2024-05-10 热心小哥 12768
Do Chinese people feel embarrassed when they see "Made in China" goods?


@Wenxiang Chen
It depends on your market share.
When 1% of people use "Made in China", "Made in China" is the endorsement of garbage
When 5% of people use made in China, made in China is an interesting gadget from another country
When 10% of people use made in China, made in China is inferior and Imitation and plagiarism
When 20% of people use "Made in China", "Made in China" is an invader who takes away our jobs and threatens our economy and democracy.The Chinese are slave workers in sweatshops
When 40% of people use Made in China, Made in China is the partners of poor countries and the enemies and spoilers of developed countries
When 70% of people use "Made in China", "Made in China" is the trend, advanced and fashionable, and is the guarantee of quality.


@Tony Tan
That's strange, I feel proud when I see these..

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处




@David J Wong
Well, yes a bit, actually.
I lived in Vienna, Austria for 3 years. One of the highlights every year was the Christmas markets.


In addition to gluwein and pretzels, there were stalls filled with all sorts of cool stuff — from beautiful Christmas tree decorations to candles to Austrian style hats to sheepskin-lined slippers to keep one warm on a cold Austrian night.


One year at a Christmas market in Salzburg, I visited a stall selling Austrian hats. Imagine my surprise when I picked up a Tyrolean alpine hat like the one below


Only to see the tag inside that said: “Made in China.”
Yeah I was maybe a bit embarrassed to see that even deep in the Austrian heartland, supposedly ‘local’ products were made in China.


@Bill Chen
I heard this years ago from a mainland contact. There is a place in china known as the hat capital. It supplies a huge variety of Headwear. It had developed a vertically integrated supply chain down to uv resistant dyes and thermoforming machines to shape hats. Apparently, samples could be turned around in a matter of days, even overseas.
Not sure where the place is though.


Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province was and probably still is the world handbags and shoes capital, and Chaozhou in Guangdong Province for its curtain materials. One needs to look good going out and one needs to furnish the house, look no further.


@Profile photo for H2O
An Iranian friend of mine show me his little family hat factory (in Toronto) His wife, mother in law, 2 staff and himself work there as he saw a potential market for "Made in Canada" hats. He proudly go to auctions to get lowest price for the leather and set up booths whenever there are special events. Business was ok.


3 years later, I bumped into him at a restaurant and I ask how he is doing and glad to see him having some free time to enjoy a sit down meal. He said he analyzed the time and labour he spends on making these hats, no matter how fast and efficient his family work to make these hats, his cost is way too high. Now he imports various parts of the hat from China for 1/8 of his cost. His family will sew all the pieces together at his shop and he can advertise these hats as "Hand assembled in Canada". Less work, much more profits, same hat.


@Profile photo for Dixit
Ever been on a plane before? The majority of commercial aeroplanes are manufactured by Boeing, which assembles its planes in the United States of America.
I reckon that's pretty useful!


The West leaves the manufacturing of cheap hats, clothes, and toys that break after 2 hours of use to China. But high end research and development, high end services, tech development, aero-space manufacturing and high end automobiles production, and semiconductors and processing chips are still focused in the US, EU, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. These nations acocunt for a majoirty of the world's wealth and R&D.
That's why the US of A is still the largest economy in the world by a multi-trillion dollar margin.


*Note: I am not saying China doesn't produce high end and technologically products. It does, but it lags in sectors like semiconductors and aerospace engineering. Additionally, the reason hats are not produced in North America in bulk, is that it's cheaper to produce them overseas, and instead, countries like the US focus in making high end, complex products, like, for example, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which is made in the Boeing Everett Plant.


I do agree that most of “made in china" are manufactured in china. But once, my friend who was engaged in entrepreneurship in his very early life, gave me t-shirt as gift.


I asked him did they made that ? (They used to manufacture women's cloth only ).
He said “ yes, we started to manufacture some cloths for men's too”
I said “ it is nice. But i think it won't get market“


Then he showed me ”made in china" sticker n other such stuff.
Finally, he told “ we will stitch this to all those sort of material ( showing t- shirt ) and sell them to market.


I m not from china.


@George Arno
Nowadays, so-called “local” products everywhere in the world are often ”Made in China”.


It's important to recognize that attitudes and perceptions can vary widely among individuals, so it's difficult to make a blanket statement about how all Chinese people feel when they see "Made in China" goods. However, in general, it's not accurate to suggest that Chinese people feel embarrassed when they see products labeled as "Made in China."


Many Chinese people take pride in the country's manufacturing capabilities and the economic progress that has been made over the past few decades. China is known as the "world's factory" and is a major global manufacturing hub, producing a wide range of goods that are sold internationally.


While there may be some concerns about quality control, counterfeit products, or negative stereotypes associated with "Made in China" goods, it's important to remember that these issues are not unique to China and can be found in manufacturing industries around the world.


Ultimately, attitudes towards products labeled "Made in China" can vary depending on the individual's perspective, experiences, and the specific product in question.


@Joe Hirochi
Interacted with many Chinese people of different bg'supxed 8mo
Reason why I moved out of The US to Asia was because I realised US was filled with Made in China goods and I use to always get my Chinese friends to Taobao what I see in the retail stores in the US and get it at a fraction of the price and that is with delivery added on top also.


What also amazed me was that the quality sent from the Taobao would be of much higher quality than the one’s I see in US stores (In terms of sturdiness / feel). I asked my Chinese network why and they said its because US buyers are too poor so they ask for reduced rates for buying in really big bulks. The US buyers know and agree that the manufacturer cannot make a loss from the deal so the US buyer ask the Chinese manufacturers to manufacture sub quality standards since the US really needs such products and they don’t mind.


It’s unbelievable how much the US middleman must have made from the deal. They buy it supercheap and below normal quality that Chinese people would sell to themselves and they sell this at above average price to the US consumer. It’s a steal and all along the US consumers blame the Chinese quality on China lol.


Can you imagine if China cannot meet Apple’s product build standard and precision that they would have no other way but to leave China and bring it back to The US? Same with other products, you give the client what they pay you for lol.


@Harry Sheng
I buy on amazon, aliexpress and temu.


All products on aliexpress and temu are made in China. I buy on amazon only when I cannot find similar product from aliexpress and temu. The quality of products I bought from aliexpress and temu never disappointed me; and at the same time, they saved me quite some money. For example, for a similar cat collar, it would cost $10 on amazon, it’s only $3 on temu and the material and making are even better. Should I feel embarrassed to pay less for a better “Made in China” product?


@Shi Ting Ger
yes, they are very embarrassed.
so they gave up challenging Made in Germany and Made in Japan anymore.
so they venture into areas that Germany and Japan were less focussed on.
Like smart phone, solar panel ,Stealth Aircraft, Space Stations.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Take me as an example, when I lived in Sweden, seeing ‘made in China’ in the shopping, I would feel much more reassured because I am sure this item must be cheap than most items made in Europe and have good quality because many Chinese exported items have better quality than in China. Therefore, I would take that item, and leave others behind, which to some extent solves my difficulty in choosing.

@吉利 谭

Before World War I, Germany was also a very poor country. It didn't even have any industry, and the only little textile industry could not compete with France. At that time, German products were cast aside by the Germans, who said that the quality of German products was the worst. But the smart Germans did not give up. They went to France and the United Kingdom to steal technology and buy equipment. In just a few decades, Germany was already a very powerful industrial power by the time of World War II. The Chinese are managing the process.


@Hypocritic Westerner
I feel more embarrassed about people like you who barely could make anything yourselves and rely on products that are made in China to live everyday, and who can barely afford anything while hoping to get the top quality.


why?China produces goods all over the world, so that people in many underdeveloped countries in the world can get rid of the blackmail of high-priced and low-priced goods in Europe and the United States. Why should we be embarrassed.


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