2024-05-10 Kira_Yoshikage 8023

What did a teacher say or do to you that you've never forgotten?


You're not a good liar. You shouldn't do it


EDIT: Probably the most useful lesson I learned in all school before college.


My parents had just divorced and they shared custody of us. When my mother had us, she wouldn't feed us, send us a lunch, bathe or groom us so we'd show up to school tired, hungry, and dirty. When my 1st grade teacher figured out what was going on, she started keeping a brush and wipes for me in her desk along with lunch money. She'd take me aside before other kids showed up and groom me and feed me. That was about 35 years ago and I still think about her all the time. Ironically, her name was Mrs. Severe. What a beautiful soul. I really needed that maternal care that she gave me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You should reach out to her and let her know.


Unfortunately, she’s passed away already but I’m now a college instructor and try to carry on her legacy of kindness


Yes! This is the way!

没错! 就该这样!

When learning a language, don't worry about speaking it perfectly. Try to desribe what you want to say with the words you have. I found that really good advice for a kid.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This. I am an English teacher in Germany and also used to teach German as a Foreign language (both in Germany and the US).


I always tell my students that communication is important and nothing else. It’s easier the younger the kids are. For adults it is very hard to go with that.


Once on the way to school, I found a kitten and couldn't leave it behind. It was dirty, hungry, and in need of help. I had to take it with me to school. At that moment, my parents were against me having a pet... and so, after school, as I sat there crying and not knowing what to do with the kitten, my teacher approached me. She calmed me down and took the kitten with her. After that, she sometimes brought him to class. This way, we continued to communicate. She named him Inkblot. As far as I know, he lived until he was 17. I will always remember this act, as she didn't break my little heart and saved the cute kitten. Double Shot


In english class (my secondary language), my english teacher randomly pulled a condom and an eraser from her bag to outline the difference in american and british english. The whole class was amused for the rest of the week.


Had a bunch of great teachers who helped me see that I wasn’t a failure in school - “you’re not stupid, but you’re lazy” was a big one for me


But reading the question the instinctive quotes that came to mind were my physics teacher coming into class on the first day carrying a giant friggin vernier calliper on his shoulder and telling the class menacingly “This is my battle axe”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is also the same guy who when teaching us about electricity wrote on the whiteboard, “there are two types of transformers. Autobots and Deceptacons”


I was homeschooled until the 10th grade. I started public school, and the first week we were assigned a paper in English class. I'd never written anything before. I did my best and turned in what I'm sure was basically word salad. The teacher asked me to speak with him after class and asked about my background, but was extremely understanding. Without a hint of judgement, he took time out of his own schedule to get me up to speed and teach me the basics of grammar, structure, etc. It was an incredibly selfless act. I'm an attorney now, and I'm not sure I'd have even made it out of highschool without him.


A near tragedy. What were your parents like, and what's your current relationship with them like?


They were/are fine. Fairly conservative but not particularly religious. Both very smart and highly educated. Generally caring people. They just thought they could do better than the school system, which had the inadvertent effect of making their children be very isolated. There was absolutely no malice in their actions, just, by my accounts, a dose of naivety. Nobody is perfect and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not extremely close with them these days, but we still talk/see each other regularly. I don't mention the homeschooling thing to them - what's done is done and making them feel guilty over it would hurt both of us and change nothing. But at the same time, it made me very against the idea of homeschooling. It didn't make anything in life impossible, it just made everything more difficult.


To be clear, I wasn't illiterate or anything. We did have some lesson plans and we did, to some extent, get schooling instruction at home. But there ended up being a lot of gaps, and I'd just never been assigned a true essay or writing assignment (that I can remember at least) so the idea of drafting an essay was foreign to me.


“I know there’s a senior party tonight, if any of you can’t drive at any point during the night you can call me for a ride and I’ll take you home. I won’t tell your parents or get you in trouble, I just don’t want any one drinking and driving.”


Just because somebody is confident in what they're saying or knows how to express themselves, does not mean they are any more right or intelligent than those who do not possess those skills. My English teacher said this to my class once. It was around the time of that quote that I also realized adults aren't universally wise beings, many of them are just children in mature bodies.


My history teacher told my parents I'd make a great spy - I went to lessons, extracted the necessary information, and got out, without him ever knowing I was there.


"Girls don't like drunk guys, so, if you want to hook up, let the other men get drunk and you stay sober or just "happy". By default you'll be the better option for girls or the girl you like".


Never failed in my life. Thanks for so much professor don't remember your name


"You won't achieve anything in your life". I am now an engineer. Everytime I was studying I thought about this sentence and it motivated me to be better and work harder to prove him wrong. Even today, every time something is tuff in my life I go over it and remember this sentence, I have to prove him wrong.


My science teacher told my parents I "didn't belong in her class" when I was 13. It was an accelerated class and I finished the year top of her class. Still not sure whether she was a dumb cow or an evil genius.


Had a teacher who did that - he choose the pupils who he knew were bright but not motivated and bet them £10 they'd fail his class. He told me it was best £50 a year he spent and he usually got it back in a bonus for achieving decent passmarks. But more importantly, it meant all those pupils had one decent school qualification under their belt.


In grade 11, I had environmental science class. My teacher noticed I wasn't doing my homework and had me stay after class to explain myself.


I wasn't a confident kid, but somehow I had a ton of courage that day. I said to him "Look, don't take this the wrong way, but what's your job?"


He was kinda shocked and replied "Well, I'm your teacher. My job is to make sure you know whats in the curriculum."


"Right." I said. "So, if I know the curriculum I shouldn't have to do the homework. School work is for school, and home time is for home"


He smiled and said "Alright, I'll make you a deal; you don't have to do homework if you get an A on every test and project. If you get anything less than an A, you have to do your homework for the rest of the year"


"Deal" and we shook hands on it.


I got the highest mark in the class with a 93% grade.


I had a similar conversation with my 11th grade math teacher, but it didn't go so well.


Teacher: "Why don't you ever do your homework? You're such a bright kid, you'd have an A if you just did your homework."


Me: "Well, the point of homework is to reinforce what we learned in class so we can do well on the test, right?"


Teacher (sounding suspicious, but not sure where this was going): "Right....."


Me: "And I already get As on my tests without the homework, so why do I need it?"


Teacher, sputtering: "That's. That's not the point. Do your homework!"


He was a fun teacher, and I did really like him, but I definitely drove him up a wall, lol.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If something is easy for you, then you've already passed that level and staying in it longer than you should is degradation.


“When you hang out with shit, you smell like shit, and when you smell like shit, you become shit”


Stopped hanging out with a bad crowd after that, got myself back in order.


My tenth grade English teacher Mrs. Weber once told me "Years from now there will be a time, probably when you're dumpster diving trying to pick a good cardboard box to call home for the night, where you'll think back and wish you had paid attention in my class."


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