, its time to go through the crime reports little deepr rather more sextive and filtering the only results which involve Indians.

你想暗示大多数强奸犯和性犯罪者都是印度人吗? 好吧,是时候更深入地、更有选择性地浏览犯罪报告并过滤掉涉及印度人的结果了。

Jabbare · Mar 2
Typical North Indian tuchiyas.


Water· Mar 2
It is not about North Indian or South Indian. The fact that such a heinous act was perpetrated upon a foreign tourist, a guest, our heads must hang in collective shame as Indians. Here, a woman's dignity has been violated and people are arguing North-South. This is so pathetic as well as problematic. Also, Jharkhand is not in north India but in eastern India.

这与北印度或南印度无关。 事实上,如此令人发指的行为发生在一名外国游客、一名客人身上,我们作为印度人必须集体感到羞耻。 在这里,女人的尊严受到侵犯,人们却在为罪犯是南北方人争论。 这是非常可悲的,也是有问题的。 此外,贾坎德邦不在印度北部,而是在印度东部。

Sanjiv Mishra· Mar 3
Dear Friend,
Everyone should do a Research before traveling to any Country. Except 20–30 countries out of 200+ no country is safe for women if u visit some Backward places like Dumka. I am not blaming that woman but one can't blame a whole country over a Incident which shows clear carelessness by those Travellers.
I can post Hundreds of incidents of crimes on women in countries like USA, UK, France etc that doesn't mean those countries are unsafe for women so as India.
Note- I am not Defending Rape or Rapist I just want to say that u can't blame a whole country over few incidents.

每个人在前往任何国家之前都应该进行研究。 除了 200 多个国家中的20-30个国家外,如果您访问像杜姆卡这样的落后地方,没有哪个国家对女性来说是安全的。 我并不是责怪那个女人,但人们不能因为这一事件而责怪整个国家,这表明了那些旅行者明显的粗心大意。

Kathy B.· Mar 4
The hell you can’t. India is known for absolutely horrific violence toward women and no amount of excuses will change that.


Jake Snake · Mar 2
Unfortunately, rape is getting too common in India. There has to be an educational programme targeting young men and boys to stop people thinking they have a sexual right over vulnerable females. This rape culture was instilled by Mughal rule and it hasnt been stamped out since then. During partition this ugly crime and stain on humanity had raised its viscious head and has done so in subsequent communal rights.

不幸的是,强奸在印度变得太普遍了。 必须有一个针对年轻男性和男孩的教育计划,以阻止人们认为他们对弱势女性拥有性权利。 这种强奸文化是莫卧儿统治时期灌输的,从那时起就没有被消灭。 在分治期间,这种丑陋的罪行和对人性的污点已经抬头,并在随后的公共权利中发挥了作用。

Amjad Farooq· Mar 12
What a nonsense , all nudes sculptures in hindu temples / Manders were made by Mughals ?


Navil de Silva· Mar 3
Now dont get me wrong here. The question was what was it that makes you angry with indians. Now lets be honest, can you tell me one country in the world that has no rape. If you Google the top 10 countries in the world with highest rapes per capita, India is not on that list even. So to say you are angry with indians for these rapes, makes no sense really as rape happens in every country and society and to target indians alone is very unfair. If you say we should aspire to eradicate rape totally from India, then im with you.

现在不要误会我的意思。 问题是是什么让你对印度人感到愤怒。 现在说实话,你能告诉我世界上有哪一个国家没有强奸案吗? 如果你用谷歌搜索世界上人均强奸案最多的十大国家,你会发现印度甚至不在这个名单上。 因此,说你对印度人的这些强奸感到愤怒,实际上是没有意义的,因为强奸发生在每个国家和社会,而仅仅针对印度人是非常不公平的。 如果你说我们应该立志在印度彻底消除强奸,那么我同意你的观点。

Tuck Yuen Chin · Mar 5
That is why investor shy away from India. The law enforcement is weak with rampant corruption. India has lowest safety ranking in the world

这就是投资者回避印度的原因。 这里的执法力量薄弱,腐败现象猖獗。 印度的安全排名世界最低。

Navil de Silva · Mar 31
“Investors shy away from India” Mr Tuck Yuen Chin?? Do you have any data to back this up ?? How many wanted to come and then decided not to because of these reasons ?? Do you have any data ??
“India has lowest safety ranking in the world “?? Do you have a safety index by country?? By which criteria are the countries judged ? Like for example the US has about the same number of people shot dead as those killed in car accidents. Is being shot dead factored in for the safety ranking ?So when you make a statement like India has the lowest safety ranking, I want to know what are the “safety factors” being used.

“投资者回避印度”?? 先生,你有任何数据来支持这一点吗? 有多少人想来却因为这些原因决定不来? 你有数据吗??
“印度的安全排名世界最低”? 你们有按国家/地区划分的安全指数吗? 评判这些国家的标准是什么? 例如,美国被枪杀的人数与死于车祸的人数大致相同。 安全排名是否考虑了被枪杀的因素?因此,当您发表诸如印度安全排名最低之类的声明时,我想知道所使用评判的“安全因素”是什么。

很赞 3