2024-05-14 yzy86 5191

As a Southern European living in Northern Europe, it has always seemed to me that Southerners often challenge authority, while Northerners seem to stick to the rules. Why would that be?


What I originally meant by "rebelliousness" was the tendency to go against unspoken rules and social norms, to be more chaotic in social circumstances, and to display overall carelessness. These traits are far more typical in countries like Italy, Greece, Albania, Spain, Croatia, Macedonia, and the like, than in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and so forth.


As a note, I am Italian and currently reside in the United Kingdom, where most people do "the done thing" simply because it is expected. In Italy, on the other hand, people tend to question most things.


Like to know this too, seeing how France (world champion of strikes and demonstrations) does things, and how we do thing in Norway - the difference is mind boggeling.


I have a sneaking feeling we have more trust in the system here in Norway, protests are mostly just people and politicans discussing things in the media.
Going out to demonstrate is really niche behavior. I guess weather and population density also plays a part.


It works the way it does in France because the system is broken and the people cannot influence and make itself heard any other way. The government basically does whatever it wants, there's very little separation of powers, and we've got a sort of very weird system that's neither presidential nor parliamentarian.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's not for our pleasure, everyone would love another way of doing things. Oh and the French president is one of the most powerful ones in the world, a shit ton of power and very little blockages put in place to stop them. We basically killed the king to have a slightly less powerful one, but still fucking too powerful

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You advantage is a (internationally) homogenous, unicultural country, with strong regional pride, regional cultures and an ingrown "Norwegianness", - in other words, a predictable society with a trustworthy culture - an advantage which is fast going away.


France is a remnant of an empire - with an undemocratic centralized presidential-dictatorship style government, which has to deal with a parasitical predatory internationalist "we go where money is" overclass, and a disloyal, foreign, invasive, parasitical, underclass, which means - those "strikes" are probably the only thing right now which prevents a civil war, and yet a civil war in an unavoidable future for France (aka the fate of all empires).


You're way too quaint and too rural up there. I do hope you stay that way, because the opposite would mean a complete destruction of your society and your way of life, I wouldn't really wish it on my enemy even.


I don't think anyone has yet mentioned it, so I'll add this: The weather.
When it's a warm sunny day I am more relaxed, I'm enjoying myself more. More care-free. I care less about what others are doing. Especially outside and away from my home. Why would I? Sun's out and I'm out.


When it's cold and dark and I'm experiencing the infinite shades of perpetual grey the UK exhibits , I become more annoyed at other people who are not following rules. There is no leeway. We are having to share this smaller indoor space together and I need you to not put your feet on the seat, to not park your car on the kerb where I will now have to walk into the road, etc.


The climate will kill you, unless you are prepared, for roughly half the year. You need to trust your neighbors, to have food and firewood ready, to know that it will be allright. If things go bad, you need help from others, or you will die. This requires a tight community, and a willingness to plan ahead.


It's flipping COLD up here, so during winter, nobody feels like protesting. And when it's actually sunny and warm, we all turn our faces towards the sun and soak up much needed vitamin-d.
Also, we mostly trust our governments, and since we're quite reserved, we aren't really comfortable protesting in the streets.


For Denmark specifically, I think it's because it's a small homogenous nation that has existed for over a thousand years despite outside threats. We had to stick together to preserve our sovereignty, so national spirit and working together for collective prosperity are key parts of our culture. The Law of Jante is all about that.


The north is cold and dark. You don't want to start a fight when you're gonna be stuck together inside waiting for the sun to rise again in 4 months.


During the revolutions the danish leaders basically backed off out of fear and in favor of peaceful solutions after seeing what happened in places like France and Russia. We’ve figured it probably is the best way.
The welfare state, the power of unxs, low levels of corruption, equality, the high quality of life, means we largely get it the way we want.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My guess is Protestant vs Catholic influence. Protestants were more austere and conformist while Catholics were more expressive and hierarchical.
I would say that some Northerners do challenge authority a fair amount. Since the culture is more egalitarian, it’s acceptable to openly disagree with your boss at work for example. Although they make an effort not to draw attention or involve any personal emotions when doing so.


You could attribute this to colonialism: Greece was ruled by the ottomans for half a century. It's not hard to see how resistance to structure is still ingrained in culture


Southern Europeans tend to prioritize individual interest and that of their family instead of their community, this is why most people tend to break rules when opportunity presents itself, be it in traffic or business. This is also why southerners take a dim view of authority: because they expect their authorities to be as motivated by self interest as themselves and therefore should be distrusted. This inevitably leads to various tragedies of the commons, one of which is endemic corruption.


Northern Europeans tend to believe in that no individual interest should be allowed to trump that of the community, with strict code of conduct and severe punishment for trespassers. This is why law obedience levels are relatively high: they truly believe in the system. The downsides of this is that the system as a whole can be unforgiving and inflexible, and that bad actors can cause huge damage due to the default high trust.


Southerners complain a lot and loudly, but do actually accept a lot of authority and poor conditions.
While Northerners are much more quiet, but will change things in an effective way if they feel the need to do so.
That's why the Northerners are Protestant (I mean, look at the word) now, and the Southerners are still Catholic.


Dunno, my experience was that southern europe will rebel more against authority but will respect social status more and respect the social hierarchy.
Whereas the north rebels less but are more socially egalitarian.


Imo it is due to the education system.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I southern Europe it is really strict. A lot of rules and no trust in the kid/student. And a lot of rules are stupid and have to be respected just for a matter of principles.
I am Italian, and I was talking with a German colleague. He was complaining about the french education system being too strict. I remembered telling him that in comparison to Italy it still gave children much more freedom.
In the Nordic countries the student is trusted even more.


So, in Italy basically what we are taught is that you are kinda expected to break rules in order to "survive". That in general rules are an imposition, and that in the end we respect only the ones for which there is a punishment.


I went on an exchange program with some Swedish students while we were in high school (around 15yo) and they mentioned that our High School looked like a jail, with double-height walls around it to prevent students from going out. While I was in Sweden. I could freely go in and out of the school through the main entrance, they had a Nintendo Gamecube for communal use!, they could grab snacks and drinks to class, freely go to the bathroom, text with their phones, etc... and I haven't even mentioned their academic system!

(西)我高中时(约 15 岁)和一些瑞典学生参加了一个交换项目,他们提到过,我们的高中看起来像监狱,周围有双层高墙,以防止学生出去。我在瑞典的时候。我能自由地走正门进出学校,他们还提供了一台公用的任天堂游戏机!他们可以捧着零食和饮料去上课,自由地上洗手间,用手机发短信等等...我都还没提他们的学术体系呢!

I can try my explanation about Italy, probably not very applicable to other countries.


Italy is a young country and mostly not made "by the will of the people" but created because of the vision and the actions of a few (Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour, ...) . Before that Italy was also frequently invaded by foreign powers, Austria and France in the north, Spain in the south.
In practice these two things mean that Italian people have very little trust in the government and its bureaucracy which is almost always perceived as an imposition. Its rules are at best tolerated, at worse challenged.


Other than that I would not say that rebelliousness is really a fundamental trait of Italian people. From religion to more local power structures (including things like the GP, the boss at work, or even the parents) there is a fairly high dose of obedience and deference.


On the average, I believe people in northern Europe are more inclined than people in southern Europe, to believe that the rules tend towards fair, they they got their say in their making, and that their interests were considered. And that the rules were made with the intention of making life better for them. As well as a lower impression of the rules being there for the sake of the powerful and the connected.


The North has a much longer history of rebellions, both in number and scale. A kind of cultural understanding that things are currently not worse than they would be during a rebellion or serious civil unrest likely plays a key part in things.


I tell you, Spaniards complain a lot but we do not really rebel and just accept any authority while complaining and being miserable.


Totally. Complain between coworkers, smile to the authority.


My brother lives in Norway and I would say the situation is not the same. At least your authority is way more competent and your baseline to not act is much better than ours x)

↘(西)我哥住在挪威,我的看法是,两边的情况不一样。 至少在北欧,当局的能力强出许多,你们不采取行动的底线比我们的高得多。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the most typical Spanish sentences is: Es lo que hay.

↘有句最典型的西班牙语:Es lo que hay(就这情况。)。

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