2024-05-15 yzy86 11214

Considering what you now see on the battlefield, your technologies, mobilization reserve and everything else. Some countries are small, but we are talking not only about victory, but in general how it will all be.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In a UK Vs Russia fight, it all depends on one thing: If the nukes are launched. It's Armageddon if they are. If it is strictly confined to conventional, then you would see the typical British response to any war. Go in overconfident and underfunded, win either a flashy victory or defeat, and then the military will finally get funded when things are already past the peak level of conflict, allowing the Brits to win at the negotiating table, and tiding over the military and the destruction of their funding once again until the next war.


Hopefully Christopher Nolan lives to make a movie about it


True, though if what I read about the UK only having enough ammunition to sustain 1 week of full scale warfare is correct, the UK would need to step up its game. You can have all the home field advantage you want but you'll still lose without supplies.


Ukraine had pre invasion the 14th largest army in the world- third rate is a stretch and never underestimate your enemy. That’s how europe got here, Ukraine is surviving because they didn’t


UK military is now soft due to downsizing, Putin knows this and the only deterrent UK now has is nuclear.
Macron understands this and this is why he's talking the way he does.
Germany finally understands what can happen but has no balls.
I live in Ireland we have no weapons.


I'm currently doing military service so not a day goes by without me imagining it.
But i have every confidence that we would come out of it on top, even without complete support from our NATO allies. We have spent the last 80 years preparing for that war, and that has not gone to waste. We have enough bunkers for every civilian in Finland, extensive preparation on how to convert the civilian industry for wartime production, plans to blow up every damn railroad and bridge the Russians could use.


What has furthermore convinced me of this is Russia's laughable performance in Ukraine, which is essentially the best battleground an attacking force could ask for. Compare it to Finland which is sparsely populated and covered with impassable forests. Any advance would be forced to stick to one of the few roads, and mark my word we know how to stop those. Finland still has mandatory military service, which means we can field an army of roughly 300 000 men and roughly 900 000 in reserve. That's plenty to match what the Russians could hope to throw at us. How scary their numbers might be, we can deal with it. 10 000 tanks is nothing when we have a 100 000 anti tank weapons and an another 100 000 anti tank mines. Not to even mention the blatant corruption and incompetence of the Russian army.


The only reason Finland has not been invaded by Russia in the last 80 years is that Finland has showed that it's capable and willing to tango if needed. We are a stubborn people and it is in Russia's interest to just let us mind our business. Independence is something that Finns don't take for granted, and we are willing to go down defending it.


But to summarize, 85 years ago we showed that we can stand our ground against them, and no matter how you look at it, the situation has certainly developed in our favor since then.
You get a chance to flip a coin, if it's heads, you get 10 000 dollars, but both of your legs are cut off and your nose is broken. If it's tails, the same happens but you get no money. So why the hell would you flip the coin? That is the equivalent of Russia choosing to invade Finland. It's in their best interest to do nothing.


Most rural roads I've seen lately are in such bad shape they couldn't support tanks. Maybe they aren't being maintained for that exact reason?


There are two ways it will go down. Either NATO jumps in and kicks ass, 50/50 chance to end in nuclear winter, or we go alone, give the Russians a bloody nose and ebentually get completely occupied.


I imagine a lot of Russians dying in the Alps or at sea. Italy doesn't have the most powerful army, but our navy is nothing to scoff at and our terrain advantage is literally the tallest on the continent.


Fool. Italian navy is unqualified and under equipped. They are running vessels with minimum ammunition.


As Serbian, here is what will happen:
like 30% will welcome occupiers, celebrating “freedom from the western chains”. Most likely, at least half of them will start to complain within month and end up shoot.
30% pro-Westerners will mostly like flee to the West complaining how they barely escaped the death.
the rest of the population will continue to with their life, contributing nothing to either side.


The fear of Russians invading is kind of funny at this point because it’s on everyone’s mind.
Whenever a bomb like noise happens, or military airplanes go by everyone immediately goes to “the Russians are coming”. Had a bombing near me recently that was related to gang violence but when it happened everyone woke up thinking it’s the Russians.


I'm Belarusian, and yes, we used to fight against Russia back in the days of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the uprisings afterwards. In the modern era, though, a war between Belarus and Russia is well-nigh impossible. If it were to happen, Lukashenka is on record as saying that Belarusians would fight more desperately than the Chechens had, but I think in reality most of us would collaborate, surrender or flee to Europe or Turkey.


I do not need imagine anymore. We probably already know how war will look like. One difference is the EU/NATO has much more toys than Ukraine. But we know how important is artillery, reconnaissance, anti-aircraft defence and sucide drones. Russia does not have powerful navy, with Sweden in NATO Kalinigrad is no more such a big headache and so on. Tanks and armoured vehicles are still important though no break trought front is possible and producing big numebrs is just too expensive so we do not need them that much.


Noboady talks about it. It still seems far away, Ukraine is huge but laready people on our soil died and some rockets landed on our territory. Brinigng back compusolary military service is very unpopular and I live in western part of a country. I think this was how ww2 felt in Sweden or France until 1940.


As a person from West i have huge generation trauma that we will get abandoned and Poland will fight for the East. there is almost non-existent military base in my western hometown, everything got dismantled to pieces. it's like government seriously want to fight for west and place the line on Vistula river. that's why I have no hope and no idea what I will do. I can fight, but not as a living meat stopping Russians from getting to rich Warsaw or Wroclaw ffs


Now we are integral part of structures of west. Its different than in 1930s plus abandoing us would cost much.


We will repeat the civil war again as we're so polarised that it scares anyone with some sense. It's easy for Russia to tense everything and make it explode.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country of the world. Century after century trying to destroy herself and still no success.” -Otto von Bismarck

↘(巴斯克人)“我坚信,西班牙是世界上最强大的国家。连续数百年一直试图毁灭自己,但仍然没有成功”—— 奥托·冯·俾斯麦

It depends, with the aid that Ukraine is getting we would probably have won, our logistics are good, we have lots of influence across the globe, we have far better weapons and equipment. Given the geography we would just sink there ships with our more up to date navy however in Ukraines position where there is a land border we would struggle and would have to adapt. Alone and on a land war it would be a struggle but we could wreak Russia too. We might not have the resources but we would be able to do considerable damage and shut there army down. We might eventually run out of resources but it would be a favourable war for us at least in the short term. We could probably force a good peace. Also we have nukes so that would be a last resort.


Given your geography, you would most probably have to face Russians somewhere in the Carpathians, the Balkans and, if things go wrong, north Alps.


Didnt France ran out of bombs in three days?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We are doing some serious modernization but it still takes time, so if we were at war against Russia today, we would be fucked in less than a week! That’s my honest guess, it is what it is!


I live within walking distance from russia (Vilnius), so it's likely that we would get shelled with conventional artillery. Main army bases are a bit further away but not too far, so the response would be fast and decisive. We have top notch NATO-grade weapons and enough motivated soldiers, the attack wouldn't go far.
Belarus is monitored constantly by planes and satellites, so russia wouldn't be able to gather many troops without notice. We'd know about their plans well before they tried anything, but we can't fire the first shot.


Considering there’s a big chance of it becoming a nuclear war, I shall send everyone my best wishes from either Chile or New Zealand.


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