2024-05-12 汤沐之邑 5847

What is your opinion on caste system in India?


Louis Stevens
The caste system in India is a social hierarchy that has been in place for centuries.
It is based on the principle of birth, and people are born into a certain caste and are expected to follow the rules and rituals associated with that caste.
The system is deeply entrenched in Indian society, and it can be difficult to break out of one's assigned caste.
I believe that the caste system should be abolished, as it creates division and inequality among people.
It is outdated and does not reflect the modern world we live in.

在印度社会,这个体系根深蒂固, 人们很难摆脱自己被分配的种姓。我认为种姓制度应该被废除,因为它在人们之间制造了分裂和不平等。它已经过时,不能反映我们所生活的现代世界。

Nikhil Anand
Casteism is a boon in Indian society and only reason why our country has not developed even after so many years of Independence. These days some people have started saying that “I belong to general category and I don't believe in casteism”. What rubbish is this!! If you seriously don't believe in casteism then remove your caste based surname (Sharma, Mishra , Gupta, Srivastava etc..) The truth is that casteism is in the veins of Indian people. Same caste people supporting each other and insulting people from lower castes. Even Brahmins have subcastes.. They also have hierarchy.. Here people shamelessly ask for your caste and if you tell them that you belong to some lower caste, they make bad faces and then distant themselves from you (I am telling you this based on my own experiences). Situation is worse in government departments. A forth grade employee will not greet you after knowing your lower caste.. even if you are a class one officer. Some people say that “Reservation is the reason of casteism” .. I want to ask them “ if reservation is removed, then.. will every Brahmin stop saying that he is a Brahmin??” Same applies for every people from higher caste. These people boast about their castes and think that they are superior just because they took birth as a Brahmin, Kshatriya etc. Reservation means some seats are reserved for deprived people. Generally in exams, people from depressed community are provided with lower marks in interview no matter they have scored well in written examination” if there were no reservation they will cast out all the people from SC/ST/OBC community giving them less marks in interview. People from certain community become “Pujaris” .. They earn money in the name of Shaadi, pooja, mundan etc.. they earn money even from a person's death .. asking for performing Pooja otherwise the deceased soul will not get peace!!!! What rubbish is this??? Such a huge reservation for such people in temples and other Hindu rituals. These thugs scare many illiterate people saying that “Grih Dasha” is not perfect and Rob them in the name of performing Pooja for pacifying “Grih Dasha”. If casteism has to be removed from our country, then caste based surnames and asking for caste should be criminalized.. if there is God somewhere, he/she didn't make caste system. God can't discriminate people. Only certain people have created this evil and tortured many people for thousand years. I am not “only” against caste based discrimination… I am against “caste system”.. why are you Brahmin.. Kshatriya.. Vaishya.. Shudra.. ?? Why even after so many years of technological development and now.. when we live in this age of science.. why people say that I am Sharma…Mishra.. etc.. even educated people do that.. I hope one day.. people will understand.. that categorising people is not a correct thing.. we all are humans.. we all are same.. we all deserve the same respect as a person.. and any barrier that creates difference is not good..


Bongo Bani
We are the middle castes.
We neither have that caste pride like the Brahmins or kshatriyas because we don't have anything great to boast nor are we constantly opposing the caste system and the Upper caste “oppression “ like the so called lower castes or Dalits.
We fall in general category but I have got a seat in a satisfactory college so I don't have much to complain either.
It doesn't really “exist” for us because it is not influencing us and we aren't even trying to keep it in front of us like the upper and lower castes.
The lower castes cry about oppression and the upper castes cry about reservation. We do too but I empathise with the lower castes and sympathise for the upper castes. I fall in middle ground.(emphasise on the words “sympathise" and “empathise" and the difference)
There are so called dalits who are very anti Hindu and call Hinduism “evil" because of caste system.They also tease the savarnas. I obxt to this hate because I cannot leave Hinduism nor my lord Krishna. Yet I also see how “dalit “,”chamar “ are literally considered slangs and people condemn if somebody calls them so. They say they are oppressed because of the unjust constitution yet many of them own ancestral properties in different parts of India while most tribes and dalits don't.
It doesn't exist for me because it is not influencing me yet it is something which does really influence the system or at least appears to for many.


My opinion on caste system is based on the type of experiences I had in 20 years of my life.
This also means that my answer is not based on Hindu scxtures but modern day Hindus and their approach to caste system.
There have been several incidents of caste discrimination in my life which hits my conscience very hard.
I feel suffocated and helpless when my own family mocks the dialect, way of draping Saarees , way of cooking certain traditional dishes and so many other things practiced by non-brahmin communities.
It tears my heart when I think of the maid who was stopped by my mother from serving food to the Hindu priests who had come to do annual Pooja in our house.
My 13 year old self in secondary school was asked the “surname" before even asking my name to confirm that I belonged to a certain caste.
I realised that despite having a better rank in Goa talent search exam than all my classmates I am not eligible for scholarship.
I knew there is something about our surnames which is totally f*cking us all at times.


“Bhayle lok"( in konkani) which translates to “outside people" is a degenerate term used by people of my community to describe the non- Brahmin communities of Goa.
I have witnessed dramatic events wherein my several of cousins were disowned after their marriage to someone out of community.
Even though there is no physical violence due to such marraiges , the emotional trauma is enough to traumatize one's soul.
The girl of my age who hailed from forested area came to work in fields near our house.
I heard she was forcefully married to the someone of her tribe caste as she dared to fall in love with non-tribal person.

“Bhayle lok”(在孔卡尼语中意为“外来者”)是我家所在社区用来贬低果阿州非婆罗门群体的贬义词。

I got to know that there are two types of catholic feasts occuring in my region at the same holy occasion —
One for “bamon" catholics and other high caste catholics.
Other for for lower catholic castes.
There have been several instants on quora where scholarly people have tried to explain to me that how caste system is a systematic distribution of people in various classes based on their karma without discrimination.
But my point is that the caste system has lost its original purpose, it has led to a deeply dividing ideology in our veins unfavourable for today's society.
Also pardon me, if this appears to be a rant coz quora is the only place I can speak about such topics..


Ankit Anand
The caste system in India sucks all those belongs to Hindu society irrespective of their caste. I am writing this view according to the present modern society. Mostly innocent couples are crushed by this in case both are from a different caste. From my perspective is completely a hypothetical thing and also have no importance in modern society. Politicians want to keep the caste system alive as they are benefited by this because they get tonnes of votes by doing nothing.
For upper caste or general, it effects by the pain of reservation. I mean caste system is the creator of the reservation. think if there are no castes in Hinduism. Will, it leads to the caste-based reservation? Not!


For OBC people, it effects by lowering their status in front of upper caste people by doing nothing wrong. Yeah! It might surprise you if you are reading this answer from the USA or the UK.
For SC/ST it effects most. Because they have been tortured and humiliated for 5000 years because of this. It might happen in like you are not allowed to take water from well. You may not be allowed to eat with upper caste people.
There are tonnes of things that I can bring in this answer. But I worried it might feel tired to read such a big answer like me.
Lastly, I can say the caste system is Poisonous having nothing good.
Some people may ask me then what is the solution to this problem. The answer is Inter-Caste marriage.


Achyuth Hegde
Greetings. Since the question demands my opinion about the Caste System, I want to clear it out that the answer that I have is purely based on my experience and analysis, which is open for criticism, acceptance, appreciation and disagreement.
The way I have looked/look upon the rigidities and complexities of our Hindu culture, I don’t probably think or believe anyone would have any sort of unacceptance regarding it, mainly because of the ‘reasoning’ that convinces the significance of every act and thought of our great culture. We have always been told that the ancient India was far more ahead of times in terms of every aspect. The Indus valley civilization during centuries before Christ, Highly intricate and sophisticated architecture, Philosophies, Texts, etc. indicates that there existed brilliant, rational, and wise people, who were far ahead of their time. If it is so, then obviously there would not be any sort of inequalities prevailing in the society that would hinder the coexistence of diverse set of people and their community.
A lot of ancient texts and scxtures does mention about the inequalities and discrimination taking place during contemporary times then, however the reference or the origin from which the practices started matters more when we talk about the negative inferences of the caste system. The thought I consider more or follow more is from Bhagavad Geeta, which says


चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः ।
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्धयकर्तारमव्ययम् ॥
and it translates to
“According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me. And, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable.”
Thus the Supreme being himself has mentioned in his verse that the divisions of social order were created based on the work and not on the birth. Brahmanas, having intellectual traits, being wise, calm, knowledgeable having the societal obligation of spreading knowledge; Kshatriyas, Those who fought for the their territories or were the guards of royal families or kings; Vaishyas, being the mercantile class mainly involved in trade, business, etc; And Shudras, as peasants, artisans, ‘Givers of grain’ as they are called in ancient texts.
Hence the notable thing in this piece of information is that; Your varna comes from Guna and Karma. Apart from the work assigned, the individual behavior with the involved thought process in them also was considered in categorizing people in different social orders.


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