2024-05-10 Aya Shawn 12715
@Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorMay 1
There is no doubt that this is basically impossible.
Although India has not been a unified country over the past thousands of years, having been fragmented for much of that time and seemingly easily conquerable, the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau have protected the Indian subcontinent.
The yellow line I drew shows the natural dividing line between China, India and Indochina, which is mainly composed of the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.
The Chinese Empire has always been an agricultural civilization. Over the past 4,000 years, they have become a superpower many times and split and collapsed many times. But even when they were at their most powerful, such as the Han Empire, Tang Empire, Yuan Empire and Ming Empire, their control was unable to cross the Himalayas. The obstacles of natural conditions exceeded the capabilities of ancient humans.


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During the Tang Empire, explorer and monk Xuanzang’s journey to the West. This is a route of tens of thousands of kilometers. Why didn't he take a straight line into India? Of course this cannot be done
During the Tang Empire, the famous Chinese explorer explored India twice. His route from China to India was tortuous. He first passed through the desert area of ​​the Silk Road, then entered Central Asia, and then circled southward. Finally came to India.
This 3D terrain map may provide a clearer picture of the route ancient China needed to take when trying to conquer India
Suppose the Chinese Empire sent an army of one hundred thousand men to attack India via this route, the logistical problem would be unsolvable. The soldiers will starve to death before reaching India because the large number of no-man's land and desert areas along the way cannot support the survival of so many people.
In fact, as an agricultural civilization, the Chinese Empire relied heavily on the agricultural output of temperate and subtropical zones, and when their armies strayed too far from these mature agricultural areas, they were often unable to sustain them for long periods of time.
For any typical Chinese empire, no matter how powerful they are, it is difficult for their territory to break through the deserts of Central Asia in the west. The south will basically not enter the tropics and plateau zones, and the north will basically not enter the cold zone.


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@Coin Zh
The prerequisite for conquest is that it must first be a country. Then there are the friends who asked questions, you can learn about Wang Xuance, hahahahaha


@Bhanu Pratap
“Although India has not been a unified country over the past thousands of years, having been fragmented for much of that time and seemingly easily conquerable”, It has been unified a few times. Mauryan, Gupta and Moghul periods. Why these period are ignored.


@Hu Shi xiong
Because to consider these places unified they need to claim “India" which they never
Even at their smallest the Chinese state claimed legitimacy over the Chinese world


@Ajay Abraham
They may have not used the term India, but refered to the land as Bharatvarsh. There was a cultural continuum.


It applies equally to China then. In that case China was never a country either.


Yep. There was no concept near the current meaning of “country”. It’s emperors’ land.
But China already called itself China(zhongguo) 3,000 years ago.
The earliest cultural relics discovered by archaeologists with "zhongguo" written on them are more than 3,000 years old.


Fine. If you say that nation-states are a modern concept, then it applies to all modern countries including China and India.


@Bhanu Pratap
Maurya, Gupta and Moghul dynasties had claimed legitimacy. Even until 1857, Nominal Moghul ruler was seen as the Emperor of India.
"The respect towards the house of Timur is so strong that even though the whole subcontinent has been withdrawn from its authority, that no ordinary prince ever intends to take the title of sovereign and Shah Alam the 2nd, is still seated on the Mughal throne, and everything is still done in his name". Benoit de Boigne (1790).

"对蒂莫尔王朝的尊重是如此之深,即使整个次大陆已脱离了其权威,普通的王子也从未打算取得君主的称号,第二任沙阿阿拉姆仍坐在莫卧儿王位上,一切事务仍然以他的名义进行"。 Benoit de Boigne(1790年)。

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@Ayaz Ahmad
Mauriya empire did claimed Bharat or india. Mughal claimed Hindustan or india.
The Mauryan dynasty unified India for only 50 years, which was just a moment in the history of the past thousands of years.
So, the OP said It's divided most of the time, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think there's something wrong with some Indians' understanding.


@Kanisk Gautam
Nope . Even then the people in these lands thought of themselves as indian . Heck the reason we have a title called chakravati for the person who United India . Arthsashtra (written more than 2000 years ago ) mentions a land mass 1000 yognas in breadth and covered with mountains in the north.
Most of our religious text mentions Bharat .


It is also because China is relatively homogenous. Hence it was easier to centralize all these polities as they were mostly of the same ethnic group and language, not so under India


It was united under British rule, without Britain, India could be a dozen of small countries today as there are 2000 different races, hundreds of different languages and half a dozen of different religions. Even today Tamils in the south refuse speak Hindi (India’s national language), people in Kashmir, northern western region and northern eastern regions are fighting for independence. On the other hand, the first emperor of China managed to unify the writing scxt in China in 211 BC, there used to be a dozen of different writing scxts and thousands of dialects or languages and mixed bag of hundreds of different ethnic groups in China. As a result today 93% of population in China claim they are Han Chinese as they adopted the same writing system, same Confucius philosophy, same lunar calendar & festivals and same culture, in reality half of the so called Han Chinese are actually descendants of mixture between different tribes of nomads from Siberia, Mongolia & Manchuria and Han Chinese, between Southern China Baiyue (similar to Thais and Vietnamese) tribal people and Han Chinese and between Arab merchants and Han Chinese during Yuan Dynasty under Mongol rule 800 years ago.


@Bhanu Pratap
Again, Totally Ignored Mauryan dynasty and lastly the Maratha Empire. Indian Nationalism was rising even before British rule. If not for British rule, It would be under Maratha rule.


@@Paul Taylor
Modern India wouldn't exist but for John Company and later the Empire.

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@@Kanisk Gautam
Despite this we have a lix language called Sanskrit which is used by most of the priests and kingly classes .
We had some centres of importance which were visited by people of all areas .
Most of India (like 85% ) follow the same set of dharmic religion and insurgency is only there in Kashmir (again a small part of India similar to the Tibet and xiangian provinces) .
India was first United way back by the mauryas .


Most of the hundreds of different languages are spoken by a handful of different people not numbering more than a hundred
There are about a dozen languages which are spoken by large numbers of people.
And 2000 races? hahahaha. Castes perhaps but not races


@Akhil Shetty
Showing a presentation snapshot doesn't legitimise your comments


@Just Travelling
this is the fact you are missing -There are about 2,000 ethnic groups in India, but about 97% of the society belongs to the twelve largest groups. So basically only 12 large ethnic groups.


@Balraj Salwan
After the death of Emperor Harsha 647 AD the throne was usurped by Arjuna who almost killed the Chinese Ambassador who escaped to Tibet(todays China). It’s pertinent to mention here that during Harsha’s reign a Chinese Embassy was functioning in the capital of his empire. Wang-Hiuen-tse alongwith the forces of Tibetan King Strong-tsa-Gampo(who was married to a Chinese princess) attacked the then Indian Empire of Harshavardhan and defeated the usurper Arjuna. Wang-Hiuen-tse brought back the usurper as a prisoner to China presenting him before the Chinese Emperor T’sai Tsung in 648 AD.
Source Early History of India from 600 BC to the Muhammaden conquest by Vincent A. Smith.


@Yap You Wai
If U were living in the Central Plain, it made no sense to conquer “India”; would lose more than win


For me, India's geography is still not as fortunate as China's, which is completely shielded in three directions: East (by the sea), South (by forests and mountains) and West (by the Tibetan Plateau and Tian Shan).
The Chinese only really had trouble with the nomadic Northern barbarians, but their soft power was too weak and their culture too primitive to wipe out and replace the superior and proud Chinese culture.
On the contrary, with dozens of invasions from the Middle East throughout history, North Indian culture and architecture were completely Islamized for a long time. By the 20th century, puritanical Hindu nationalists in the North had to seek help from the Dravidian people whose ancestors had been driven out by the nomadic Aryans (ancestors of the Northerners) and fled to the South.
In my country, there is a proverb that roughly means "Even if you are a good hunter, you should not force your prey into a canyon", implying that people should be compassionate and show mercy to the difficult circumstances of others. It's best not to let the people/things you bully/threaten fall into a state of having nothing left to lose and regrets, otherwise they will get mad and attack you with all their last strength (often leading to serious consequences for you).
This saying has come true in the case of Indians. The decision not to wipe out the Dravidian tribes became
crucial to saving the last shred of dignity for the descendants of the Aryans as they faced invaders more bloodthirsty and brutal than themselves.


@Kala Asmna
The northern barbarians of China didn't seek to replace Chinese culture,instead they added in.
That's why they use Chinese alphabets.
Also,Ancient Indians weren't driven out to the south as you claim to be.
They were always Indian.
The Indus valley civilisation doesn't predate any invaders. If it was the case,there would be atleast some historical records that show the case of it being true.


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this geography is india’s fortune,believe me


@Vivek Rai
The geography is definitely great. But can you please elaborate.


@Abid Ahmed
I sincerely pray that our present day politicians sell us to China for 100 years lease … May be we have unity, peace and development…
Without the Himalayas, we might have been part of China. They would not let go of a plain so suitable for agriculture.
The Great Wall will be built on the west side of the Indian Peninsula to resist attacks from the Middle East. Hinduism will replace Buddhism in China.


@Tal Aviram
So this is exactly where the Mongol advantage kicks in. Running wild and quickly through Central Asia.
But they too did not conquer India. Even after having a flat and fertile access route through the Indus Valley.


@Sunil J
Seems to make sense but why wouldn't they come from the eastern side ie via Vietnam, Burma and into India, just like the Japanese did in World War II?

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@Gurpreet Singh
No thing like ancient India existed..If Mongol empire was a country today over 50% of its original land, everyone would say ancient Mongol country was so big blah blah. Empires weren't countries. India didn't exist before 1947


@Amaze Khashaa
Is it possible to flat down those Tibetian, himalayan height with modern technology?


@Mantis Ahoy
Why are the Chinese always so biased?? If they do it even a tiny bit, it is ahmazing… if anyone else does it, meh!
The Han and Tang dynast
ies ruled over a pretty good sized area, most of it mountains though. Mauryan empire predates both of those, and had the entire Indian subcontinent under their rule.
You guys really need to grow up and stop the self patting. It is pathetic really. I get it that China is on its way to be a superpower and currently doing 5 times better than India, but the arrogance with which it is picking up a fight with everyone around, that way is going to be a long way.


@Balraj Salwan
The Mauryan Dynasty's rule lasted less than half a century, and they did not even have time to unify the country's language and writing.


If China fuck the Indian lord proudly , it's will be massive success


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